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[原版] 《无尽的世界/World Without End》(1956) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《无尽的世界/World Without End》(1956) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

当片头开始时,我们看到了原子爆炸。一群军人挤在收音机周围,试图与火箭飞船 XRM 重新建立联系。在五角大楼,人们对缺乏联系的担忧与日俱增。船上的最后一条信息在句子中间被切断,许多人认为这是灾难发生的迹象。一位新闻播音员描述了人类第一次太空飞行似乎以灾难告终,埃尔登·加尔布雷斯医生和他的船员们陷入了深深的恐惧。最后一条消息是在飞船进入火星轨道时收到的,此后就再也没有听到任何消息。我们切入火箭接近火星的场景。无线电操作员赫伯·埃利斯(罗德·泰勒饰)向加尔布雷思博士(纳尔逊·李饰)报告与地球失去了联系。他确信不是设备的问题,因为当飞船进入火星磁场时信号丢失了。加尔布雷斯请约翰·博登(休·马洛饰)检查观众。整个景观中都有奇怪的绿色表面标记,但从轨道上看它们却无法观察到。不明白标记是什么。Dr.加尔布雷斯命令亨利·贾菲(克里斯托弗·达克饰)按计划返回地球。他们的任务只是侦察任务;只需绕地球运行几圈,然后带着他们的发现返回地球即可。当飞船突破火星轨道时,它遇到了一种奇怪的时间膨胀效应,使飞船难以置信地加速。在船员们试图让船减速之前,他们被令人难以置信的重力固定在甲板上。他们醒来发现自己已经降落在高高的冰雪覆盖的山上。他们认为自己在火星上,特别是两极之一。然而博登意识到事情有些不对劲。重力感觉太强了,他怀疑外面有大气层。他们冒险打开舱门看看发生了什么事。检查飞船后,他们发现控制面已损坏,而且辐射计数大约比地球上预期的高出三倍。赫伯尝试使用无线电,但无法进行任何联络ct 或找到任何无线电广播存在的证据。小组决定徒步到雪线以下并调查该地区的其余部分。赫伯打趣说,如果他们在金星上,他们可能会遇到一些高圆顶的类型,可能会用射线枪杀死他们。为了阻止这种情况,我们只有好的旧左轮手枪。在休息期间,一名船员发现了一个洞穴并决定探索它。当他们深入时,他们发现了蜘蛛网。当他们思考是什么让它旋转时,赫伯遭到一只巨型蜘蛛的攻击。当他们用枪射击这只生物时,第二只蜘蛛发起了攻击。在行军了一天的大部分时间后,他们决定扎营。睡觉时,他们遭到一群穴居人类型的生物伏击。该队伍在最初的攻击中幸存下来并赶走了攻击者。其中一个生物被杀死,当尸体被检查时,它似乎是独眼巨人。 天一亮,队伍再次向山下走去。他们遇到了似乎是一座古建筑的废墟加尔布雷斯解释说,有一种理论认为,如果你移动得足够快,你就可以影响时间,实际上可以倒退通过它。博登想知道这些仪器是否在每秒 100 英里的速度下失效,但它们的行驶速度可能要快很多倍。他们也无法确定自己实际上被黑暗了多久。他们在墓地周围寻找最古老的墓碑。他们确实找到了一个标有 2188 的数字,而且这些数字看起来也很旧。加尔布雷斯考虑到无论发生了什么,鉴于高背景辐射,他推测一场核战争,并且至少需要几百年的时间才能再次变得适宜居住。他们沿着山谷前进,看到远处有一座山脉。确定它们一定是落基山脉(美国西部),从环境和天气来看它们可能在科罗拉多州或新墨西哥州他们在远处看到一缕细细的烟柱;博登认为这不是灌木丛火灾,可能是有人纵火的。他决定前去调查,但却遭到另一群变异人类的攻击。队伍的其他成员营救了博登,并在意识到变种人在背后支持他们后撤退。他们在一个山洞里避难,重新集结并决定下一步行动。博登从袭击中恢复过来,只是有点震惊。队伍无法决定他们是被困还是找到了安全的地方。在探索洞穴时,他们发现不锈钢屏障挡住了通往隧道其余部分的通道。突然,第二个屏障滑入到位,第一个屏障打开。由于没有任何实际选择,他们决定探索障碍物后面的东西。他们沿着一条先进设计的长隧道直到遇到一个房间。一个无形的声音对他们说话,并指示他们放下所有武器和背包,进入另一条隧道。钍迎接他们的是一个穿着未来派服装的人类。房间的布置就像某种形式的法庭或议会会议区。蒂梅克(埃弗雷特·格拉斯饰)自我介绍并解释说,大家听到的是他的声音。蒂梅克询问他们为何在这里。博登解释说,他们在隧道中避难,并于 1957 年飞往火星。蒂梅克解释说,他们遇到了时间膨胀效应。而自从他们离开之后,文明就遭遇了巨大的打击。蒂梅克解释说这是一场世界末日原子战争。蒂梅克不知道任何其他幸存的文明元素。蒂梅克小组的其他成员开始询问这些人的意图,特别是为什么他们觉得需要拥有武器。博登对此没有具体回应,委员会决定不向这些人提供枪支。加内特(南希·盖茨饰)蒂梅克的女儿出现,提醒她父亲这些人一定又累又饿。加尔布雷斯询问现在是哪一年,蒂梅克告诉他现在是公元 2508 年。眩晕这些人跟随石榴石并被喂食各种各样的食物。石榴石解释说,由于辐射量很高,他们所有的食物都是在地下生产的。然后她介绍了伊莱恩(雪莉·帕特森饰),她是埃尔达的助理,并提出可以向剧组人员展示他们想看的任何东西。加尔布雷斯想知道为什么人们还没有征服地表。加内特解释说,人们厌倦了战争,背后有几代人的传统。 随着谈话逐渐结束,加尔布雷斯注意到其中一名女仆迪娜(丽莎·蒙特尔饰),并询问了她的情况。石榴石解释说她来自地表;当她被地面上的野兽(畸形人类)拒绝时,她得救了。四个人决定过夜,贾菲问博登这些人是否已经学会了如何扭转他们所遭受的时间膨胀效应。博登认为可能不会。他认为那些在战争中幸存下来的人将他们的技术转向内部,只应用他们需要的东西生存下来。博登认为这些人最终对他们的需要毫无用处。他们没有胆量,不愿意走出困境。第二天早上,伊莱恩来带加尔布雷斯去见首席科学委员。在会议上,他解释说他想修理这艘船,这样他就可以探索地球的其他地方,看看是否还有其他幸存的殖民地。理事会拒绝了这个想法。他们没有武器,也没有与野兽战斗以夺回船只的愿望。后来加内特在博登的住处独自遇到了他;他问她是否介意带他参观这些网站。她的反应是说她希望他会问。在殖民地的另一部分,一名科学工作者向贾菲解释了他们的力量和食物的来源。科学工作者说漏了嘴,提到殖民地正在变得越来越小,资源的消耗也越来越少。博登和加内特讨论了贾菲周围的悲伤,他是如何抛下家人的,以及最初飞翔需要什么样的勇气。 。莫里斯(布斯·科尔姆an) 打断了谈话,博登感觉到这个男人有点嫉妒。加内特解释说,他可能会接替她父亲成为议会的领导者,因此加内特理所当然地认为加内特将成为他的伙伴。 回到他们的住处,赫伯特试图为之前的评论向迪娜道歉,但她拒绝听他说。博登和加尔布雷斯从各自的会议归来,并一致认为地下人士已经失去了意志,失去了突破边界的渴望。然后他承认他和加内特有个约会,当其他人取笑他时,他解释说加内特将带他参观一条通向地面的隧道。加内特带博登到隧道,然后他们出去了。石榴石对月亮的美丽感到惊讶;书上不是这样描述的。博登抓住石榴石并吻了她。她宣称他爱他。他对这种情绪感到担忧,并表示在某个阶段他将不得不离开。加内特恳求他留下来并与殖民地一起生活。再次以他们的名义随后,这些人试图与迪娜沟通。博登解释说,他们正在努力帮助她的人民。最后她崩溃了并接受了赫伯特的道歉。贾菲和加尔布雷思刚刚结束与议会的另一次会议。贾菲解释说,这个殖民地似乎遇到了真正的麻烦。他参观了一家医院,发现 2000 名人口中只有 14 名儿童。贾菲认为他们的后代不过多了。这些人不知道的是,莫里斯正在监视他们,莫里斯对博登的石榴石计划感到不安。莫里斯前往理事会歪曲了他们的意图。莫里斯说服议会忽略他们的要求。回到宿舍,迪娜讲述了她剩下的故事。大部分正常的孩子并不是被野兽赶走,而是被野兽派去干活的。谈话结束时,赫伯进来了,迪娜承认她对他感兴趣。在理事会会议上,加尔布雷斯为他的情况辩护,允许他们的人扩展到地表,并邀请了殖民地中的那些愿意与他合作的人。ant 成为扩展的一部分。莫里斯提出反驳,即这些人将奴役殖民地中的所有人,并取得了胜利,理事会投票否决了该提案。那天晚上,莫里斯偷走了这些人的武器,并在此过程中意外杀死了一名议员。然后他把枪藏在男人的住处,然后冲向议会,男人偷了他们的武器。迪娜(Deena)看到了他,并试图取回枪。迪娜(Deena)看到赫伯(Herb)亲吻另一个女人,变得嫉妒和苦恼。莫里斯到达议会并意识到死去的议员已经被发现。