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[原版] 《鲍勃·马利:一份爱/Bob Marley: One Love》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《鲍勃·马利:一份爱/Bob Marley: One Love》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

影片以年轻的罗伯特·内斯塔·马利(诺兰·科里格农饰)和他的母亲一起乘坐公共汽车从一个家到另一个家开始。接下来的文字解释了鲍勃·马利为何至今仍被称为牙买加最大牌的明星。他出身卑微,在 70 年代牙买加摆脱英国独立后,牙买加发生了暴力冲突。 鲍勃(金斯利·本-阿迪尔饰)已经步入职业生涯,在宣布他是计划举办“微笑牙买加”和平音乐会,以团结全国人民面对政治话语。一些批评者担心鲍勃会让自己看起来站在自己一边。金斯顿,1976 年 - 当暴徒开始在街上开枪时,鲍勃正在与他的朋友和儿子踢足球。鲍勃保护他的儿子们并将他们带走,告诉他们不要担心发生的事情(这也是他开始想出“三只小鸟”的地方)。他们回到家中,鲍勃在那里与他的妻子丽塔(La莎娜·林奇(Shana Lynch)),因为家人周围持续不断的暴力威胁让她感到紧张。后来,鲍勃和他的乐队 The Wailers 一起排练“我射杀了警长”。丽塔走出去,看到两名枪手朝房子跑去,而第三名枪手则用枪指着她的头。两人进入屋内,向鲍勃和他的朋友唐·泰勒(安东尼·威尔士饰)开枪,丽塔也中弹。尽管受伤了,鲍勃还是站了起来,将唐和丽塔送往医院。当丽塔失去知觉时,鲍勃坐在她的床边。他回忆起他们十几岁的时候(由全·达贾伊·恩里克和尼亚·阿什饰演),鲍勃开始向丽塔求爱。在他们康复后,鲍勃仍然计划继续举办音乐会。与他关系密切的每个人都认为这对他和家人的安全来说是个坏主意,但他坚持这样做。演出当晚,鲍勃去表演,但他短暂地产生了幻觉,看到了人群中开枪射杀他的枪手。然后他停止了表演并透露了他的伤势在走下舞台之前向人群展示。丽塔试图安慰他,鲍勃说他需要独处的时间。三个月后,鲍勃和他的一些朋友一起去了伦敦。在那里,他们因持有大麻而被捕。在监狱里,鲍勃回忆起丽塔第一次带他加入拉斯塔法里运动的情景。他还想到小时候目睹父亲抛弃他和母亲,他拒绝承认鲍勃是他的儿子。 后来,鲍勃与他的制作人克里斯·布莱克威尔(詹姆斯·诺顿饰)讨论了新专辑的想法。丽塔 (Rita) 前往伦敦与他会合,而鲍勃 (Bob) 和哭声乐队 (The Wailers) 正在尝试创作新的声音。鲍勃听了电影《出埃及记》的原声带,并开始创作自己的同名歌曲。在公关霍华德·布鲁姆(迈克尔·甘多菲尼饰)的帮助下,乐队制作了下一张专辑《Exodus》,该专辑成为全球畅销单曲。随着专辑的成功,鲍勃于 1977 年开始了欧洲各地的巡演。更多成功随着知名度和知名度的提高,鲍勃与一位名叫辛迪·布雷克斯皮尔(乌米·迈尔斯饰)的女人有染。在一场足球比赛中,鲍勃受伤后跌跌撞撞,但他对此置之不理。克里斯邀请鲍勃和他的同伴参加一个活动。在那里,鲍勃看到丽塔和另一个男人说话而嫉妒。当他出去与她对质时,她反过来反击他,因为她知道他自己的多重事务以及他因此生下的孩子。丽塔打了鲍勃一巴掌,还告诉他要留意唐,因为他在鲍勃背后做一些见不得人的生意。另一场演出结束后,鲍勃在后台与唐对峙,因为丽塔告诉他的话。在他的乐队成员之前,他开始对唐进行身体攻击,丽塔将鲍勃从他身上拉开。 不久之后,丽塔和克里斯对鲍勃脚趾上的黑点表示担忧,鲍勃在搭便车比赛中受伤,因此鲍勃去看了医生。医生告诉鲍勃他患有黑色素瘤,虽然建议他切除脚趾以阻止为了防止癌症扩散,鲍勃拒绝了这一消息,并陷入了绝望的状态。他与丽塔交谈,丽塔发表了自己的简短演讲,并激励他返回牙买加的家。1978 年 - 鲍勃返回牙买加,飞机降落时,一大群人聚集在他身边。鲍勃参观了他的老家,现在那里已经空了。枪杀他的枪手走进屋子,请求鲍勃原谅。鲍勃说他心里没有复仇之心。后来,鲍勃与丽塔和他们的儿子们围坐在篝火旁,创作了《救赎之歌》。丽塔说鲍勃已经准备好再次表演。鲍勃和哭声乐队随后在牙买加为一大群人聚集准备一场新表演。然后他起身表演“One Love”。结尾文字指出鲍勃·马利于 1981 年 5 月 11 日因癌症去世。然而,在他的《One Love》音乐会的镜头中,他将对立政党的领导人聚集在一起,作为团结的象征。另据报道,《时代》杂志称《出埃及记》为有史以来最伟大的专辑之一。

