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[原版收藏] 【蓝光|原版】《贾万/Jawan》(2023)









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发表于 2023-11-14 11:09:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

阿扎德(沙鲁克·汗饰)是孟买一所女子监狱的狱卒,他与六名囚犯一起劫持了孟买地铁列车:拉克什米(Priyamani)(母亲人物)、伊拉姆(桑亚·马尔霍特拉饰)(医生)、伊什克拉(Ishkra) (Girija Oak)(艺术家)、Kalki(Lehar Khan)(军火专家)、Helena(Sanjeeta Bhattacharya)(黑客)和 Janhvi(Aaliyah Qureishi)(作曲家)。阿扎德与 NSG 官员 Narmada Rai(Nayanthara)谈判要求农业部长穆拉里·达斯(Naresh Gossain)捐出4万卢比以换取乘客的生命。阿扎德控制着 376 名人质。阿扎德说,迄今为止,在部长的监督下,已有 10,281 名农民自杀。农场贷款的利息为 13%,豪华汽车的利息仅为 8%。 全球军火商 Kalee Gaikwad(Vijay Sethupathi 饰)得知他的女儿 Alia(Ashlesha Thakur 饰)也是俘虏之一,并同意为这笔交易提供资金。当阿莉亚质疑他们的动机时,阿扎德透露了他将这笔钱捐给神灵的计划n 全国70万贫困农民减免。阿扎德表示,政府免除了卡利获得的 40,000 千万卢比的贷款。而 Kalki 的父亲 (Omkar Das Manikpuri) 因未偿还 40,000 卢比的拖拉机贷款而在女儿面前脱光了衣服,因为不稳定的降雨模式导致他的庄稼被毁掉。他自杀是为了获得政府为农民死亡提供的十万卢比赔偿。卡尔基谋杀了银行催收代理人,并因此入狱。阿扎德和他的团伙直接将资金转入农民的银行账户,并逃离地铁。阿扎德通过阿丽亚向卡利透露了他的名字维克拉姆·拉索尔。卡利从他的过去认出了这个名字。 与此同时,阿扎德遇见了纳尔默达和她的女儿苏吉(西扎·萨罗吉·梅塔饰),向他求婚。苏吉喜欢阿扎德并接受她作为自己的父亲。最终纳尔默达嫁给了阿扎德,因为她看到苏吉真的信任阿扎德。阿扎德和他的团伙接下来绑架了卫生部长(阿什温·考沙尔饰),并要求引入更好的治疗方案。每家政府医院的基础设施,以换取卫生部长的生命。三年前,伊拉姆是一家政府医院的医生,该医院收治了 60 名因呼吸系统疾病的儿童。医院院长拒绝批准氧气瓶,直到他的佣金得到支付。伊拉姆竭尽全力,但无法为孩子们提供氧气,他们死了。法院判处伊拉姆终身监禁,因为院长证明伊拉姆当天吸毒过量,也是导致孩子们死亡的原因。阿扎德迫使院长在国家电视台上透露真相。阿扎德给出的 236 家医院名单中的基础设施立即得到升级。纳尔马达和她的团队发生枪战后,阿扎德和他的团伙再次逃跑。当阿扎德请求直升机撤离时,纳尔马达发现了他的位置。