
阿亚安·卡普尔(Sidharth Malhotra 饰)是一位房地产商人,负债 1.6 亿卢比。他的房地产业务不断增长,但由于参与黑钱(他进行的房地产交易涉及 80% 黑人和仅 20% 白人)和随后的废钞令而陷入债务(这给他留下了成堆的现金,他可以利用这些现金)不卸载给任何人)。他向银行提出的贷款申请被拒绝了。他想卖掉自己的房子来偿还债务,但找不到任何买家,于是开始与妻子督察 Ruhi(Rakul Preet Singh 饰)和女儿 Pihu(Kiara Khanna 饰)一起住在妻子的房子里。Ayaan 忽视了他的母亲(Seema Pahwa 饰) ,每当她打电话时,他都会说他正在开会。阿雅安的姐姐正在用她丈夫的积蓄来修缮她父亲的祖屋。阿亚安知道他的父亲喜欢那个家,但没有为它的翻修做出贡献。姐姐这样做是因为她认为房子是由于她的疏忽而被烧毁的。为了减少妹妹的负罪感,鲁希建议编造了一个故事,说房子不是被鲁希(Ruhi)、排灯节迪亚(Diwali Diya)烧毁的,而是被阿亚安(Ayaan)的鞭炮烧毁的。这冒犯了他。阿亚安是一个虔诚的宗教人士,但不相信捐赠或喂养有需要的人。阿亚安差点把房子卖给一对好夫妇,他们想买给他们的养子。阿亚安错误地向儿子透露了这一点,而儿子并不知道他是被收养的。儿子向父母哭诉,破坏了这笔交易。 有一天,阿扬遭遇了一场交通事故,并在天堂中恢复知觉,山神 YD(马赫什·巴尔拉杰饰)和奇特拉古普塔 CG(阿贾耶·德乌干饰)为他提供了一个机会让他玩一个叫做“生命游戏”的游戏,把他送回地球。在 Ayaan 的简史中,我们了解到他今年 33 岁,小时候想成为一名警察。阿亚安在事故发生后正在接受手术,并将在接下来的 5 个小时内待在那里。在那段时间CG将和Ayaan一起玩他的游戏。如果阿亚安拒绝参加比赛,他将在地狱中被烧死rever.有两个容器,一个装满白球,代表他的优点,另一个装满黑球,代表他的罪恶和弱点。如果白球先填满,他就可以回家。如果黑球先填满,他就会下地狱。阿亚安(Ayaan)的初始位置非常艰难,因为他一开始就有很多黑球。阿亚安(Ayaan)脾气暴躁,在度蜜月时,他在电梯里袭击了一个肥胖且令人恼火的人(Kiku Sharda),当时他不必要地延误了电梯与这位妻子交谈并按电梯内的额外按钮(他忘记了楼层)。阿亚安被指控贪婪,因为他以 2000 卢比的价格向他的朋友泄露了他父亲(生物教授)的信息。如今,那个朋友是一名外科医生接下来,CG 要求 Ayaan 与腐败的建筑商谈判,以便为 Gaikwad 夫妇的 Juhu Bungalow 获得合适的价格。建筑商以3千万卢比的价格购买了它,远低于市场价格。当阿雅打来电话时,建筑商拒绝谈判。 CG 揭示了 Ayaan 本人就是腐败的建筑商。Ayaan 嫉妒他的妻子 Ruhi,因为她是犯罪部门的督察,而 Ayaan 却未能成为一名督察。阿亚安声称鲁希从未抓到过任何罪犯,如果他是督察,他会成为高级警察,成为一名辛厄姆。奇特拉古普塔将他置于这样一个场景:他是一名检查员,负责拯救银行内的人质。人质是一名警察局同事,要求他开枪射杀恐怖分子。然而,他未能做到这一点(阿亚安的目标很糟糕),这向他表明,现实是,与鲁希相比,他不可能成为更好的检查员。在同样的情况下,鲁希与恐怖分子交谈并得知他的妻子已经死亡,他的儿子正在医院里。他没有钱,这就是他抢劫银行的原因。鲁希解除了他的武装,并请求银行工作人员为他儿子的治疗捐款。他的儿子接受了手术,现在过着艰难的生活健康的生活。阿扬被证明是一个相信上帝的人,但他仍然因为缺乏人性而得到黑球。阿亚安曾经定期参观哈努曼神庙,但这更多的是一种贿赂而不是信仰。而且,他无视了一位老妇人要食物的请求,在他离开后30分钟,她就死了。后来,当阿亚安终于因为控制愤怒而得到白球时,游戏发生了变化(他对母亲草率地吃芒果感到厌恶。但随后他拿出一本相册,重新整理了他的记忆,关于他的母亲是多么无条件地爱他。他意识到他的妈妈吃掉了所有的芒果核,所以他可以吃水果的肉质部分。为了抵制他的欲望,把他和诺拉·法特希(他非常崇拜的人)放在一个房间里。他可以通过想象他的母亲来抵制诱惑。他的挑战还包括向他的姐姐(乌米拉·科塔雷饰)道歉,因为她在童年时期错误地指责她烧毁了父亲的房子。在天堂里,Ayaan 会成为被他的父亲(Kanwaljit Singh)吃了,因此他向他的妹妹道歉。他通过赢得白球获胜,因此奇特拉古普塔奖励他一张 18 千万卢比的支票用于出售房屋,这是连阿亚安都做不到的。然而,奇特拉古普塔在阿亚安肘部的口红上看到了诺拉的电话号码,为他赢得了很多黑球。奇特拉古普塔向他展示了现实,他的妻子和亲戚在听说他的车因银行贷款将被拖走后,正计划给他买一辆新车。但与Aayan的车相撞的车是Ruhi为Ayaan买的新车。他回到了地球(CG向他承诺如果他输了就会下地狱,他认为没有什么比他亲眼目睹自己的状况更糟糕的地狱了)家庭)医生告诉他 Pihu 的肾脏受损,Ruhi 的一个肾脏被移植,但 Pihu 的身体排斥它。然后Ruhi的第二个肾脏也被感染。现在阿扬需要两个肾脏来拯救阿扬,阿扬在房地产上赢得了声誉,但即将失去他是家人。阿亚安签署了一份捐献表(双肾),然后由于服用过量药物而再次失去知觉。后来,他再次回到天堂,奇特拉古普塔和他的父亲为他感到骄傲。奇特拉古普塔祝福阿扬和他的家人获得新的生活。医生们告诉阿亚安,一名男子买下了他死去亲人的尸体,但没有透露他的名字。然而,据透露,该男子戴着一个写有 CG 的挂坠盒。阿延获得新生后,修缮了祖屋,并收养了一个孩子(饿死在寺庙的老妇人的孙子)。这一次,他变了一个人,更加重视家庭。
Ayaan Kapoor (Sidharth Malhotra) is a real estate businessman who is in debt of Rs 16 Crores. He had a growing real estate business but fell into debt due to his involvement in black money (he was doing real estate deals involving 80% black and only 20% white) and subsequent demonetization (which left him with stacks of cash, which he could not offload to anyone). His loan application at the bank has been rejected. He wanted to sell his house to repay his debt but could not find any buyer and starts living at his wife's house with his wife, Inspector Ruhi (Rakul Preet Singh) and daughter Pihu (Kiara Khanna).Ayaan ignores his mother (Seema Pahwa), and says he is in