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[原版] 《血之遗产/Legacy of Blood》(1978) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《血之遗产/Legacy of Blood》(1978) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

故事发生在 20 世纪初的某个不确定年份的新英格兰,玛格丽特(伊莱恩·博伊斯饰)和玛丽·伦诺克斯(玛丽莉·特隆科恩饰)姐妹居住在汉利岛上,负责管理汉利家族的房屋。自从汉利夫妇去世后,这座豪宅就一直无人居住。姐妹俩也是患有精神障碍的兄弟卡尔·伦诺克斯(克里斯·布罗德里克饰)的监护人,卡尔·伦诺克斯经常爆发暴力行为。 与此同时,在马萨诸塞州波士顿,雷吉娜·汉利(戴尔·汉森饰)和她的丈夫詹姆斯·吉米·史密斯(乔·唐宁饰)接受了精神病治疗。律师塞缪尔·谢弗(马丁·雷默特饰)关于雷吉娜已故父亲约翰·汉利遗产的信函。由于资金短缺,雷吉娜无奈同意向詹姆斯的母亲借钱去探望她的姐妹们,以便她们能够审查她们的遗产。 汉利的大姐詹妮弗(路易斯·加兰德拉饰)嫁给了富有的罗伯特·伯克(斯坦利·施瓦茨饰),而汉利的大姐詹妮弗(路易斯·加兰德拉饰)嫁给了富有的罗伯特·伯克(斯坦利·施瓦茨饰),而老二路易丝(珍妮·库斯克饰)和她的丈夫约翰·哈尔弗森(彼得·巴西亚饰)他们和七岁的女儿夏洛特(林恩·斯奈德饰)在纽约过着舒适的生活。路易丝很高兴再次见到她的姐妹们,并邀请她们留在她家里宣读遗嘱。出发前往纽约的前一天晚上,雷吉娜告诉詹姆斯她对这次旅行的恐惧,并解释说她有预感。雷吉娜不想去,但詹姆斯提醒她,这涉及一大笔遗产,她们需要钱。 抵达纽约后,姐妹俩在没有丈夫的情况下在一起度过了一天。在当地一家餐馆吃午餐时,姐妹俩回忆起她们奇怪的父亲,并回忆起她们很少见到他。他们感叹即使是他们已故的母亲也不理解约翰。那天晚些时候,路易丝带着她的姐妹们去拜访巴巴(鲍勃·埃利亚饰),一位通灵和精神顾问。当路易丝向巴巴询问他们即将前往汉利岛的旅行时,巴巴警告说,其中一人不会回来。通灵门生伊娜(丽莎·博伊斯饰)在唱诵时变得焦躁不安ng并试图阻止姐妹们离开。然而,巴巴要求姐妹们立即离开。回到汉利岛,玛格丽特和玛丽讨论要用一生为汉利家族服务,并希望从遗产中获得补偿。第二天,在纽约,律师谢弗读了一封信约翰·汉利写给姐妹们和她们的丈夫的信。约翰承认他鄙视他们的母亲,并将他女儿的丈夫纳入遗嘱,声称任何容忍他妻子的孩子的男人都应该分享汉利的财产。约翰的信指示这对夫妇在汉利岛待三天,然后才能听到他的遗赠。如果发生任何不可预见的事件,长继承人必须按照她的意愿重新分配遗产。第二天,三对夫妇到达了岛上。在回家的路上,玛丽发现她的哥哥卡尔杀死了他的宠物兔子,她赶忙埋葬了这只动物以安抚他。路易在屋内瑟和詹妮弗想知道父母的秘密。他们为玛丽和玛格丽特一生都在迎合他们的母亲而感到遗憾。晚饭后,卡尔大发雷霆,玛丽冲他上楼,向罗伯特保证这个男孩并不危险。 在詹妮弗和罗伯特的房间里,罗伯特抱怨没有电话或任何其他与大陆通讯的方式。玛格丽特为詹妮弗和詹姆斯的房间带来了一盏油灯。当雷吉娜打开床单时,她发现了卡尔的被剖腹的宠物兔子,上面附有一张纸条,警告说:“温顺的人有福了,因为他们将继承遗产。”雷吉娜后来抱怨说,她应该得到更多的遗产,因为她是最穷的人姐姐。詹姆斯听到门口有奇怪的声音,他去检查,发现门上有一个血腥的红色 X。詹姆斯让雷吉娜待在他们的房间里,以便他可以进行调查,然后搜查了地下室,遇到了一个他认识的看不见的人。过了一会儿,雷吉娜从她身上偷看第二天,玛丽向玛格丽特提到她埋葬了卡尔死去的兔子,但不知道它是如何出现在雷吉娜的床上的。玛格丽特回答说,她把卡尔绑在房间里整夜,所以他不可能杀死詹姆斯。午餐后,玛格丽特让罗伯特去收集木材。后来,在地下室,罗伯特对地下室的木头进行了分类,发现了一块标有血腥 X 的碎片。突然,一个奇怪的人影袭击了他,将他绑住,并将他锯成两半。那天晚上晚些时候,随着晚餐的临近,詹妮弗想知道罗伯特为什么还没有回来。玛丽坐下来吃饭,端来一个有盖的平底锅。她打开它,露出了雷吉娜被斩首的头。后来,约翰试图安抚路易丝和詹妮弗,他们无法控制地哭泣。约翰在地下室寻找罗伯特,在那里他发现了一张 1880 年的照片,署名:致我最喜爱的女儿 M.H.,爱 J.H.当他上楼时,一个神秘人物用干草叉恶毒地杀死了他。后来,米阿里寻找卡尔,发现他试图隐藏照片。玛丽读了签名,意识到 M.H.代表玛格丽特,她的妹妹。玛格丽特突然出现,用屠刀砍伤了玛丽。卡尔逃命。在其他地方,路易丝和詹妮弗听到骚动,冲出了他们的房间。卡尔跑进去,打翻了一盏油灯。当路易丝和詹妮弗逃离火场时,他们遇到了玛格丽特,玛格丽特用屠刀威胁他们,并解释说她是他们同父异母的妹妹,来自另一位母亲。路易丝和詹妮弗的母亲一生都在虐待玛格丽特。老汉利夫人招募玛丽和卡尔来掩盖玛格丽特的真实父亲身份。玛格丽特密谋复仇,打算将所有谋杀案归咎于卡尔;在她谋杀了路易丝和詹妮弗后,她计划出于自卫杀死他。然而,卡尔抓住了玛格丽特,导致她从楼梯上摔了下来。屠刀从她手中飞出,落在她的头上,杀死了她。路易丝和詹妮弗他们是大屠杀中唯一的幸存者。

Set in an indeterminate year in the early 20th century in New England, sisters Margaret (Elaine Boies) and Mary Lennox (Marilee Troncone) reside on Hanley Island as caretakers of the Hanley family home. The mansion has been unoccupied since the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Hanley. The sisters are also custodians of their mentally disabled brother, Carl Lennox (Chris Broderick), who has violent outbursts.Meanwhile, in Boston, Massachusetts, Regina Hanley (Dale Hansen) and her husband, James Jimmy Smith (Joe Downing), receive a letter from lawyer Samuel Schaeffer (Martin Reymert) regarding the estate of Regina's deceased