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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《猎鹰1949/英雄2》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《猎鹰1949/英雄2》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


1949年10月1日,毛泽东主席向全世界庄重公布:中华人民共和国成立了!  在这历史的强音激荡下,解放军迅速挥师南下,兵锋直指重庆,随着解放的脚步渐渐临近,一场没有硝烟的战争却刚刚开始  国民党残余势力不甘就此失败,派遣特务潜伏于刚刚解放的大西南。代号为老板的大特务头子严森,奉毛人凤之命,率三千余名武装特务潜伏在重庆地下,执行一项绝密计划,代号为猎鹰。这个计划的内容高度保密,只有老板一人知道。  与此同时,我四野特纵特务营夜袭四川彭水县城,在敌师部所在的小楼内,遭遇了一支由军统特工组成的神秘小分队的的阻击,特务营营长燕双鹰只身闯入楼内,消灭了狙击手,击毙了这支神密小分队的头目军统少将程汤,救出了被程汤挟持的军械专家赵雅琴。从程汤随身携带的文件中查知,他到重庆的目的,首先是要利用野司首长接见重庆代表的机会,在沙坪坝大礼堂策划刺杀行动;第二,便是协助老板完成猎鹰计划。  为彻底粉碎敌人的阴谋,燕双鹰临危受命,化装程汤,打入敌人内部,他与二野情报处处长李延平紧密配合,精心策划了利用沙坪坝大礼堂的假刺杀取得敌人信任,从而接近老板,摸清猎鹰计划具体内容,进而将潜伏在重庆的敌特一网打尽的行动计划,代号为风雷。  经过各路敌特的多方考验,燕双鹰终于取得了大特务头子老板的信任,命他负责沙坪坝大礼堂的刺杀行动,就在此时,意外发生了!老板派往彭水调查的特务张保之回来密报,程汤已被共军击毙。  风云突变!老板立即断定,燕双鹰是假程汤,是共军派来的卧底。他派遣特务杀死了燕双鹰随行的战友,并设下圈套诱杀燕双鹰。就在这万分危急的关头,卧底在敌特内部的地下党五号情报员,提前将消息传递给燕双鹰,这才使燕双鹰杀出生天。本来,身份已露的燕双鹰应该放弃计划,然而倔强的性格和战友的牺牲,令他下定决心要绝处逢生。他与赵雅琴说服了老板手下的女特务林玉仙,三人共同完成了沙坪坝大礼堂的刺杀计划,在二野情报处长李延平的配合下,这一假刺杀行动非常逼真,致令老板对自己的判定产生了怀疑,与此同时,燕双鹰趁热打铁,以报复为名,利用自己非凡的聪明和超人的武功,接连杀死了老板手下十几名亲信特务头子,逼得老板不得不给已逃往台湾的军统大鳄毛人凤发电,请他出面与燕双鹰谈和。二人约定在宜宾见面,冰释前嫌。  燕双鹰力挽狂澜,风雷行动出现了转机。在去往宜宾的客轮上,燕双鹰意外的发现老板与九号码头的袍哥刘天龙进行秘密交易,直觉令他感到,此事定与猎鹰计划有关。他抓住线索跟踪追查,发现老板花重金聘请袍哥押运一批神秘的货物从东北到重庆,负责押运的人当中,还有几名日本人,曾经接触过这批货物的人,不是被杀死,便是感染了瘟疫。  燕双鹰、赵雅琴和林玉仙与袍哥组织内部一些有良知的成员通力合作,经过艰苦卓绝的追查,最终摸清,这批神秘的货竟然是日本731部队研制的霍乱病毒!而猎鹰计划,则是要将这些病毒在重庆市内传播,使市民们感染瘟疫,造成恐慌。  真相大白,燕双鹰与五号情报员李瑞山和二野情报处长李延平巧定计策,令老板率领的军统特务与刘天龙率领的码头袍哥自相残杀,最终,在宜宾城中的太平旅馆中将老板抓获。  就在大家庆祝胜利的时候,一件可怕的事情发生了燕双鹰在搜查老板办公室时,发现了自己与上级联络使用的密电码!老板怎么会有我们的密电码!  燕双鹰当即得出了结论,风雷小组当中有内奸!与此同时,藏于宜宾军管会的霍乱病毒被抢、押运老板的天风号快船在江上被劫,老板逃脱。五号情报员李瑞山、二野情报处长李延平牺牲,重庆工委书记吴玉霞负伤,据她指认,劫船的歹徒正是燕双鹰!无独有偶,军管会主任王连顺指认,抢走病毒的也是燕双鹰!  此时的燕双鹰百口莫辩,从英雄到内奸竟是一步之差,他开始了逃亡之旅,他发誓要查清内奸,为死去的李延平和李瑞山报仇。而吴玉霞与军管会主任王连顺则是穷追不舍,老板一伙更是欲除之而后快!  燕双鹰身陷凶险的漩涡之中,袭击突如其来,身旁险象环生,然而,他凭借着对党的忠诚,凭借着聪明和勇敢,与敌人斗智斗勇,用实际行动令专案组组长吴玉霞渐渐对他产生了信任,继而相信了他的忠诚随着假扮燕双鹰抢劫霍乱病毒、袭击快船的特务黑狼露出了真面目,事情的真相也一点点浮出水面,潜藏在我军内部的内奸竟然是二野情报处长李延平!他并没有死,整个事件都是由他和老板一手策划的:原来,卧底在敌人内部的五号情报员李瑞山,一直是老板的眼中钉肉中刺,老板曾多次使用诡计,想要将他挖出,却都没有得逞,  五号一天不除,猎鹰计划便一天无法实施。于是,李延平想出一条毒计,首先,利用燕双鹰的能力将老板破获,这样,五号情报员自然便会跳出来,除掉五号情报员后再嫁祸给燕双鹰,将专案组的精力全部集中到燕双鹰身上,而他们,则可以顺利地执行猎鹰计划。  真相终于大白,最终,燕双鹰挖出了内奸李延平,消灭老板一伙,成功地阻止了猎鹰计划。然而,他挚爱的女人赵雅琴,却为此献出了生命。




On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong announced to the world: the People's Republic of China was established! Under the storm of this historical strong sound, the PLA quickly moved south, and the soldiers pointed directly at Chongqing. As the pace of liberation gradually approached, a war without smoke just started the remaining power of the Kuomintang. Southwest. The big specialty named Yan Sen, code -named the boss, and worshiped the fate of the Mao Renfeng. He led more than 3,000 armed agents to lurk in Chongqing and execute a top secret plan, code -named Falcon. The content of this plan is highly confidential, and only the boss knows it. At the same time, my Siye Special Special Affairs Camp attacked Pengshui County, Sichuan at night. In the small building where the enemy division was located, a mysterious team consisting of a military agent was obstructed. He broke into the building alone, destroyed