The film opens with a young Robert Nesta Marley (Nolan Collignon) joining his mother as they take a bus from one home to another. This is followed by text explaining how Bob Marley is still known today as Jamaica's biggest star. He grew up from humble beginnings around a time of violence in Jamaica during the 70s after the nation gained its independence from Great Britain.Bob (Kingsley Ben-Adir), already well into his career, goes to a press conference after announcing that he is planning to hold a peace concert, "Smile Jamaica", to unite the nation in the face of political discourse. Some critics fear that Bob is making it look like his is taking a side.Kingston, 1976 - Bob is playing soccer with his friends and sons when thugs start firing their guns in the streets. Bob protects his sons and takes them away, telling them not to worry about what happened (this is also where he starts to come up with "Three Little Birds"). They return to their home, where Bob talks to his wife Rita (Lashana Lynch), as the constant threat of violence around their family puts her on edge.Later, Bob goes to rehearse "I Shot The Sheriff" with his group, The Wailers. Rita steps out momentarily and sees two gunmen running towards the house, while a third aims his gun at her head. The two men enter the house and shoot at Bob and his friend Don Taylor (Anthony Welsh), while Rita has also been shot. Despite his injury, Bob rises to his feet and gets Don and Rita to the hospital. Bob sits by Rita's bedside as she lies unconscious. He reminisces about when they were teenagers (played by Quan-Dajai Henrique and Nia Ashi) and Bob began to court Rita.Following their recoveries, Bob still plans on going forward with the concert. Everyone close to him sees it as a bad idea for his safety and his family's, but he insists on doing it. On the night of the show, Bob goes and performs, but he briefly hallucinates seeing the gunman that shot him in the crowd. He then stops the show and reveals his injuries to the crowd before walking off the stage. Rita tries to comfort him, and Bob says he needs time to himself.Three months later, Bob travels to London with some of his friends. While there, they are arrested for possession of cannabis. In jail, Bob recalls how Rita first brought him into the Rastafari movement. He also thinks about witnessing his father abandon him and his mother when he was a child, and he refused to acknowledge Bob as his son.Later, Bob talks to his producer Chris Blackwell (James Norton) over ideas for a new album. Rita joins him in London while Bob and the Wailers are trying to come up with a new sound. Bob listens to the soundtrack to the film "Exodus" and starts to come up with his own song of the same name. With help from publicist Howard Bloom (Michael Gandolfini), the group makes their next album, "Exodus", which becomes a worldwide best-selling hit.Following the album's success, Bob goes on a tour throughout Europe in 1977. Although he sees much more success and popularity, Bob is seen engaging in an affair with a woman, Cindy Breakspeare (Umi Myers). During a pickup game of soccer, Bob is seen stumbling after an injury, but he brushes it off.Chris invites Bob and company to an event. While there, Bob gets jealous at seeing Rita talking to another man. When he goes outside to confront her, she in turn hits back at him with the knowledge of his own multiple affairs and the children he has produced as a result. Rita slaps Bob and also tells him to keep an eye out for Don, as he is doing some shady businesses behind Bob's back.After another show, Bob confronts Don backstage over what Rita told him. He begins to physically attack Don before his band mates and Rita pull Bob off of him.Not long after, Bob visits a doctor after Rita and Chris express concerns over a dark spot on Bob's toe where he injured himself during the pickup game. The doctor informs Bob that he has melanoma, and while it was recommended that he have the toe removed to stop the cancer from spreading, Bob declines and is left in a state of despair over the news. He talks to Rita, who gives him her own little speech and inspires him to return home to Jamaica.1978 - Bob makes his return to Jamaica, with a huge crowd gathering for him as the plane lands. Bob visits his old home, which is now empty. The same gunman that shot him enters the house, asking Bob for forgiveness. Bob says he holds no vengeance in his heart. Later, Bob sits with Rita and their sons around a campfire as he comes up with "Redemption Song". Rita says that Bob is ready to perform again.Bob and the Wailers later get ready as they gather for a large crowd in Jamaica for a new show. He then gets up to perform "One Love".Ending text states that Bob Marley passed away on May 11, 1981 from his cancer. However, footage is shown from his One Love Concert where he brought together leaders of opposing political parties as a symbol of unity. It is also stated that Time Magazine called "Exodus" one of the greatest albums of all time.

《鲍勃·马利:一份爱/Bob Marley: One Love》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《鲍勃·马利:一份爱/Bob Marley: One Love》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《鲍勃·马利:一份爱/Bob Marley: One Love》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《鲍勃·马利:一份爱/Bob Marley: One Love》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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