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[原版收藏] 【蓝光|原版】《沙赞!众神的愤怒/Shazam! Fury of the Gods》(2023)









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【蓝光|原版】《沙赞!众神的愤怒/Shazam! Fury of the Gods》(2023)

西瓦娜博士被击败几年后,阿特拉斯、赫斯佩拉和卡吕普索的女儿们发现了巫师委员会的破损权杖,作为历史文物陈列在希腊的一家博物馆中。他们偷走了它,卡利普索对旁观者和保安人员使用精神控制,让他们互相争斗,然后赫斯佩拉在逃跑时使用她的力量将所有人变成石头。 在费城,比利(以沙赞形态)与当地医生交谈,寻求帮助建议。他觉得自己没有为这座城市做出任何有意义的贡献,因为他和他的超级英雄伙伴们因有时使情况变得更糟而不是更好而闻名。最重要的是,他怀疑自己是否值得被赋予权力。这位医生是一名儿科医生,而不是治疗师,但在离开之前会尽力向 Shazam 提供咨询。在瓦斯奎兹家里,比利的寄养兄弟姐妹都在深入研究自己的个人兴趣。弗雷迪正在偷听警方的扫描纳,并告诉比利本杰明富兰克林大桥出现了麻烦,但建议他们不必费心告诉其他人。比利坚持让兄弟姐妹团结​​一致,并叫沙扎​​米利穿上衣服。他们以超级英雄的形式到达桥上,却发现桥已经倒塌了。他们成功地拯救了上面的所有人,但却未能阻止它被彻底摧毁。由于这些英雄的名声不佳,该市将这些英雄称为“费城惨败”。 赫斯佩拉和卡吕普索回到众神国度,在那里他们囚禁了赋予比利·巴特森沙赞力量的巫师。巫师看到折断的法杖感到震惊,因为它是用来保护诸域和地球之间的屏障的。赫斯佩拉指责巫师使用权杖为自己窃取了众神的力量,她和卡吕普索通过呼唤冠军的名字强迫他修复权杖。沙扎米利一家返回永恒之石,打扮成他们的超级英雄巢穴,比利召开会议以解决问题o 回顾当天的活动。兄弟姐妹一一离开去完成个人事务,只剩下玛丽,她选择不去上大学,以便继续做英雄的工作。比利对兄弟姐妹似乎渐行渐远感到不安,但玛丽知道真正困扰他的是什么。他很快就满十八岁了,这意味着他将脱离寄养系统,内心深处担心维克多、罗莎和其他人会像他的亲生父母一样抛弃他。她告诉他,他抓得太紧,只会把他们推开。 在学校,弗雷迪仍然受到欺负,主要是被布莱尔兄弟欺负。他遇到了一个名叫安妮的新女孩,并立刻被她迷住了,他试图保护她免受荆棘家族的侵犯。他们殴打了他,但她发现他的勇敢很可爱,并认出他就是几年前沙赞在学校拜访过的那个孩子。 在众神之境中,巫师用一根工作人员的碎片向比利发送信息,谁在梦中收到它。巫师对比利折断手杖并浪费他的力量感到愤怒,并警告他阿特拉斯之女正在追捕他和他的兄弟姐妹。比利半夜醒来,发现弗雷迪走了。弗雷迪过夜,扮演他的超级另一个自我,万能队长,前去阻止一场武装汽车抢劫案。第二天,安妮在学校找到了他,他们一起吃午餐。他们因都有专横的兄弟姐妹而关系密切,但比利打断并要求与弗雷迪交谈。他告诉他奇才队的警告,并让他答应放学后参加在岩石举行的家庭会议。 在巢穴中,玛丽、佩德罗、尤金和达拉参加了比利的传唤,但弗雷迪没有出现。他向他们讲述了他的梦想,并向他们介绍了雅典娜的女儿们。尤金建立了联系,并向他们展示了有关博物馆混乱情况的新闻报道。他们惊讶地发现工作人员在那里,比利承认他在使用这些碎片为他们提供电力后将其留在了废弃的游乐场中rs。他们对姐妹们了解不够,所以佩德罗向他们展示了永恒之石中的一个秘密图书馆,以及一支名叫史蒂夫的神奇、有感知力的钢笔。笔知道一切,所以他们向它询问阿特拉斯女儿的情况。与此同时,安妮带弗雷迪到学校的屋顶闲逛。为了给她留下深刻印象,他主动提出将她介绍给他的“朋友”万能船长。当他似乎要离开去打电话给他时,万能船长出现在安妮面前。在巢穴中,史蒂夫向沙扎米利展示了他们需要的信息,包括姐妹俩的力量。他们突然注意到阿特拉斯有三个女儿,而不是两个。赫斯佩拉、卡吕普索和安西娅。比利意识到弗莱迪的新朋友实际上是三姐妹之一。安妮与弗雷迪/万能队长交谈,但似乎最关心的是弗雷迪在哪里,说她不希望他卷入其中。突然赫斯佩拉和卡吕普索到达并攻击超级英雄。当他试图反击时,赫斯佩拉用巫师之杖击中了他,窃取了他的力量并将他变回了青少年时期的自己。安西娅感到震惊,弗雷迪意识到他无法再变身了。比利飞来帮忙,但安西娅用自己的力量重新安排现实,阻止他靠近。当其他人到达现场时,赫斯佩拉威胁弗雷迪,如果他们试图阻止他们,他就会丧生。她把上面有他们的屋顶撕下来,然后把它飞走了,但比利无法袖手旁观,追了上去。在他到达他们之前,赫斯佩拉在整个城市上空制造了一个坚不可摧的力场,将沙赞和其他兄弟姐妹困在里面,而姐妹们则与弗雷迪一起逃脱。弗雷迪在神国的监狱中醒来,和巫师一起。巫师觉得弗雷迪不断的问题令人恼火,并说她永远不应该把权力交给孩子。弗雷迪承认这不是最明智的举动。在永恒之石,沙扎米利一家试图弄清楚该怎么做。他们决定尝试与女儿们谈判并提供她们的权力对于弗雷迪来说,真正的计划是尝试捕获其中一位姐妹并利用她们作为杠杆。他们让史蒂夫起草要发送的信件。女儿们把弗雷迪和巫师带到她们面前,她们向弗雷迪询问其他英雄的情况。他们问他们是否也都是孩子,并询问他们的名字。弗雷迪拒绝合作,因此卡吕普索试图使用她的精神控制来迫使他放弃这种想法。他能够抵抗,但最终漏掉了一个名字:比利·巴特森。还没等卡吕普索进一步行动,信就到了,赫斯佩拉命令她停下来。尽管这封信主要是由兄弟姐妹决定让史蒂夫写什么,但它提供了他们的权力来换取弗雷迪的自由。卡里普索和赫斯佩拉不愿意相信人类,并不顾安西娅的反对下令处理掉弗莱迪和巫师。弗莱迪和巫师被扔进了一个坑里,里面有龙拉登,阿特拉斯花园的守护者,他会投射恐惧在杀死受害者之前先进入他们的体内。他们被安西娅救了,安西娅将他们带到了一个迷宫,并指导他们离开并返回凡间。赫斯佩拉去见沙赞,并透露她知道他是谁。她说巫师从她父亲那里偷走了众神的力量,他们想要回来。兄弟姐妹试图跳下她,但卡利普索用权杖窃取了佩德罗的力量。他们打斗,赫斯佩拉差点杀死玛丽和达拉,迫使比利投降,但比利制服了她,他们用魔法门将她的囚犯带回了永恒之石。沙扎米利夫妇准备向卡吕普索发送另一封信,但赫斯佩拉逃脱了,从秘密图书馆拿走了一个苹果雕像,并从巢穴中数千扇魔法门中的一扇撤退。弗雷迪和巫师沿着迷宫的方向找到一扇门,当赫斯佩拉带着小雕像穿过门时,弗雷迪和巫师躲了起来。巫师在苹果中认出了它,里面含有生命之树的种子。时间女儿们争论如何使用苹果,赫斯佩拉和安西娅希望它能够治愈她们的王国,但卡吕普索被复仇所吞噬,并想用它来摧毁凡人王国。弗雷迪潜入王座室并把它偷了回来,但被发现了。沙扎米利一家追随魔法门,拯救了弗莱迪和巫师,但卡利普索从赫斯佩拉夺走了法杖,并释放了拉东,将他们追回地球。仍处于英雄状态的兄弟姐妹返回瓦斯奎兹家,疏散维克多和罗莎。他们向代理父母透露了自己的身份,不久之后巨龙就来摧毁了房子。他们撤退,飞到垃圾场,但骑着巨兽的卡利普索能够窃取尤金和达拉的力量。玛丽试图夺走苹果,但卡吕普索在飞行中切断了她的力量,沙赞被迫让卡吕普索拿走苹果,而他则救了她。卡吕普索飞到棒球场并种下种子,生命之树开始生机勃勃,腐败被种植在其领域之外。它的根源扎根于费城,神秘的怪物开始从那里出来并攻击无助的人们。安西娅对姐姐的所作所为感到震惊,她发现家人忽视了这场大屠杀。她告诉弗雷迪她确实对他有感情,并试图说服赫斯佩拉让卡吕普索重新受到控制。绝望且不确定该怎么办的比利请求巫师收回沙赞的力量并再次成为冠军。巫师声称权力不再属于他,而是属于比利。