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[原版] 《陷阱/The Trap》(1946) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《陷阱/The Trap》(1946) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《陷阱》,发布时间 11-30-46 一辆旅行车被一名摩托车巡警拦截,该警官向司机解释说,他的车速太快了。中间座位上有两名女性,一名男性,科尔·金先生,前排座位上有另一名女性。丹尼尔斯说他会放慢速度,他们正前往海滩上的卢瑟福宅邸。雷诺兹警官说这个地方不容错过,但要慢点。马车停在马里布的海滨豪宅前,他们都下了车,前门是卢瑟福看门人威布尔斯夫人护送他们进去。 。公司的服装主管索恩夫人向威布尔斯夫人做了自我介绍。车上共有六名女性,其中五名女性上楼梯回到自己的房间,威布尔斯夫人说她们的行李已经放在那里。女孩们在打开行李时发生了一些小争执,与此同时,在楼下,威布尔斯太太生性拘谨,家具上的布罩被拆除,因为舞会要求除尘。伊塞德。这个地方很乱,不太适合新来的客人。妇女们出去后,阿德莱德在她的房间里与玛西娅争吵。玛西娅问阿德莱德,如果大师发现勃兰特医生是你的丈夫怎么办?阿德莱德威胁玛西娅,并用食指抵住喉咙,声称玛西娅在巡演期间在其他国家制造了麻烦。玛西娅说大师很有兴趣找出勃兰特博士的真实身份;玛西娅对阿德莱德说我们要去游泳。路易斯在走廊里撞见了阿德莱德,当路易斯走进房间时,阿德莱德表达了她对玛西娅的不满。玛西娅命令路易斯去阿德莱德的行李箱,打开里面的金属盒子,从盒子里拿出三四封信给我。路易斯抗议盗窃行为,而玛西娅则威胁她,承诺告诉大师路易斯还不满十八岁。路易斯表示她不能失去这份工作,她需要钱。路易斯留下来,进入阿德莱德的房间,打开行李箱,然后打开金属盒子,伸手去拿一些信件,看到有人戴着手套,中间夹着一根绳子向她走来。当绞杀者走近时,路易斯发出一声尖叫。镜头中从未出现过接近路易斯的人。在露台上,所有人都穿着泳装走向水边,包括丹尼尔斯、科尔·金和乔治·勃兰特博士。威布尔斯嘲笑演艺界人士,在露台入口附近停下来,看着海滩游客下水。她转身要进去。场景是威布尔斯夫人为客人烧烤食物,人们享受着食物和软饮料。一名女子离开了大海,三名女子躺在沙滩躺椅上,玛西娅在哪里?阿德莱德看着勃兰特医生说,你看起来就像见了鬼一样。他反驳道,天气有点冷,我在小屋里。 剧团的亚洲助理桑托伊在她的房间里寻找露易丝,发现她倒在地板上,已经死了。她尖叫起来,每个人都跑到楼上的房间,除了正在烧烤的威布尔斯。威布尔斯逃离了房子。勃兰特遍及身体,告诉房间里的其他人,路易斯死了。医生说,三个男人聚集在一起,路易斯被绞死,脖子上缠着一根绳子。大师询问什么样的绳子?医生说那是一根丝绳。女孩们被关在前屋里,克莱门汀正在为路易斯的谋杀而哭泣,索恩夫人要求女孩们留在房间里直到警察到来。房间里不见玛西娅,而索恩夫人向圣托伊保证没有人指责你,不过,提到的丝绳是中国产的。 San Toy宣布要查清这起案件的真相,她会联系最伟大的侦探陈吉米;他会解决这个问题。伯明翰布朗床边的电话响起,他回答这是陈先生的住所,女孩们对着电话尖叫,这是谋杀,这是谋杀。伯明翰被陈查理吩咐穿好衣服,我们就去女士们给的马里布地址。他们开车前往卢瑟福宅邸。吉米回家发现了写在便签本上的马里布大道 26 号的地址,在伯明翰的房间里。查理·陈(Charlie Chan)走进屋子,所有女士都在说话,桑托伊(San Toy)用中文与他交谈,阿德莱德(Adelaide)用法语,其他人在尖叫,查理正在寻找他的儿子,松了口气,他不在场。雷诺兹中士正在调查这起案件,欢迎查理前来协助。陈希望与中士交谈。独自的。查理说他正在寻找二儿子吉米。雷诺兹说他没有见过吉米。查理认出凶器是长袍的绳子。丹尼尔斯走进房间,向陈介绍自己,因为他在之前的案件中对他很熟悉。查理称丹尼尔斯为新闻代理人,大师科尔·金走进房间,认出了查理。查理问乔治·勃兰特在剧团中的职责是什么。他自称是剧中的物理治疗师,负责饮食。根据索恩夫人的说法,女人们聚集在一个房间里以确保安全,由玛奇·米奇负责,而男人们则在寻找失踪的玛西娅;克莱门氏小柑橘ins歇斯底里。男人们上楼,女士们看到门廊上有一个男人,从窗户进入隔壁房间。雷诺兹中士拔出武器,第一个进入房间,然后是其他人。雷诺兹检查了床底下,他听到壁橱里有声音,吉米·陈跌跌撞撞地走了出来。