电视剧电影《天师钟馗[内地版]》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载
据古代典籍记载,唐玄宗登基那年,钟馗赴长安应试,被主考官誉称奇才,取为贡士之首。可是殿试时,奸相卢杞竟以貌取人,迭进谗言,从而使其状元落选。 钟馗一怒之下,头撞殿柱而死,震动朝野。玄宗下昭封钟馗为驱魔大神,遍行天下斩妖驱邪。玉帝感念钟馗为争公道,不惜以身殉道,因此封神,令钟馗专管凡尘不平事,为人间降妖除魔。于是钟馗带领他的结义兄弟柳含烟、王富曲开始了他们惊心动魄、可歌可泣的伸张正义之行。《天师钟馗》共分六个单元,分别是《漂亮之罪》、《慧剑问情》、《青蛇有泪》、《血色鸳鸯》、《人鱼痴恋》和《钟馗嫁妹》。【第一单元:漂亮之罪】 漂亮有罪么,有谁理解漂亮的霍思燕与冯绍峰苦? 【单元新解:昔日比干挖心之后,那颗属于忠臣的七窍玲珑心再也无人闻问,忠臣宁死不屈,忠臣之心又岂能甘心含冤未雪?妲己曾经以漂亮做为武器,迷惑纣王,令天下苍生受苦受难。倘若漂亮成为祸端,又将如何终结?】 当年妲己迷惑纣王,佯称心痛,必须服食忠臣之心,以致比干挖心献主、含冤而死。那颗忠臣之心冤气太重,经过百年已然修练成精,变成心魔,一心要找转世妲己报仇。城中良家女子苏美娘拥有酷似妲己的惊人美貌,却温柔善良,她新婚不久,一家人和乐融融。心魔嫉恨苏美娘的漂亮和幸福,于是邪恶地控制了她的婆婆和丈夫,让她受尽虐待,生不如死。 钟馗百般阻止,认为善恶本是一念之间,假如因为仇恨而自甘堕落,忠臣之心变成邪恶之心,岂不枉费比干刨心尽忠之举?心魔不肯善罢干休,钟馗只好替天行道,展开一场正邪之战。 心魔利用凡人的邪念,附身人体,而钟馗的降魔剑一旦杀了凡人,就会触犯天条,心魔深知钟馗弱点,令钟馗投鼠忌器,无法痛下杀手,迫于无奈,钟馗只好请比干下凡,感化心魔。比干动之以情、晓以大义,告诉心魔,妲己因为祸国殃民,已受永世不得为人的惩罚,苏美娘虽有妲己的美貌,却与妲己没有任何关系,望心魔悬崖勒马,不要伤害无辜。岂料心魔已然走火入魔,认定苏美娘必须替妲己偿还罪孽。 钟馗坚持苏美娘心性善良,并没有利用美貌为恶,漂亮本无罪,错的是利用漂亮包藏邪恶之心。但钟馗虽有除魔之心,可惜心魔始终附身人体,钟馗犹豫不决,苏美娘为了消灭心魔,保护家人,毅然自毁容颜,并以自己的身体封住心魔,甘愿用钟馗的降魔剑自杀。最后,苏美娘的大爱大义让天地为之感动,而慈母的眼泪终使苏美娘复活。 【第二单元:青蛇有泪】 不是无泪,只是未尝爱的滋味袁文康与曾宝仪 【单元新解:白蛇传中关于白素贞与许仙的结局,交代得非常清楚,但对于青蛇的何去何从,却一直是所有人心中的谜,本单元则以揭密青蛇归处做为主题。】 白蛇怨恨法海破坏她与许仙的姻缘,愤而与青蛇连手水淹金山寺,岂料反遭法海所害,被困雷峰塔下,青蛇负伤而逃。钟馗本欲收伏青蛇为民除害,观世音菩萨认为青蛇并非蓄意危害人间,大发慈悲,希望青蛇虔诚修练、早成正果。 青蛇修练百年,仍难消心头之恨,决心找法海报仇,却被千年蜈蚣精玄尘道长利用,错认文弱书生孟文轩和将军之子许天德是转世法海和许仙,报仇心切的青蛇一错再错。 钟馗意外与文轩成为好友,发现青蛇对文轩苦苦纠缠,担心青蛇重蹈白蛇覆辙,苦口婆心地劝解,没想到青蛇情根深种、不肯回头,甚至因爱生恨,在玄尘的煽动之下,连手迫害文轩与灵玉。既然青蛇毫无悔意,有负观世音菩萨的善心,钟馗果断决定出手收妖。 钟馗三人为了伸张人间正义,不惜与青蛇、玄尘展开惊天动地的斗法,无奈力不从心,只好求助已经修炼成仙的白蛇,希望白蛇能以昔日姊妹情感化青蛇,让青蛇迷途知返。岂料,白蛇不但徒劳无功,还差点命丧玄尘之手。原来当年白蛇、青蛇水漫金山,让无辜百姓受难之外,也害死玄尘很多徒子徒孙,这一切都是玄尘为引出白蛇、青蛇的报复阴谋。幸好,青蛇最终明白人间情爱真谛,尽弃前嫌,舍身救人,观世音菩萨以净瓶水救活青蛇,并与白蛇一起位列仙班、再续前缘。 【第三单元:慧剑问情】 刘一含 莫问爱,莫问情,过去不再寻 【单元新解:天上岁月冷清清,只羡鸳鸯不羡仙,吕洞宾一向贪恋人间情爱,为了一续前缘,再入红尘,钟馗剑斩妖魔,面对神仙又当如何?倘若徇私包庇,如同官官相护,应当付出何种代价?】 昔日吕洞宾斩杀黄龙道人,慧剑斩情丝,挥别白牡丹,怅然返回天界,却没发现黄龙弟子狼妖在旁窥视,发誓要为师报仇。百年后狼妖肆虐,攻击妇女,残害乡民,钟馗三人决定为民除害,追捕狼妖。 狼妖阴险突袭,抢走含烟,钟馗的降魔剑正要发威,狼妖拿含烟当作武器反抗,钟馗险些误杀含烟,狼妖逃逸。 向来风流倜傥的吕洞宾,只要忆及昔日与白牡丹的一段未了情缘,便郁郁寡欢。江湖女子公孙静刺杀奸臣未果,遭到追杀。钟馗眼见忠良受害,出手相救。公孙静希望钟馗共襄盛举,钟馗虽感佩公孙静爱国爱民之心不让须眉,但碍于职责所在,不能为所欲为,只能以除妖降魔为己任。 吕洞宾翻阅姻缘簿,愕然发现白牡丹已转世为公孙静,再次心动不已,趁着群仙拜寿之时,私下凡间,以侠客姿态现身相助公孙静,公孙静被吕洞宾的侠骨柔情所打动,两人结为夫妻。 狼妖故意将钟馗引来,逼迫吕洞宾现形,并趁吕洞宾不备,掳走公孙静,吕洞宾只得求助钟馗,请他暂时包庇,等救回公孙静之后再甘心受罚,钟馗被吕洞宾的真情感动,决定代为隐瞒。狼妖痛斥钟馗官官相护、徇私包庇,双方大打出手,钟馗一时不察,误杀被狼妖附身的凡人。狼妖终被收服,但吕洞宾严重触犯天条,不得不返回天庭受罚,与公孙静夫妻诀别,从此天人两隔。而钟馗包庇吕洞宾在先,枉杀凡人在后,被贬为凡人,钟馗甘心领罪,下凡历劫,三兄弟黯然分别。 【第四单元:血色鸳鸯】 张嘉倪 爱过方知情重,一切只因有爱 【单元新解:钟馗被贬为凡人,必须尝尽人间苦难,遇上黑山老妖,势必颠倒异位,昔日除魔天师,如今成为妖魔眼中的猎物。有如皇上微服私访,体验民间疾苦,对于日后重掌权力,是否更能兼顾情理法?】 当年燕赤霞为拯救聂小倩的魂魄,重创千年树妖黑山老妖。蛰伏百年之后,黑山老妖决定报仇雪恨。青年周馥生为人正直善良,以雕刻为生,手艺高超,他和富家千金林小蝶结缘于鸳鸯木偶。林小蝶被周馥生贫贱不能移、威武不能屈的大丈夫气概所倾倒,身份悬殊的两人却爱得真挚而热烈,因林父的攀附权贵,周馥生受尽迫害,却仍然无怨无悔,为爱不惜付出生命。柳含烟、王富曲到人间寻找被贬为凡人的钟馗,结识了周馥生,被他的痴情所感动,想方设法成全他和林小蝶。 黑山老妖为提升功力要吸食阴阳交合的魂魄,逼迫手下女妖秋艳以聂小倩的画像勾引男子,岂料周馥生不为所动,他的君子之风让秋艳心动,她虽是异类,对这样的男人也垂爱不已,但周馥生心中只有林小蝶,决然拒绝了她。秋艳伤心欲绝,因爱生恨,向黑山老妖诬称周馥生就是燕赤霞转世。黑山老妖使用妖术让林小蝶神昏志迷,把自己当作聂小倩,并把周馥生引入黑山老妖的圈套,柳含烟、王富曲赶来大战黑山老妖。鏖战中,周馥生唤醒前世记忆,现出钟馗真身,黑山老妖大惊,负隅顽抗,观世音出现助钟馗一臂之力,黑山老妖终于亡命降魔剑。 观世音贺喜钟馗恢复驱魔大神之位,但钟馗黯然神伤,因为他已允诺,只要能救林小蝶,宁可牺牲自己的爱情。痛苦的林小蝶只能眼睁睁望着钟馗离去,钟馗要她好好活着。