他向比利保证他能找到获胜的方法,比利想出了一个计划。他要求家人找到一种方法让怪物远离体育场,这样他就可以对抗巨龙。在他走之前,罗莎要求见见她儿子的真身。比利变了,他们拥抱在一起,罗莎告诉他,他永远不会离开他的家或家人。他变成了 Shazam,然后起飞。Anthea 试图抓住 Hes佩拉明白了道理,因为这棵树本可以重建神界,但却被腐化了,只能在这个领域制造死亡。赫斯佩拉也对卡吕普索致命的狂热感到厌恶,并命令她下台。卡吕普索刺穿了她的姐姐,并用权杖和她自己的力量将安西娅变成了凡人,这样她就可以与人类一起死去。一家人开车穿过城市试图阻止怪物,但寡不敌众。达拉从巨石上给史蒂夫带来了钢笔,问他怪物们害怕什么。史蒂夫告诉他们,他们害怕百兽之王独角兽。巫师告诉他们,与故事不同,独角兽是黑暗、邪恶的生物,只有用安布罗西亚才能赢得。兄弟姐妹和巫师离开货车去寻找他们,但弗雷迪发现安西娅在混乱中徘徊,并跟踪了她。比利找到了卡利普索和拉登并与他们战斗,但拉登的火损坏了他的套装并把他赶了回来。沙赞再次尝试使用他的闪电插入她,但它被力场放大并吸收到法杖中。当拉登继续狂暴时,他撤退了。 在达拉的带领下,兄弟姐妹找到了一群独角兽,并通过吃喝玩乐获得了它们的效忠。他们骑着独角兽加入战斗,并将怪物赶到城市的边缘。沙赞找到了奄奄一息的赫斯佩拉,并询问她用闪电超载法杖是否可以杀死巨龙。赫斯佩拉说它会,但也会消除力场内的其他一切。他请她帮个忙。拉登和卡利普索在一群平民中找到了安西娅,并试图在城市民防中杀死她。弗雷迪找到了她,并与巨龙的恐惧力量作斗争,找到了安西娅。当他们面临不可避免的死亡时,沙赞出现并带走了法杖,将卡吕普索和龙引回到棒球场。当他们到达时,赫斯佩拉使用她的力量缩小了力场,使其只包围体育场本身。卡吕普索非常愤怒,并试图打破出去。与此同时,比利在力场边缘发现维克多、罗莎、安西娅和弗雷迪。他告诉他们,他已准备好尽一切努力保护家人,然后道别。他走进体育场迎战卡利普索和拉东。沙赞向力场投掷一个又一个闪电,引发雷暴,给法杖充电。他抵挡住了巨龙,最后在法杖能量爆发的情况下,直接从火中飞了出去。他大声喊出冠军的口号,闪电使法杖超载,引发巨大爆炸,杀死了卡吕普索和拉冬。它还会分解树,从而消灭所有怪物。片刻之后,赫斯佩拉因伤重而死亡,力场结束。家人寻找比利,弗雷迪在废墟中发现他十几岁的样子,已经死了。弗雷迪因失去最好的朋友而悲痛欲绝,全家人都在哀悼。安西娅说比利是真正的神,最后也是英雄。巫师请求让他安息合而为一,他们将他的尸体带回众神的国度。 葬礼结束后,达拉询问魔法是否会重返世界,但巫师说法杖无能为力,只有神才能恢复它。此刻,天堂岛的黛安娜出现了。作为宙斯的女儿,她能够增强法杖的力量并恢复神的境界,使比利复活并赋予他沙赞的力量。沙赞尴尬地邀请神奇女侠约会,但她告诉他要坚持拯救世界。比利与家人团聚,并使用法杖恢复了他们所有的力量。 一段时间后,一家人正在重建房屋,一家人一起享用晚餐。安西娅留在凡人世界与弗雷迪在一起,巫师在化妆后到来,将法杖妥善保管,并在他享受新的自由之前告别。在他走之前,比利问他他的超级英雄的名字应该是什么,但他一直不知道。巫师告诉他这是 Shazam,但 F雷迪认为他们可以找到一个更好的监狱。 在一座戒备森严的监狱里,撒迪厄斯·西瓦纳博士遇到了有知觉的毛毛虫“心灵先生”,自从几年前第一次见面以来,他就再也没有见过他。希瓦娜迫不及待地想让这个生物实施他的计划,但心灵先生说他还有最后一件事需要处理。

Several years after the defeat of Dr. Sivana, the daughters of Atlas, Hespera and Kalypso, find the broken staff of the Council of Wizards on display in a museum in Greece as a historical artifact. They steal it, Kalypso using mind control against the bystanders and security to make them the fight eachother, before Hespera uses her powers to turn everyone to stone as they escape.In Philadelphia, Billy (in his Shazam form) talks to a local doctor for advice. He feels like he is not contributing anything meaningful to the city, since he and his fellow superheroes have gained a reputation for sometimes making situations worse rather than better. On top of that, he doubts that he was ever worthy of being given powers in the first place. The doctor is a pediatrician, not a therapist, but does his best to give Shazam council before he leaves. At the Vasquez home, Billy's foster siblings have all been diving deeper into their individual interests. Freddy is secretly listening to a police scanner, and tells Billy there is trouble at the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, but suggests they don't bother telling the others. Billy is adamant that the siblings stick together, and calls the Shazamily to suit up. They arrive to the bridge in superhero form, and find it collapsing. They are successful in saving everyone on it, but fail to keep it from being completely destroyed. The city has dubbed the heroes the "Philadelphia Fiascos" for their poor reputation.Hespera and Kalypso return to the Realm of the Gods, where they have imprisoned the Wizard that gave Billy Batson the powers of Shazam. The Wizard is shocked to see the broken staff, since it was meant to protect a barrier between the realms and Earth. Hespera accuses the