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[原版收藏] 【蓝光|原版】《蓝甲虫/Blue Beetle》(2023)









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【蓝光|原版】《蓝甲虫/Blue Beetle》(2023)

在冰冻荒原的某个地方,雇佣兵伊格纳西奥·卡拉帕克斯 (Ignacio Carapax) 率领的科德工业探险队找到了一只外星圣甲虫,并将其交给了公司首席执行官维多利亚·科德 (Victoria Kord)。 在帕尔梅拉市,刚毕业的大学毕业生杰米·雷耶斯 (Jaime Rayes) 返回了他的家乡。父亲阿尔贝托、母亲罗西奥、妹妹米拉格罗、叔叔鲁迪和娜娜。追上来后,海梅发现他不在的时候,他的家人陷入了困境。科德工业公司的新发展正在慢慢地使他的家乡变得中产阶级化,导致他的父亲失去了生意,全家面临着失去家园的严重威胁。最重要的是,阿尔贝托患有心脏病。海梅相信他可以凭借大学学位找到一份好工作并支持他们,但尽管他有资历,但没有人会雇用他。米拉格罗为他找到了一份工作,在维多利亚·科德的豪宅里担任清洁工,与此同时,维多利亚发现她的侄女珍妮·科德来与她对质,谈论一个已不复存在的超级警察技术电话她的父亲、前首席执行官特德·科德在突然失踪前下令解散了单人陆军军团 (OMAC)。维多利亚已经恢复了该项目,并正在开发它,并使用一种奇怪的新技术将其出售给世界强国。珍妮要求维多利亚停止 OMAC 项目,因为她的父亲已经让科德工业公司不再从事武器制造,但维多利亚拒绝了。杰米看到她威胁珍妮,并介入保护她,导致他和米拉格罗立即被解雇。然而珍妮很欣赏这个举动,并告诉詹姆去科德塔见她,这样她就可以为他和他的妹妹安排另一份工作。在父亲的一番鼓舞人心的讲话后,詹姆决定接受珍妮的提议。詹姆前往科德塔,但被迫在大厅等待。在大楼的其他地方,珍妮发现了 OMAC 新技术的来源;圣甲虫。她偷了它然后跑了,詹姆在大厅里看到了她并试图追上她。当警报响起时,珍妮惊慌失措,把圣甲虫交给了詹姆,h藏在汉堡盒里,并命令他看管它,但永远不要碰它,甚至不要看它。他困惑地同意了并把它带回家。他的家人说服他打开盒子,并检查了这个奇怪的小雕像。被捡起后,圣甲虫突然复活并附着在詹姆身上,痛苦地融合在他的背上,并将他包裹在一套外星盔甲中。圣甲虫与他交谈,并开始检查系统,将他发射到太空,然后送回地球,并让他在城市中狼狈地飞行,造成损害,然后最终将他带回家。家人争论该怎么办,鲁迪坚称他们不会让警察介入,因为他确信他们为科德工作。海梅不顾一切地想要除掉圣甲虫,决定找到珍妮并寻求答案。他发现珍妮正在逃离武装执法者,并帮助她逃脱。珍妮知道圣甲虫的存在,因为它很久以前就属于她父亲,但她不知道它会与詹姆结合,因为它是有感知的,并选择它有自己的主机。从他那里得到钥匙的唯一机会可能是在她父亲的金库里,但他们需要一把存储在科德工业的数字钥匙。鲁迪带走了他们,并启动了一个自制的干扰装置来阻挡摄像头,而杰米和珍妮则进去偷走了钥匙和智能手表。珍妮解释说,维多利亚是泰德的姐姐,但他们的父亲将公司留给了泰德。维多利亚变得痛苦起来,从此开始痴迷于进步和利润。干扰装置失效,这群人遭到穿着原型 OMAC 套装的卡拉帕斯的攻击。圣甲虫激活了詹姆的套装,詹姆与保镖进行了一场失败的战斗。圣甲虫提出要完全控制詹姆的身体,并展示了该套装随意创造任何武器的能力。然而,海梅阻止了圣甲虫杀死伊格纳西奥,这让他击败了年轻人并差点杀死了他,但鲁迪和珍妮用干扰装置撞击了卡拉帕克斯并疏散了受伤的海梅。在路上,海梅透露了圣甲虫被命名为 Khaji-Da,是在它占据了他的身体并且他暂时与它的意识融合之后才得知的。他们去了珍妮父亲的旧宅邸,她用钥匙带他们进入了一个秘密的地下室,泰德在那里扮演超级英雄蓝甲虫。他拥有圣甲虫,他推断这是某种外星超级武器,但它选择不与他结合,所以特德从头开始创造了自己的小玩意和套装。鲁迪开始侵入泰德的电脑,而杰米和珍妮则上楼。圣甲虫治愈了詹姆的伤口,他和珍妮交谈。珍妮的母亲激励了她的父亲从事英雄工作并扭转了公司的局面,但在她去世后,他变得疏远和痴迷。有一天,他失踪了,再也没有回来。她钦佩杰米亲密的家庭关系,在鲁迪告诉他们他已经闯入了计算机之前,他们几乎接吻了。鲁迪发现圣甲虫曾经与其他人融合,后者被分析以创建原型 OMAC 套装,但专业人士项目在完成之前关闭。一旦圣甲虫选择了宿主,它就会在细胞水平上与宿主融合,并尽最大努力保护宿主。不幸的是,移除圣甲虫的唯一方法就是杀死宿主。詹姆很沮丧,鲁迪在外面与他交谈,鼓励他圣甲虫也许是一份礼物而不是诅咒。他们看到维多利亚的直升机朝雷耶斯家飞去,而海梅则飞奔回来。维多利亚的执法者大军冲进了雷耶斯的房子,围捕了他们一家,要求知道他们的儿子在哪里,并放火烧了房子。詹姆到达,这套战衣抵挡住了他们的攻击,所以他们开始瞄准他的家人。海梅击败了大部分士兵,但阿尔贝托和米拉格罗被一名士兵压制,维多利亚和卡拉帕克斯正在准备特殊武器。詹姆和卡吉达消灭了这名士兵,但阿尔贝托开始心脏病发作,詹姆的注意力分散了足够长的时间,卡拉帕克斯用带电的爪子抓住了他,使他丧失了行动能力。卡拉帕克斯绑架了詹姆,因为他的父亲在救护车到达之前就去世了。早上,娜娜召集罗西奥、米拉格罗和鲁迪暂时放下悲伤,拯救詹姆。珍妮主动提出提供帮助,并带他们回到了她童年的家。她把他们带进泰德/蓝甲虫的 Bugship(一艘装甲飞艇),然后出发去计划救援。 Jaime 被关押在古巴附近的一个古老的岛屿堡垒内,OMAC 正在那里开发。维多利亚计划将圣甲虫的代码下载到 OMAC 神经系统中,并复制它以创建数千名超级士兵,而不担心这个过程可能会杀死詹姆。她的首席科学家认为,如果他们让宿主活着,他们就可以从圣甲虫身上学到更多信息,但维多利亚命令他开始将圣甲虫的代码提取到卡拉帕克斯中。与此同时,珍妮带领雷耶斯一家来到岛上,娜娜在那里制定了一项计划,利用科德的旧技术袭击基地。他们在猛烈的炮火中登陆了这艘船,把它变成了一艘步行坦克般的车辆,并冲破执法者的队伍。米拉格罗与珍妮一起进入迷宫般的隧道寻找她的兄弟。他们躲进侧室躲避守卫,发现维多利亚已经建造了数千个等待主人的 OMAC 装置,这些装置正在由圣甲虫提供动力。在实验室里,海梅因下载而承受着难以忍受的痛苦,他的器官开始停止运转。当他昏倒时,他看到了阿尔贝托的幻象,阿尔贝托鼓励他拥抱自己的命运并接受圣甲虫,而不是与之对抗。海梅向他的父亲道别,并向卡吉达伸出援手,而珍妮和米拉格罗则在发电机上放置了炸药。当炸药爆炸时,海梅与圣甲虫完全融合,停止了撤离,但在此之前卡拉帕克斯的 OMAC 套装已完全供电并可运行。詹姆挣脱了束缚,但圣甲虫需要时间重新启动。他得到了那位科学家的帮助,但这位科学家却被穿着新改造的套装的卡拉帕斯杀死了。 