祥云如翼,钟馗带着对人世间,对林小蝶的无限眷恋冉冉升空。 【第五单元:人鱼痴恋】 爱是付出,平凡相守才是真 【单元新解:昔日鱼美人晓莲认为爱是付出,不是占有,为了成全张真和牡丹,甘心受苦,爱的奉献虽然传颂千古,却始终令人感到遗憾,倘若晓莲再有一次选择的机会,能不能用无怨无悔换来真心相爱?】 昔日鲤鱼精晓莲贪恋人间情爱,触犯天条,被罚幽禁龙宫,苦尝百年孤寂。龙王五太子龙剑对晓莲一往情深,向龙王求情,让晓莲重获自由。何敏为替冥河姥姥报仇,设下陷阱要让龙剑和晓莲作茧自缚。何敏为引来钟馗,故意残杀凡人,钟馗误以为是龙王包庇龙剑,大闹龙宫。 晓莲在何敏诱导下找到张真的转世赵正峰,重蹈覆辙爱上凡人,坚持要与赵正峰一续前缘。龙剑不甘心机白费,提出协议,倘若赵正峰也对晓莲一心一意,龙剑就自动放弃,否则晓莲必须嫁给龙剑。 钟馗尝过人间情爱之苦,理解晓莲的心意,尤其发现晓莲为了救活赵正峰,不惜献出内丹,变成半人半妖,更加感动。晓莲被村民当成妖怪,要放火烧死她,钟馗不顾天条规定,怒而插手人间事,救下晓莲并有心成全她的一片苦心。 龙剑为达目的,私闯月老仙洞,将姻缘红线绑在赵正峰和他的师妹金翠萍身上,赵正峰忽然改变,要和金翠萍成亲,晓莲伤心欲绝。龙剑趁机要求晓莲实现诺言,晓莲宁可永受幽禁,也不愿嫁给龙剑,龙剑大怒,欲逼迫晓莲就范。钟馗替晓莲打抱不平,查明真相,剪断错绑的红线,赵正峰如梦初醒,有感于晓莲对他情深意重,无论晓莲是人是妖,他都愿意和晓莲结为夫妻。钟馗为让有情人终成眷属,阻止龙剑破坏,双方大打出手。龙剑被何敏利用,执迷不悟,差点闯下大祸,幸好钟馗及时揭穿何敏的阴谋,将她收伏。 晓莲和龙剑都是为爱触犯天条,虽然其情可悯,却也难逃制裁,观世音罚龙剑幽禁龙宫,至于晓莲尘缘未了,真情感人,让她自己做出选择。晓莲毅然拔去仙胎鳞片,从此与赵正峰做一对平凡夫妻。钟馗功德圆满,笑叹真爱无敌。 【第六单元:钟馗嫁妹】 今生未酬寄来生,情义长存爱永驻钟
According to the ancient classics, when Tang Xuanzong ascended the throne, Zhong Yan went to Chang'an to take the test and was named the first of the entrance examination officers as the first of the tribute. However, during the temple test, the treacherous Lu Qi took the appearance and entered the words, so that the champion was lost. As soon as Zhong Yan was angry, his head hit the temple pillar and died, shocked the country. Xuanzong Zhaofeng Zhong Kui was the exorcism god, and he traveled all over the world to cut monsters. The Jade Emperor felt that Zhong Kui was fighting for the public, and he martyred in his body. So Zhong Yan led his righteous brothers Liu Hanyan and Wang Fuqu began their thrilling, singing and righteousness. \"Sky Master Zhong Kui\" is divided into six units, namely \"Beautiful Crime\", \"Hui Jian Ask\", \"Green Snake with Tears\", \"Bloody\", \"Mermaid Love\" and \"Zhong Yan Married Girl\". [First Unit: Beautiful Sin] Is it beautiful? Who understands the beautiful Huo Siyan and Feng Shaofeng? [New solution of the unit: After digging the heart in the past, the Qi Qi Ling's heart that belonged to the loyal minister would never hear it again, and the loyal minister would rather die. Xun Ji used to be beautiful as a weapon, confused the king of the king, and suffered suffering in the world. How will it end if pretty is beautiful? ] At that time, I was confused by myself and claimed to be heartache. They must take the heart of loyal ministers, so that they died of dying to presented the Lord and died of injustice. The heart of the loyal minister was too bad. After a hundred years of practice, he has become a demon. Su Mei Niang, a woman in the city, has an amazing beauty like her, but she is gentle and kind. Soon after her newly married, the family and happy. The demon was jealous and hated the beauty and happiness of Su Mei Niang, so she controlled her mother -in -law and husband evilly, making her abuse, and she was better than death. Zhong Kui stopped it all like a thought. If the good and evil are the thoughts. If he is willing to fall because of hatred, the heart of the loyal minister becomes evil