他告诉父亲,他认为爸爸需要他的帮助,所以他来了。查理命令吉米和伯明翰在车道上就位,任何人都不得离开房屋,其他人都必须留在房子里。查理在谋杀室与雷诺兹协商,警官确定了受害者的位置。吉米和伯明翰躲在房子的街道一侧,吉米看到有人从地窖门进入。助手们进入地窖,吉米继续深入地下室,伯明翰徘徊,只看到有人拿着棒球棒,手放在球棒上。当他继续前进时,前景中有一个戴着帽子的陌生人,正在躲避视线。伯明翰被一些网状装饰缠住,当他大声呼救吉米时,拿着球棒的人把他打晕了,然后逃上了地窖的楼梯。吉米找到伯明翰,说他看到那个陌生人手里拿着一个包裹。他们俩退出地窖,遇到了查理,吉米告诉他的父亲有人试图把一包东西塞进炉子里。查理告诉他们要恢复警惕,带包的人最重要。桑托伊正在楼上的走廊里走,有人试图用什么东西盖住她。她逃脱了企图,尖叫着逃跑,跌倒在楼梯底部,惊动了查理。查理告诉吉米留在地窖门附近,女人们聚集在桑托伊周围,帮助她站起来。空气中弥漫着乙醚的气味,男人们聚集在楼梯脚下,其中包括雷诺兹和查理。查理请医生确认乙醚的存在。他说布一定已经被它浸透了。雷诺兹和玛奇和其他人一起进入露台。女士们讨论有些人睡了,有些人没有。雷诺兹向女士们保证,查理·陈负责调查。 在谋杀卧室里,吉米躺在地板上,向伯明翰展示查理正在要求伯明翰模拟从行李箱中拿走什么东西。查理像绞刑架一样握着绳子,向吉米展示绳索技术,如果受害者突然抓住绳子,勒死者就无法被抓住。查理对凶手的模仿向吉米证明,受害者,即路易斯,根据尸体在地板上发现的方式,认出了凶手,并离开了箱子。如果入侵者是路易斯不认识的人,路易斯可能会从附近的窗户逃走。查理和吉米一致认为,路易斯认识袭击她的人,可能是朋友。查理退出,吉米紧随其后,然后是伯明翰。女人们聚集在露台上,查理进来,说游泳是最有活力的。女人们前往海滩,丹尼尔斯带着包裹回来,查理命令吉米和伯明翰跟随丹尼尔斯先生的动作低沉密切。鲁比用手掌里的小螃蟹吓坏了克莱门汀;其中一个女孩对克莱门汀大喊,在沙滩球落入水中之前把它拿走。克莱门汀追赶流浪球,被一堆海藻绊倒,并发现了玛西娅的尸体。每个人都跑向尖叫的女人和受害者。查理指示医生仔细注意玛西娅脖子上的绳结,命令每个人都进屋,除了中士等待验尸官。医生说这是奶奶结,气管被压扁了。查理向勃兰特医生询问尸体浸泡的预计时间,他说十到十二个小时。吉米冲进房间,告诉他父亲,他要带着那个包裹去海滩;他要去海滩。伯明翰正在注视着他,查理表示他会解决海滩上的困境。查理转向这群人,指示他们不要离开宅邸的主房间,因为他稍后有很多事情要与他们讨论。伯明翰在岸上吃东西,查理看着他走近,向伯明翰和吉米挥手。他走向拿着铲子的人。是丹尼尔斯,陈告诉他,他会在家里的朋友的陪同下听他的解释。丹尼尔斯拿起他要埋葬的长袍,然后往回走。雷诺兹听着电话,在电话里道谢,转身告诉女士们,科尔·金,玛西娅不可能溺水身亡。布兰特医生和阿德莱德谈到向当局投降,陈和丹尼尔斯一起走进来,手里拿着长袍。丹尼尔斯告诉陈,他埋葬长袍是为了防止有人被陷害;长袍被放在大师的壁橱里。丹尼尔斯断言,除了玛西娅之外,这所房子里没有任何人可以杀死路易斯;然后,玛西娅自杀了。陈回来后表示,自杀不是通过在脖子后面打奶奶结来自杀的。结论,有人杀了玛西娅,玛西娅没有自杀。他们进入一个完整的房间,查rlie告诉大家,玛西娅并没有杀死路易斯小姐。妇女们互相讽刺,对谁杀了谁提出了自己的看法。 San Toy 表示,陈先生手中的黑线是衣柜的一部分;它附在科尔·金的黑色沙滩袍上。查理向大师展示了玛西娅礼服上的银线。那根银线杀死了露易丝。丹尼尔斯打断了科尔,让查理单独和他坦白。科尔告诉丹尼尔斯,让他们互相指责是一种伎俩。丹尼尔斯继续向所有人提出指控,包括医生和女孩们。陈告诉科尔他想听到丹尼尔斯的更多信息。科尔向丹尼尔斯发起攻击,指控他犯下罪行,称他是杀害马西娅号的凶手,并将尸体拖出大海。丹尼尔斯告诉科尔,他一直很忠诚,他把长袍拿出来试图埋掉它,因为他认为有人试图陷害你。丹尼尔斯更进一步,指责勃兰特博士也隐藏秘密。医生对丹尼尔斯大喊,你哈还没有拿到证据科尔回到丹尼尔斯身边,指控他谋杀,自从玛西娅在剧中取代了威妮弗雷德的工作后,你就一直喜怒无常。你还试图将路易斯的死定为自杀。陈指控丹尼尔斯妨碍司法公正,他指示雷诺兹进行调查,然后提出适当的指控。丹尼尔斯将长袍带到岸上并试图掩埋证据是障碍。陈指示男人们返回小屋,女士们留在房子里,他希望在他的总部第一个房间与布兰特和阿德莱德交谈在右边,楼梯的顶部。他请中士和他的助手一起看守门口;没有人离开房子。查理补充道,他确信凶手就在这个房间里。