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[原版] 《爱的谎言流血/Love Lies Bleeding》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《爱的谎言流血/Love Lies Bleeding》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

卢(克里斯汀·斯图尔特饰)在一家硬核健身房工作,疏通厕所,并受到黛西(安娜·巴瑞辛尼科夫饰)的约会压力。杰基(凯蒂·奥布莱恩饰)抵达镇上并与 JJ(戴夫·弗兰科饰)发生性关系,以便在射击场找到一份工作。她无处可住,所以只能在附近的一座桥下睡觉和锻炼。卢拜访了她的妹妹贝丝(吉娜·马隆饰),她的房子里挤满了孩子,而且有明显的受到丈夫 JJ 家庭虐待的迹象。他去上班,带杰基四处参观,并将她介绍给老板(艾德·哈里斯饰)。杰基来到健身房锻炼,卢立即被她迷住了。她的幻想被两名联邦调查局特工询问她父亲的情况打断了,她说她已经很多年没有和父亲说过话了。卢和杰基在外面聊天,但被两名顾客打断,约杰基出去约会。她拒绝了,然后在一个试图抓住她的人后打了他的脸。他还击了她,卢冲她进去。他们谈论杰基去素食的梦想为了参加健美比赛的决赛,卢从她的办公室给她提供了一些类固醇。虽然杰基最初不太情愿,但她同意了,卢给她注射了一个小瓶。两人显然互相吸引,开始亲热,然后前往卢的公寓发生性关系。第二天早上,卢感叹说杰基在射击场工作,因为她疏远的父亲老卢拥有这个靶场。卢同意让杰基留在她身边,从而开启了一段爱情、性和类固醇注射的时期。回到射击场,老卢经营着一项向墨西哥走私枪支的犯罪活动,并教杰基如何射击。卢和杰基与 JJ 和贝丝进行了一次尴尬的双重约会,贝丝身上又出现了一系列瘀伤和割伤。卢跟着 JJ 到浴室威胁他,但他透露他和杰基睡过,并暗示她可能只是利用卢去健身房和住宿。他们在回家的路上打架,但在卢发现联邦调查局特工后,他们一起加速离开。一天,卢接到电话,得知贝丝因面部和头部严重受伤而住院。卢非常愤怒,但除非贝丝同意提出指控,否则警方不会逮捕 JJ,而贝丝总是拒绝这样做。看到卢哭泣,杰基的肌肉开始肿胀,她勃然大怒,开车到贝丝家暴力谋杀了杰杰。卢在贝丝家门口发现了她的卡车,然后进去发现了 JJ 的尸体和精神紧张的杰基。最初感到震惊后,卢开始收拾残局,并将 JJ 放在自己车的后座上。在处理尸体的路上,黛西发现了卢,并敲开了JJ的车窗聊天。女孩们把车推入一个大峡谷,然后放火焚烧,浓烟冲天。卢向杰基保证,峡谷里还有其他东西可以让警察找到其他人,所以他们所需要做的就是留在公寓里。当卢打扫贝​​丝的房子时,杰基拿着许多小瓶类固醇并冲出家去。去锻炼,这激怒了卢。杰基仍然对类固醇兴奋不已,她用头撞了卢,并搭便车前往拉斯维加斯参加健美比赛。虽然她的个人表演本来很顺利,但她却惊慌失措并在舞台上呕吐。当她看到其他参赛者嘲笑她时,她恶毒地攻击他们并被捕。 楼先生在医院与楼对峙,要求警察前往峡谷,因为这引起了人们对他扔在那里的尸体的关注。当卢回到家时,她遇到了黛西,黛西开始询问她那天晚上为什么开 JJ 的车。为了让她闭嘴,卢与黛西发生了性关系,当杰基从监狱打来电话并告诉她不要打扰他们时,黛西接了电话。相反,老卢将杰基保释出狱,并声称他可以帮助她摆脱困境。卢继续见黛西,想了解她所知道的事情,但当他们回到卢家时,杰基朝黛西的脸开枪,然后逃跑了。卢把尸体藏在身后当联邦调查局探员到达并继续询问有关 JJ 的问题时,他坐在沙发上,JJ 是他们对老卢最大的线人之一。他们透露,他们知道卢曾经是老卢的得力助手,所以她有足够的信息把他带走。他们离开后,老卢打电话告诉卢,他找到了杰基,并计划将双重凶杀案归咎于她。卢威胁说,如果他这样做,他就会向联邦调查局透露一切,因此他派了一名腐败的警察来杀掉她。她击晕了他,然后去营救杰基,却遇到了贝丝,贝丝因为她杀死了 JJ 而攻击了她。杰基被绑在车库里,最初逃离卢后,他们拥抱并和好。卢送杰基朝车走去,而她则去找她的父亲,但他父亲赶到了,朝卢的腿开了一枪,准备杀了她。杰基 (Jackie) 因对卢 (Lou) 的爱而坚强,以 60 英尺高的姿态出现。女人并将老卢按在地上。卢把枪放进嘴里,但决定把他留给即将到来的警察。两个女孩开车进入沙漠中,但卢听到卡车车厢里传来重击声,发现黛西还活着。当杰基熟睡时,卢勒死了黛西,并将她的尸体拖进沙漠。