father, John Hanley. Short on monetary funds, Regina reluctantly agrees to borrow money from James' mother to visit her sisters so they can review their inheritance.The eldest Hanley sister, Jennifer (Louise Gallandra), is married to the wealthy Robert Burke (Stanley Schwartz), while the middle child, Louise (Jeannie Cusick), and her husband, John Halverson (Peter Barcia), have a comfortable life in New York City with their seven-year-old daughter, Charlotte (Lynn Snyder). Louise is excited to see her sisters again and invites them to stay at her home for the reading of the will. The night before leaving for New York, Regina tells James of her fear about the trip, explaining that she has premonitions. Regina does not want to go, but James reminds her there is a large inheritance at stake, and they need the money.Upon arriving in New York, the sisters spend the day together without their husbands. At lunch at a local restaurant, the sisters reminisce about their strange father, and recall that they rarely saw him. They lament that even their own late mother did not understand John. Later that day, Louise takes her sisters to visit Baba (Bob Elia), a psychic and spiritual advisor. When Louise asks Baba about their upcoming trip to Hanley Island, Baba warns that one of them will not return. The psychics protege, Eena (Lisa Boies), becomes agitated while chanting and tries to prevent the sisters from leaving. However, Baba demands the sisters leave immediately.Back on Hanley Island, Margaret and Mary discuss spending their whole lives serving the Hanley family and hope to receive compensation from the estate.The next day in New York, the lawyer, Schaeffer, reads a letter from John Hanley addressed to the sisters and their husbands. John confesses that he despised their mother and includes his daughters husbands in the will, claiming that any man who puts up with his wife's children deserves a share of the Hanley fortune. John's letter instructs the couples to spend three days on Hanley Island before they can hear his bequest. In case of any unforeseen events, the eldest heir must re-distribute his bequest according to her wishes. The next day, the three couples arrive on the island.On the way to the house, Mary discovers that her brother, Carl, has killed his pet rabbit, and she rushes to bury the creature to calm him. Inside the house, Louise and Jennifer wonder about their parents' secrets. They feel sorry that Mary and Margaret have spent their whole lives catering to their mother. After dinner, Carl has a violent outburst and Mary rushes him upstairs, assuring Robert that the boy is not dangerous.In Jennifer and Robert's room, Robert complains there is no telephone or any other means of communication with the mainland. Margaret brings Jennifer and James an oil lamp for their room. When Regina turns down the bed linens, she finds Carl's disemboweled pet