heart. The devil refused to stop doing it well, and Zhong Yan had to do a way for heaven to start a battle of righteousness and evil. The Mind Magic uses the wicked thoughts of mortals to attach the human body, and once Zhong Rong's magic sword kills a mortal, he will violate the heavenly bar. The demon knows the weakness of Zhong Rong, so that Zhong Yan will invest in a rat, and he cannot help the killer. Better and beyond all, influence the devil. In the same way, the righteousness is in love, and the spirit is telling the demon. He has been punished by himself because of the disaster and the people. Although Su Meiliang has the beauty of her own, she has nothing to do with her own self. Unexpectedly, the devil has already gone into the demon, and it is determined that Su Meiliang must repay the sin for her. Zhong Yan insisted on Su Meiliang's kindness, and did not use beauty as evil. She was not guilty. The wrong thing was to use beautiful bags to hide evil hearts. However, although Zhong Yan has the heart of removing the demon, it is a pity that the devil always attached to the human body. Downson committing suicide. In the end, Su Mei Niang's great love moved the heavens and the earth, and the tears of the loving mother finally resurrected Su Meiliang. [The second unit: the green snake has tears] It is not tearless, but the taste that has not loved Yuan Wenkang and ZengBaoyi [Unit's new solution: The ending of the white snake biography about Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian's ending is very clear, but where the green snake goes, it has always been the mystery of everyone's heart. theme. 】 White Snake resents Fahai to destroy her marriage and Xu Xian's marriage, indignantly flooding Jinshan Temple with the green snake. Zhong Kui wanted to accept the vanadi snake as the people. Guanyin Bodhisattva believed that the green snake was not deliberately harming the world, and he was compassionate. He hoped that the green snake would practice religiously and get a positive result. The green snake practice for a century, it is still difficult to eliminate the hatred, and is determined to find a revenge on the law, but was used by the millennium of the millennium. The green snake is wrong again. Zhong Yan accidentally became a friend with Wen Xuan, and found that the green snake was entangled with Wen Xuan, worried about the green snake's repeat of the white snake, and persuaded him bitterly. Under the incitement of dust, he even persecuted Wen Xuan and Lingyu. Since the green snake has no regrets and has the kindness of the Guanyin Bodhisattva, Zhong Yan decisively decided to take the demon. In order to expand the justice of the world, the three of the Zhong Kui did not hesitate to start a shocking method with the green snake and Xuanchen. They had no choice but to ask for help. They had to ask for help for the white snake that had been cultivated into a immortal. Unexpectedly, the white snake was not only