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[原版] 《慢板/Adagio》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《慢板/Adagio》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

罗马被大火和停电摧毁了二十四小时。曼努埃尔,一名 16 岁男孩,一天晚上潜入一个同性恋狂欢派对,那里流通着大量酒精和毒品。他的任务是一旦一名部长犯有剥削儿童卖淫罪,他就会永垂不朽。然而,在拍摄他的目标时,他意识到大楼里有一些隐藏的摄像机,并对他在吸食可卡因时被拍摄前不久的想法感到震惊,他逃跑了。强迫他完成这项任务的人是瓦斯科,一个腐败的人一名警察,其视听材料是受一些高层人士委托以换取巨额金钱而制作的。面对年轻人的逃跑,他勃然大怒,开始追捕他。曼努埃尔向波纽曼寻求庇护,波纽曼是他父亲代托纳的老朋友,和后者一样,也是马利亚纳帮的前成员。这名男子现在失明了,他同意帮助这个男孩,并将他送到另一位老熟人那里。罗密欧是罗马犯罪史上的罪魁祸首,又名卡梅洛,最近因身患绝症而出狱。然而,后者把曼努埃尔赶走了,宁愿和妻子一起享受生命的最后几天。多亏了波纽曼随身携带的曼努埃尔手机上的 GPS 信号,瓦斯科找到了歹徒的家,而不是听他的建议达成交易,攻击他。两人最终互相开枪,波纽曼受到了最严重的伤害,受了重伤。在他信任的布鲁诺的帮助下,瓦斯科终于将罪犯闷死了。第二天,面对曼努埃尔的坚持,卡梅洛在自家露台上为他找到了一张临时床,然后与现在患有老年痴呆症的代托纳会面:两人没有说话。自从这位老人派他现在的前朋友进行一次抢劫,最终导致卡梅洛的儿子死亡,该男子被判处十二年监禁并进入刑事庇护所以来,他们已经交往了很多年。代托纳,直到现在还不知道一切,因为曼努埃尔不想让他担心,他急忙明确地面对瓦斯科和布鲁诺,告诉他们忘记一切;曼努埃尔不想让他担心。作为回应,这些人绑架了他,并且没有得到一个主要致力于无理推理的人的合作,杀死了他。然后,在查阅了将老人与卡梅洛联系起来的文件后,他们趁卡梅洛不在的时候去了后者的公寓,并在桌子下面放了一个收发器。曼努埃尔试图去他的房子,但发现它被一些人监控瓦斯科的同事,他回到了卡梅洛,卡梅洛选择陪伴这位年轻人乘坐火车离开这座城市。在旅途中,男孩透露瓦斯科不久前拍下了他为一名成年人口交以换取金钱的照片:瓦斯科就是这样勒索他的,以便在聚会中完成这项任务,获得的材料比要求的要少,但仍然最终交付给他的客户。虽然瓦斯科已经解决了这件事,但曼努埃尔仍然是证人,因此 mu然后卡梅洛回到家,向妻子解释了他带曼努埃尔去了哪里后,他发现了收发器,于是到达蒂布蒂纳车站,一片混乱,因为许多火车因几次火灾而停运。在那里他找到了正在寻找男孩的瓦斯科和布鲁诺。两名警察与卡梅洛发生枪战,卡梅洛与布鲁诺一起死亡。瓦斯科颈部中枪身亡,他试图追赶曼努埃尔,但不久后就死了。 在警察局,电视上说他在狂欢中拍摄的政客因丑闻而辞职,曼努埃尔遇到了瓦斯科的一个儿子,把耳机给他;外面,停电和火灾仍在继续。在片尾字幕的第一部分,人们用两张他们黄金时代的照片来纪念波尼曼、卡梅洛和代托纳,其中穿插着一些简短的场景,说明了他们尸体的悲惨结局:前两辆被送往太平间,而代托纳则被垃圾场压碎连同他被锁在里面的汽车。

Twenty-four hours in a Rome decimated by fires and blackouts.Manuel, a 16 years old boy, one evening infiltrates a homosexual orgiastic party where alcohol and drugs are in circulation in considerable quantities. His task is to immortalize a minister present there as soon as he is guilty of exploitation of child prostitution. While filming his target, however, he realizes that the building has some hidden cameras and, shocked by the idea that shortly before he had been filmed while snorting cocaine, runs away.The person who forced him to fulfill this task is Vasco, a corrupt policeman whose audiovisual material was commissioned by some high-ranking people in exchange for a large sum of money. Faced with the young man's escape, he flies into a rage and begins to hunt him down. Manuel takes refuge with Polniuman, an old friend of his father Daytona and, like the latter, a former member of the Magliana gang. The man, now blind, agrees to help the boy and sends him to another old acquaintance of Roman crime, Romeo known as Cammello, recently released from prison because he is terminally ill. The latter, however, chases Manuel away, preferring to enjoy his last days of life with his wife.Thanks to the GPS signal from Manuel's cell phone that Polniuman kept with him, Vasco tracks down the gangster's home and instead of listening to his proposals for a deal, attacks him. The two end up shooting each other, and Polniuman gets the worst of it and is seriously injured. Reached by his trusty Bruno, Vasco finally smothers to death the criminal.The next day Cammello, faced with Manuel's insistence, finds him a temporary bed on his terrace, then meets up with Daytona, now consumed by senile dementia: the two have not spoken to each other for years since the old man had sent his now former friend to carry out a heist which ended with the death of Cammello's son and the man's sentence to twelve years in prison and a criminal asylum. Daytona, until now unaware of everything because Manuel didn't want to worry him, in a rush of clarity confronts Vasco and Bruno, telling them to forget everything; these, in response, kidnap him and, not getting collaboration from a man mostly dedicated to reasoning without reason, kill him. Then, having consulted the files that linked the old man to Cammello, they go to the latter's apartment while he is not there and place a transceiver under the table.Manuel tries to go to his house but, finding that it is monitored by some of Vasco's colleagues, he returns to Cammello who opts to accompany the young man to take a train to leave the city. During the journey the boy reveals that Vasco, shortly before, had photographed him while performing fellatio on an adult in exchange for money: that's how Vasco was able to blackmail him in order to do that task in the party, obtaining less material than requested but still finally delivering to his clients. Although Vasco has settled this matter, Manuel still remains a witness and therefore must be eliminated.Cammello then returns home and only after explaining to his wife where he took Manuel he discover the transceiver, so arrives at the Tiburtina station, in total chaos as many trains have been stopped due to several fires. There he finds Vasco and Bruno who are looking for the boy. The two cops engage in a shootout with Cammello, who dies together with Bruno. Vasco, shot to death in the neck, tries to chase Manuel but dies shortly after.At the police station, while on television they say that the politician he filmed at the orgy has resigned due to a scandal, Manuel meets one of Vasco's sons and gives him his headphones; the young man thanks.Outside, the blackouts and fires continue.In the first part of the closing credits, Polniuman, Cammello and Daytona are remembered with two photos of their golden era interspersed with some short scenes that illustrate the sad end of their corpses: the first two are taken to the morgue, while Daytona is instead crushed by a junkyard together with the car in which he has been locked.

《慢板/Adagio》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《慢板/Adagio》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《慢板/Adagio》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《慢板/Adagio》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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