a meeting, whenever she calls. Ayaan's sister is using her husband's savings to fix her dad's ancestral home. Ayaan knew that his dad loved that home, but doesn't contribution to its renovation. The sister does this as she believes that due to her negligence the house was burnt down. To reduce his sister's guilt Ruhi suggests making a story that the house didn't burn down by Ruhi, Diwali Diya, but by Ayaan's firecrackers. This offends him.Ayaan is a deeply religious person, but doesn't believe in donations or feeding the needy. Ayaan almost sells the house to a nice couple who wanted to buy it for their adopted son. Ayaan mistakenly reveals this to the son, who had no clue that he was adopted. The son, goes crying to his parents, scuttling the deal.One day, Ayaan gets involved in a road accident, and regains consciousness in Heaven, where the gods Yamaduta YD (Mahesh Balraj) and Chitragupta CG (Ajay Devgn) provide him a chance to send him back to Earth by asking him to play a game called Game of Life. In a brief history on Ayaan, we learn that he is 33 years old and wanted to be a police officer when he was a kid. Ayaan is shown that after the accident, he is in surgery and will be there for the next 5 hrs. During that time CG will play his game with Ayaan. If Ayaan refuses to play, he will burn in hell forever.There are two containers, one to be filled with white balls, which represent his positives, and the other with black balls, which represent his sins and weaknesses. If the white balls fill first, he gets to go back home. If the black balls fill first, he goes to hell. The initial position for Ayaan is very tough as he starts off with a lot of black balls.Ayaan has a short temper, on his honeymoon, he assaulted a fat and irritating person (Kiku Sharda) in the lift, when he needlessly delayed the lift by talking to this wife and pressing extra buttons inside the lift (he forgot the floor).Ayaan is accused of being greedy as he leaked his father's (who is bio professor) to his friend for rs 2000. Today, that friend is a surgeon and performing the operation on Ayaan.Next, CG asks Ayaan to negotiate with a corrupt builder to get the right price for the Juhu Bungalow of Mr & Mrs Gaikwad. The builder bought it for Rs 3 Crores, which is far lower than the market price. When Ayaan calls, the builder refuses to negotiate. CG reveals that Ayaan himself was the corrupt builder.Ayaan is shown to be jealous of his wife Ruhi as she's an inspector in the crime branch whereas Ayaan had failed to become an inspector. Ayaan claims that Ruhi never caught any criminal and if he was the inspector, he would have made top cop, a Singham. Chitragupta puts him in a scenario where he's an inspector tasked to save a hostage inside a bank. The hostage is a fellow police office and asks him to shoot through him to kill the terrorist. However, his failure to do so (Ayaan has a terrible aim) shows him that the reality is that he couldn't have been a better inspector when compared to Ruhi. In the same