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[原版收藏] 【蓝光|原版】《旺卡/Wonka》(2023)









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发表于 2024-1-22 11:41:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一艘船驶向陆地,年轻的威利·旺卡站在桅杆顶上唱着歌,当船靠岸时,威利继续唱歌,但除了一枚银币外,他把所有的银币都扔掉了,最后一枚银币被他扔了下来排水沟。然后威利去看了一家他打算购买的商店。那天晚上,威利把所有东西都拿出来,打算睡在公园的长椅上,直到一只名叫“提德尔”的狗过来嗅他的腿,一个男人叫他来他的庇护所过夜。进入斯克鲁比特和露天看台庇护所后,威利走向壁炉取暖。然后斯克鲁比特夫人给威利看了一份合同让他签字,在那里工作的一个叫面条的女孩告诉他仔细阅读合同,但威利立即签了字。随后,斯克鲁比特夫人斥责了面条,并让她发动政变。第二天,威利回到美食店,向公众讲述了他的新飞行巧克力,三个巧克力制造商看到了这一情况并报警,然后出去品尝了一些。否定之后猛烈地批评威利后,三人开始四处游荡,警察也赶到了。威利向警察局长要一些钱作为房租,警察局长递给他一枚银币。然而不幸的是,威利没有正确阅读合同,那枚硬币还不够,斯克鲁比特夫人告诉威利他必须还清剩余的债务。威利随后走进舒特洗衣店,遇到了一群与他遭遇相似命运的人。那天晚上,面条走进威利的房间,告诉他她从未尝过巧克力,所以威利用他的巧克力制作方法给她做了一份巧克力。机器并向她讲述了他童年的故事。他的母亲曾经制作过很棒的巧克力,他们本来打算接管威利想要的美食店里的商店,但她不久就去世了,他一直没有发现她的秘密。面条咬了一口巧克力,很享受,但她为自己无法再吃更多而感到难过,所以威利为她提供了终生供应的巧克力。巧克力和面条告诉威利他们可以逃走的一种方法。与此同时,在大教堂下面,警察局长正在与巧克力制造商会面,并通过一首歌鼓励他消除竞争并除掉旺卡,并提供给他 1,000 盒巧克力,他同意了。第二天早上,威利和面条试图让 Scrubit 和 Bleacher 坠入爱河,Willy 回到 Shute,并透露了一项发明,这将为他们做每个人的工作,他和 Noodle 逃脱了。现在在街上,威利告诉面条一个“绿头发的橙色小人”不断偷他的巧克力,但面条不相信他。然后威利说他需要制作更多的巧克力,并且他需要长颈鹿的牛奶来制作它。在动物园里,他们给了保安一块经过各种酒精饮料的巧克力,把他击晕了,然后两人偷偷溜了进去。进入动物园后,威利发现他无法读书,而是打开了老虎的门长颈鹿的。面条打开长颈鹿的门,威利在给长颈鹿挤奶时,面条告诉他,她的名字并不是真正的面条,只是当斯克鲁比特在篮子里发现她时,她的名字被认为是,她的项链上有一个“N”。在离开动物园的路上,威利抓起一些气球飘到美食店的屋顶,他和面条在那里唱歌跳舞,但警察看到了他们。警察局长与威利交谈,两人偷偷溜回车间。其中一人讲述了三人组长期勾结的故事,他曾为其中一人(斯拉格沃斯)工作,但被解雇了威利告诉他们,他是一名巧克力制造商,他的梦想是拥有这家商店。当晚,威利把巧克力递给面条,一行人交谈后同意帮助威利实现他的梦想。 第二天,威利在公众面前尝试各种新的美味糖果,警察骑着自行车跟踪他。最终,C警察局长发现了一个巧克力包装纸,发现他是通过路上的排水沟逃跑的。那天晚上,警察局长向巧克力师们要更多的巧克力,他们同意了。与此同时,在威利的房间里,橙色小人回来了,但却陷入了威利设置的陷阱中,并把他吵醒了。该男子告诉威利,他是奥姆帕卢姆帕人,他对威利从卢姆帕兰地偷可可豆感到失望,并且在他拿到他需要的所有巧克力之前他不会离开,然后用煎锅打了威利并用平底锅逃跑了。第二天,朋友们给威利看了商店的钥匙并打开了它。起初,这有点乱,但他们很快就把一切恢复原状。开业典礼进行得非常顺利,直到有人破坏了这些美食,顾客们纷纷骚乱,甚至烧毁了商店。其他人把威利独自留在废墟中,三个巧克力师带着装满钱的公文包来了。如果他永远离开小镇并且威利同意,他们就会送给他的朋友们。那天晚上晚些时候,威利到达码头,与斯拉格沃思握手并启航。船上还有奥姆帕·卢姆帕(Oompa Loompa),他告诉威利,在他拿到巧克力之前,他不会离开他,威利注意到他手上有一个“A”标记,并意识到面条处于极大的危险之中。威利和奥帕卢姆帕去见船长,却看到方向盘上绑着炸药。当船爆炸时,二人跳下船,巧克力匠们只是站着笑。然后斯拉格沃斯去给斯克鲁比特钱。第二天早上,斯克鲁比特夫人和布莱彻先生让每个人都带着钱走了,但告诉面条,她的钱是为了让她留在那里,斯克鲁比特夫人抓住了她,并再次把她扔进了政变。突然,威利出现并告诉 Noodle 他们要去偷账本并让 Noodle 摆脱政变。在大教堂里,面条伪装成修女,向父亲要巧克力,但父亲拒绝了会话。威利和其他几个人去动物园偷了长颈鹿并把它放回了大教堂。父亲给“动物园”打电话,电话那头就是威利和他的朋友们,告诉他们把它扔掉。他们是在男爵葬礼之前这样做的。得知发生的事情后,斯拉格沃思给父亲打电话并赶往大教堂。与此同时,威利和面条进入了大教堂的地下,开始寻找这本书。最后,面条打开了墙上的活板门,拿出了书。不幸的是,斯拉格沃思和他的同伴得到了它们,并将它们扔进了一个巨大的巧克力搅拌机中。然后斯拉格沃斯告诉他们,“N”实际上是“Z”,属于他的兄弟“泽贝迪”,并告诉面条,他告诉她母亲她会得到很好的照顾,但相反,把她扔到洗衣店里,并告诉面条她母亲告诉她她已经死了,然后锁上门,把威利的巧克力拿去奥姆帕伦帕,吃掉它们,留下威利和面条淹死在水里。巧克力河。然而,面条计划让巧克力举起它们,这样它们就可以敲打玻璃了。不幸的是,没有人愿意帮助他们,两人就这样陷入了困境。幸运的是,Oompa Loompa 出手相救,两人带着书逃了出来。现在身材魁梧的警察局长下了车,并被告知他和巧克力制造商都被捕了。然后巧克力师们又开始漂浮,威利透露他们吃的巧克力实际上是之前的飞行巧克力。斯拉格沃斯声称他们会在飘走之前回来。威利最终发现了他母亲的秘密,重要的是与你分享巧克力的人,而不是巧克力本身。威利与大家分享了一篇文章,然后告诉面条,她的母亲住在当地图书馆,两人重新认识,威利向 Oompa Loompa 展示了一座古老的城堡,他计划将其改造成一家工厂,而 Oompa Loompa 则成为首席巧克力品尝师。作为学分滚动后,Oompa Loompa 揭露了每个人的遭遇,包括被捕的 Scrubit 和 Bleacher,但他们试图通过吃下有毒的巧克力来逃脱,两人最后一吻。

A ship sails towards land and a young Willy Wonka stands on top of a mast, singing a song and when the ship ports in dock, Willy continues singing, but gives away all but 1 of his silver coins, the last of which he drops down a drain. Willy then goes to look at a store he plans to buy. That evening, Willy gets everything out and plans to sleep on a park bench, until a dog called "Tiddles" comes and sniffs his leg and a man tells him to come and spend the night in his sanctuary.Once inside Scrubit and Bleachers sanctuary, Willy heads for the fireplace to warm up. Mrs Scrubit then shows Willy a contract to sign, and a girl who works there called Noodle tells him to read the contract carefully, but Willy just instantly signs. Mrs Scrubit then tells Noodle off and throws her in a coup. The next day, Willy heads back to the Gourmet store and tells the public