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[原版] 《血/Blood》(1973) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《血/Blood》(1973) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

故事背景设定在 19 世纪末,劳伦斯·奥尔洛夫斯基博士(艾伦·贝伦特饰)与房地产经纪人马卡姆先生(马丁·雷默特饰)一起抵达纽约市史泰登岛某处的新房,以完成购买事宜。劳伦斯是一个严肃、衣着考究但有些粗鲁的人,他坚持签署为期六个月的房屋租赁文件,以进一步他的“实验”。劳伦斯告诉马卡姆,他的妻子不喜欢白天,在阳光下晒几分钟就会因为皮肤色素沉着而杀死她。在签署文件并迫使马卡姆离开后,劳伦斯从后门让他的仆人进来,这些仆人包括他的断腿男仆奥兰多(迈克尔·费斯凯蒂饰)、患有智障的卡洛塔(皮丘林娜·亨皮饰)和跛行的嘉莉(帕蒂·高尔饰) )照顾劳伦斯的妻子雷吉娜(霍普·斯坦斯伯里饰),雷吉娜被带进屋,身上披着​​斗篷,被烧伤。她的脸出现了,她是一个吸血鬼。里贾纳需要每天注射血液才能生存过了一段时间,奥兰多与正在准备晚餐的嘉莉交谈。他们讨论了彼此的个人爱情,以及必须照顾雷吉娜以及存放在房子地下室的植物。在客厅里,劳伦斯谈到与卡尔·鲁特的会面,卡尔·鲁特是一位一直处理奥尔洛夫斯基家族账簿的律师。雷吉娜担心从欧洲搬到纽约,但劳伦斯向她保证事情会自行解决。据透露,雷吉娜和凯莉相处得并不好,因为凯莉厌倦了雷吉娜频繁的辱骂,她把凯莉当作奴隶而不是劳伦斯的实验室助理。晚餐后,嘉莉与劳伦斯谈论了雷吉娜的事情,以及嘉莉因照顾植物而右腿受伤以及她可能会失去腿的事情。嘉莉冒险来到地下室,奥兰多和卡洛塔正在那里照料食肉植物。奥兰多给嘉莉注射了一针来对抗她的腿因之前因植物受伤而受到感染。准备上床睡觉时,雷吉娜和劳伦斯就自己的财务状况和自己的健康状况争论不休,认为自己与其他人“不同”。 第二天,劳伦斯去了卡尔·鲁特的办公室,在那里他遇到了鲁特先生的秘书普鲁登斯·塔尔斯。两人之间明显的吸引力。就在这时,鲁特先生出现并把劳伦斯引入他的办公室,劳伦斯抱怨劳伦斯已故父亲的钱。事实表明,劳伦斯的真实姓氏实际上是“塔尔伯特”,并且鲁特先生一直在勒索劳伦斯索要保护费,涉及几年前劳伦斯父亲在莫塔维亚的死亡。在争论资金问题时,鲁特先生透露,他卖掉了劳伦斯父亲在莫塔维亚的房子,并将大部分钱装进了自己的口袋,让劳伦斯袭击了他,导致鲁特先生将劳伦斯赶了出去。 在房子里,嘉莉的弟弟约翰尼到达了追踪到她后进行拜访。嘉莉是多年来第一次见到她的兄弟很高兴,但对他的存在感到警惕。约翰尼要求嘉莉和他一起离开,不要照顾奥洛夫斯基一家。他注意到嘉莉的跛行,并看到嘉莉腿上奇怪的坏疽感染,很生气。约翰尼想更多地了解劳伦斯,但嘉莉感到害怕并让他离开。约翰尼假装离开,但很快又回来了,雷吉娜看到了他。她把他引诱到楼上,并向约翰尼询问有关他自己以及他与嘉莉的关系的问题。当约翰尼威胁要向警方提供有关他妹妹和她工作的信息时,雷吉娜咬断了他的脖子并喝了他的血,谋杀了他。她用硫酸将尸体溶解在浴缸中。 一段时间后,马卡姆先生到达了奥尔洛夫斯基的房子,一位年长的邻居告诉他,她亲眼目睹了一些事件,并且她养的大部分鸡都被关在了她的背上。院子已经消失,并对奥尔洛夫斯克号表示怀疑是。马卡姆去了奥尔洛夫斯基的房子,当没有人回应他的前门敲门时,他自己进去并冒险进入地下室。嘉莉和奥兰多出现并试图劝他离开。当马卡姆拒绝并对地下室里那些看起来很奇怪的植物表示怀疑时,嘉莉和奥兰多用铲子将他打倒并喂他吃植物,从而谋杀了他。尽管喂食,雷吉娜仍然很饿,她杀死了一只春天的老鼠。 -陷阱捕获。劳伦斯和普鲁登斯前往埋葬劳伦斯父亲的墓地。劳伦斯想更多地了解他的父亲,以及他父亲关于寻找“治愈”他的痛苦和劳伦斯的痛苦的研究,这些痛苦是通过血统传承下来的。普鲁登斯告诉劳伦斯,她在鲁特先生的办公室查阅了塔尔伯特先生的一些工作,并告诉劳伦斯,已故的塔尔伯特先生因在多家公司的投资而破产,而鲁特先生一直在从塔尔伯特先生的账户中窃取资金。nts。劳伦斯想和普鲁登斯一起去某个地方,进一步谈谈他对她的感情,但普鲁登斯拒绝了。劳伦斯告诉普鲁登斯,他的父亲和雷吉娜的父亲早在几年前就安排了他们的婚姻,劳伦斯尝试过,但无法让自己爱雷吉娜,只对她感到蔑视。当他们走出墓地时,他们遇到了一位名叫佩特拉(伊娃·克罗斯比饰)的丑陋老妇,她是墓地的看门人。佩特拉对劳伦斯产生怀疑,让他离开,并强迫普鲁登斯不要和他一起走,因为今晚是满月,劳伦斯变成了另一个人。劳伦斯回家,天黑时,他变成狼人并攻击仆人。嘉莉、奥兰多和卡洛塔通过注射制服了他。劳伦斯得知马卡姆先生来访,嘉莉和奥兰多向他展示了正在慢慢吞噬马卡姆尸体的植物。鲁特到达普鲁登斯家,向她询问劳伦斯·奥尔洛夫斯基的情况以及他们谈论的内容编辑关于。普鲁登斯告诉鲁特先生,她知道他一直在挪用客户的钱并辞职,并透露她将搬到加拿大与她的姐姐住在一起。鲁特试图说服她继续加薪,但普鲁登斯把他赶了出去。当鲁特先生在黑暗中独自步行回家时,被狼人形态的劳伦斯袭击并杀死。第二天,佩特拉到达奥尔洛夫斯基家,雷吉娜让她进去。在客厅谈话时,佩特拉透露她知道劳伦斯的真名,知道他是狼人老劳伦斯·塔尔伯特的儿子,而雷吉娜实际上是吸血鬼德古拉伯爵的女儿。当佩特拉告诉瑞吉娜看到劳伦斯和普鲁登斯一起在墓地时,瑞吉娜谋杀了佩特拉。雷吉娜随后前往普鲁登斯的家,并在她熟睡时喝了她的血杀死了她。劳伦斯以人类形态回到了房子,并想立即离开。当他命令奥兰多、嘉莉和卡洛塔开始收拾行李并前往特洛伊植物后,雷吉娜回来,透露她刚刚杀死了普鲁登斯。劳伦斯终于达到了极限,他变身为狼人形态并攻击了变身为真正吸血鬼形态的雷吉娜。当奥兰多和嘉莉开始点燃食虫植物时,雷吉娜跑进地下室并攻击仆人。当火势失控并蔓延到整个地下室时,狼人劳伦斯继续攻击她。劳伦斯、雷吉纳、奥兰多、嘉莉、卡洛塔和所有的植物都被大火烧毁了。过了一段时间,空置的房子因火灾而被部分修复后被出售。一对夫妇和另一位名叫夏普先生的房地产经纪人来到房子,签署文件,将房子的所有权转移到他们的名下。这位年轻人声称他是一名医生,希望安定下来继续他的“实验”。医生签下自己的名字:冯·弗兰肯斯坦男爵。

Set in the late 19th century, Dr. Lawrence Orlofski (Allan Berendt) arrives at his new house somewhere in Staten Island, New York City with the realtor Mr. Markham (Martin Raymert) to finalize the purchase. A stern, well-dressed, but somewhat rude man, Lawrence insists to sign the papers for a six-month lease of the house to further his "experiments". Lawrence tells Markham that his wife doesn't like the daylight hours and that a few minutes in the sun would kill her due to a skin pigmentation. After signing the papers and forcing Markham to leave, Lawrence goes to the back door and lets in his servants whom make up of his legless manservant Orlando (Michael Fischetti), the mentally challenged Carlotta (Pichulina Hempi), and the limping Carrie (Patti Gaul) who care for Lawrence's wife Regina (Hope Stansbury) who is brought into the house, with a cloak covering her and suffering from burns. Her face is shown and that she is a vampire. Regina needs daily injections