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[原版] 《为诅咒者焚香/Incense for the Damned》(1971) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《为诅咒者焚香/Incense for the Damned》(1971) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

牛津大学希腊神话权威理查德·丰坦(帕特里克·莫尔)正在希腊研究米诺斯仪式,这时有消息称,丰坦与那些涉及毒品、纵欲仪式、可能还有连环谋杀的人关系密切。由于理查德是一位英国外交大臣的儿子,也是兰开斯特学院教务长沃尔特·古德里奇(彼得·库欣饰)的女儿佩内洛普·古德里奇[玛德琳·辛德]的近未婚夫,调查员托尼·西摩[亚历克斯·达维恩]被传唤来寻找理查德并带他来。回到英国。托尼立即动身前往希腊,同行的还有理查德的近未婚夫、他的学生鲍勃·柯比(约翰尼·塞卡饰)和英国随员少校德里克·朗博伊(帕特里克·麦克尼饰)。关于理查德的身份,唯一已知的是他在离开英格兰时还是处女,而令佩内洛普沮丧的是,他与一位名叫克里斯塞斯·康斯坦塔尼尼(伊莫金·哈萨尔)的女人发生了关系。 托尼向理查德在米科诺斯岛的别墅发了一封电报,通知他他们的抵达周四,但理查德显然不想惹恼他们,因为他立即腾出了场地,派他的“救世主”徒劳无功地去找他。他们所要做的就是在理查德的房间里找到一张纸条,其中他提到了九头蛇城。他们联系希腊情报局的斯塔夫罗斯上校寻求帮助。斯塔夫罗斯安排了一架直升机供他们使用,他们飞往九头蛇,然后乘坐越野车前往基督之血修道院。在那里,院长承认最近为理查德治疗了一种“与血液有关”的古老疾病。不幸的是,理查德已经不在修道院了。那些带他来的人又把他带到了附近的一个堡垒的方向。当他们采访修道院院长时,佩内洛普开始感觉不舒服。他们认为这是喝了太多的酒和阳光,但决定将她留在修道院,而他们则跟随修道院的脚步。骡子沿着山路爬到堡垒。当他们到达时,他们发现自己无意中发现了一场仪式的开始实际的。克丽塞伊斯和她的追随者带着骡子逃跑了。理查德也在场,但他有些恍惚。没有骡子,搜索队被迫过夜,打算让德里克第二天一早返回修道院,把佩内洛普带离岛,而托尼和鲍勃则试图把理查德抬下山,带回修道院。从恍惚中走出来。他承认自己仍然是处女,但解释说克里斯对他的影响非常大。他说,即使是现在,他们也必须提防她,因为克里塞斯将会回来。第二天早上,理查德仍然太虚弱,无法出行,因此计划发生了变化,德里克必须带直升机来运送理查德。理查德拒绝让德里克离开。他请求他们先把他抬到外面。在那里,他向众神大声祈祷,请求保护德里克和其他人。作为一个征兆,理查德看到一只鹰俯冲。根据俯冲次数,理查德预测他们中的一个人会在返回九头蛇之前死去。德里克顺利下山,并在码头送佩内洛普。不幸的是,在下山的路上,克里塞伊斯看到了他,克里塞伊斯看到德里克离开,正在返回堡垒。德里克紧随其后,试图追上她。克里斯塞斯引发岩石滑坡,将德里克撞下悬崖。德里克拼命挣扎,大声尖叫。托尼和鲍勃赶忙前去救援,只剩下理查德一人留在堡垒里。克里斯趁机溜进去喝理查德的血。当托尼和鲍勃感觉到她的存在时,鲍勃回去帮助理查德,而托尼试图将德里克拉回悬崖,但没有成功。鲍勃和克里斯塞斯挣扎,但克里斯塞斯从楼梯上摔下来,看起来已经死了。鲍勃试图用拐杖刺穿她的心脏,但托尼阻止了他,以免事情从事故变成谋杀。理查德、鲍勃和托尼返回英国,理查德再次在牛津大学学习并与 P 结婚。埃内洛普。但古德里奇教务长给他施加的压力导致理查德仍然无能为力,并唤起了克里塞伊斯的记忆。鲍勃意识到理查德正在倒退,并派人寻求托尼的帮助。托尼在理查德在兰开斯特学院五百周年晚宴上发表讲话的那天到达。在开场祈祷之后,当任务在传统的野猪头和长着羽毛的孔雀上用餐时,理查德开始发表他的欢迎致辞。当他指责学术界“榨取”和“占有”学者及其学生的思想、灵魂和身体时,他最终引起了骚乱。他指出了所有穿着猩红色长袍的“圆滑的骗子”当学者们平静下来时,理查德带领佩内洛普到他的办公室,在那里他终于能够通过撕下她的紧身衣并喝她脖子上的血来体验性自由。托尼和鲍勃将理查德从佩内洛普的脖子上挣开。理查德试图从屋顶逃走PS但他却一溜烟地跑开了,被下面的锻铁栅栏刺穿了。古德里奇教务长含泪宣布他们的死亡是“自杀”,但鲍勃和托尼通过用木桩刺穿理查德和佩内洛普的心脏来完成这一行动。 [bj_kuehl 的原始概要。]