Wizard of stealing the powers of the gods for himself using the staff, and she and Kalypso force him to repair it by calling on the name of the Champion. The Shazamily return to the Rock of Eternity, decked out as their superhero lair, and Billy calls a meeting to go over the day's events. One by one the siblings leave to complete personal errands, leaving only Mary, who opted to not go to collage in order to keep doing hero work. Billy is troubled that the siblings seem to be drifting apart, but Mary knows what's really bothering him. He will turn eighteen soon, meaning he will age out of the foster system, and deep down is worried that Victor, Rosa, and the rest will abandon him just like his biological parents when he does. She tells him he is holding on too tightly, and it is only pushing them away.At school, Freddy is still being bullied, mainly by the Briar brothers. He meets and is instantly smitten with a new girl named Anne, who he attempts to protect from the Briars' advances. They beat him, but she finds his bravery endearing, and recognizes him as the kid that was visited by Shazam at school a few years ago.In the Gods' Realm, the Wizard uses a splinter from the staff to send a message to Billy, who receives it in a dream. The Wizard is furious that Billy has broken the staff and squandered his power, and warns him the the Daughters of Atlas are coming for him and his siblings. Billy wakes up in the middle of the night to see Freddy gone. Freddy spends the night as his super alter-ego, Captain Everypower, and goes to stop an armed car robbery. The next day Anne finds him at school, and they eat lunch together. They bond over both having bossy siblings, but Billy interrupts and demands to talk to Freddy. He tells him about the Wizards warning, and makes him promise to come to a family meeting at the Rock after school.In the lair, Mary, Pedro, Eugene, and Darla attend Billy's summons, but Freddy does not show up. He tells them about his dream, and fills them in on the Daughters of Athena. Eugene makes a connection, and shows them a news report of the chaos at the museum. They are shocked to see the staff was there, and Billy admits that he just left the pieces in the ruined fairground after using it to give them powers. They don't know enough about the sisters, so Pedro shows them a secret library in the Rock of Eternity, as well as a magical, sentient pen named Steve. The pen knows everything, so they ask it about Atlas' daughters. Meanwhile, Anne takes Freddy to the roof of the school to hang out. Trying to impress her, he offers to introduce her to his "friend" Captain Everypower. As he seems to leave to call him, Captain Everypower appears to a Anne. In the lair, Steve shows the Shazamily to the information they need, including the powers of the sisters. They suddenly notice that Atlas had three daughters, not two. Hespera, Kalypso, and Anthea. Billy realizes that Freddy's new friend is in fact one of the three sisters. Anne talks to Freddy/Captain Everypower, but seems mostly concerned about where Freddy is, saying she doesn't want him to get involved. Suddenly Hespera and Kalypso arrive and attack the superhero. When he attempts to fight