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[原版] 《地狱崛起:莫莉·艾文斯的生活与时代/Raise Hell: The Life & Times of Molly Ivins》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《地狱崛起:莫莉·艾文斯的生活与时代/Raise Hell: The Life & Times of Molly Ivins》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《RAISE HELL: The Life And Times of Molly Ivins》讲述了媒体煽动者莫莉·艾文斯的故事。人们经常将艾文斯与马克·吐温相提并论,艾文斯是德克萨斯州六英尺的麻烦人物,尽管她出身于休斯顿,但无论她发现哪里腐败,她都会与好老男孩进行斗争。畅销书作家、普利策奖提名记者、受欢迎的电视评论家莫莉拥有一个充满“粉丝”和“亦敌亦友”的国家。她勇敢地向权力说出真相,但这让她付出了不止一次的代价。但莫莉总是以大量的幽默来提供高质量的报告文学。这女孩很有趣!她那犀利的机智让两党都开怀大笑,渴望在她的专栏中留下墨水。在她人气最高的时候,有 400 家报纸刊登了她的专栏。她谴责政府中的“大肆宣传”,并经常说:“德克萨斯州是不良言论的国家实验室。”事实证明莫莉的话很有先见之明。她知道《权利法案》正处于危险之中,并表示“使人们两极分化是赢得选举的好方法,也是破坏国家的好方法。”莫莉说道。e 发自内心。她并不是一个愤世嫉俗的人。她为那些没有发言权的人提供了发言权。她称她的选民为她的“挚爱”,并且她从未停止过煽动地狱。 2007年,当她因乳腺癌去世时,这个国家失去了一位真正的冠军和一位似乎无所畏惧的女性。美国正处于危机之中。今天谁可以代替 Molly Ivins 的 12 码鞋子?当然是我们所有人!是时候掀起地狱了。莫莉·艾文斯当然会。“亲爱的,民主的特点是它并不整洁、有序或安静。它需要一定的兴趣来应对混乱。” - 莫莉·艾文斯

RAISE HELL: The Life And Times of Molly Ivins tells the story of media firebrand Molly Ivins. Often compared to Mark Twain, Ivins was six feet of Texas trouble who, despite her Houston pedigree, took on Good Old Boy corruption wherever she found it. Best-selling author, Pulitzer Prize nominated journalist, popular TV pundit, Molly had a nation of "fans" and "frenemies." She courageously spoke truth to power and it cost her more than once. But Molly always served up her quality reportage with a heaping dollop of humor. The gal was funny! Her razor-sharp wit left both sides of the aisle laughing and craving ink in her columns.At the height of her popularity 400 newspapers carried her column. She railed against "Big Bidness" in government, and often said, "Texas is the national laboratory for bad gub'ment." Molly's words have proved prescient. She knew the Bill of Rights was in peril and said "Polarizing people is a good way to win an election and a good way to wreck a country."Molly spoke from the heart. She was not a cynic. She gave voice to people who didn't have one. She called her constituents her "beloveds" and she never stopped raisin' hell. When she died of breast cancer in 2007, the nation lost a true champion and a woman who seemed to be afraid of nothing. America is in crisis. Who today can fill Molly Ivins' size-12 shoes? Why all of us, of course! It's time to RAISE HELL. Molly Ivins certainly would."The thing about democracy, beloveds, is that it is not neat, orderly, or quiet. It requires a certain relish for confusion." - Molly Ivins

《地狱崛起:莫莉·艾文斯的生活与时代/Raise Hell: The Life & Times of Molly Ivins》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《地狱崛起:莫莉·艾文斯的生活与时代/Raise Hell: The Life & Times of Molly Ivins》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《地狱崛起:莫莉·艾文斯的生活与时代/Raise Hell: The Life & Times of Molly Ivins》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《地狱崛起:莫莉·艾文斯的生活与时代/Raise Hell: The Life & Times of Molly Ivins》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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