J艾梅逃跑,但被士兵围困。娜娜赶到并消灭了执法者,熟练地操作机枪,并透露她年轻时曾经是一名革命者。他们回到了船上,但米拉格罗和珍妮还没有回来,所以詹姆和鲁迪一起回去寻找他们。爆炸将两个女孩分开,珍妮被维多利亚和她的守卫抓住。米拉格罗被困住了,但海梅及时发现了她。现在他与圣甲虫完全共生,他轻松地击倒了士兵并拯救了他的妹妹,但被卡拉帕克斯发现并与之交战。一场激烈的战斗随之而来,詹姆最终被更大更强的战士击败。鲁迪出现,卡拉帕克斯向他发射了一枚火箭,似乎杀死了他。愤怒的海梅占了上风,准备为父亲和叔叔报仇,杀死卡拉帕克斯,却被圣甲虫强行阻止。自从与詹姆合并后,现在理解了同情心,它告诉他在短暂的相处中看到了什么下载到伊格纳西奥自己的脑海中,显示他小时候被征召入伍作为儿童兵,维多利亚如何找到他并把他当作 OMAC 项目的实验对象,以及他的母亲如何在一次随机且毫无意义的炸弹袭击中丧生,让他变成了一个冷酷无情的人。海梅怜悯他,饶了他一命。与此同时,维多利亚试图带着珍妮乘坐直升机逃跑,向她展示即使她失去了岛上的设施,她的便携式设备中也有圣甲虫的代码,并且可以重新开始。珍妮使用她父亲留给她的泡沫保护装置干掉了飞行员,并将自己和维多利亚从直升机上安全地扔到了地面。珍妮销毁了复制的圣甲虫代码,维多利亚命令卡拉帕克斯杀死它们。然而,当其他人逃跑时,卡拉帕克斯却向她发起攻击,并与还活着的鲁迪重聚。卡拉帕克斯的套装超载,在爆炸时带走了维多利亚、要塞和所有 OMAC 单位。 雷耶斯家族人们对阿尔贝托深感悲痛,社区团结在他们周围寻求支持。珍妮接任科德工业公司首席执行官,并承诺继承她父亲的遗产。她给了鲁迪一辆新卡车,并告诉他们她将让她的公司重建雷耶斯的家。珍妮说她要去她父亲的豪宅,詹姆主动提出带她去那里,然后他们亲吻了。 在蓝甲虫的巢穴深处,泰德·科德发出一条乱码的信号,绝望地告诉他的女儿他还活着。

Somewhere in the frozen wasteland, an expedition from Kord Industries, led by mercenary Ignacio Carapax, locates an alien Scarab, and delivers it into the hands of Victoria Kord, the company's CEO.In Palmera City, new college graduate Jaime Rayes returns home to his father Alberto, mother Rocio, sister Milagro, uncle Rudy, and Nana. After catching up, Jaime finds out that his family have fallen upon hard times while he was away. New developments by Kord Industries are slowly gentrifying his hometown, leading to his father losing his business, and the family are in dire threat of losing their home. On top of everything, Alberto has developed heart problems. Jaime is confident that he can get a good job with his college degree and support them, but despite his credentials, no one will hire him. Milagro gets him a job with her as a cleaner at Victoria Kord's mansion, meanwhile, Victoria finds that her niece, Jenny Kord, has come to confront her about a defunct superpolice technology called the One Man Army Corps (OMAC) that her father, former CEO Ted Kord, had ordered scrapped before his sudden disappearance. Victoria has revived the project and is developing it to sell to world powers, using a strange new tech. Jenny demands Victoria stop the OMAC project, as her father had turned Kord Industries away from weapons manufacturing, but Victoria refuses. Jaime sees her threatening Jenny, and steps in to defend her, leading to him and Milagro getting promptly fired. Jenny appreciates the gesture however, and tells Jaime to see her at Kord Tower so she can arrange another job for him and his sister. After a pep talk from his father, Jaime decides to take Jenny up on her offer.Jaime goes to Kord Tower, but is made to wait in the lobby. Elsewhere in the building, Jenny find's the source of OMAC's new technology; the Scarab. She steals it and runs, Jaime seeing her in the lobby and trying to catch up with her. As the alarm is sounded, Jenny panics and gives Jaime the Scarab, hidden in a burger box, and orders him to guard it, but