futile, but also almost killed Xuanchen's hand. It turned out that the white snake and the green snake water were in the golden mountain, which caused the innocent people to suffer, and it also killed many apprentices and grandsons of Xuanchen. All this was the conspiracy of Xuanchen to lead to the revenge of white snakes and green snakes. Fortunately, the green snake finally understood the true meaning of love in the world, abandoned the former suspect, saved people, and the Guanyin Bodhisattva rescued the living green snake with a net bottle of water, and ranked in the fairy class with the white snake. [3rd unit: Hui Jian asked love] Liu Yihan Mo asked love, Mo asked love, in the past, no longer find [Unit's new solution: the years in the sky are cold and clear, only envy the fairy, Lu Dongbin has always been greedy for love in the world, in order to continue the front edge, Then enter the red dust, Zhong Yanjian cuts the demon, what is the facing the fairy? What price should be paid like an official to protect themselves like an official? ] In the past, Lu Dongbin beheaded the Huanglong Taoist, Hui Jian chopped his love, waving goodbye to white peony, and returned to heaven, but he did not find that Huanglong's disciple wolf demon was peeping and vowed to avenge the teacher. A hundred years later, the wolf demon raged, attacked women, and harmed the villagers. The wolf monster was in dangerous and snatched the smoke. Zhong Yan's magic sword was about to make a power. The wolf demon took smoke as a weapon to resist. Lv Dongbin, who has always been romantic, is gloomy as long as he recalled a period of affection with white peony. The son -in -law of the rivers and lakes, the grandchildren of the lake, and the gangsters were killed and killed. When Zhong Kui saw Zhongliang's victim, he shot and rescued. Gongsun Jing hoped that Zhong Yan would like to make a grand event. Although Zhong Yan admired Gongsun Jing's love of the country and love the people, he would not let his eyebrows, but because of his duties, he could not do whatever he wanted. Lu Dongbin read the marriage book and suddenly found that the white peony had been reincarnated to Gongsun Jing, and thenThe second heart was excited. While the fairy worshiped, in private, he appeared in the face of the knights to help Gongsun Jing. Gongsun Jing was moved by Lu Dongbin's chivalrous tenderness, and the two became husband and wife. The wolf demon deliberately attracted Zhong Yan, forcing Lu Dongbin to look in the form, and took advantage of Lu Dongbin to take away Gongsun Jing. Lu Dongbin had to ask Zhong Kui to temporarily shelter, and then he was willing to be punished after rescue Gongsun Jing. Decide to conceal. The wolf demon scolded the officials of Zhong Kui to protect the officials and shelters, and the two sides fought together. The wolf demon eventually was conquered, but Lu Dongbin seriously violated the Tiandao and had to return to the heavenly court to be punished