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[原版] 《吸血鬼之路/Way of the Vampire》(2005) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《吸血鬼之路/Way of the Vampire》(2005) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

1885 年特兰西瓦尼亚(?):亚伯拉罕·范海辛(瑞德·贾尔斯饰)将妻子托付给修道士塞巴斯蒂安(安德烈亚斯·贝克特饰)照顾,而他和他的杀手则闯入了弗拉基米尔·德古拉伯爵的巢穴。虽然范海辛成功消灭了德古拉,但代价却是巨大的。僧侣塞巴斯蒂安实际上是一位吸血鬼王子,当范海辛出去杀死吸血鬼时,塞巴斯蒂安将范海辛的妻子变成了吸血鬼。 当今的洛杉矶:亚伯拉罕范海辛博士,吸血鬼杀手,生活低调,在大学医院担任血液学家刚从巴黎搬到那里。吸血鬼也一直低调,喝着死去动物的冷血,而不是猎杀人类,基本上因为害怕范海辛而挨饿。罗曼(贾里德·科恩)再也受不了了。他在大学医院找到了一份护理员的工作,并从血库偷了三品脱血液。当首席吸血鬼婊子阿里安娜(丹尼斯·布特饰)看到标签上的名字——亚伯拉罕·范海辛博士时——她开始颤抖呃,穿着黑色高跟系带靴,径直跑向塞巴斯蒂安(在自己喝了几口血之后)。她把血提供给了塞巴斯蒂安,塞巴斯蒂安已经崩溃了,变成了一个枯萎、抽鼻子、无情的乌合之众,躺在沙发上,用沙拉语说话。阿里安娜强迫他喝了一口人类的血,喝了一口之后,塞巴斯蒂安知道他必须做什么——团结所有吸血鬼,再次以人类为食,向他们展示谁是老大,然后杀死范海辛。然而,杀死范海辛并不容易。在被迫杀死自己的妻子后,范海辛求助于圣殿骑士团并与上帝达成协议。在杀死最后一个吸血鬼王子之前,范海辛将作为永生者行走在地球上。唯一的规定是,如果他喝了吸血鬼的血,他就会被转变并永远受到诅咒。现在塞巴斯蒂安再次找到了目标,他做的第一件事就是喝妓女的血,在喝了几口之后,他捶胸顿足,咆哮起来像金刚一样。这他接下来要做的就是换上黑色皮裤和新的哥特衬衫,举行一场动员大会,激励吸血鬼们从他们藏身的废弃、恶臭、腐烂的建筑中走出来,重新崛起,成为人类血液的猎手。幸运的是,妓女出现在大学医院,几乎失血过多。她被注射了八个单位的血液,但她的情况没有任何好转。当护士艾米丽(布伦特·法尔科饰)向范·海辛讲述病人的情况时,他跑到她的房间看了一下。范海辛立即知道她正在变成吸血鬼。趁没人注意的时候,范海辛向她洒了圣水,用枕头闷死了她,用木棍刺穿了她的胸口,并用铸锯切开了她的心脏。范海辛得出结论,吸血鬼再次开始猎杀人类,是时候了因此,范海辛咨询了塞法鲁神父(安东尼·特克饰),后者同意寻找一些年轻、身体健全、半死不活的人。没有学生供他训练。第二天早上,范海辛会见了七名新兵,并对他们进行了有关吸血鬼屠杀艺术的鼓舞人心的演讲。 当范海辛以吸血鬼之道教育新兵时,护士艾米丽出现了。她解释说,她在教区与无家可归者一起工作,是塞法鲁神父邀请她来的。突然接到电话。其中一名新兵的侦探兄弟打电话告诉他刚刚发现了一具尸体。它的血被抽干了,心脏也被挖了出来。范海辛、多米尼克(詹姆斯·阿什比饰)和另一名新兵前往犯罪现场,开始他们的第一次吸血鬼狩猎。他们查看了附近一座废弃的建筑,果然,那里有一口棺材,里面有一个吸血鬼。范海辛在棺材上放了一枝野玫瑰,然后开始向棺材发射子弹。在他的第11次射击中,这群人突然遭到了第二个吸血鬼的袭击,有趣的事情开始了。与此同时,罗曼得知护士艾米丽是范海辛的女朋友,所以他和阿里安娜等待在大厅等待艾米丽出现。当艾米丽出现时,阿里安娜让罗曼咬了她的脖子,然后她倒在艾米丽的怀里乞求帮助。艾米丽带着阿里安娜,不是去急诊室,而是去杀手们正在训练的教堂,也没有注意到他们正被一群吸血鬼跟踪。突然,吸血鬼冲进了教堂并开始殴打杀手。当范海辛出现并阻止时,所有吸血鬼都消失了,并带走了艾米丽。不幸的是,对于罗曼来说,他被抛在了后面[罗曼有点弱智]。范海辛强迫罗曼托透露,吸血鬼已将艾米丽带到了一个废弃的仓库,塞巴斯蒂安正在那里玩弄她,等待范海辛出现。当塞巴斯蒂安把艾米丽交给另一个吸血鬼照顾时,艾米丽松开了手腕上的束缚,突然向前跳去,手里拿着十字架。吸血鬼退后,艾米丽森喝了一瓶受祝福的依云。与此同时,塞巴斯蒂安再次集结他的吸血鬼。 “我们是吸血鬼!是的!我们是猎人!耶!”正当吸血鬼们为自己欢呼的时候,范海辛和他的杀手们却悄悄逼近了他们。突然他们冲进了仓库,所有的吸血鬼和杀手都为自己而战。范海辛去找塞巴斯蒂安和艾米丽。现在,大决战来了。塞巴斯蒂安他和范海辛互相围成一圈,脱下波列罗夹克,露出一件敞开到腰部的白色薄纱长袖衬衫。赌注在手,但是,即使在这么多年靠着冰冷的老鼠血生活之后,范海辛也绝对是更好的战士,最终,阿里安娜用脚踩在了地上,并让他的好色之徒。知道这对她有多伤害。在提醒了主人阿里安娜之后,塞巴斯蒂安在艾米丽身上解渴。他自我感觉良好,直到他突然肚子疼了。疼痛并意识到艾米丽的血液中含有神圣的依云。塞巴斯蒂安无论如何都会扑向范海辛,但范海辛能够将木桩刺穿塞巴斯蒂安的心脏。然后他将塞巴斯蒂安的头从肩上绞下来。阿里安娜腹部被刺伤,但设法逃脱。现在范海辛已经杀死了最后一位吸血鬼王子,他准备好去死,正如协议所规定的那样。当这一切没有发生时,他感到困惑。这是否意味着上帝奖励了他度过余生的能力,或者是否意味着外面还有另一个吸血鬼王子? [bj_kuehl 的原始剧情简介]

1885 Transylvania(?): Abraham Van Helsing [Rhett Giles] eaves his wife in thecare of Monk Sebastien [Andreas Beckett] while he and his slayers penetrate the lair of CountVladimir Dracula. Although Van Helsing successfully destroys Dracula, the costis great. The monk Sebastien is actually a vampire prince, and while VanHelsing is out killing vampires, Sebastien turns Van Helsing's wife into one.Present day Los Angeles: Dr Abraham Van Helsing, slayer of vampires, islaying low, working as a hematologist at University Hospital after just movingthere from Paris. Vampires have been lying low, too, drinking the cold blood ofdead animals, not hunting humans, basically starving themselves all on accountof their fear of Van Helsing. Roman [Jared Cohn] can't take it anymore. He