about his new flying chocolates and a trio of Chocolatiers see this and call the police, before going out and tasting some. After negatively criticizing Willy, the three start floating around and the police arrive. Willy asks the Chief of police for some money for his rent and he hands him a silver coin. Unfortunately however, Willy didn't read the contract properly and that coin wouldn't be enough and Mrs Scrubit tells Willy he will have to work off the rest of the debt. Willy then goes down the laundry Shute and meets a bunch of other people who suffered similar fates to him.That night, Noodle came into Willys room and tells him she has never tasted chocolate, so Willy makes her a chocolate treat, using his chocolate making machine and tells her the story of his childhood. His mother used to make great chocolate and they had planned to take over the store in the Gourmet store that Willy wanted, but she had died soon after and he had never found out her secret. Noodle takes a bite of the chocolate and enjoys it, but is saddened by the fact that she won't be able to have more, so Willy offers her a lifetime supply of chocolate and Noodle tells Willy one way they can escape. Meanwhile, underneath the cathedral, the Chief of police is meeting with the Chocolatiers and through a song, encourage him to eliminate the competition and get rid of Wonka, by offering him 1,000 boxes of chocolate and he agrees.The next morning, Willy and Noodle attempt to get Scrubit and Bleacher to fall in love and Willy goes back down the Shute, and reveals an invention, which will do everyone's work for them and he and Noodle escape. Now on the streets, Willy tells Noodle about a "little orange man with green hair" who keeps stealing his chocolates, but Noodle doesn't believe him. Then Willy says that he needs to make more chocolate and he needs the milk from a giraffe to make it. At the zoo, they knock out the security guard by giving him a chocolate that goes through all sorts of alcoholic beverages and the two sneak in. Once inside the zoo, it is revealed that Willy cannot read as he opens the door to the tiger instead of the giraffe. Noodle opens the door to the giraffe and whilst Willy milks the giraffe Noodle tells him that her name isn't really Noodle, only assumed to be, when Scrubit found her in a basket, with an "N" on her necklace. On the way out of the zoo, Willy grabs hold of some balloons and floats to the roof of the Gourmet store, where he and Noodle sing and dance, but the police see them. The Chief of police has a conversation with Willy and the two sneak back into the workshop.One of them tells the story of how the Trio have been in cahoots for a long time and he used to work for one (Slugworth), but got fired for snooping around and Willy tells them he is a chocolate maker and his dream of owning the store. That night, Willy passes Noodle her chocolates and the gang have a conversation and agree to help Willy with his dream.The following day, Willy tries out all sorts of new delicious confectionery on the members of the public and the police follow him on bicycles. Eventually, the Chief of police finds a chocolate wrapper and figures out that he has been escaping through the drains in the road. That night, the Chief of police asks the Chocolatiers for more chocolate and they agree. Meanwhile in Willys room, the little orange man comes back, but gets caught in a trap Willy had set and wakes him up. The man tells Willy that he is an Oompa Loompa and he is disappointed at Willy for stealing cocoa beans from Loompaland Land and that he won't go away until he has all the chocolate he requires, before hitting Willy with a frying pan and escaping