Lou (Kristen Stewart) works at a hard-core gym, unclogging toilets and being pressured by Daisy (Anna Baryshnikov) for a date.Jackie (Katy O'Brian) arrives in town and has sex with JJ (Dave Franco) in order to secure a job at a gun range. She has nowhere to stay, so she sleeps and works out underneath a nearby bridge.Lou visits her sister, Beth (Jena Malone), whose house is filled with children and suffers clear signs of domestic abuse from her husband, JJ. He leaves for work where he shows Jackie around and introduces her to the owner (Ed Harris).Jackie comes to work out at the gym, and Lou is immediately smitten by her. Her fantasies are interrupted by two FBI agents asking about her father, who she says she hasn't talked to in years. Lou and Jackie chat outside, but are interrupted by two patrons asking Jackie out on a date. She refuses, then punches one in the face after he attempts to grab her. He hits her back and Lou rushes her inside. They talk about Jackie's dream to go to Vegas to compete in the finals for a bodybuilding competition, so Lou offers her a stash of steroids from her office. While Jackie is initially reluctant, she agrees and Lou injects her with a vial. The two are clearly attracted to each other and begin making out, then leave for Lou's apartment to have sex.The following morning, Lou laments that Jackie's working at the gun range, as her estranged dad, Lou Sr., owns it. Lou agrees to let Jackie stay with her, leading to a period of love, sex, and steroid injections. Back at the gun range, Lou Sr. runs a criminal operation smuggling guns to Mexico and teaches Jackie how to shoot a gun.Lou and Jackie go on an awkward double date with JJ and Beth, who has another set of bruises and cuts. Lou follows JJ to the bathroom to threaten him, but he reveals that he slept with Jackie and suggests that she's probably just using Lou for the gym and housing. They fight on the way home, but speed away together after Lou spots the FBI agents.The following day, Lou gets a call that Beth is in the hospital with severe face and head injuries. Lou is furious, but the police will not arrest JJ unless Beth agrees to press charges, which she always refuses to do. Upon seeing Lou sobbing, Jackie's muscles begin to swell and she flies into a rage and drives to Beth's house to violently murder JJ. Lou spots her truck in front of Beth's house and enters to find JJ's body and a catatonic Jackie. After being initially horrified, Lou sets to work cleaning up the mess and puts JJ in the back of his own car. On the way to dispose of the body, Daisy spots Lou and knocks on the window of JJ's car to chat. The girls push the car into a large gorge, then set it on fire, sending smoke billowing into the sky. Lou assures Jackie that there are other things in the gorge that will point the police to someone else, so all they need to do is stay put in the apt. While Lou cleans up Beth's house, Jackie takes many vials of steroids and breaks out of the house to go work out, which infuriates Lou. Still hyped up on steroids, Jackie headbutts Lou and hitchhikes to Vegas for the bodybuilding competition. While her individual performance originally goes well, she has a panic attack and vomits on the stage. When she sees other competitors laughing at her, she viciously attacks them and is arrested.Lou Sr. confronts Lou at the hospital about leading police to the gorge, as it has attracted attention to the bodies that he has dumped down there. When Lou arrives home, she runs into Daisy who begins asking questions about why she was driving JJ's car that night. In order to silence her, Lou has sex with Daisy, who then answers the phone when Jackie calls from jail and tells her not to bother them. Instead, Lou Sr. bails Jackie out of prison and claims he can help her get out of this mess. Lou has continued seeing Daisy to find out what she knows, but when they return to Lou's house, Jackie shoots Daisy in the face, then runs. Lou hides the body behind the couch when FBI agents arrive to continue asking questions about JJ, who was one of their biggest informants on Lou Sr. They reveal they know that Lou used to be Lou Sr.'s right-hand man, so she'd have enough information to put him away. Once they leave, Lou Sr. calls to tell Lou that he has Jackie and plans to pin the double homicide on her. Lou threatens to reveal everything to the FBI if he does that, so he sends over a corrupt policeman to kill her. She knocks him out, then goes to rescue Jackie, but runs into Beth who attacks her for killing JJ. Jackie is tied up in the garage, and after initially running from Lou, they embrace and make up. Lou sends Jackie off towards the car, while she goes to confront her dad, but he arrives and shoots Lou in the leg and prepares to kill her. Jackie, empowered by her love for Lou, appears as a 60ft. woman and pins Lou Sr. to the ground. Lou puts a gun in his mouth, but decides to leave him for the incoming police. The two girls drive into the desert, but Lou hears thumping from the bed of the truck and discovers that Daisy is still alive. As Jackie sleeps, Lou strangles Daisy and drags her body into the desert.

《爱的谎言流血/Love Lies Bleeding》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《爱的谎言流血/Love Lies Bleeding》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《爱的谎言流血/Love Lies Bleeding》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《爱的谎言流血/Love Lies Bleeding》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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