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[原版] 《干扰者/The Interrupters》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《干扰者/The Interrupters》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《干扰者》讲述了三名暴力干扰者的感人而令人惊讶的故事,他们试图保护芝加哥社区免受他们曾经使用的暴力侵害。这部电影由广受好评的导演史蒂夫·詹姆斯和畅销书作家亚历克斯·科特洛维茨执导,讲述了一段异常亲密的旅程,探讨了我们城市中顽固、持续的暴力行为。 《中断者》由 Kartemquin Films 历时一年拍摄,捕捉了芝加哥的一段时期,当时它已成为我们城市暴力的全国象征。在那段时期,这座城市发生了一系列备受瞩目的事件,其中最著名的是芝加哥高中生德里恩·阿尔伯特遭到残酷殴打,他的死亡被录像记录下来。影片的主要主题是为一个创新组织停火工作,该组织认为暴力的传播模仿了传染病的传播,因此治疗方法应该是相似的:追捕感染最严重的人,并从源头上阻止感染。 “紫罗兰”的独特使命“中断者”——因其个人历史而在街头享有信誉——就是在冲突爆发为暴力之前进行干预。在《中断者》中,阿米娜·马修斯(Ameena Matthews)的父亲是杰夫·福特(Jeff Fort),该市最臭名昭著的帮派头目之一,她自己也是一名贩毒团伙的执行者。但是有了孩子并在穆斯林信仰中寻找安慰,使她离开了街头并禁足了。德里恩·阿尔伯特去世后,阿米娜成为了他母亲的亲密知己,并帮助她度过了悲伤阿米娜在同事中以无所畏惧而闻名,她与一个精力旺盛的十几岁女孩成为了朋友,这个女孩让她想起了那个年纪的自己。影片在数月的时间里追踪了这段友谊,阿米娜试图推动这个陷入困境的女孩走向正确的方向。方向。科比·威廉姆斯因父亲的谋杀而伤痕累累,他进出监狱,直到他受够了。他的家人 - 尤其是年幼的儿子 - 帮助他找到了立足点。科比用“嗨”解除了其他人的武装他的幽默感和他的善良本性。他最具挑战性的时刻是当他必须面对一个一心复仇的人时,科比不得不对他进行搜身,以确保他收起枪。和阿米娜一样,他深入参与了他所遇到的人的生活,其中包括一个刚出狱的十几岁男孩和一个来自他老邻居的年轻人,他住在一个止赎的房子里。埃迪·博卡内格拉 (Eddie Bocanegra) 被自己十七岁时犯下的一起谋杀案所困扰。他的停火工作是他对自己所作所为的忏悔的一部分。艾迪对暴力事件对儿童造成的后果深感不安,因此他将大部分时间花在帮助年幼的孩子上,努力让他们远离街头,并为需要帮助的人(包括 16 岁的孩子)提供支持。弟弟死在她怀里的六岁女孩。埃迪在监狱里学会了绘画,他深情而富有同情心,他向孩子们教授艺术,试图警告他们那些遭受暴力的人所经历的令人衰弱的创伤。互联网《破坏者》跟随阿米娜、科比和埃迪开展工作,同时揭示了他们自己充满灵感的希望和救赎之旅。这部电影试图理解停火组织的蒂奥·哈迪曼所说的“疯狂”。——Kartemquin Films

The Interrupters tells the moving and surprising stories of three Violence Interrupters who try to protect their Chicago communities from the violence they once employed. From acclaimed director Steve James and bestselling author Alex Kotlowitz, this film is an unusually intimate journey into the stubborn, persistence of violence in our cities. Shot over the course of a year out of Kartemquin Films, The Interrupters captures a period in Chicago when it became a national symbol for the violence in our cities. During that period, the city was besieged by high-profile incidents, most notably the brutal beating of Derrion Albert, a Chicago High School student, whose death was caught on videotape. The film's main subjects work for an innovative organization, CeaseFire, which believes that the spread of violence mimics the spread of infectious diseases, and so the treatment should be similar: go after the most infected, and stop the infection at its source. The singular mission of the "Violence Interrupters" - who have credibility on the streets because of their own personal histories -- is to intervene in conflicts before they explode into violence. In The Interrupters, Ameena Matthews, whose father is Jeff Fort, one of the city's most notorious gang leaders, was herself a drug ring enforcer. But having children and finding solace in her Muslim faith pulled her off the streets and grounded her. In the wake of Derrion Albert's death, Ameena becomes a close confidante to his mother, and helps her through her grieving. Ameena, who is known among her colleagues for her fearlessness, befriends a feisty teenaged girl who reminds her of herself at that age. The film follows that friendship over the course of many months, as Ameena tries to nudge the troubled girl in the right direction. Cobe Williams, scarred by his father's murder, was in and out of prison, until he had had enough. His family - particularly a young son - helped him find his footing. Cobe disarms others with his humor and his general good nature. His most challenging moment comes when he has to confront a man so bent on revenge that Cobe has to pat him down to make sure he's put away his gun. Like Ameena, he gets deeply involved in the lives of those he encounters, including a teenaged boy just out of prison and a young man from his old neighborhood who's squatting in a foreclosed home. Eddie Bocanegra is haunted by a murder he committed when he was seventeen. His CeaseFire work is a part of his repentance for what he did. Eddie is most deeply disturbed by the aftereffects of the violence on children, and so he spends much of his time working with younger kids in an effort to both keep them off the streets and to get support to those who need it - including a 16-year-old girl whose brother died in her arms. Soulful and empathic, Eddie, who learned to paint in prison, teaches art to children, trying to warn them of the debilitating trauma experienced by those touched by the violence. The Interrupters follows Ameena, Cobe and Eddie as they go about their work, and while doing so reveals their own inspired journeys of hope and redemption. The film attempts to make sense of what CeaseFire's Tio Hardiman calls, simply, "the madness".—Kartemquin Films

《干扰者/The Interrupters》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《干扰者/The Interrupters》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《干扰者/The Interrupters》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《干扰者/The Interrupters》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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