the sniper, and killed the leader of the leader of the Shenmi's team, Cheng Tang, and rescued Zhao Yaqin, an arms expert held by Cheng Tang. From the documents carried by Cheng Tang, the purpose of his visit to Chongqing is to first use the opportunity of Chongqing to meet the opportunity of Chongqing to plan the assassination operation in the Shatingba Auditorium; second, to assist the boss to complete the Falcon plan. In order to completely shatter the enemy's conspiracy, the Yan Shuangying was in danger, and the outfit of the Cheng soup was cut into the enemy. He and the director of the Erno Intelligence Division Li Yanping closely cooperated and carefully planned the use of the false assassination of the Shapingba Auditorium to obtain the enemy's trust, thereby approaching the approaching Boss, understanding the specific content of the Falcon plan, and then the action plan for the enemy and special network lurking in Chongqing, codenamed the wind and thunder. After various tests of various enemies, Yan Shuangying finally obtained the trust of the boss of the big agent. He ordered him to be responsible for the assassination operation of the Shapingba Auditorium. At this moment, the accident happened! The boss sent the secret agent Zhang Baozhi to report to Peng Shui, and Cheng Tang had been killed by the Communist Army. The wind and cloud change! The boss immediately concluded that Yan Shuangying was a fake Cheng soup and was undercover sent by the Communist Army. He sent the agent to kill Yan Shuangying's accompanying comrades -in -arms, and set up a circle to seduce Yan Shuangying. At this critical moment, the underground party 5 intelligence officer inside the enemy specially passed the news to Yan Shuangying in advance, which made Yan Shuangying kill. Originally, Yan Shuangying, who was exposed, should give up the plan, but his stubborn character and the sacrifice of his comrades made him determined to be a must -have. He and Zhao Yaqin persuaded the female agent Lin Yuxian under the boss. The three completed the assassination plan of the Shapingba Auditorium. With the cooperation of Li Yanping, the director of Erno Intelligence, this fake assassination operation was very realistic, resulting in the boss's The judgment was suspicious. At the same time, Yan Shuangying hit the iron while it was hot. In the name of revenge, using his extraordinary cleverness and superman martial arts, he successively killed the boss's dozen close friendship heads, forcing the boss to escape The military uniforms of the military, the big crocodile people, to power the electricity, and asked him to talk to Yan Shuangying. The two agreed to meet in Yibin, and Bing Shi was suspected. Yan Shuangying turned the tide, and the wind and thunder moved. On the passenger wheel to Yibin, Yan Shuangying unexpectedly discovered that the boss had a secret transaction with Liu Tianlong, the robe of the No. 9 Pier, and intuitively made him feel thatThings are related to the Falcon Program. He seized the clue to follow up and found that the boss Huazhong hired a robe brother to escort a group of mysterious goods from the northeast to