and said goodbye to Gongsun Jing's husband and wife. And Zhong Kuangbao Lu Dongbin was the first, killing the mortal, and was degraded to mortal. [Fourth Unit: Bloody] Zhang Jiani loves Fang's knowledge, everything is only because of love [Unit's new solution: Zhong Yan is degraded into mortals, you must taste the suffering of the world, and when you meet the old black mountain demon Magic Master, now becoming a prey in the eyes of the demon. For example, the emperor's micro -service visits, experience the suffering of the people, and can we take care of the empathy of the law in the future? ] At that time, Yan Chixia remembered the old monster of the black mountain in order to save Nie Xiaoqian's soul. After a hundred years of dormant, the old demon of Heishan decided to revenge and hate. Young Zhou Yisheng is righteous and kind, and lives with carving, and his craftsmanship is superb. Lin Xiaodie was dumped by the great husband who could not be moved by Zhou Yisheng's poverty and mighty unyielding, but the two people with different identities loved it sincerely and enthusiastically. Because of Lin's father, Zhou Yisheng was persecuted, but he still had no regrets. Love does not hesitate to give life. Liu Hanyan and Wang Fuqu went to the world to find Zhong Kui, who was degraded to mortal, met Zhou Yisheng, and was moved by his infatuation. In order to enhance the skills of the black mountain, the old demon must be to attract the soul of the yin and yang, and forcing her ladies Qiu Yan to seduce the man with the portrait of Nie Xiaoqian. Unexpectedly, Zhou Yisheng was unmoved. Such a man also loved it, but only Lin Xiaodie in Zhou Yisheng's heart, he decided to reject her. Qiu Yan was sad, and because of love and hate, he said to the old demon of Heishan that Zhou Yisheng was the reincarnation of Yan Chixia. The old demon of Heishan used the demon art to make Lin Xiaodie fainting, treat himself as Nie Xiaoqian, and introduce Zhou Yisheng into the trap of the old black mountain monster. During the battle, Zhou Yisheng awakened the memory of the previous life. He appeared in the real body of Zhong Kui. The old black mountain old demon was shocked, and he was stubborn. Guanyin appeared to help Zhong Kui's power. Guan Shiyin He Xi Zhong Ring resumed the position of exorcism, but Zhong Yan was sad, because he had promised that as long as he could save Lin Xiaodie, he would rather sacrifice his love. The painful Lin Xiaodie could only watch Zhong Yan away, Zhong Yan asked her to live well. Xiangyun is like a wing, and Zhong Yan takes the infinite nostalgia of Lin Xiaodie to the world. [Fifth Unit: Mermaid Infatuation] Love is giving, and ordinary people are true.Xiaolian thinks that love is giving, not possession. In order to become full of true and peony, she is willing to suffer. Although the dedication of love has been eternal, it is always regrettable. If Xiaolian has another chance to choose, can you use no complaints and no