Richard Fountain [Patrick Mower], Oxford University's authority on Greek mythology,is in Greece researching Minoan rites when word comes back that Fountainhas become chummy with people involved in drugs, orgiastic rituals, andpossibly a rash of murders. Since Richard is the son of an English foreignsecretary and the almost-fiancé of Penelope Goodrich [Madeline Hind], daughter ofLancaster College's provost, Walter Goodrich [Peter Cushing], Investigator Tony Seymour [Alex Davion]has been summoned to find Richard and bring him back to England. Tonyleaves immediately for Greece, accompanied by Richard's almost-fiance, hisstudent Bob Kirby [Johnny Sekka], and Major Derek Longboy [Patrick McNee] of the British Attache. Aboutthe only thing that is known about Richard's status is that he leftEngland a virgin and, much to Penelope's dismay, he's taken up with awoman named Chriseis Konstantanini [Imogen Hassal].Tony sends a telegram to Richard's villa in Mykonos, advising him oftheir arrival on Thursday, but Richard apparently does not wish to seethem, as he immediately vacates the premises, sending his "saviors" on awild goose chase to find him. All they have to go on is a note found inRichard's room, in which he mentions the city of Hydra. They contactColonel Stavros [David Lodge] of Greek Intelligence for help. Stavros places ahelicopter at their disposal, and they fly to Hydra, then take a landrover to the Monastery of the Blood of Christ. There, the abbot admits tohaving recently treated Richard for an ancient sickness having "to do withthe blood." Unfortunately, Richard is no longer at the monastery. Thosewho brought him have carried him off again in the direction of a nearbyfort.While they are interviewing the abbot, Penelope begins to feel ill.They write it off as too much wine and sun but decide to leave her behindat the monastery while they follow the mule trail up the mountain to thefort. When they arrive, they find that they have stumbled on thebeginnings of a ritual. Chriseis and her followers escape, taking themules. Richard is there, too, but he is in some sort of trance. Withoutthe mules, the search party is forced to remain the night, intending forDerek to return to the monastery early the next morning and get Penelopeoff the island while Tony and Bob attempt to carry Richard down themountain and back to the monastery.During the night, Richard comes out of the trance. He admits to stillbeing a virgin but explains that Chriseis' influence over him is verystrong. Even now, they must watch out for her, he says, as Chriseis willbe back. The next morning, Richard is still too weak to travel, so theplan changes such that Derek will have to bring in the helicopter in orderto transport Richard. Richard refuses to allow Derek to leave. He requeststhat they first carry him outside. There, he shouts a prayer to the gods,asking for protection for Derek and the others. As a sign, Richard sees aneagle swooping. Based on the number of the swoops, Richard predicts thatone of their party will die before they can get back to Hydra.Derek makes it down the mountain okay and sees Penelope off at thedock. Unfortunately, on the way down he was seen by Chriseis who, seeingDerek leaving, is making her way back to the fort. Derek is not far behindand trying to catch up with her. Chriseis starts a rockslide, which knocksDerek over a cliff. Hanging on for dear life, Derek screams loudly. Tonyand Bob rush to his aid, leaving Richard alone in the fort. Chriseis takesthis moment to slip in and drink Richard's blood. When Tony and Bob senseher presence, Bob goes back to help Richard, while Tony triesunsuccessfully to pull Derek back over the cliff. Bob and Chriseisstruggle, but Chriseis falls down a flight of stairs and appears to bedead. Bob attempts to put a cane through her heart, but Tony stops himbefore it turns from an accident into a murder.Richard, Bob, and Tony return to England, where Richard takes up hisstudies again at Oxford and marries Penelope. But the pressures placed onhim by Provost Goodrich cause Richard to remain impotent and to revivememories of Chriseis. Bob senses that Richard is backsliding and sends forTony's help. Tony arrives on the day of Richard's address at LancasterCollege's quincentenary dinner. After the opening prayers and while thequests dine on the traditional boar's head and peacock with feathers,Richard begins to deliver his welcome-back speech. He winds up causing ariot when he accuses the academic world of "leeching on" and "possessing"the minds, souls, and bodies of the academics as well as their students.He points to all the "smooth deceivers" dressed in their scarlet gowns,and fingers Goodrich as the worst of all.While the academics compose themselves, Richard leads Penelope to hisoffice where he is finally able to experience sexual freedom by rippingoff her bodice and drinking blood from her neck. Tony and Bob breakRichard away from Penelope's neck. Richard attempts to flee over therooftops but goes skittering off, impaling himself on the wrought ironfence below. Provost Goodrich tearfully pronounces their deaths as due to"suicide", but Bob and Tony complete the act by driving stakes throughRichard and Penelope's hearts. [Original Synopsis by bj_kuehl.]

《为诅咒者焚香/Incense for the Damned》(1971) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《为诅咒者焚香/Incense for the Damned》(1971) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《为诅咒者焚香/Incense for the Damned》(1971) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《为诅咒者焚香/Incense for the Damned》(1971) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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