never touch or even look at it. He confusedly agrees and takes it home. His family convince him to open the box and they examine the strange statuette. Upon being picked up, the Scarab suddenly comes to life and attaches itself to Jaime, painfully fusing to his back and encasing him in a set of alien armor. The Scarab speaks to him, and begins a check of its systems, launching him into space, sending him back to earth, and flying him helter skelter through the city causing damage before eventually returning him home. The family argue about what to do, Rudy insisting they not get the police involved, convinced that they work for Kord. Desperate to get the Scarab removed, Jaime decides to find Jenny and get some answers. He finds Jenny fleeing armed enforcers, and helps her get away. Jenny knew about the Scarab, as it had been in her father's possession long ago, but didn't know it would bond with Jaime, as it is sentient, and chooses it's own host. The only chance of getting it off him might be in her father's vault, but they will need a digital key stored at Kord Industries. Rudy takes them and sets off a homemade jamming device to block the cameras while Jaime and Jenny enter to steal the key, a smartwatch. Jenny explains that Victoria was Ted's older sister, but their father left the company to Ted. Victoria became bitter, and has been obsessed with progress and profit ever since. The jamming device gives out, and the group is attacked by Carapax in a prototype OMAC suit. The Scarab activates Jaime's suit, and he fights a losing battle with the bodyguard. The Scarab offers to take full control of Jaime's body, and demonstrates the suits capability of creating any weapon at will. However, Jaime stops the Scarab from killing Ignacio, which allows him to defeat the younger man and nearly kill him, but Rudy and Jenny ram Carapax with the jamming device and evacuate the injured Jaime. On the way, Jaime reveals the Scarab is named Khaji-Da, learning so after it took over his body and he temporarily merged with it's consciousness. They go to Jenny's dad's old mansion, and using the key, she takes them into a secret basement lair where Ted operated as the superhero Blue Beetle. He had the Scarab, which he deduced to be some kind of alien superweapon, but it chose not to bond with him, so Ted created his own gadgets and suit from scratch. Rudy starts to hack Ted's computer while Jaime and Jenny head upstairs. The Scarab heals Jaime's wounds, and he and Jenny talk. Jenny's mother was the one that inspired her father to take up hero work and turn the company around, but after her death he became removed and obsessed. One day he disappeared, never to return. She admires Jaime's close family relationships, and they nearly kiss before Rudy tells them he has broken into the computer.Rudy finds out that the Scarab once fused with someone