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[原版] 《夜间冲突/Clash by Night》(1952) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《夜间冲突/Clash by Night》(1952) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

在没有向目的地任何人发出警告的情况下,梅·多伊尔在东方生活了十年,回到了加利福尼亚州蒙特利渔民社区的家中,重新集结,命运突然发生了变化,这与她已婚的政客情人的去世有关,因此时间发生了变化。没有实现她想要一个有钱的丈夫来照顾她的目标。她搬回了她哥哥、渔民乔·道尔居住的家庭小屋,乔·道尔对她的回归感到矛盾,因为他们对生活有着不同的看法,而他只想和他的罐头工人女友佩格一起安定下来,过着蓝领生活。乔担心梅会给佩格带来世界的宏伟想法,而佩格的生活经历已经被降级到蒙特雷,而梅本人必须决定她的未来在哪里,因为她引起了两个截然不同的男人的注意。第一个是杰里·达马托,乔的老板,一个简单的人,与他酗酒、丧偶的父亲和他贪图便宜的母亲文斯叔叔住在一起,因此也是他的照顾者。杰瑞他想要一个传统的家庭生活,有一个会照顾他的妻子,而他作为回报永远不会伤害她,因此他是一个“安全”但无聊的选择。第二个是乔最好的朋友厄尔·菲弗(Earl Pfeiffer),他在电影院担任放映员。虽然厄尔已经结婚了,但他和一位合唱团女孩在路上的次数比在家里的次数多,但他也是一个不安分的灵魂,这常常表现在不恰当的行为上。虽然梅比杰瑞这样的人更了解厄尔这样的人,但她也知道厄尔有可能对她不利,特别是因为他们志趣相投,而且他表面上和本质上不喜欢女人。——雨果

Without warning to anyone at her destination, Mae Doyle, having been east for ten years, returns home to the fishing community of Monterey, California to regroup in a sudden change in fortune having to do with her married politician lover having passed away and thus time away unfulfilled in her goal of a rich husband to take care of her. She moves back into the family cottage occupied by her brother, fisherman Joe Doyle, who is ambivalent to her return in they having different outlooks in life, he who just wants to settle down in their blue collar life with his cannery worker girlfriend, Peg. While Joe is concerned that Mae will give Peg, whose life experience has been relegated to Monterey, grand ideas of the world, Mae herself has to decide where her future lies as she catches the attention of two very different men. The first is Jerry D'Amato, Joe's boss, a simple man who lives with and is thus caregiver to his drunkard widowed father and his freeloading maternal Uncle Vince. Jerry wants a traditional family life with a wife who would look after him, while he in return would never hurt her, he thus being a "safe" but boring choice. The second is Joe's best friend, Earl Pfeiffer, who works as a projectionist at the movie theater. While Earl is already married, to a chorus girl on the road more often than she is at home, he too is a restless soul which manifests itself often in inappropriate behavior. While Mae understand someone like Earl more so than someone like Jerry, she also knows that Earl has the potential to be bad for her, especially in they being so like minded and in he seemingly and inherently not liking women.—Huggo

《夜间冲突/Clash by Night》(1952) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《夜间冲突/Clash by Night》(1952) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《夜间冲突/Clash by Night》(1952) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《夜间冲突/Clash by Night》(1952) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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