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[原版] 《评书/Storytelling》(2001) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《评书/Storytelling》(2001) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《讲故事》的前半部分以小说开头,蔚与患有脑瘫的男友马库斯发生性关系。当他们完成后,维急于离开,马库斯怀疑这是因为她不再觉得他的残疾很古怪。马库斯写了糟糕的短篇小说,尽管维和她的其他创意写作同学意识到了这一点,但每个人都奉承他,因为他们害怕批评残疾人。最终,一名同学终于在黑人教授斯科特先生面前发出了批评,他对黑人教授进行了一番谩骂(“凯瑟琳是对的。你的故事就是一坨狗屎。你除了平庸之外什么也没表达。”)。马库斯因维没有提供真正的批评而感到受伤,于是与她分手。随后,薇在酒吧遇见了斯科特先生,并与他一起回家。在浴室梳洗时,维发现了几名白人女同学的裸照。 “不要种族主义”,她对着镜子低声对自己说。从卫生间出来后,斯科特先生要求她脱掉衣服,然后鸡奸她,同时要求她尖叫:“黑鬼,用力操我!”她回到课堂,以虚构的短篇小说的形式对这些事件进行了几乎不加掩饰的描述。她的同学立即对她提出批评,称这个故事是种族主义、厌恶女性的,是一个被宠坏的白人女孩的胡言乱语。 后半部分非小说类以失败者纪录片导演托比和他的主题史酷比为主角,一个没有方向的青少年。史酷比与父母经常发生争执,每晚在餐桌上都会发生争执。托比很快意识到他的纪录片毫无目的。当史酷比幻想着他的父母被点燃时,他冷漠地允许一名男同学对他进行口交,这向观众透露了史酷比是双性恋。托比的纪录片很快就从一部关于高中生的令人尊敬的教育纪录片变成了对史酷比及其家人的居高临下、剥削性的嘲笑。史酷比偷偷溜进了这部电影的早期放映,却发现观众对他家人的表现大笑不已。当史酷比外出时,家里的前管家因最近被解雇而感到愤怒,用煤气毒害了他的家人。史酷比回到家中发现家人都死了,冷冷地告诉托比不要为他感到难过,因为“这部电影很受欢迎”。

Fiction, the first half of Storytelling, opens with Vi having sex with her boyfriend, Marcus, who is afflicted with cerebral palsy. When they finish, Vi is anxious to leave, which Marcus suspects is because she no longer finds his handicap kinky.Marcus writes terrible short stories and, though Vi and her other creative writing classmates realize this, everyone flatters him because they are afraid of critiquing someone who is handicapped. Eventually, a classmate finally vocalizes criticisms before the black professor, Mr. Scott, unleashes a diatribe of insults ("Katherine is right. Your story is a piece of sh*t. You expressed nothing but banalities."). Marcus, hurt that Vi had not provided genuine criticism breaks up with her. Subsequently Vi meets Mr. Scott in a bar and she goes home with him. While freshening up in his bathroom, Vi discovers naked photographs of several of her white female classmates. "Don't be racist", she whispers to herself in the mirror. Upon exiting the bathroom, Mr. Scott asks her to take off her clothing and proceeds to sodomize her while demanding that she scream, "N*gger, f*ck me hard!" She returns to class, having written a thinly-veiled account of these events as a fictional short story. Her classmates immediately attack her with criticisms, calling the story racist, misogynistic, and the ramblings of a spoiled white girl.The second half Nonfiction stars Toby, a loser documentary filmmaker, and his subject Scooby, a directionless adolescent. Scooby is constantly at odds with his parents, a war that is waged nightly at the dinner table. Toby soon realizes that his documentary is aimless. It is revealed to the audience that Scooby is bisexual when he is shown apathetically allowing a male schoolmate to perform fellatio on him as he fantasizes about his parents set aflame. Toby's documentary soon changes from a respectful, educational documentary about high school students into a condescending, exploitative mockery of Scooby and his family. Scooby sneaks into an early screening of the film only to discover the audience laughing uproariously at the representation of his family. While Scooby is out, the family's ex-housekeeper, embittered by her recent firing, poisons his family with gas. Scooby returns to his home to discover that his family is dead and tells Toby coldly to not feel sorry for him because, "the movie is a hit."

《评书/Storytelling》(2001) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《评书/Storytelling》(2001) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《评书/Storytelling》(2001) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《评书/Storytelling》(2001) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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