小小白 发表于 2024-3-13 15:35:49




剧情梗概:独生子女的婆婆妈妈是一部剧情片,李小曼(童瑶 饰)是一名报社记者,从小被母亲拉扯养大的她深知为人父母的艰辛和不易,舒一乐(李健 饰)是一名公务员,家中不仅要照顾爷爷奶奶,还要赡养外公外婆。一次偶然中,李小曼和舒一乐相遇了,境遇相似的两人很快就走到了一起,决定携手步入婚姻的殿堂。                                                                    然而,没过多久,家中的老人们就为李小曼和舒一乐的婚姻带来了波折和麻烦,他们不仅企图掌管“经济大权”,还对舒一乐的工作“指手画脚”,随着时间的推移,矛盾积累得越来越多,濒临爆发的边缘。李小曼和舒一乐终于有了他们爱情的结晶,此时的两人终于体会到了身为父母所肩负的重大责任。一句话评论:不吐不快,边看边评。恶心到极致的一家人。腐朽恶臭的价值观!。这就是毁三观电视剧的顶峰了。。独生子女家庭完全不适合结婚。垃圾剧。什么鬼。远离充满观念陈旧且强势固执的老人们。更喜欢尚家豪门斗争。你觉得我应该给好评吗?。


The only child's mother-in-law is a drama film. Li Xiaoman (played by Tong Yao) is a newspaper reporter. She was raised by her mother since she was a child. She knows the hardships and difficulties of being a parent. Shu Yile (played by Li Jian) ​​is a newspaper reporter. As a civil servant, he not only has to take care of his grandparents at home, but also supports his grandparents. By chance, Li Xiaoman and Shu Yile met. The two people in similar situations soon came together and decided to join hands in getting married. However, it didn't take long for the old people in the family to bring twists and troubles to the marriage of Li Xiaoman and Shu Yile. They not only attempted to take over the "economic power", but also "pointed their fingers" at Shu Yile's work. As time goes by, more and more conflicts accumulate, and they are on the verge of breaking out. Li Xiaoman and Shu Yile finally had the fruit of their love. At this time, the two finally realized the great responsibility they shouldered as parents. One sentence comment: Don’t vomit or comment, just read and comment. An extremely disgusting family. Rotten and stinking values! . This is the pinnacle of TV dramas that ruin three views. . Only-child families are completely unsuitable for marriage. Rubbish drama. What the hell. Stay away from old people who are full of outdated ideas and are strong and stubborn. I prefer the struggle between the wealthy Shang family. Do you think I should give a positive review? .



BTV.Du.Sheng.Zi.Nv.De.Po.Po.Ma.Ma.E01-E40.720p.HDTV.x26 【51.56 GB】


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查看完整版本: 剧情电影《独生子女的婆婆妈妈(2013)》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载