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[原版] 《天造地设/Made in Heaven》(1987) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《天造地设/Made in Heaven》(1987) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

20 世纪 50 年代,迈克·谢伊 (Mike Shea) 与父母住在一起,与女友关系正常。但有一天,她告诉他,另一个男人向她求婚,而且是最糟糕的:她答应了。于是,迈克带着他的狗从他的小镇逃到了加利福尼亚。旅途进行得很顺利,直到一场车祸挡住了他的路。全家人掉进河里,被困在车里。迈克勇敢地跳入河中,救起了所有家人,但不幸溺水身亡。他去了天堂,遇见了他的姨妈,她现在是一位才华横溢的画家。迈克在地球上找到了一些认识的人后,遇到了一位美丽的女人安妮,她是一个从未转世的新灵魂。迈克得知他可以转世并返回地球。但在此之前,他和安妮坠入爱河并结婚。问题是安妮对地球很好奇,过了一段时间,她告诉迈克她想转世到地球。一个宝宝。迈克现在非常想念安妮,他想返回地球找到她。他将与天使艾美特达成协议,迈克将在30年内找到安妮,否则每个人都会与其他人过着不幸福的生活。 20世纪60年代的安妮成为了一名玩具设计师,名叫艾莉,嫁给了一位电影制片人。与此同时,迈克是一个相当迷失方向的孩子,他尝试了一切,比如成为一名画家,然后成为一名士兵,只是后来成为一名音乐家。许多年过去了,但迈克和安妮再次见面似乎有些困难。——亚历杭德罗·弗里亚斯

During the 1950s, Mike Shea lives with his parents and has a normal relationship with his girlfriend. But one day, she tells him that some other man has proposed her matrimony and the worst: she has said yes. So, Mike runs away from his little town to California, with his dog. The trip is going fine, until a car accident crosses in his way. An entire family has fallen to a river and they're trapped inside their car. In an heroic gesture, Mike dives in the river and he rescues all the family members, but unfortunately he dies drowned. He goes to heaven and he meets with his aunt, who is now a talented painter. After find some known people from his life in Earth, Mike meets with a beautiful woman, Annie, a new soul which has never reincarnated before. Mike learns that he can reincarnate and return to Earth. But before that, he and Annie fall in love and get married. The problem is that Annie is very curious about Earth and some time later, she tells Mike that she wants to reincarnate in a baby. Mike's now very sad missing Annie and he wants to return to Earth and find her. He will make a deal with Emmett, a kind of angel, in which Mike will have 30 years to find Annie, otherwise each one will have an unhappy life with other people. Annie in the 1960s has become a toy designer, named Ally, married with a filmmaker. Meanwhile, Mike is a quite disorientated kid, which tries everything, like being a painter, then a soldier, just to become later a musician. Many years pass, but it seems that Mike and Annie are having some difficulties to meet each other again.—Alejandro Frias

《天造地设/Made in Heaven》(1987) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《天造地设/Made in Heaven》(1987) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《天造地设/Made in Heaven》(1987) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《天造地设/Made in Heaven》(1987) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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