situation, Ruhi talks to the terrorist and figures out that his wife died, and his son is in the hospital. He doesn't have money, which is why he is robbing a bank. Ruhi disarms him and asks the bank staff to donate money for his son's treatment. His son was operated on, and he is now living a healthy life.Ayaan is shown to be the one who believes in God, but he still gets black balls because of his lack of humanity. Ayaan used to visit a Hanuman temple regularly, but it was more of a bribe than faith. Also, he ignored an old woman's plea for food, and she died 30 mins after he left.Later, the game changes when Ayaan finally gets white balls for controlling his anger (he is disgusted by his mother eating a mango in a sloppy way. But he then pulls out a photo album to rejig his memories about how much his mother loved him unconditionally. He realizes that his mom eats all the mango kernels, so he can eat the fleshy part of the fruit).Next Ayaan is given a task to resist his lust by putting him in a room with Nora Fatehi (whom he admires a lot). He can resist the temptation by picturing his mother.His challenges also include apologizing his elder sister (Urmilla Kothare) for falsely blaming her during their childhood of the burning their father's house. In heaven, Ayaan gets beaten by his father (Kanwaljit Singh) due to which he apologizes to his sister. He wins by earning white balls due to which Chitragupta awards him a check of 18 Crores for the sale of house, something that even Ayaan couldn't do. However, Chitragupta sees Nora's phone number in lipstick on Ayaan's elbow, earning him many black balls.Chitragupta shows him reality, where his wife and relatives were planning to buy him a new car after hearing that his car would be towed due to his bank loan. But the car which collided with Aayan's car was the new car that Ruhi bought for Ayaan.He returns to earth (CG had promised him hell if he lost, and he figures there would be no worse hell than for him to witness the condition of his family) where Doctor tells him that Pihu's kidneys are damaged and Ruhi's one kidney was transplanted, but Pihu's body rejected it. Then Ruhi's 2nd kidney is also infected. Now Ayaan needs 2 kidneys to save the, Aayan earns reputation in real estate but was about to lose his family. Ayaan signed a donor form (for both his kidneys) before becoming unconscious again due to overdose of some pills. Later, he again returns to heaven where Chitragupta and his father are proud of him. Chitragupta blesses Ayaan and his family with a new life. The Doctors give Ayaan news that a man bought his dead relative's body but didn't reveal his name. However, it's revealed that the man was wearing a locket where it was written CG. After being blessed with new life, Ayaan gets his ancestral home repaired and adopts a child (The grandson of the old woman who died at the temple due to starvation). This time, he's a changed man who now gives more importance to his family.

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