complaints and no complaints and no resentment. Regret in exchange for love? ] In the past, carp Jing Xiaolian was greedy for love in the world, violated Tianli, was punished for banning the Dragon Palace, and tried to taste the loneliness for a century. The five princes of the Dragon King Dragon Sword were deeply affectionate to Xiaolian, pleading with the Dragon King, and let Xiaolian regain freedom. He Min set up a revenge for the Minghe River. He Min deliberately killed the mortal in order to attract Zhong Yan. Xiao Lian found Zhang Zhen's reincarnation Zhao Zhengfeng under the induction of He Min, repeated the same mistakes to fall in love with mortals, and insisted on continuing to continue with Zhao Zhengfeng. Long Jian was unwilling to spend in vain and proposed an agreement. If Zhao Zhengfeng was willing to give up Xiaolian, Long Jian would automatically give up, otherwise Xiaolian would have to marry the dragon sword. Zhong Kui had tasted the suffering of love on earth and understood Xiaolian's heart. In particular, Xiaolian discovered that Xiaolian made a semi -shemale in order to save Zhao Zhengfeng in order to save Zhao Zhengfeng, and became even more moved. Xiaolian was regarded as a monster by the villagers, and she wanted to set fire to death. Zhong Kui ignored the rules of the Tenlus and intervened on earth. She rescued Xiaolian and had a heart of her heart. For the purpose of Dragon Sword, the old fairy cave was privately broke into the moon, and the red line of marriage was tied to Zhao Zhengfeng and his sister Jin Cuiping. Zhao Zhengfeng suddenly changed to get married with Jin Cuiping. Xiao Lian was sad. Long Jian took the opportunity to ask Xiaolian to realize his promise. Xiaolian would rather be banned forever, and he did not want to marry Long Jian. Long Jian was furious. Zhong Yan was not in trouble for Xiaolian, to find out the truth, cut off the wrong red line, Zhao Zhengfeng woke up like a dream, and felt that Xiaolian had a deep affection for him. Whether Xiaolian was a man or a demon, he was willing to form a husband and wife with Xiaolian. Essence In order to make a lover a dependent, Zhong Yan stopped the Dragon Sword from destroying, and the two sides fought. Long Jian was used by He Min and was obsessed. He almost broke into a disaster. Fortunately, Zhong Yan exposed He Min's conspiracy in time and closed her. Xiaolian and Long Jian both violated the heavenly bar for love. Although her love was compassionate, she could not escape sanctions. Guan Shiyin punished the dragon sword to ban the Dragon Palace. As for Xiaolian's dust, she was a true emotional person. Xiaolian resolutely pulled away the fairy scales and since then Zhao Zhengfeng was a pair of ordinary couples. Zhong Yan's meritorious merit is complete, and the true love is invincible. [Sixth Unit: Zhong Kui Married Girl] Unparalleled life in this life, love long and loves the forever
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