back, Hespera zaps him with the Wizard's staff, which steals his power and transforms him back to his teenage self. Anthea is shocked, and Freddy realizes that he cannot transform anymore. Billy flies in to help, but Anthea uses her own powers to rearrange reality to prevent him from getting close. As the others arrive on the scene, Hespera threatens Freddy's life if they try and stop them. She tears the roof away with them on it and flies it away, but Billy, unable to stand by, gives chase. Before he can reach them, Hespera creates an impenetrable forcefield over the entire city, trapping Shazam and the rest of the siblings inside as the sisters get away with Freddy.Freddy wakes up in the prison of the god's realm, along with the Wizard. The Wizard finds Freddy's incessant questions irritating, and says she should never have given the power to children. Freddy agrees it was not the smartest move. At the Rock of Eternity, the Shazamily try to work out what to do. They decide to try negotiating with the daughters and offer up their powers for Freddy, with the real plan being to try and capture one of the sisters themselves and use them as leverage instead. They get Steve to draft the letter to be sent. The daughters have Freddy and the Wizard brought before them, and they question Freddy about the other heroes. They ask if they are all just children as well, and demand their names. Freddy refuses to cooperate, so Kalypso tries using her mind control to force it out of him. He is able to resist, but eventually lets one name slip: Billy Batson. Before Kalypso can go further, the letter arrives and Hespera orders her to stop. The letter, albeit consisting mostly the siblings deciding what to have Steve write, offers up their power in exchange for Freddy's freedom. Kalypso and Hespera are not willing to trust the humans, and order Freddy and the Wizard to be disposed of, against Anthea's arguments. Freddy and the Wizard the tossed into a pit containing the dragon Ladon, the guardian of the Garden of Atlas, who projects fear into his victims before killing them. They are saved by Anthea, who brings them to a labyrinth and give them directions to get out and back to the mortal realm.Hespera goes to the meet Shazam, revealing that she knows who he is. She says that the Wizard stole the powers of the gods from her father, and they want them back. The siblings try to jump her, but Kalypso uses the staff to steal Pedro's powers. They fight, Hespera nearly killing Mary and Darla to force Billy to surrender, but he is able to overpower her and they take her prisoner back to the Rock of Eternity using their magic doors. The Shazamily get ready to send another letter to Kalypso, but Hespera escapes, taking an apple figurine from the secret library and retreating through one of the thousands of magic doors in the lair. Freddy and the Wizard follow the maze directions and find a door, hiding as Hespera comes through it with the figurine. The Wizard recognizes it at the apple containing a seed for the Tree of Life. The daughters argue how to use the apple, Hespera and Anthea wanting it to heal their realm, but Kalypso is consumed by vengeance, and wants to use it to instead