他们结婚后不久,纳尔马达发现了阿扎德的真实身份并与他对峙,但卡利的兄弟曼尼什(艾贾兹·汗饰)和他的追随者抓住并折磨了他们。然而,阿兹广告由他的分身维克拉姆·拉索尔(沙鲁克·汗饰)保存。维克拉姆杀死了曼尼什的所有暴徒,并向曼尼什的脸部开枪。纳尔默达发现了阿扎德同谋的身份,并伪装成囚犯与他们对峙,在那里她了解到了阿扎德和维克拉姆的联系。 1986年,维克拉姆·拉索尔上尉是印度陆军特种部队的一名突击队员,他开始了一项追捕恐怖组织的行动,该恐怖组织袭击并杀害了40名印度平民和6名印度士兵。在面临因武器故障造成的数人伤亡(维克拉姆部队的 27 名士兵丧生)后,维克拉姆和他的团队成功击倒了恐怖分子。随后,维克拉姆对武器供应商卡利提出投诉。维克拉姆在军事法庭证明提供的枪支有缺陷,而卡利则辩称士兵没有正确学习手册,因此这是人为错误那天晚上,维克拉姆和他的妻子艾西瓦娅(迪皮卡·帕度柯妮饰)遭到卡利和他的追随者穆拉德(苏希·加里瓦尔饰)的袭击。卡莉将维克拉姆带上飞机,并看似将他枪杀。卡莉在维克拉姆的家中放置证据,证明他正在向敌人出卖国家机密,并派出 3 名警察骚扰艾西瓦娅,让她签署一份针对维克拉姆的声明。艾西瓦娅因杀害卡莉手下的三名警察而被判处死刑。随后,维克拉姆被宣布为国家叛徒。艾西瓦娅本来要被绞死,但在绞索上被发现怀孕了,死刑被推迟到她孩子五岁了。艾西瓦娅在监狱里生下了他们的孩子阿扎德。当阿扎德五岁时,艾西瓦娅要求他在被绞死之前证明父亲的清白,并为受压迫的人伸张正义。阿扎德被同情艾西瓦娅的狱长卡维里(里迪·多格拉饰)收养。 世人不知道的是,维克拉姆在袭击中幸存下来。他失去了记忆。维克拉姆被印度东北部的一个部落发现并救起,并在他们的村庄康复。距离那时已经过去了30年。 地铁里的一名人质是东北村庄的居民,在阿扎德认出了维克拉姆的脸。他找到了维克拉姆的军队同事,并将他们带到了村庄。维克拉姆承认阿扎德是他的儿子,但他说,由于缺乏记忆,他对阿扎德没有感情。回到现在,纳尔默达的下属伊拉尼(苏尼尔·格罗弗饰)当卡利试图在监狱里杀死他们时,他被发现在卡利的工资单上。拉克希米在交火中身亡。阿扎德到达监狱,并打开囚犯营房,在踩踏中杀死了伊拉尼。维克拉姆、阿扎德和他的团队袭击了卡利的卡车,车上装有即将举行的选举的资金,这些资金将用于增强卡利的政治野心。这笔钱是黑手党提供的,以便他们在卡利组建下一任州长后扩大在印度的非法业务阿扎德和他的团队设法偷走了卡车,而维克拉姆和他的旧军队团队被卡利的追随者抓获。当阿扎德偷现金时,尼尔马拉和她的部队正忙着偷窃在即将到来的选举中使用的电子机器。阿扎德发布了另一段视频,声称他偷了投票机,并要求封锁该国 53 家工厂,这些工厂对空气和水污染负有责任。工厂被政府查封。卡莉了解到阿扎德在女子监狱的位置。卡莉带着维克拉姆的内幕消息潜入监狱并抓获了阿扎德。卡利想知道他的现金在哪里,随后发生了一场战斗,维克拉姆最终恢复了记忆(当卡利向维克拉姆开枪时,他的枪不起作用)并帮助阿扎德将卡利吊死。几个月后,STF 军官马达万帮助阿扎德完成任务的奈克(桑杰·杜特饰)给阿扎德指派了一项针对瑞士银行的新任务。