马吉闯入查理的车,吉米看到她离开,雷诺兹说他会抓住她,他开着摩托车追赶她。巡警把车停在路边,稍后会派人去取自行车,上车后发现一个信封,地址写给布兰特向陈承认信封里有他的州医学检查委员会申请,他没收了该物品。布兰特决定在明天截止日期前放弃它。陈与一位忏悔的医生和他歇斯底里的妻子阿德莱德坐在一起。他告诉勃兰特,他知道自己在纽约因妻子非正常死亡而被判无罪。这套衣服毁了勃兰特的生活,他参加了战争,遇到了一个女孩,并娶了她,阿德莱德。他还继续讲述在巴黎遇见玛西娅的事。玛西娅给阿德莱德提供了一份工作,也给了医生一份工作。陈不想揭开旧伤,但布兰特涉嫌其他谋杀案。查理声称勃兰特在这个房间里发现了路易斯的尸体,还在行李箱里发现了某些物品,并将其从房间中移走。布兰特说,金属盒子里装着阿德莱德的信件,他发现它躺在路易斯旁边;他把它去掉了。布兰特继续向陈解释,金属盒子里装着涉及纽约那件事的信件,我看到整件事都被搞砸了由当地警方带领。布兰特说,这个金属盒子是手头唯一的防火锁盒子,里面装着剧团每个人的东西;盒子在他的小屋里。他们在他的手提箱里寻找它,但找不到。当查理离开房间时,查理警告勃兰特可能会受到怀疑,而阿德莱德则安慰勃兰特。查理在门口遇见了吉米和桑托伊,吉米说他要和她一起去呼吸新鲜空气。查理正计划设下诱饵陷阱,他说仓促的猎人必须设下陷阱才能捕获猎物。吉米被命令与其他助理一起守卫出口,查理将陪伴圣托伊散步。丹尼尔斯告诉女士,医生和大师一起在他的小屋里,他的神经受到刺激,他正在试图让他平静下来。女士们继续谈论谋杀案,谈论留在房子里,威布尔斯夫人说克莱门汀听到了墙上的老鼠,他们已经被老鼠淹没了。伯明翰躺在地窖的门上,吉米从门里出来,吓得伯明翰倒在地上。吉米安d 伯明翰讨论了大师的罪行,至少吉米是这么说的。伯明翰站在地窖入口处,而吉米则前往科尔·金的房间。威布尔斯夫人手里拿着便笺簿和铅笔经过伯明翰,走进屋子,然后雷诺兹出现,询问有人经过,伯明翰告诉他是管家;他进入了通往楼上的同一扇门。雷诺兹走进一间卧室,环顾四周,进入壁橱,在壁橱里寻找什么东西,这时吉米走上楼梯。他从卧室门往外看,看着科尔·金卧室前的吉米。吉米走进房间,搜查行李箱和手提箱,检查衣柜,这时有人用棒球棒把他打晕了。女人们聚集在主屋里,她们都焦躁不安,但正要退休,这时克莱门汀用她像往常一样尖叫,有人在墙上。威布尔斯夫人从克莱门汀床后的墙上出现,尖叫声惊动了在场的每个人,而雷诺德则从隐藏的地方出现了。内尔,跟随威布尔斯。陈评论说她在写字本上做笔记,他说隐藏的面板在禁酒令时期就很常见。索恩夫人邀请桑托伊住在她的小屋里。所有的女人都离开了主房间。陈和雷诺兹在外面,雷诺兹回答陈询问其他三名男子在小屋里的位置。查理告诉雷诺兹,一定是海浪太高,导致他们听不到尖叫声。查理要求警官在小屋和房子之间仔细看守。查理认为威布尔斯夫人无害。陈告诉雷诺兹,任何人都不得在小屋和房屋之间经过。另外,检查一下这三个人,但不要打扰。雷诺兹朝小屋走去,查理走开。 在小屋里,医生正要通过皮下注射给大师注射温和的镇静剂,丹尼尔斯大喊,应该给他注射真理血清。科尔·金躺在床上,承认了从医生行李箱里拿走的盒子的事。丹尼尔斯退出,说他将会得到法律。医生给大师注射了疫苗。雷诺兹看到丹尼尔斯在房子周围跑来跑去,他追上了他。警官在陈的车里抓住了丹尼尔斯,把他铐在身上,然后他们离开了。吉米醒过来,不小心从管道上取下了一个网格,他用一根点燃的火柴往里看,那是一条通道。吉米取下窗帘绳,回到通道,开始进入。伯明翰正进入地窖楼梯,他听到吉米呼救,他被困在通道里。伯明翰在地窖里向吉米的声音走去。管道掉落的一声巨响,吉米掉了下去,脸上沾满烟灰,声称他已经拿到了。他说是在炉子里。他向伯明翰展示了他在管道中发现的金属盒子,并说它非常重要,我们必须把它交给爸爸。 当桑托伊睡觉时,一个人的影子潜伏在她的卧室里;吉米和伯明翰在外面说他们需要找到爸爸,他们看到小屋里有一个人的轮廓,他们进去吓跑了神秘人你这个人。一个女人跑进桑托伊的卧室,查理出现,告诉吉米他已经设好陷阱,你就踏入其中。一名女子开着陈的车离开,剧团的车紧随其后,查理、伯明翰和吉米紧追不舍。领头的汽车失去控制,冲出道路,冲下小路堤,三人步行尾随到事故现场,发现了重伤的索恩夫人。她说,你太晚了,陈先生。我想毁了他,我想让他像我一样受苦。查理问科尔·金?我是他的妻子,我逃离了他,当我试图回来时,他甚至不认识我,他给了我一份工作,衣柜女主人,我被羞辱,被抛弃,就像不洁的东西一样。