destroy the mortal realm. Freddy sneaks into the throne room and steals it back, but is discovered. The Shazamily follow through the magic doors and save Freddy and the Wizard, but Kalypso takes the staff from Hespera, and releases Ladon to pursue them back to Earth.The siblings, still in hero form, return to the Vasquez home to evacuate Victor and Rosa. They reveal their identities to their surrogate parents, and the dragon arrives soon after to destroy the house. They retreat, flying to a junkyard, but Kalypso, riding the giant beast, is able to steal Eugene and Darla's powers. Mary tries to get the apple away, but Kalypso zaps her powers away mid flight, and Shazam is forced to let Kalypso take the apple while he saves her. Kalypso flies to a baseball stadium and plants the seed, and the Tree of Life springs to life, corrupted by being planted outside of its realm. It's roots take hold of Philadelphia, and mythical monsters begin to come out of it and attack the helpless population. Anthea, horrified at what her sister has done, finds the family overlooking the carnage. She tells Freddy that she really does have feelings for him, and goes to try and sway Hespera into bringing Kalypso back into check. Billy, desperate and unsure what to do, asks the Wizard to take back the powers of Shazam and become the Champion again. The Wizard states that the power no longer belongs to him, it belongs to Billy. He reassures him that he can find a way to win, and Billy comes up with a plan. He asks the rest of the family to find a way to get the monsters away from the stadium so he can confront the dragon. Before he goes, Rosa asks to see her son in his real form. Billy transforms and they embrace, Rosa telling him that he will never age out of his home or family. He becomes Shazam, and takes off.Anthea tries to get Hespera to see reason, since the tree could have rebuilt the realm of the gods, but instead is corrupted, and can only create death in this realm. Hespera is also disgusted by Kalypso's deadly fanaticism, and orders her to stand down. Kalypso fatally impales her older sister, and uses the staff and her own powers to turn Anthea mortal so she can die with the humans. The family drive through the city trying to stop the monsters, but are hopelessly outnumbered. Darla, having brought Steve the pen from the Rock, asks him what the monsters are afraid of. Steve tells them that they are afraid of the King of Beasts, unicorns. The Wizard tells them that unlike the stories, Unicorns are dark, vicious creatures, that can only be won with Ambrosia. The siblings and Wizard leave the van to find them, but Freddy spots Anthea wandering in the chaos, and follows her. Billy finds Kalypso and Ladon and fight them, but Ladon's fire damages his suit and drives him back. Shazam tries using his lightning against her, but it is amplified by the forcefield and absorbed into the staff. He retreats as Ladon continues his rampage.The siblings, led by Darla, find a group of unicorns, and are able to gain its allegiance with skittles candy. They ride the unicorns into the fray, and drive the monsters to the edges of the city. Shazam finds Hespera, barely alive, and asks her if overloading