委员会前往他们的住处,发现了枪支,蒂梅克下令逮捕这些人。迪娜退后一步,对她所看到的一切只字未提。在议会厅里,这些人被推定有罪,他们将被驱逐出城市,只带走他们带来的东西。迪娜意识到这意味着什么,于是去找蒂梅克。当她等待见到他时,莫里斯袭击并试图杀死她,但没有成功,他逃脱了当她透露发生的事情时,她进入了隧道。他们跟随他到了外面的世界,及时看到他被野兽杀死。过了一段时间,议会为他们的行为道歉。大约 20 名男子自愿与船员一起出去。他们需要解决武器问题。迪娜告诉他们,只有丑陋的野兽在战斗,而且它们的数量没有人类那么多。船员们决定使用原始形式的火箭筒将是杀死地表生物的最佳方法。迪娜告诉他们,这些野兽跟随一个领导者,领导者被选中是因为他有能力对抗任何对手。她相信,如果他们杀了他,其他人很快就会排队。四个人走到外面测试武器。他们向看起来像是伏击的通道开火,他们向该地区开火,野兽们狼狈地逃跑了。其中一只没有像其他人那样变异,被捕获并带回接受审问。被捕获的敌人告诉迪娜,野兽的首领可能会带走他的人民回到洞穴,让人类更难攻击他们。在路上,他们发现了另一个正常的地表居民,被自己的人民用矛刺中。他们找到了野兽和贾菲侦察兵可能藏身的地方,但被野兽刺中了。赫伯在与这些生物战斗之前救了他。野兽的首领警告说,他已经杀死了她的许多人民,如果需要的话,他将杀死他们所有人。博登向迪娜传达了一条信息,说他是个胆小鬼,博登想仅用斧头和刀与领导者一对一战斗。领导者接受了挑战并走了出来。经过几分钟的疯狂战斗,博登杀死了首领。博登宣布自己是部落的首领,并召集其他野兽承认他是新的领袖。 几个月后,地面上的进展顺利。大多数殖民地正在迁移到地表生活,而以前的野兽部落正在与殖民地融合。每个人都同意他们正在见证人类的重生 [ema受保护]

We see an atomic explosion as the opening credits begin.A group of military servicemen huddle around a radio trying to reestablish contact with rocket ship XRM. At the Pentagon, concern grows over the lack of contact. The last message from the ship was cut off mid in mid sentence, which many point to as a sign a disaster has occurred. A newscaster describes how man's first flight into space seems to have ended in disaster and grave fears are held for Doctor Eldon Galbraithe and his crew. The last message was received as the ship entered Mars orbit and nothing has been heard since.We cut to a scene of a rocket approaching Mars. The radio operator Herb Ellis (Rod Taylor) reports to Dr. Galbraithe (Nelson Leigh) that contact with Earth is lost. He is sure it is not the equipment because the signal was lost as the ship entered Mars' magnetic field. Galbraithe asks John Borden (Hugh Marlowe) to check the viewer. Across the landscape are strange green surface markings, but from orbit they can't make out what the markings are.Dr. Galbraithe gives Henry Jaffe (Christopher Dark) orders to lay in a course back to Earth. Their mission was only a recon mission; simply do a couple of orbits of the planet then head back for Earth with their findings. As the ship breaks Mars orbit, it runs into a strange time dilation effect that accelerates the ship unbelievably. Before the crew can try to slow the ship down they are pinned to the deck by the incredible G force.They wake to find they have landed high up on snow covered mountains. They think they are on Mars, specifically one of the poles. However Bordon realizes that something is not right. The gravity feels too strong and he suspects there is an atmosphere outside. They take a chance the crack the hatch to see what's going on.Checking the ship they find the control surfaces have been damaged, also the radiation count is about three times higher than would be expected on Earth. Herb tries the radio and is unable to make any contact or find any evidence any radio broadcasts even exist.The team decides to hike down below the snowline and investigate the rest of the area. Herb quips that if they're on Venus, they may run into some high domed types that might kill them with ray guns. To try and stop that we only have good old revolvers.During a rest period one of the crew finds a cave and decides to explore it. As they go deeper they discover spider webs. As they ponder what may have spun it, Herb is attacked by a giant spider. As they fight the creature off with gun fire, a second spider attacks.After marching most of the day they decide to make camp. While sleeping, they are ambushed by a band of caveman type creatures. The party survives the initial attack and drives the attackers off. One of