with the chocolate.The next day, the friends showed Willy the keys to the store and open it up. At first it was a bit of a dump, but they soon got it all up to scratch. The grand opening went really well, until it is revealed that someone had sabotaged the treats and the customers all riot, burning down the store. The others leave Willy alone in the rubble and the three Chocolatiers arrive with a brief case full of money, which they will give to his friends, if he leaves town for good and Willy agrees. Later that evening, Willy arrives at the docks, shakes Slugworth's hand and sets sail. Also on board was the Oompa Loompa and he tells Willy he won't leave him alone until he gets the chocolate and Willy notices an "A" mark on his hand and realizes that Noodle is in great danger. Willy and the Oompa Loompa go to see the captain, but see dynamite strapped to the wheel instead. The duo jump off and the Chocolatiers just stand and laugh as the boat explodes. Slugworth then goes to give Scrubit the money.The next morning, Mrs Scrubit and Mr Bleacher let everyone go with their money, but tells Noodle that her money was to keep her there and Mrs Scrubit grabs her and throws her in the coup again. Suddenly, Willy appears and tells Noodle that they are going to go and steal the ledger and break Noodle free from the coup. At the cathedral, Noodle is disguised as a nun and asks the father for some chocolate, but he refuses. Willy and a couple others go to the zoo, steal the giraffe and let it loose in the cathedral. The father phones the "zoo", which is Willy and his friends on the other side of the phone and tells them to get rid of it. They do so, just before the Baron's funeral. After hearing what had happened, Slugworth calls the father and rushes to the cathedral. Meanwhile, Willy and Noodle had entered underneath the cathedral and started searching for the book. Finally, Noodle opened a trap door in the wall and got out the book. Unfortunately, Slugworth and his companions got them and throw them in a giant chocolate mixer. Slugworth then tells them that the "N" is actually a "Z", which belonged to his brother "Zebbedy" and told Noodle that he told her mother she would be in good hands, but instead, threw her down the laundry Shute and told her mother that she had died, before locking the door, taking Willys chocolates for the Oompa Loompa, eating them and leaving Willy and Noodle to drown in a river of chocolate. Noodle however, had a plan to let the chocolate lift them and they could bang on the glass. Unfortunately, no one would help them and the two went under.Fortunately, the Oompa Loompa came to the rescue and the duo got out with the book. The now oversized Chief of police got out of the car and is told that he as well as the Chocolatiers are under arrest. The Chocolatiers then start floating again and Willy reveals that the chocolate they had eaten were actually the flying chocolates from earlier on. Slugworth claims they'll be back before floating away.Willy then finally finds out his mother's secret that it's the people you share the chocolate with that matters, not the chocolate itself. Willy shares a piece with everyone, before telling Noodle that her mother lives at the local library and the two get reacquainted and Willy shows the Oompa Loompa an old castle, which he plans to make into a factory and the Oompa Loompa becomes Chief chocolate taster.As the credits roll, the Oompa Loompa reveals what happened to everyone, including Scrubit and Bleacher, who were under arrest, but tried to get out of it by eating the poisoned chocolates and the two have one last kiss.






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