查理告诉垂死的女人,他可以理解玛西娅和路易斯,但为什么是桑托伊呢? San Toy知道,她偷了我的文件,我的文件在盒子里。查理告诉她不,是其他人,不是桑托伊。索恩夫人的遗言是我希望他受苦。索恩夫人死于吉米和陈查理面前遭遇车祸受伤。查理用布盖住她的头,要求吉米指挥公路巡逻队前往受害者现场。在家里,科尔·金告诉查理,她几年前抛弃了我,和一个舞者私奔了,科尔展示了一些她写给夫人的信.艾琳·索恩,法国巴黎。布兰特和阿德莱德也在场。勃兰特说,索恩夫人把浴袍放在大师的衣柜里,希望当地警察能立即逮捕,然后用绳子把证据固定住。陈先生,这就是它应该遵循的方式吗?完全正确,陈回答道。现在你可以继续你的医疗事业勃兰特医生了。克莱门汀说我们游泳时玛西娅去了海滩。索恩夫人穿着玛西娅的长袍走上海滩,让玛西娅看起来像是在屋子里被杀,然后被抬出去的。索恩夫人用玛西娅的长袍将她的尸体抬上岸。

The Trap, Released 11-30-46A station wagon is stopped by a motorcycle patrolman, the officer explaining to the driver, named Rick Daniels, he was driving too fast. There are two women in the middle seat, a man, Mr. Cole King, and another woman in the front seat. Daniels says he will slow down, they are headed for the Rutherford mansion, on the beach. Sergeant Reynolds says the place cannot be missed, but take it slower.The wagon pulls up to the beach-side mansion in Malibu, they all exit the car, at the front door is Mrs. Weebles, the Rutherford caretaker, who escorts them inside. The wardrobe mistress of the company, Mrs. Thorn, introduces herself to Mrs. Weebles. There were six women total in the vehicle, five head up the stairs to their rooms, where Mrs. Weebles says their bags have been placed. The girls have their petty disagreements while unpacking, meantime, downstairs, Mrs. Weebles' nature is prudish, cloth covers are removed from the furniture, as a request for dusting is promised. The place is untidy and hardly suitable for the arriving guests.Adelaide argues with Marcia in her room, once the women have exited. Marcia asks Adelaide, what if the Maestro were to find out Doc Brandt is your husband. Adelaide threatens Marcia, gesturing a hand-forefinger across the throat, claiming Marcia caused trouble in other countries during the tour. Marcia says the Maestro would be very interested in finding out who Doc Brandt really is; Marcia says to Adelaide we are all going swimming.Lois bumps into Adelaide in the hallway, Adelaide