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电影《Papagalo, What’s the Time?‎ (2022)》 - 1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

发表于 2022-12-31 12:04:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

电影《Papagalo, What’s the Time?‎ (2022)》 - 1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

导演: Ingel Vaikla

制片国家/地区: 比利时

片长: 7min

电影《Papagalo, What’s the Time?》的剧情简介:

Short film Papagalo, what’s the time? explores the architecture of former Yugoslavian pavilion from Brussels World Expo (1958) in its current function as Sint-Pauluscollege school house. The film follows group of young students playing at the site of the building. Kids take the audience from outdoors to the interior space of the modernist pavilion. The movement of the children emphasize the dynamics, openness and transparency of the space – the main features of the much-praised architecture of the pavilion. Materials like glass, wood, steel will be elevated through the framing of the camera. The socialist banners and photographs of former Yugoslavia originating from the display of the expo will be placed in a dialogue with the contemporary elements of the school building. The aim of the film is to create a poetic exchange between the architecture and the current function of the building, where architecture stands for the utopian history of former Yugoslavia and the children refer to the context of contemporary Flanders. It’s precisely the dialogue between the solid walls and the moving bodies which the film is exploring. It’s the balance, sometimes a friction but always an exchange between the past and present which the author is seeking in her work. The film will be executed in collaboration with students of Sint-Pauluscollege and will be shot on 16mm film.



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