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[原版收藏] 【蓝光|原版】《无边泳池/Infinity Pool》(2023)









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发表于 2023-11-22 11:19:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

小说家詹姆斯·福斯特 (James Foster) 和他的妻子艾姆 (Em) 在虚构的海滨国家利托尔卡 (Li Tolqa) 的一个度假胜地度过时光,[3] 那里正在举办当地的节日。当加比(詹姆斯迄今为止出版的唯一一本小说的粉丝)邀请他们与她和她的丈夫阿尔班共度时光时,这对夫妇的长期婚姻冲突加剧。四人吃了晚饭,决定第二天开车去乡村,尽管他们已被警告游客必须始终留在度假村内。 在海滩上,当詹姆斯在一棵树后面小便时,加比出乎意料地抓住了他从后面给他打手枪。经过一整天的日光浴和烹饪后,游客们醉酒驾车返回酒店。途中,詹姆斯不小心撞倒了一名当地人,导致他死亡。加比坚持认为他们不能报警,因为这个国家腐败,他们不会安全。第二天,詹姆斯被捕,并被告知对他的罪行的惩罚是死在死者手中的长子。然而,该国拥有独特的司法体系,只要支付高额费用,罪犯就可以被克隆,并在原地杀死其复制品。嫁给金钱的詹姆斯付了费用,让一个替身在他眼前被杀。 Em 对整个事件感到震惊,想立即离开,但 James 对这一景象感到兴奋,想留下来。他隐藏了自己的护照,声称自己丢失了护照,并鼓励埃姆返回美国。詹姆斯将逗留期限延长了一周,再次遇到了加比和阿尔班。他们把他介绍给一小群西方游客,他们都被判犯有严重罪行,并花钱观看自己的替身被杀。这些人每年都会回到度假村,犯下令人发指的罪行,并花钱观看他们的替身被屠杀。在接下来的几天里,他们鼓励詹姆斯变成一个放荡的罪犯,鼓励他杀害当地人、进行醉酒狂欢并虐待度假村工作人员。一天晚上,当他被骗去残酷对待自己的克隆人时,他感到很不安,他被引导相信是最初逮捕他的警探。在清醒和恐慌的时刻,詹姆斯取回了他隐藏的护照并试图逃跑,但旅游团上前搭讪并在把他送往机场的巴士上绑架了他。加比透露,她觉得他很可怜,这群人为了自己的娱乐而虐待他,希望把他变成一个谋杀游客。他跑进附近的荒野。当他逃跑时,加比朝他的腿开枪。经过几个小时的流浪,詹姆斯在一个农场倒下了,当地的一个家庭把他带到那里休养。在吸毒状态下,他经历了一系列幻觉。当他恢复力量后,他再次遇到加比的团队,他们命令他杀死自己的复制品以完成转变。他最初拒绝了,但当克隆人试图杀死他时,詹姆斯把他打死了。作为奖励,加比第二天,当他们返回美国时,其他游客漫不经心地谈论即将到来的差事,而詹姆斯显然对过去几天的事件感到震惊。在机场等候航班时,他决定留下来。他回到封闭的度假村,独自坐在倾盆大雨中。

Novelist James Foster and his wife Em spend time at a resort in the fictional seaside country of Li Tolqa,[3] where a local festival is underway. The couple's chronic marital strife is exacerbated when Gabi, a fan of the only novel James has published to date, invites them to spend time with her and her husband Alban. The four have dinner and decide to spend the next day driving in the countryside, even though they have been warned that tourists are to remain on the resort compound at all times.At a beach, as James urinates behind a tree, Gabi unexpectedly grabs him from behind and proceeds to give him a handjob. After a long day of sunbathing and cooking, the tourists embark on a drunken drive back to their hotel. En route, James accidentally runs over a local man, killing him. Gabi insists that they cannot call the police, as the country is corrupt and they will not be safe.The next day, James is arrested and is told that the penalty for his crime is death at the hand of the dead man's firstborn son. However, the country has a unique system of justice whereby the guilty, for a hefty fee, can be cloned and have their duplicates killed in their place. James, who married into money, pays the fee to have a double killed before his eyes. Em is horrified by the entire affair and wants to leave immediately, but James is titillated by the spectacle and wants to stay. He hides his passport, claiming that he has lost it, and encourages Em to return to the United States.James extends his stay by a week and encounters Gabi and Alban again. They introduce him to a small group of Western tourists who all have been convicted of serious crimes and have paid to watch their doubles killed. These people return to the resort annually, commit heinous crimes, and pay to watch their doubles get slaughtered. Over the next several days, they encourage James to transform into a libertine criminal, encouraging him to kill locals, engage in intoxicated orgies, and abuse the resort staff.James is rattled one night when he is tricked into brutalizing a clone of himself he had been led to believe was the police detective who initially arrested him. In a moment of clarity and panic, James retrieves his hidden passport and attempts to flee, but the tourist group accosts him and abducts him from the bus transporting him to the airport. Gabi reveals that she finds him pathetic and that the group is abusing him for their own amusement, hoping to turn him into a fellow murder tourist. He runs off into a nearby wilderness. Gabi shoots him in the leg as he flees.After hours of wandering, James collapses at a farm, where a local family takes him in to recuperate. In his drugged state, he experiences a series of hallucinations. Once he has regained his strength, he is again confronted by Gabi's group, who orders him to kill a duplicate of himself to complete his transformation. He initially refuses, but when the clone attempts to kill him, James beats him to death. As a reward, Gabi exposes her bare breast to James, inviting him to breastfeed.The next day, as they head back to the United States, the other tourists casually chat about upcoming errands, while James is visibly shaken from the events of the past few days. Waiting in the airport for his flight, he resolves to remain behind instead. He returns to the closed resort, where he sits alone amidst the downpour of the monsoon.

【蓝光|原版】《无边泳池/Infinity Pool》(2023)


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