the creatures was killed and when the corpse is inspected it appears to be a Cyclops.At first light the party moves off again working their way further down the mountain. They encounter the ruins of what appears to be a graveyard, and looking at the tombs they realize they are on Earth, and from the dates, they can see some period in the future.Galbraithe explains there is a theory that if you can move fast enough you can affect time, and actually move backwards through it. Bordon wonders if the instruments failed at 100 miles per second, but they may have been travelling many times faster. They also are unable to decide how long they were actually blacked out.They work their way around the cemetery trying to discover the oldest gravestone. They do find a number marked 2188, and even these look old. Galbraithe considers whatever happened, he presumes a nuclear war given the high background radiation, and it would take at least a couple of hundred years for things to become livable again.They work their way along a valley and see a mountain range in the distance. It is decided they must be the Rockies (In Western USA) and judging from the environment and weather they may be either in Colorado or New Mexico.In the distance they see a thin column of smoke; Borden decides it is not a brush fire and might have been set by somebody. He decides to go and investigate but is attacked by another group of the mutated humans. The rest of the party rescues Borden and withdraws as they realize the mutants are getting behind them. They take shelter in a cave to regroup and decide their next course of action.Borden recovers from the attack being little more than a little shaken up. The party can't decide if they are trapped or found a place of safety. While exploring the cave they find a stainless steel barrier blocking access to the rest of the tunnel. Suddenly a second barrier slides into place and the first barrier opens. Short of any real options they decide to explore what's behind the barrier.They follow a long tunnel of advance design until they encounter a room. A disembodied voice speaks to them and instructs them to leave all their weapons and packs behind and enter into another tunnel. There they are greeted by a human dressed in futuristic clothes. The room is set up like some form of court or council meeting area.Timmek (Everett Glass) introduces himself and explains it was his voice the party heard. Timmek queries why they are here. Borden explains they took refuge in the tunnel, and that they had flown to Mars in 1957. Timmek explains they encountered a time dilation effect. And since they had been away, civilization had encountered the great blow. Timmek explains it was an Armageddon atomic war. Timmek is unaware of any other surviving elements of civilization.Other members of Timmek's group begin querying the men on their intentions, especially why they feel the need to have weapons. Borden has no specific response to this and the council decides to keep the guns from the men.Garnet (Nancy Gates) Timmek's daughter appears and reminds her father the men must be both tired and hungry. Galbraithe asks about what year it must be, Timmek tells him it is 2508AD. Stunned the men follow Garnet and are fed a wide variety of food.Garnet explains that all their food is produced underground due to the high radiation counts. She then introduces Elaine (Shirley Patterson) she is Elda's Stanley Fraser) assistant and makes an offer to show the crew anything they would want to see. Galbraithe