我爱学外语 发表于 2023-12-11 11:28:20

《康涅狄格鬼魂2:佐治亚幽灵/The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia》(2013) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


这个故事以康涅狄格州闹鬼事件为基础,讲述了一个年轻家庭噩梦般地坠入有着数百年历史的南方地狱的故事。当安迪·威里克 (Andy Wyrick) 将妻子丽莎 (Lisa) 和女儿海蒂 (Heidi) 搬到佐治亚州一栋历史悠久的住宅时,他们很快发现自己并不是这座房子唯一的居民。在丽莎自由奔放的妹妹乔伊斯的加入下,一家人很快就面临着一个源于疯狂欲望的谜团……一个令人难以忘怀的秘密从地下升起,并威胁要打倒任何阻挡它的人。

Building on the terror of The Haunting in Connecticut, this tale traces a young family's nightmarish descent into a centuries-old Southern hell. When Andy Wyrick moves his wife Lisa and daughter Heidi to a historic home in Georgia, they quickly discover they are not the house's only inhabitants. Joined by Lisa's free-spirited sister, Joyce, the family soon comes face-to-face with a mystery born of a deranged desire ... a haunting secret rising from underground and threatening to bring down anyone in its path.




《康涅狄格鬼魂2:佐治亚幽灵/The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia》(2013) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《康涅狄格鬼魂2:佐治亚幽灵/The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia》(2013) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia 720p Torrent
The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia 1080p Torrent


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