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[原版] 《玻璃屋:好妈妈/Glass House: The Good Mother》(2006) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《玻璃屋:好妈妈/Glass House: The Good Mother》(2006) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

伊芙·古德(安吉·哈蒙饰)住在离洛杉矶不远的一栋偏僻的西班牙风格房子里,她正在清理烤箱。当她的丈夫雷蒙德(乔尔·格雷奇饰)告诉她,他们的小儿子大卫在他的房间里失踪时,她洗手并整齐地折叠毛巾,然后加入搜索。伊芙和雷蒙德在奔跑,雷蒙德为大卫大喊大叫,最后伊芙为大卫哭泣、尖叫。 失去大卫一年后,伊芙和雷蒙德成为了刚成为孤儿的伊桑·斯诺(鲍比·科尔曼饰)的养父母。艾比和伊森宁愿和本·科赫(杰森·伦敦饰)住在一起,本·科赫是一名警察,通过与父母的友谊认识了他们一生,并且深深地关心他们。如果他觉得自己有资格或有能力抚养他们,他很乐意收留他们,但他住在一间卧室的公寓里。 艾比和伊森很快就被他们新养父母的精彩和不可思议的生活所吸引。房子t这就是他们的新家。Ethan 拥有自己的房间,其中一间浴室靠近主卧室,而 Abby 则拥有距离 Ethan 的房间最远的卧室,位于房子的塔楼部分。塔外的一段金属楼梯通向大门。一开始看似善良、富有同情心的夏娃,逐渐显露出自己是一个专横、强迫症的女人,这美好得令人难以置信的外表开始崩溃。控制着Abby和Ethan的一举一动,不给他们任何自由。甚至还有一个必须拨打的密码才能打电话,而且Abby和Ethan不知道这个密码是什么。伊芙甚至在所有通向外面的门上都装了双锁。雷蒙德告诉艾比,大卫在房子俯瞰的湖里淹死了。艾比开始起疑,尤其是当她在地下室发现一张旧床,床边的一根支柱上刻着大卫的名字时。本来访,艾比恳求他带她和伊森离开那里,但本告诉她多给一点时间,并说他将在几周内带艾比和伊森去六旗乐园。当一名社会工作者(塔莎·史密斯饰)前来检查一切时,大卫的床已经不在地下室了。艾比发现伊芙的情绪非常不稳定。伊芙在溺爱伊森的同时,与艾比争夺他的爱,并与艾比发展出一种恶意且日益暴力的关系,因为艾比因怀疑伊芙和雷蒙德而变得越来越叛逆。暴力始于伊芙因为艾比使用四写信反对她的话。伊芙甚至故意将已经破碎的玻璃杯放在盛满盘子的水槽中,让艾比洗,从而导致艾比深深地割伤了手臂。盘子上覆盖着一层厚厚的肥皂泡,所以艾比没有看到破碎的玻璃杯。 。曾经是护士的伊芙缝合伤口,故意让这个过程尽可能痛苦。她给艾比注射了一些东西。艾比后来醒来,感觉不太好,伊芙告诉她艾比说她在床上躺了三天。当伊森患上一种神秘的疾病时,伊芙坚持在家治疗,艾比怀疑伊芙在伊森的食物中添加了某种东西,以使他生病。伊森的病情一天比一天严重。随着夏娃变得越来越不稳定,他们的生命都处于严重危险之中。艾比坚持让伊芙带伊森去医院,但伊芙拒绝了。艾比在网上查找信息,并通过代理得知了孟乔森综合症。艾比惊恐地发现伊芙的行为完全符合网站上列出的每一个症状——包括那些声称患有孟乔森综合症的人都是熟练的骗子的症状。该网站甚至表示,“嫌疑人一旦相信自己受到怀疑,就应该被视为更加危险。”艾比尝试使用电脑发送电子邮件,但该功能已被阻止,因此她尝试使用它拨打 911,但这也已被阻止。当艾比与雷蒙德交谈时,他告诉她大卫是一个养子,就像她和伊森一样。艾比深感不安,因为雷蒙德手里拿着的大卫的照片与她之前访问大卫卧室时发现的照片不一样。艾比再次前往大卫的卧室,在那里她发现了一张名叫泰勒的男孩画的照片,并得知另一个名叫阿列克谢的男孩的存在。艾比抓起了他们的一些照片作为证据。 看来,孟乔森综合症导致了夏娃杀死了一些养子。艾比意识到,在伊芙杀死他们之前,她和伊森必须先从伊芙的手中拯救自己。艾比把仍然生病的伊森带到了屋外和车内,然后艾比看到雷蒙德回家了。艾比催促伊森回到他的卧室。艾比向伊森保证,她会去找本,并把他带回来。 在走廊里,愤怒的伊芙找到了艾比,摇晃了她,导致照片掉到了地板上。伊芙恶毒地打了艾比一巴掌,把她拖到附近的阁楼上,把她踢到了地板上过了一会儿,伊芙给艾比带来了一些食物,然后离开了。艾比认为里面可能混有让伊森生病的东西。后来,伊芙回来告诉艾比,如果她不吃东西,伊芙就永远不会让艾比离开房间。后来,伊芙在房间里留下了另一顿饭,然后走开了。艾比抓起一把螺丝刀,开始尝试撬开覆盖窗户的木板。后来,伊芙给伊森注射了一些东西,然后她在他的背上喷了重型烤箱清洁剂,让它看起来像是出现了皮疹。艾比撬开木板,她看到本拉了进来。雷蒙德进来,告诉艾比只要她发出一点声音,他就会杀了本。雷蒙德开门并试图找借口阻止本进来,但本想进来看看周围。本问伊森的房间在哪里,雷蒙德把他带到一间没人的卧室。本开始起疑,决定离开,艾比试图撬开窗户,她成功地剪开了一条缝。一小部分玻璃。雷蒙德听到玻璃碎片掉落的声音,他回去告诉伊芙本离开了。艾比打破了窗户的其余部分,从阁楼里出来了。艾比去了伊森的房间,伊芙通过对讲机听到艾比告诉伊森他们要离开那里。伊芙去了厨房,抓起一把切肉刀,去了伊森的房间,但她没有看到艾比。伊芙开始寻找艾比,艾比出去了。伊芙走到阳台上,看到了艾比。电话铃响了,伊芙第一个接了电话。是本,他立即挂断了电话。本就在房子的山下,他开始怀疑伊芙和雷蒙德危害儿童,所以他打电话确认他们是否在家。本提醒洛杉矶警察局的同事。通过房子的对讲机,伊芙告诉艾比她哪儿也不去。艾比出去到车库,启动了SUV,但她下了车,这样她就可以打开车库门。雷蒙德抓住她,把她扔了出去艾比用扳手敲打雷蒙德的头部,把他打晕了。艾比逃跑了,伊芙发现雷蒙德浑身发冷。伊芙关掉SUV,拿走了钥匙。伊芙走开了。本发现雷蒙德很冷。本进去了,伊芙用皮下注射针刺伤了他的脖子,给他注射了一些让他崩溃的东西。艾比回到伊森的房间,但他不在那里。艾比听到伊芙来了,就躲在床底下。伊芙在房间里没有找到艾比,所以伊芙离开继续寻找。艾比从床底下爬出来。 Eve 去了 Abby 的房间,Abby 听到她告诉 Ethan 留在那儿。 Eve 离开 Abby 的房间后,Abby 前往房间,但没有看到 Ethan 在那里。伊芙诱骗艾比从躲藏处现身。夏娃拿着菜刀进来,他们互相扭打。艾比强行夺走了伊芙手中的切肉刀。他们最终来到了房间楼梯顶部的平台上,伊芙试图将艾比推过栏杆。但是A贝比把伊芙从金属楼梯上撞下来,伊芙头部受到重击。本醒来,他看到伊芙刺伤他的针。艾比发现伊森在热水浴缸里,他的脸部分被淹没。这就是伊芙让大卫在湖里淹死的样子。 浴缸注满水后,艾比把伊森从浴缸里救了出来,并意识到他是有意识的——他根本没有吸入太多水。伊芙来到艾比身后,艾比尖叫起来。伊芙将艾比打倒在地,并举起了切肉刀。本带着枪进来。在伊芙用菜刀击中艾比之前,在本开枪之前,其他人开了一枪杀死了伊芙。开枪的是雷蒙德。看来雷蒙德之所以不情愿地帮助伊芙,就是因为他对她的爱太盲目了。雷蒙德因危害艾比和伊森而被捕。艾比和本与伊森一起乘坐救护车前往医院。他们将和本住在一起。