the staff with lightning could kill the dragon. Hespera says it would, but would also obliterate everything else within the forcefield. He asks her a favor. Ladon and Kalypso find Anthea in a crowd of civilians, and try to kill her at the city folk run. Freddy finds her and fights against the dragon's fear powers to get to Anthea. As they face their inevitable death, Shazam appears and is able to take the staff, luring Kalypso and the dragon back to the baseball stadium.When they arrive, Hespera uses her power to shrink the forcefield so it encases only the stadium itself. Kalypso is furious, and tries to break out. Meanwhile, Billy finds Victor, Rosa, Anthea, and Freddy at the edge of the forcefield. He tells them he is ready to do what it takes to protect his family, and says his goodbyes. He goes into the stadium to face Kalypso and Ladon. Shazam throws lightning bolt after lightning bolt at the forcefield, causing an electrical storm that charges up the staff. He is able to hold off the dragon, and finally flies directly through the fire as the staff bursts with energy. He shouts the word of the champion, and the lightning bolt overloads the staff, causing a massive explosion that kills Kalypso and Ladon. It also disintegrates the Tree, which destroys all the monsters. Moments later, Hespera dies of her wounds, ending the forcefield. The family search for Billy, Freddy finding his teenage form in the ruins, dead. Freddy is devastated at the loss of his best friend, and the family mourn. Anthea says that Billy was a true god, and hero at the end. The Wizard asks for him to be laid to rest as one, and they take his body back to the realm of the Gods.After his burial, Darla asks if magic will ever return to the world, but the Wizard says that the staff is powerless, and only a god can restore it. At the moment, Diana of Themyscira appears. The daughter of Zeus, she is able to power up the staff and restore the god's realm, bringing Billy back to life and giving him his Shazam powers. Shazam awkwardly asks Wonder Woman on a date, but she tells him to stick to world-saving. Billy is reunited with his family, and uses the staff to restore all of their powers.Some time later, the family are rebuilding their house and enjoying dinner as a family. Anthea stays in the mortal realm to be with Freddy, and the Wizard arrives, having had a makeover, to take the staff for safekeeping and say goodbye before he enjoys his new freedom. Before he goes, Billy asks him what his superhero name is supposed to be, having never figured one out. The Wizard tells him that it is Shazam, though Freddy thinks they can find a better one.In a maximum security prison, Dr. Thaddeus Sivana is approached by the sentient caterpillar, Mister Mind, whom he hasn't seen since their first meeting years ago. Sivana is impatient for the creature to set his plan into motion, but Mister Mind says he has one last thing he needs to take care of.

【蓝光|原版】《沙赞!众神的愤怒/Shazam! Fury of the Gods》(2023)

【蓝光|原版】《沙赞!众神的愤怒/Shazam! Fury of the Gods》(2023)

【蓝光|原版】《沙赞!众神的愤怒/Shazam! Fury of the Gods》(2023)

【蓝光|原版】《沙赞!众神的愤怒/Shazam! Fury of the Gods》(2023)


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