getsa job at University Hospital as anorderly and steals three pints of blood from the blood bank. When Arianna [Denise Boutte],chief vampire bitch, sees the name on the label -- Dr Abraham Van Helsing --she begins to shiver in her black, high-heeled, lace-up boots and runs straightto Sebastien (after taking a few swigs of the blood herself). She offers theblood to Sebastien, who has disintegrated into a withered, sniffling, lustlessragtag lying on a couch and talking in word salad. Arianna forces a sip of thehuman blood down his throat and, after that one sip, Sebastien knows what hemust do -- unite all the vampires, feed again on humans, show them who's boss,and kill Van Helsing. However, killing Van Helsing isn't going to be easy. After being forcedto destroy his own wife, Van Helsing turned to the Knights Templar and made adeal with God. Until he kills the last vampire prince, Van Helsing will walkthe earth as an immortal. The only stipulation is that, should he ever drinkvampire blood, he will be turned and forever damned.The first thing Sebastien does, now that he's found purpose again, is todrink the blood of a prostitute, banging his chest after the first few swigsand roaring like King Kong. The next thing he does is change into black leatherpants and a new goth shirt and hold a pep rally, inspiring the vampires to comeout from the derelict, stinking, moldering buildings in which they are hidingand rise again as hunters of human blood. As luck would have it, the prostituteshows up at University Hospital, practically drained of blood. She is giveneight units of blood, but she's not getting any better. When nurse Emily [Brent Falco] tellsVan Helsing about the patient, he runs to her room to take a look. Right away,Van Helsing knows that she is changing into a vampire. When no one is looking,Van Helsing sprinkles her with holy water, smothers her with a pillow, drives astake through her chest, and cuts out her heart with a cast saw.Van Helsing concludes that the vampires are hunting humans again and thatit is time for him to come out of hiding and put together a team of slayers.So, Van Helsing consults Father Cefalu [Anthony Turk], who agrees to find some young,able-bodied, seminary students for him to train. The next morning, Van Helsingmeets seven recruits and gives them a pep talk on the art of vampire slaying.As Van Helsing educates the recruits in the way of the vampire, nurse Emilyshows up. She explains that she works with the homeless at the parish and thatFather Cefalu asked her to come.Suddenly a call comes in. The detective brother of one of the recruits calls to tell him about a body that was just found. It was drained ofblood and its heart was cut out. Van Helsing, Dominic [James Ashby], and another recruit headover to the crime scene and begin their first vampire hunt. They look through anearby abandoned building and, sure enough, there's a coffin with a vampire init. Van Helsing tops the coffin with a branch of wild rose and begins firingbullets into the coffin. On his 11th shot, the group is suddenly set upon by asecond vampire, and