Eve Goode (Angie Harmon), who lives in an isolated Spanish-style house not far from Los Angeles, cleans her oven. When her husband Raymond (Joel Gretsch) informs her that their young son, David, is missing from his room, she washes her hands and neatly folds the towel before joining the search. Eve and Raymond are shown running, with Raymond yelling for David, and ending with Eve crying, screaming for David.A year after the loss of David, Eve and Raymond become the foster parents of a recently orphaned boy named Ethan Snow (Bobby Coleman) and his teenage sister Abby (Jordan Hinson).Abby and Ethan would rather live with Ben Koch (Jason London), a cop who has known them all their lives via his friendship with their parents, and cares deeply about them. He'd love to take them in, if he felt that he was qualified or capable of raising them, but he lives in a one bedroom apartment.Abby and Ethan are soon swept away by the wonderfulness of their new foster parents, and the incredible house that is their new home.Ethan gets his own room with a bathroom close to the master bedroom, but Abby gets the bedroom that's the farthest from Ethan's room, in a part of the house called the tower. A flight of metal stairs outside the tower leads up to the door.The too-good-to-be-true façade begins to crumble as Eve, who seemed kind and compassionate at first, gradually reveals herself to be a domineering, obsessive woman who controls Abby and Ethan's every move, and allows them no freedom whatsoever.There is even a code number that must be dialed before they can make any phone calls, and Abby and Ethan are not told what the code is. Eve even has double locks put on all doors that lead outside.Raymond tells Abby that David had drowned in the lake that the house overlooks. Abby becomes suspicious, especially when she finds an old bed in the basement, and David's name carved on a support post right by it.Ben visits, and Abby begs him to get her and Ethan out of there, but Ben tells her to give it a little more time, saying that he'll take Abby and Ethan to Six Flags in a couple of weeks. When a case worker (Tasha Smith) visits to check up on everything, David's bed is no longer in the basement.What Abby discovers is that Eve is highly unstable. While doting on Ethan, Eve competes with Abby for his love, and develops a spiteful and increasingly violent relationship with Abby as Abby grows more and more rebellious because of her suspicions of Eve and Raymond.The violence starts with Eve slapping Abby for using a four letter word against her. Eve even causes Abby to cut her arm deeply by deliberately leaving already-broken glasses in a sink full of dishes that she tells Abby to wash.The dishes were covered by a thick layer of soap bubbles, so Abby didn't see the broken glasses. Eve, who used to be a nurse, stitches the wound, deliberately making the process as painful as possible. And she injects Abby with something. Abby later wakes up, feeling not-so-good, and Eve tells Abby that she was in bed for three days.When Ethan comes down with a mysterious illness that Eve insists on treating at home, Abby is suspicious that Eve is spiking Ethan's food with something