wonders why the people have not conquered the surface. Garnet explains the people are tired of war and have generations of tradition behind them.As the conversation peters out Galbraithe notices one of the servant girls Deena (Lisa Montell) and asks about her. Garnet explains she is from the surface; shes been saved when she was rejected by the beasts (deformed humans) on the surface.The four men decide to bunk down for the night, Jaffe asks Borden if these people may have learned how to reverse the time dilation effect they suffered. Borden thinks probably not. He thinks that those who survived the war, turned their technology inwards, only applying what they needed to survive. Borden thinks these people will be ultimately useless to their needs.They are gutless and not willing to get out of their holesNext morning Elaine arrives to take Galbraithe to meet the chief science councilmen. At the meeting he explains he wants to repair the ship so he can explore the rest of Earth, find out if there other surviving colonies. The council rejects the idea. They have no weapons or desire to fight the beasts to retrieve the shipLater Garnet comes across Borden alone in his quarters; he asks if she would mind showing him the sites. She reacts be saying she'd hoped he would ask. In another part of the colony a science worker explains to Jaffe where their power and food come from. The science worker slips and mentions the colony is getting smaller and the drain on resources is becoming less and lessBorden and Garnet discuss the sadness surrounding Jaffe, how he left a family behind, and what sort of courage did it take to fly in the first place. Mories (Booth Colman) interrupts the conversation and Borden sense a bit of jealousy from the man. Garnet explains he will probably succeed her father as leader of the council, and as such took it for granted Garnet would be his partner.Back at their quarters Herbert tries to apologize to Deena for a previous comment but she refuses to hear him. Borden and Galbraithe return from their respective meetings and agree the people underground have lost their will, their desire to push frontiers. He then admits he has a date with Garnet, and when the others tease him about it he explains Garnet is going to show him a tunnel that leads back to the surface.Garnet takes Borden to the tunnel and they go outside. Garnet is surprised at the beauty of the Moon; it is not how the books describe it. Borden grabs garnet and kisses her. She declares he love for him. Hes concerned by this emotion and says that at some stage he will have to leave. Garnet begs him to stay and make his life with the colony.Again at their quarters the men try to communicate with Deena. Borden explains they are trying to help her people. Finally she breaks down and accepts Herberts apology. Jaffe and Galbraithe return from another meeting with the council. Jaffe explains the colony seems to be in real trouble. He visited a hospital and found only 14 children out of a population of 2000. Jaffe doesnt think they have more than more generation.Unknown to the men, they are being spied on by Mories, who becomes unsettled over Bordens plans for Garnet. Mories goes to the council twists the story of their intention. Mories convinces the council to ignore their requestsBack at the quarters Deena tells the rest of her story. Most of the normal children were not driven away by the beasts but actually put to work by them. At the end of the conversation Herb comes in and Deena admits her interest in