the fun begins.Meanwhile, Roman has learned that nurse Emily is Van Helsing's girlfriend, so he and Arianna wait in the hall for Emily to showup. When Emily appears, Arianna has Roman bite her in the neck, then she fallsinto Emily's arms begging for help. Emily takes Arianna, not to the emergencyroom, but to the church where the slayers are training, also not noticing thatthey're being followed by a slug of vampires. Suddenly, the vampires crash thechurch and start beating up the slayers. When Van Helsing shows up holding across, all the vampires disappear, taking Emily with them. Unfortunately forRoman, he gets left behind [Roman is a bit retarded]. Van Helsing forces Romanto reveal that the vampires have taken Emily to.an abandoned warehousewhere Sebastien is toyingwith her, waiting for Van Helsing to show up. When Sebastien leaves Emily inthe care of another vampire, Emily loosens the bonds around her wrists andsuddenly springs forward, crucifix in hand. The vampire backs away, and Emilythen drinks a bottle of blessed Evian. Meanwhile, Sebastien is rallying hisvampires again. "We are vampires! Yeah! We are hunters! Yeah!" While thevampires cheer for themselves, Van Helsing and his slayers are sneaking up onthem. Suddenly they burst into the warehouse, and it's every vampire and slayerfor himself. Van Helsing goes looking for Sebastian and Emily.Now comes the big showdown. Sebastien has changed into a bolero jacketwith red tails and cumberband. He and Van Helsing circle each other, makingsmall talk about the past. Off comes the Bolero jacket, revealing a white,gauzy, long-sleeved shirt open to his waist. Van Helsing charges with stakes inhand, but, even after all those years of living on cold rat blood, Sebastien isdefinitely the better fighter. Van Helsing winds up on the ground withSebastien's foot on his stomach. Suddenly, Arianna takes this time to confrontSebastien with his womanizing and let him know how much it hurts her. Afterreminding Arianna who is the master, Sebastien slakes his thirst on Emily. He'sfeeling pretty good about himself until he suddenly gets a tummyache andrealizes that Emily's blood contains holy Evian. Sebastien pounces on VanHelsing anyway, but Van Helsing is able to run a stake through Sebastien'sheart. He then garrots Sebastian's head off his shoulders. Arianna gets stabbedin the stomach but manages to get away.Now that Van Helsing has killed the last vampire prince, he prepares todie, just as the deal was laid out. When it doesn't happen, he is puzzled. Doesit mean that God has rewarded him with the ability to live out the rest of hislife or does it mean that there is another vampire prince(ss) out there? [Originalsynopsis by bj_kuehl]

《吸血鬼之路/Way of the Vampire》(2005) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《吸血鬼之路/Way of the Vampire》(2005) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《吸血鬼之路/Way of the Vampire》(2005) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《吸血鬼之路/Way of the Vampire》(2005) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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