《中央机场 THF/Central Airport THF》(2018) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/xzjlp/8939pic/2023112/0711/1107kxjb5wrh133.jpg柏林滕珀尔霍夫机场于 1923 年启用,在阿道夫·希特勒 (Adolf Hitler) 的领导下扩建成为世界上最大的机场,最终于 2008 年关闭。但即使在今天,滕珀尔霍夫机场仍然是一个抵达和出发地,同时用作难民收容所和休闲公园对于柏林的居民来说。这是一个历史上独特的时刻,不仅描绘了这座城中之城,也描绘了一个处于紧急状态、陷入危机和乌托邦之间的欧洲社会。
Berlin's Tempelhof Airport was opened in 1923 and, under Adolf Hitler, extended to become the world's largest airport which was finally closed in 2008. But even today Tempelhof Airport remains a place of arrivals and departures being used simultaneously as a refugee shelter and a leisure park for the inhabitants of Berlin. A historically unique moment for a portrait of this city within a city, but also of a European society in a state of emergency, caught between crisis and utopia.
《中央机场 THF/Central Airport THF》(2018) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载
《中央机场 THF/Central Airport THF》(2018) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载
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