Azad (Shah Rukh Khan) is the jailer of a women's prison in Mumbai who hijacks a Mumbai Metro train along with a group of six inmates: Lakshmi (Priyamani) (The mother figure), Eeram (Sanya Malhotra) (the medic), Ishkra (Girija Oak) (The artist), Kalki (Lehar Khan) (the munitions expert), Helena (Sanjeeta Bhattacharya) (the hacker) and Janhvi (Aaliyah Qureishi) (The composer).Azad negotiates with NSG officer Narmada Rai (Nayanthara) to ask the agriculture minister Murari Das (Naresh Gossain) to send Rs 40000 Crores in exchange for the passengers' lives. Azad has 376 hostages under his control. Azad says that on the minister's watch 10,281 farmers have committed suicide till date. Interest in farm loans is 13% and on luxury cars is only 8%.Kalee Gaikwad (Vijay Sethupathi), a global arms dealer, learns that his daughter Alia (Ashlesha Thakur) is also one of the captives and agrees to fund the deal.When Alia questions their motive, Azad reveals his plan of donating the money towards the loan waiver of 700,000 impoverished farmers in the country. Azad says that the government waived off Rs 40,000 Crore loan taken by Kalee. While Kalki's father (Omkar Das Manikpuri) was disrobed in front of his daughter for not repaying a Rs 40,000 tractor loan, as his crops were ruined due to erratic rain patterns. He commits suicide to get Rs Lakhs compensation that the government gives for farmer's death. Kalki murdered the bank collection agent and was jailed for it.Azad and his gang directly transfer the funds into the farmers' bank accounts and escape from the metro. Through Alia, Azad reveals his name as Vikram Rathore to Kalee. Kalee recognizes this name from his past.Meanwhile, Azad meets Narmada and her daughter Suji (Seeza Saroj Mehta) for a marriage proposal. Suji likes Azad and accepts her as her father. Eventually Narmada marries Azad as she can see that Suji really trusts Azad.Azad and his gang next kidnap the health minister (Ashwin Kaushal) and demand to introduce better infrastructure at every government hospital, in exchange for the Health Minister's life. 3 years ago, Eeram was a doctor at a government hospital where 60 children were admitted for respiratory disorder. The dean of the hospital refused to sanction Oxygen cylinders till his cut was paid. Eeram did everything she could, but could not get Oxygen for the kids, and they died. The court sentenced Eeram to life imprisonment as the dean proved that Eeram was high on drugs that day, and the cause of the children's death. Azad forces the dean to reveal the truth on national TV.The infrastructure is immediately upgraded in the list of 236 hospitals given by Azad. Azad and his gang escape again after a shootout between Narmada and her team. Narmada found Azad's location when he asked for a chopper for his evacuation.Soon after their wedding, Narmada finds out about Azad's true identity and confronts him, but Kalee's brother Manish (Eijaz Khan) and his henchmen capture and torture them. However, Azad is saved by his doppelganger, Vikram Rathore (Shah Rukh Khan). Vikram kills all of Manish's goons and shoots Manish in the face.Narmada finds out the identities of Azad's accomplices and confronts them by disguising herself as an inmate, where she learns about Azad and Vikram's connection. The flashback is narrated by Lakshmi.In 1986, Captain Vikram Rathore was a commando in the Special Ops unit of the Indian Army, who set out on an operation to hunt down the terrorist group responsible for attacking and killing 40 Indian civilians and 6 Indian soldiers. After facing several casualties (27 soldiers from Vikram's unit lost their lives) that were caused by malfunctioning weaponry, Vikram and his team successfully took down the terrorists. Later, Vikram filed a complaint against Kalee, who was the supplier of the weapons.Vikram proves in a military court that the guns provided are faulty, while Kalee argues that the soldiers did not study the manual properly and hence it is a human error and not a machine error.That night Vikram and his wife, Aishwarya (Deepika Padukone), were attacked by Kalee and his henchman, Murad (Sukhi Garewal). Kalee took Vikram on-board a plane and seemingly shot him to death.Kalee plants evidence at Vikram's house that he was selling state secrets to the enemy and sends 3 cops to harass Aishwarya and get her to sign a statement against Vikram. Aishwarya was sentenced to death for killing three cops, who were on Kalee's payroll.Afterwards, Vikram was declared a national traitor. Aishwarya was due to be hanged, but is found to be pregnant at the noose, and the death sentence is postponed till her child turns 5 years old.Aishwarya gave birth to their child, Azad, in prison. When Azad turned five, Aishwarya asked him to prove his father's innocence and provide justice to the oppressed, before she was hanged. Azad is adopted by jail warden Kaveri (Riddhi Dogra), who was sympathetic to Aishwarya.Unknown to the world, Vikram survived the attack but lost his memory.Vikram was found and rescued by a tribal group in northeast India and rehabilitated in their village. It has been 30 years since then.A hostage in the metro was an inhabitant of the northeast village and recognized Vikram's face in Azad. He tracked down Vikram's colleagues from the Army and brings them to the village.Vikram accepts Azad as his son, but says that due to lack of memory, he has no feelings for Azad.Back in the present, Narmada's subordinate Irani (Sunil Grover) is revealed to be on Kalee's payroll, when he tries to kill them in the prison. Lakshmi is killed in the resulting crossfire. Azad arrives at the prison and kills Irani in a stampede by opening the prisoner barracks.Vikram, Azad and his team attack Kalee's trucks, which contains money for the upcoming elections that will be used to boost Kalee's political ambitions. This money has been provided by the mafia, so that they can expand their illegal businesses in India after Kalee forms the next government.Azad and his team manage to steal the trucks, while Vikram and his old army team get captured by Kalee's henchmen.While Azad was stealing the cash, Nirmala and her forces were busy stealing the electronic machines to be used in the upcoming elections.Azad releases another video and states that he has stolen voting machines and demands to seal 53 factories in the country, responsible for air and water pollution. The factories are sealed by the government.Kalee learns about Azad's location in the women's prison. Kalee infiltrates the prison with insider information from Vikram and captures Azad. Kalee wants to know the location of his cash and a fight ensues, where Vikram finally recovers his memory (when Kalee fires on Vikram, but his gun wont work) and helps Azad by hanging Kalee to death.A few months later, STF officer Madhavan Naik (Sanjay Dutt), who helped Azad in the completion of his missions, assigns Azad a new mission targeting Swiss banks.






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下一篇:【蓝光|原版】《狗狗巡逻队:全能电影/PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie》(2023)

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