himAt the council meeting Galbraithe pleads his case to allow them men to expand to the surface and have invited those in the colony who want to be part of the expansion. Mories pleads the counter case that the men are going to enslave everyone in the colony and carries the day and the council votes down the proposal.That night Mories steals the mens weapons accidentally killing one of the councilmen in the process. He then hides the gun in the men's quarters and rushes of to tell the council the men stole their weapons. Deena sees him, and tries to retrieve the guns.Deena sees Herb kissing another woman and becomes jealous and distressed. Mories reaches the council and realizes the dead councilman has already been found. The council go to their quarters and discover the guns andTimmek orders the arrest of the men.Deena stands back and says nothing of what she saw. At the council chamber the men a presumed guilty, they are going to be banished from the city, taking only what they came with.Deena realizes what this means and goes to Timmek. As she waits to see him Mories attacks and tries to kill her, unsuccessful he escapes into the tunnels as she reveals what had occurred. They follow him to the outside world in time to see him killed by the beasts.Sometime later the council apologizes for their actions. 20 or so men have volunteered to go out to with the crew. They need to resolve the issue of weapons. Deena tells them only the ugly beasts fight and there is not as many of them as people thingThe crew decides a primitive form of bazooka will be the best way to kill those on the surface. Deena tells them that the beasts follow a leader, who is selected for his ability to fight off any rivals. She believes if they kill him, the rest could fall into line pretty fast.The four men go outside to test the weapons. They fire at a pass that looks set up like an ambush, they fire around into the area and the beasts run away in confusion. One of them not mutated like the others is captured and taken back to be questioned.The captured enemy tells Deena that the leader of the beasts will probably take his people back to the caves to make it harder for the humans to attack them. On the way they find another normal surface dweller speared by his own people.They find the possible hiding place of the beasts and Jaffe scouts ahead but is speared by the beasts. Herb recovers him before fighting off the creatures. The leader of the beasts warns he has killed many of her people and he will kill all of them if need be. Borden sends Deena up with a message that he is a coward and Borden wants to fight the leader one on one using only an axe and knifeThe leader takes up the challenge and comes out. After a frantic few minutes of fighting, Borden kills the leader. Borden declares himself the chief of the tribe and calls the other beasts to acknowledge him as the new leaderMonths later, progress above ground is going well. Most of the colony is moving to live on the surface and the former tribe of the beasts is being integrated with the colony. Everyone agrees they are witnessing the rebirth of man's [email protected]

《无尽的世界/World Without End》(1956) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《无尽的世界/World Without End》(1956) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《无尽的世界/World Without End》(1956) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《无尽的世界/World Without End》(1956) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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