in order to make him sick.Ethan grows sicker by the day, and both of their lives are in grave danger as Eve grows more and more unstable. Abby insists that Eve take Ethan to the hospital, but Eve refuses.Abby searches the Internet for information, and learns about Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Abby is horrified to realize that Eve's behavior perfectly fits every symptom that's listed on the website -- including the one that says that those who have Munchausen syndrome by proxy are skilled deceivers. The site even says "Suspects should be considered even more dangerous once they believe they are suspected."Abby tries to use the computer to send an e-mail, but that feature has been blocked, so she tries to use it to dial 911, but that has also been blocked.When Abby talks to Raymond, he tells her that David was a foster child, like she and Ethan are. Abby is deeply disturbed that the picture of David that Raymond is holding is not the same picture she found during an earlier visit to David's bedroom.Abby once again goes to David's bedroom, where she finds a picture drawn by a boy named Tyler, and learns of the existence of another boy named Alexsei. Abby grabs some pictures of them as evidence.It seems that Munchausen syndrome by proxy has led to Eve killing a number of foster sons. Abby realizes that she and Ethan have to save themselves from Eve before she can kill them.Abby gets Ethan, who is still sick, outside of the house and inside of a car, and then Abby sees Raymond returning home. Abby rushes Ethan back to his bedroom. Abby promises Ethan that she'll go get Ben, and bring him back with her.In a hallway, a furious Eve finds Abby, and shakes her, causing the pictures to drop to the floor. Eve viciously smacks Abby, drags her into the nearby attic, kicks her to the floor, and locks her in.After a while, Eve brings some food to Abby, and leaves. Abby thinks it might be spiked with whatever's making Ethan sick. Later, Eve comes back in and tells Abby that if she doesn't eat, then Eve will never let Abby out of the room.Later, Eve leaves another meal in the room, and walks away. Abby grabs a screwdriver, and starts trying to pry off the board that covers the window. Later, Eve injects Ethan with something, and then she sprays heavy-duty oven cleaner on his back to make it look like a rash has appeared.Abby pries the board off, and she sees Ben pulling in. Raymond comes in, and tells Abby that if she makes one sound, he'll kill Ben. Raymond answers the door and tries to make an excuse to keep Ben from coming in, but Ben wants to come in and look around. Ben asks where Ethan's room is, and Raymond leads him to a bedroom that no one is in.Ben, who is becoming suspicious, decides to leave, and Abby is trying to pry the window opened, and she manages to cut away a small section of glass. Raymond, who heard the sound of the piece of glass dropping, goes back in and tells Eve that Ben left.Abby breaks out the rest of the window, and gets out of the attic. Abby goes to Ethan's room, and Eve, listening via an intercom, hears Abby