rabbit with a note attached, warning: 'Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit.'Regina later complains that she deserves a greater share of the inheritance, because she is the poorest sister. James hears a strange noise at the door and goes to check, finding a bloody red X on their door. James tells Regina to stay in their room so he can investigate, then searches the basement and encounters an unseen person whom he recognizes. Moments later, Regina peeks out of her room and finds John hanging in the stairwell, dead.The next day, Mary mentions to Margaret that she buried Carl's dead rabbit, and does not know how it ended up in Regina's bed. Margaret replies that she kept Carl tied up in his room all night, so he could not have killed James. After lunch, Margaret asks Robert to collect wood. Later, in the basement, Robert sorts through the wood in the basement and finds a piece marked with a bloody X. Suddenly, a strange figure attacks, ties him down, and saws him in half.Later that evening, as dinner approaches, Jennifer wonders why Robert has not returned. Sitting down to eat, Mary brings in a covered pan. She opens it to reveal Regina's decapitated head.Later, Louise and Jennifer weep uncontrollably as John attempts to calm them. John searches for Robert in the basement, where he finds a photograph dated 1880, signed: To my favorite daughter M.H., Love J.H. As he heads upstairs, a mysterious figure viciously kills him with a pitchfork. Later, Mary looks for Carl and finds him trying to hide the photograph. Mary reads the signature and realizes M.H. stands for Margaret, her sister.Margaret suddenly appears and slashes Mary with a butcher knife. Carl runs for his life. Elsewhere, Louise and Jennifer hear the commotion and rush out of their room. Carl runs inside and knocks over an oil lamp. As Louise and Jennifer run away from the fire, they confront Margaret, who threatens them with a butcher knife and explains that she is their half sister from another mother. Louise and Jennifer's mother abused Margaret throughout her entire life. The elder Mrs. Hanley recruited Mary and Carl to cover up Margaret's true paternity. Plotting revenge, Margaret intends to pin all of the murders on Carl; then plans to kill him in self-defense after she murders Louise and Jennifer. However, Carl grabs Margaret, causing her to tumble down the stairs. The butcher knife flies out of her hands and lands in her head, killing her. Louise and Jennifer are the only survivors of the massacre.

《血之遗产/Legacy of Blood》(1978) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《血之遗产/Legacy of Blood》(1978) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《血之遗产/Legacy of Blood》(1978) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《血之遗产/Legacy of Blood》(1978) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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