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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《幻影神针》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《幻影神针》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


传说中神秘险峻的[狼嗥谷]由通灵性的狼群守护着,金城有如大地之子。整日与狼为伍,生性更如狼一般在攻击敌人时毫不留情。  自小收养金城长大的师父柳朗月,是一位貌美如花、心硬如铁的女人,二十五年前,由父亲易靖生前的红颜知己兰姨辅佐,在与世隔绝的谷中建立[狼嗥山庄],这山庄跟柳朗月一样,是一座令人不寒而栗的冰窟,隐藏着种种神秘  柳朗月原名易水云,出生高贵并擅长隐身术,因被岳王爷(岳霆)陷害,偷盗绝世宝物白玉夜明珠,诬指叛国罪嫌而被平遥王下旨活活烧死,并诛其九族。  被烧得脸部全毁的易水云侥幸未死,经一名神医佟远的巧手,为她缝制了一张新的脸皮,并更名为柳朗月脱胎换骨重生。但是只要离开奇寒的狼嗥谷,脸上的伤口就会溃烂,柳朗月只得将血海深仇,交由所收养的徒弟金城及金堡去执行。  一天,金城与一起长大的灰狼在山谷下嬉戏,却遭残忍的猎人以毒箭射杀,金城为阻止猎人剥下灰狼的皮拼死反击,激烈的争斗后,金城终于将那名猎人刺死。那名猎人竟然就是岳王爷的长子岳天麒。  也许是缘分的注定,命运的牵引,金城垂死之际被上山采蜂的佟馥儿所救,她也是当年替柳朗月换脸的神医佟远的独生女,馥儿擅长用毒蜂的蜂针刺入病人穴道治病号称神针。她即时将中了毒箭的金城救回,因为这次奇妙的邂逅两人一见钟情,彼此都视对方为今生等待的爱人,生死相许。  馥儿因替岳王爷的次子岳天麟医治哮喘病,使得天麟不但神奇痊愈,也同时爱上馥儿。善良的天麟还数度在为难中搭救过金城,两人因而结成患难之交的好兄弟,但三人之间在情感上却是一道难解的习题。  馥儿也为柳朗月医好了脸伤,使她能离开狼嗥谷以新的身份进入岳王府之中,向岳霆展开报复计划。此时当年为她变脸的要害人物佟远却落入了对方手中,柳朗月只得下令金城将佟远杀之灭口,馥儿痛失父亲,金城也失去了馥儿的爱,两人在杀父之仇的阴影下,痛不欲生,情路更加坎坷  恶贯满盈的岳霆也有一个惊人的秘密,原来天麟是当年柳朗月遭岳霆玷辱所生,被兰姨静静送出狼嗥谷,因缘际会的进入岳家。柳朗月决心借天麟之手除掉他的亲生父亲岳霆,让世间最惨绝人寰的悲剧发生在他们父子身上,岳妻因丈夫的兽行羞愧自尽,岳天麟身心受到严重打击,性情大变。  金城为阻止柳朗月与天麟母子相残,两败俱伤的悲剧发生,冒死将白玉夜明珠交给平遥王,想揭发岳霆的罪状,岂料金匠竟轻易将金城的那颗夜明珠击碎,并指出金城和夜明珠都是另有所图的冒牌假货。原来是与馥儿争抢金城之爱的蔷蔷,因被金城拒之门外,转而与岳霆谋合,岳霆早已将真的夜明珠换走,金城以欺君之罪被打入大牢,等候处死,柳朗月明知自己容貌已变,根本无法取信平遥王,但是师徒情深,坚持就是牺牲自己性命也要救金城脱险,并令馥儿、兰姨、金堡等人返回狼嗥谷保命,众人竟异口同声的抗命,愿与柳朗月同生死,共患难。  二十五年前爱美人不爱江山的平遥王,曾为早逝的爱妻德妃建立一座琉璃宫,并不择手段夺取了云族的白玉和青芒两颗夜明珠。以保存德妃的容貌形体不腐。白玉夜明珠遭窃,德妃身形消失,只留下一滴眼泪,一副空棺,平遥王因此将窃贼易水云恨之入骨。但却对易水云化身成的柳朗月赞赏有加,并因为柳朗月能与德妃的灵魂沟通,而视柳朗月为身边不可缺少的人物推心置腹  金城发现,受历代平遥王保护的净心道观中,住持慧悟仙师竟与岳霆有勾结,还密训地下军队预备谋反,而慧悟却和兰姨、柳朗月有着千丝万缕的同门之谊、同样均为隐身术传人的关系。经深入追查,一个惊天大秘密浮现了。  原来,慧悟是被平遥王灭绝的云族幸存者,当年隐身入宫爱上了年轻英俊的平遥王,竟假扮德妃与宿醉的平遥王有了一夜情,怀了金城。却又因不容于王宫和族人,把初生的金城遗弃在狼嗥谷。她潜居净心道观二十多年,一心要向平遥王报复当年的遗弃之恨  传说中,云族的白玉、青芒夜明珠和玄光铜镜三样宝物,假如在适当时刻同时启动,可以让凡人羽化升天,得其所愿。慧悟想带着她始终不能忘情的平遥王和亲生儿子金城,一起离开这布满了痛苦的凡尘,而岳霆想拥有这三件宝物一举称霸当上平遥王。  大出所有人意料,三宝汇聚产生的日月玄光,造成的却是毁天灭地的灾祸。罪孽的岳霆自食恶果,慧悟含恨而终,平遥王却如愿以偿的与他痴恋的德妃相聚了,并把平遥王位留给失散多年的骨肉金城,但金城却把王位交给师弟金堡,选择飘然而去。  当金城独自一人回到狼嗥谷,没有想到迎接他的除了成群的小狼之外,还有原本已经嫁给岳天麟的馥儿,这使得狼嗥谷将不再冰冷,成为布满了欢笑与希望的乐土。




The mysterious and dangerous [Wolf Valley] is guarded by the psychic wolves, and Jincheng is like the son of the earth. All day with wolves, born more like a wolf, when they attack the enemy. Master Liu Langyue, who has adopted Jincheng since he was a child, is a beautiful and hard -hearted woman. Twenty -five years ago, the aunt of Hong Yan confidant Lan, who was born before his father Yi Jing, was assisted. Establishing [Langlian Villa], this villa, like Liu Langyue, is a chilling ice cave. It hides all kinds of mysterious Liu Langyue. ) Silled, stealing the pearl of Bai Yuye Pearl, referring to the suspect of the rebels, and being burned to death by King Pingyao, and his nine tribe. Yi Shuiyun, who