telling Ethan that they're getting out of there.Eve goes to the kitchen, grabs a meat cleaver, and goes to Ethan's room, but she doesn't see Abby. Eve starts searching for Abby, who goes outside. Eve goes out onto a balcony, and sees Abby. The phone starts ringing, and Eve gets to it first. It's Ben, who immediately hangs up.Ben, who is just down the hill from the house, has started suspecting Eve and Raymond of child endangerment, so he called to make sure they're home. Ben alerts his colleagues at the LAPD. Over the house's intercom, Eve tells Abby that she's not going anywhere.Abby goes out to the garage, and starts up the SUV, but she gets out of it so she can open the garage door. Raymond grabs her, throws her down, and tells her that she just can't leave.Abby hits Raymond on the head with a wrench, knocking him out. Abby runs, and Eve finds Raymond out cold. Eve turns off the SUV, and takes the keys. Eve walks away.Ben finds Raymond out cold. Ben goes inside, and Eve stabs him in the neck with a hypodermic needle, injecting him with something that makes him collapse. Abby goes back to Ethan's room, and he's not there.Abby hides under the bed when she hears Eve coming. Eve doesn't find Abby in the room, so Eve leaves to continue searching. Abby gets out from under the bed. Eve goes to Abby's room, and Abby hears her telling Ethan to stay there.After Eve leaves Abby's room, Abby heads to the room, and doesn't see Ethan there. Eve has tricked Abby into coming out of hiding. Eve comes in with the cleaver, and they struggle with each other. Abby forces the cleaver out of Eve's hand.They end up on the landing at the top of the stairs to the room, where Eve tries to push Abby over the railing. But Abby knocks Eve down the metal stairs, and Eve takes a blow to the head.Ben wakes up, and he sees the needle that Eve stabbed him with. Abby finds Ethan in a bathtub of hot water, with his face partially submerged. That's how Eve made it look like David drowned in the lake.With the bathtub filling, Abby gets Ethan out of the tub, and realizes that he's conscious -- he didn't breathe in much water at all. Eve comes up behind Abby, who screams.Eve knocks Abby to the floor, and raises the cleaver. Ben enters with a gun. Before Eve can hit Abby with the cleaver, and before Ben can fire his gun, someone else fires a shot that kills Eve.It was Raymond who fired the shot. It seems that the reason why Raymond reluctantly helped Eve is because he was so blinded by his love for her. Raymond is arrested for his part in endangering Abby and Ethan.Abby and Ben ride to the hospital in the ambulance with Ethan. They'll be living with Ben.

《玻璃屋:好妈妈/Glass House: The Good Mother》(2006) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《玻璃屋:好妈妈/Glass House: The Good Mother》(2006) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《玻璃屋:好妈妈/Glass House: The Good Mother》(2006) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《玻璃屋:好妈妈/Glass House: The Good Mother》(2006) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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