of blood to survive and to heal from her wounds.Sometime later, Orlando talks with Carrie who is preparing dinner. They discuss their personal love for each other and having to take care of Regina as well as the plants which have been stored in the basement of the house. In the living room, Lawrence talks about meeting with Carl Root, a lawyer who has been handling the books of the Orlofskis. Regina worries about moving to New York from Europe, but Lawrence assures her that things will take care of themselves. It's also revealed that Regina and Carrie do not get along for Carrie is tired about Regina's frequent verbal abuse and she treats Carrie like a slave instead of being Lawrence's lab assistant. After dinner, Carrie talks with Lawrence about Regina and about Carrie's injury to her right leg over taking care of the plants and that she might loose the leg. Carrie ventures to the basement where Orlando and Carlotta are tending to the flesh-eating plants. Orlando gives Carrie an injection to counter the infection to her leg from an earlier injury with the plants. While getting ready for bed, Regina and Lawrence argue about their finances and their own well being about being "different" then others.The next day, Lawrence goes to Carl Root's office where he meets Prudence Towers, Mr. Root's secretary, and there is an evident attraction between both of them. Just then, Mr. Root appears and ushers Lawrence into his office where Lawrence complains about the money from Lawrence's late father. It is shown that Lawrence's real last name is actually 'Talbert' and that Mr. Root has been blackmailing Lawrence for protection money involving the death of Lawrence's father some years earlier in Mortavia. Arguing about the funds, Mr. Root reveals that he sold Lawrence's father's house in Mortavia and pocketed most of the money, leaving Lawrence to assault him, leading to Mr. Root to throw Lawrence out.At the house, Carrie's younger brother Johnny, arrives for a visit after tracking her down. Carrie is happy to see her brother for the first time in years, but is wary about his presence. Johnny asks Carrie to leave with him and not take care of the Orlofskis. Noticing Carrie's limp, he sees the strange gangrene infection on Carrie's leg and is angry. Johnny wants to learn more about Lawrence, but Carrie becomes frightened and tells him to leave. Johnny pretends to leave, but soon returns and Regina sees him. She lures him upstairs and asks Johnny questions about himself and his connection to Carrie. When Johnny threatens to go to the police with information about his sister and about her work, Regina murders him by biting out his neck and drinking his blood. She disposes of the body by dissolving in a bathtub with sulfur acid.Some time later, Mr. Markham arrives at the Orlofski house where an elderly neighbor informs him about witnessing incidents she has witnessed and that most of her chickens that she keeps in her back yard have disappeared and expresses suspicion about the Orlofskis. Markham goes to the Orlofski house and when no one answers his knock on the front door, he lets himself in and ventures down into the basement. Carrie and Orlando appear and try to persuade him to leave. When Markham refuses and expresses suspicion about the strange looking plants in the basement, Carrie and Orlando murder him by knocking him out with as shovel and feeding him to the plants.Despite feeding, Regina is still hungry in which she kills a mouse that a spring-trap catches.Lawrence and Prudence go to the cemetery where Lawrence's father is buried. Lawrence wants to know more about his father