else, who was analyzed to create the prototype OMAC suit, but the project with shut down before it could be completed. Once the Scarab chooses a host, it merges with them on a cellular level, and does its best to protect the bearer. Unfortunately, the only way to remove the Scarab is to kill the host. Jaime is disheartened, and Rudy talks with him outside, encouraging him that maybe the Scarab is a gift instead of a curse. They see Victoria's helicopter headed towards the Rayes home, and Jaime races back. Victoria's army of enforcers storm the Rayes house and round up the family, demanding to know where their son is and setting fire to the house. Jaime arrives and the suit withstands their attacks, so they start targeting his family. Jaime defeats most of the soldiers, but Alberto and Milagro are pinned down by a soldier as Victoria and Carapax prepare a special weapon. Jaime and Khaji-Da take out the soldier, but Alberto begins suffering a heart attack, distracting Jaime long enough for Carapax to catch him in an electrified claw that incapacitates him. Carapax abducts Jaime as his father dies before the ambulance can arrive. In the morning, Rocio, Milagro, and Rudy are rallied by Nana to put their grief aside for the time being and save Jaime. Jenny offers to help, and takes them back to her childhood home. She brings them into Ted/Blue Beetle's Bugship, an armored airship, and head out to plan a rescue.Jaime is held prisoner inside an old island fortress near Cuba, where the OMAC is being developed. Victoria plans to download the Scarab's code into the OMAC neural systems, and duplicate it to create thousands of supersoldiers, unconcerned that the process will likely kill Jaime. Her lead scientist argues that they could learn more from the Scarab if they keep the host alive, but Victoria orders him to start extracting the Scarab's code into Carapax. Meanwhile, Jenny leads the Rayes family to the island, where Nana formulates a plan to storm the base using Kord's old tech. They land the ship amidst heavy fire, converting it into a walking tank-like vehicle, and blaze through the enforcers' ranks. Milagro heads into the labyrinthine tunnels with Jenny to find her brother. They duck into a side room to avoid the guards, and find that Victoria has already constructed thousands of OMAC units waiting for hosts, which are being powered up by the Scarab. In the lab, Jaime is put through excruciating pain from download, and his organs start to shut down. As he passes out, he sees a vision of Alberto, who encourages him to embrace his destiny and accept the Scarab instead of fighting against it. Jaime says goodbye to his dad, and reaches out to Khaji-Da while Jenny and Milagro place explosives on the generator. Jaime fully merges with the Scarab as the explosives go off, shutting down the extraction, but not before Carapax's