Chongqing. Among the people responsible for the escort, there were several Japanese. It was infected with plague. Yan Shuangying, Zhao Yaqin, and Lin Yuxian cooperated with some conscience members inside the organization. After hard investigation, they finally found out that these mysterious goods turned out to be the cholera virus developed by the 731st army in Japan! The Falcon Program is to spread these viruses in Chongqing, causing citizens to infect plague and cause panic. The truth is big, Yan Shuangying and No. 5 intelligence officer Li Ruishan and the director of Erino Intelligence Li Yanping cleverly planned to make the boss's special agent and the dock robe led by Liu Tianlong to kill each other. Catch the boss. Just when everyone celebrated the victory, when a terrible thing happened, Yan Shuangying found the secret code used to contact with the superior when searching the boss's office! How can the boss have our secret code! Yan Shuangying immediately concluded that there was a traitor in the Lei Lei team! At the same time, the cholera virus hidden in the Yibin Military Management Association was robbed, the Tianfeng Call for the escorted owner was robbed on the river, and the boss escaped. Li Ruishan, No. 5 intelligence officer Li Yanping, died of sacrifice, and Wu Yuxia, secretary of the Chongqing Working Committee, was injured. According to her identification, the gangster of the robbery was Yan Shuangying! Coincidentally, Wang Lianshun, director of the Military Management Association, stated that Yan Shuangying was also snatched by the virus! At this time, Yan Shuangying was unable to argue, and it was a step step from the hero to the traitor. He began to escape. He vowed to find out the traitor and revenge for the dead Li Yanping and Li Ruishan. Wu Yuxia and Wang Lianshun, director of the Military Management Association, chased after, and the boss was even more fast! Yan Shuangying was trapped in a dangerous vortex, and the attack was sudden, and the danger beside him was born. Yuxia gradually trusted him, and then believed that his loyalty expressed his true colors as he pretended to rob the cholera virus and attack the Clippers. The traitor turned out to be Li Yanping, Director of Erno Intelligence! He did not die. The whole incident was planned by him and the boss: It turned out that Li Ruishan, the five intelligence agents in the enemy, had always been pierced in the eyes of the boss. However, none of them did not succeed. The fifth day was not removed, and the Falcon plan could not be implemented for a day. Therefore, Li Yanping came up with a poisonous plan. First of all, the boss was cracked by using the ability of Yan Shuangying. In this way, the fifth intelligence officer would jump out. All energy is concentrated on Yan Shuangying, and they can implement the Falcon plan smoothly. The truth was finally big. In the end, Yan Shuangying dug out the traitor Li Yanping, eliminated the boss, and successfully prevented the Falcon plan. However, his beloved woman Zhao Yaqin gave life for this.



[猎鹰1949][39集全][RMVB 5.37G]
[猎鹰1949][39集全][RMVB 5.61G]





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