and of his father's research about finding a "cure" to his affliction and Lawrence's as well which was passed down by bloodline. Prudence tells Lawrence that she looked up some of Mr. Talbert's work in Mr. Root's office and tells Lawrence that the late Mr. Talbert went bankrupt over his investments in various companies and that Mr. Root has been stealing money from Mr. Talbert's accounts. Lawrence wants to go somewhere with Prudence to talk some more about his feelings towards her, but Prudence refuses. Lawrence tells Prudence that his father and Regina's father arranged their marriage years earlier which Lawrence tried but could not bring himself to love Regina, and only feels contempt for her. As they walk out of the cemetery, they are confronted by a hideous old woman named Petra (Eva Crosby), who is the caretaker of the cemetery. Suspicious about Lawrence, Petra tells him to leave and forces Prudence not to go with him for tonight is the full moon and that Lawrence becomes someone else.Lawrence goes home and when it gets dark, he transforms into a werewolf and attacks the servants. Carrie, Orlando and Carlotta subdue him with an injection. Lawrence learns about Mr. Markham's visit and Carrie and Orlando show him the plants slowly devouring Markham's dead body.Mr. Root arrives at Prudence's house where he asks her about Lawrence Orlofski and about what they talked about. Prudence tells Mr. Root that she is aware he has been embezzling money from clients and quits, revealing that she will be moving to Canada to live with her sister. Root tries persuade her to stay with a raise, but Prudence throws him out. While walking to his home alone in the dark, Mr. Root is attacked and killed by Lawrence in his werewolf form.The next day, Petra arrives at the Orlofski's house where Regina lets her in. While talking in the living room, Petra reveals she knows about Lawrence's real name and that he is the son of the werewolf Lawrence Talbert Sr. and that Regina is actually the daughter of Count Dracula the vampire. When Petra tells Regina about seeing Lawrence and Prudence in the cemetery together, Regina murders Petra. Regina then goes to Prudence's house and kills her too as she sleeps by drinking her blood.Lawrence returns to the house in his human form and wants to leave immediately. As he orders Orlando, Carrie and Carlotta to begin packing and to destroy the plants, Regina arrives back revealing that she just killed Prudence. Finally reaching his breaking point, Lawrence transforms into his werewolf form and attacks Regina who transforms into her true vampire form. As Orlando and Carrie begin to set the carnivorous plants on fire, Regina runs down into the basement and attacks the servants. Werewolf Lawrence continues to attack her as the fire gets out control and spreads all over the basement. Lawrence, Regina, Orlando, Carrie, Carlotta and all of the plants are consumed by the flames.Sometime later, the vacant house is sold having been partly repaired due to the fire. A couple arrives at the house with another real estate agent, named Mr. Sharp, to sign the papers to transfer ownership of the house in their name. The young man claims that he is a doctor looking to settle to continue his "experiments" . The doctor signs his name as Baron von Frankenstein.

《血/Blood》(1973) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《血/Blood》(1973) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《血/Blood》(1973) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《血/Blood》(1973) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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