OMAC suit is fully powered and operational. Jaime escapes his restraints, but the Scarab needs time to reboot. He is helped by the scientist, who is killed by Carapax in his newly transformed suit. Jaime runs, but is cornered by soldiers. Nana arrives and eliminates the enforcers, expertly operating a machine gun, and revealing she used to be a revolutionary in her youth. They make it back to the ship, but Milagro and Jenny have not returned, so Jaime goes back in to find them, along with Rudy. The explosion has separated the two girls, and Jenny is captured by Victoria and her guards. Milagro is pinned down, but Jaime finds her just in time. Now completely symbiotic with the Scarab, he easily takes down the soldiers and saves his sister, but is found and engaged by Carapax. A fierce fight ensues, Jaime eventually being beaten down by the bigger, stronger warrior. Rudy emerges and Carapax sends a rocket after him, seemingly killing him. Enraged, Jaime gains the upper hand, and prepares to take revenge for his father and uncle and kill Carapax, but is forceably stopped by the Scarab. Now understanding compassion since merging with Jaime, it tells him what it saw upon being briefly downloaded into Ignacio's own mind, showing that he was conscripted as a child soldier as a young boy, how Victoria found him and took him to be her guinea pig for the OMAC project, and how his mother was killed by a random and senseless bomb attack, turning him into the cold hearted man he became. Jaime takes pity on him, and spares his life. Meanwhile, Victoria attempts to escape in a helicopter with Jenny in tow, showing her that even though if she loses the island facility, she has the Scarab's code in a portable device, and can start over. Jenny uses a protective foam gadget her dad left her to take out the pilots and throw herself and Victoria out of the helicopter to the ground safely. Jenny destroys the duplicated Scarab code, and Victoria orders Carapax to kill them. However, Carapax turns on her as the others escape, reuniting with a very much alive Rudy. Carapax overloads his suit, taking Victoria, the fortress, and all of the OMAC units with him as it explodes.The Rayes family grieve for Alberto, and the community rallies around them for support. Jenny takes over as CEO of Kord Industries, and promises to uphold her father's legacy. She gives Rudy a new truck, and tells them she will have her company rebuild the Rayes' home. Jenny says she is heading to her father's mansion, and Jaime offers to fly her there, and they share a kiss.Deep within the Blue Beetle's lair, a garbled transmission from Ted Kord desperately tells his daughter that he is still alive.

【蓝光|原版】《蓝甲虫/Blue Beetle》(2023)

【蓝光|原版】《蓝甲虫/Blue Beetle》(2023)

【蓝光|原版】《蓝甲虫/Blue Beetle》(2023)

【蓝光|原版】《蓝甲虫/Blue Beetle》(2023)


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