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喜剧犯罪电影《摩登龙争虎斗(1994)/ 摩登龍爭虎鬥/Best of Best/保险皇后》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2023-11-13 22:02:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

喜剧犯罪电影《摩登龙争虎斗(1994)/ 摩登龍爭虎鬥/Best of Best/保险皇后》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

电影《摩登龙争虎斗(1994)》,这部电影在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为《摩登龍爭虎鬥》,《Best of Best》,《保险皇后》。本片的片长是95分钟。本片的发行语言是粤语。本片导演是钟继昌,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部片子,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员郑浩南、梁思敏、郭少云、黄霑等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,这部影片制片和出品地区是香港地区。本片的豆瓣评分是5.7分,本片在IMDB上的评分则是6.2分。总的来说,这个分数比较符合本片的实际情况。

剧情梗概:摩登龙争虎斗是一部喜剧,犯罪片,阿飞(郑浩南)终被友人肥明说服,从事白领工作。他初次踏足中环上班,干的是一份不论出身、不求学历、不理是否四肢健全,亦不问是否身家清白,但若没有亲戚朋友则可以免问的工作——保险经纪。首天上班,他即遇上各式古怪荒诞的同事,令人啼笑皆非,不过最令他兴奋的,就是能够重过童年时的梦中情人Anna(梁思敏)。她不理会男友反对,一投身保险界,与阿飞抱着出人投地的决心,所以无论其组长用尽任何方法来催谷他们成为抢钱机器,俩人均照单全收,甚至忘记自己的本质,为求达到目标,他们都不择手段去争取成果。Anna更仿效同事出卖肉体,但此事为阿飞所悉,终令他醒觉这个乌烟瘴气的职业,而Anna却上得山多遇着虎,走上出卖色相的不归路。An eccentric tale of competition and corruption within a seemingly ordinary insurance company. When a young female insurance agent is found murdered, what was supposed to be a routine police investigation turns into front page news when the victim was alleged to have traded sex for insurance policies. This sly and insane Category III comedy is also based on a true story.一句话评论:竟然没影评。


Enter the Dragon is a comedy and crime film. Ah Fei (Zheng Haonan) was finally persuaded by his friend Fei Ming to engage in a white-collar job. The first time he set foot in Central to work, he took a job that did not require questions about his origin, education, soundness of limbs, or clean wealth, but he was exempted from asking questions if he had no relatives or friends - an insurance broker. On his first day at work, he met all kinds of weird and absurd colleagues, which made him laughable. But what excites him most is that he can relive his childhood dream lover Anna (Simin Leung). She ignored her boyfriend's objections and joined the insurance industry. She and Ah Fei were determined to stand out from others, so no matter what methods their team leader tried to encourage them to become money-stealing machines, they both accepted the orders and even forgot about themselves. In order to achieve their goals, they will do whatever it takes to achieve results. Anna even imitated her colleagues in selling their bodies, but Fei's knowledge of this matter finally made him wake up to this treacherous profession. However, Anna encountered many tigers in the mountains and embarked on the road of no return to selling her sex. An eccentric tale of competition and corruption within a seemingly ordinary insurance company. When a young female insurance agent is found murdered, what was supposed to be a routine police investigation turns into front page news when the victim was alleged to have traded sex for insurance policies . This sly and insane Category III comedy is also based on a true story. One sentence comment: There is no movie review.

喜剧犯罪电影《摩登龙争虎斗(1994)/ 摩登龍爭虎鬥/Best of Best/保险皇后》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载


摩登龙争虎斗(国粤语中英文) 【1.37 GB】




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上一篇:情色电影《灵幻新娘(1991)/倩女云雨情 / Ghostly Love》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

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