was burned to her face, was lucky to die. After a clever hand of a divine doctor, she sewed a new face for her, and changed its name to Liu Langyue to reborn. However, as long as the wolf valley who left the strange cold, the wound on his face would be ulcerated. Liu Langyue had to deeply revenge blood and the apprentice Jinsheng and Jinshuang for execution. One day, Jincheng played with the Gray Wolf who grew up together under the valley, but was killed by cruel hunters with poisoned arrows. In order to prevent the hunter from peeling off the gray wolf's skin to fight against the fight, Jincheng finally fought the hunter. Stab to death. The hunter turned out to be the eldest son Yue Tianqi, the eldest son of Lord Yue. Perhaps it is destined to fate, the traction of fate, and Jincheng was rescued by the bee picked up on the occasion of the mountain. Patient's acupoint cure is called a god needle. She immediately rescued Jincheng, who was hit by the poisonous arrow, because the wonderful encounters fell in love at first sight, and they regarded each other as the lover waiting for this life, and the life and death were promised. Zeer's healing asthma disease for King Yue Tianlin for the second son of Yue, which made Tianlin not only heal magic, but also fell in love with Fuer at the same time. The kind Tianlin also rescued Jincheng several times in the embarrassment. The two formed a good brother who had trouble with each other, but the three of them were emotionally difficult to solve the problem. Fuer also had a face injury for Liu Langyue, so that she could leave the Wolf Langu Valley into the palace of Yue Wang, and launched a revenge plan to Yue Ting. At this time, the key person who changed her face at that time, Wu Yuan fell into the hands of the other party. Liu Langyue had to order Jincheng to kill the extermination of Xun Yuan. Under the shadow of his father's hatred, Yue Ting, who is more painful, and the more ups and downs of love, also has an amazing secret. It turned out that Tianlin was born from Yue Tingyue's humiliation of Yue Ting. Enter the Yue family. Liu Langyue was determined to use Tianlin's hand to remove his biological father, Yue Ting, and let the world's most terrible tragedy happened to their father and son. Yue's wife was ashamed of her husband's beast. In order to prevent Liu Langyue from being disabled with Tianlin's mother and son, Jincheng had a tragedy that lost two defeats. He rushed to death to King Baiyu Ye Pearl to King Pingyao. He wanted to expose Yue Ting's guilt. It is pointed out that Jincheng and Ye Mingzhu are counterfeit fakes. OriginallyThe Qiang Qiang, who was fighting against the love of Jincheng, was in line with Yue Ting because of the rejection of Jincheng. Yue Ting had already replaced the real night pearl. Liu Langyue knew that her appearance had changed, and could not take the trust of Pingyao at all, but the teacher and apprentice were deeply affectionate. Perseverance was to sacrifice his life and save Jinsheng to escape the danger. Everyone resisted in unison, and was willing to live and die with Liu Langyue. Twenty -five years ago, the King of Pingyao, who loved beauty and no love, established a glazed palace for the died of his wife Defei, and did not choose to seize the two night pearls of the Yun tribe. To preserve De Fei's appearance, it is not corrupted. Bai Yuye Pearl was stolen, De Fei disappeared, leaving only a tear and a pair of empty coffin. However, Liu Langyue, who was transformed into Yi Shuiyun, appreciated and added, and because Liu Langyue could communicate with De Fei's soul, he regarded Liu Langyue for the indispensable character around him to push the heart and abdomen. In the concept of Jingxin Dao, the abbot Hui Wuxian actually colluded with Yue Ting, and also secretly trained the underground army to prepare for rebellion, but Hui Wu and Aunt Lan and Liu Langyue had a silk friendship. The relationship between surgery. After in -depth investigation, a great secret appeared. It turned out that Hui Wu was the survivor of the Yun tribe who was extinct by the King of Pingyao. At that time, he fell in love with the young and handsome Pingyao King. However, because it was not tolerated in the palace and the clan, the newborn Jincheng was abandoned in Wolf Valley. She has lived in Jingdao for more than two decades, and she wants to retaliate against King Pingyao's abandoned hate. In the legend of the abandonment of the year, the white jade, Qingmang night pearl and Xuanguang bronze mirror of the Yun tribe. The feathers are ascending the sky, and they have their wishes. Hui Wu wants to take her and never forget the love of Pingyao and his biological son, Jincheng, to leave this painful dust, and Yue Ting wants to have these three treasures to dominate the king of Pingyao in one fell swoop. The big people are expected that the sun and moon Xuanguang produced by the three treasures causes the disaster that destroys the earth. The sinful Yue Ting eaten the evil fruit, and Hui Wu ended with hatred, but King Pingyao gathered with his obedient De Fei as he wished, and left the Pingyao king to the flesh and blood of Jincheng for many years, but Jincheng gave the throne to the younger brother Jin Fort, choose to go away. When Jincheng returned to the wolf Gangu alone, he did not expect that in addition to the small wolfs who greet him, there was also a man who had already married Yue Tianlin. And the joy of hope.







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