expresses her resentment toward Marcia, as Lois enters the room. Marcia orders Lois to go to Adelaide's trunk, open the metal box in it, bring me three or four letters from the box. Lois protests the theft, while Marcia threatens her, by promising to tell the Maestro Lois is under eighteen. Lois states she cannot to lose this job, she needs the money. Lois stays, to enter Adelaide's room, opening the trunk, then the metal box, reaching for some letters, seeing somebody come toward her with gloves and a rope held between them. Lois lets out a scream as the strangler comes closer. The person approaching Lois is never seen on camera.On the patio, all head to the water in swimwear, including Daniels, Cole King and Dr. George Brandt. Weebles scoffs at the show-business folk, pausing near the patio entryway, looking at the beach-goers enter the water. She turns to go inside. The scene is Mrs. Weebles grilling food for the guests, people enjoying the food and soft drinks. One woman exits the ocean, three are lounging in beach chaises, where's Marcia? Adelaide looks at Doc Brandt, saying, you look like you have seen a ghost. He retorts, it is kind of chilly, I was in the cabana.San Toy, troupe Asian assistant, looks for Lois in her room, finding her on the floor, dead. She screams out, everyone comes running to the upstairs room, except Weebles, cooking at the barbecue; Weebles runs away from the house. Brandt is over the body, telling the others in the room, Lois is dead. The three men gather, Doc says Lois was garroted, with a cord around her neck. Maestro inquires what kind of cord? Doc says it was a silk cord.The girls are cloistered in the front room, Clementine is crying over Lois's murder, Mrs. Thorn asks the girls to stay in the room until the police come. Marcia is missing from the room, while Mrs. Thorn assures San Toy no one is accusing you, however, mention of a silk cord is of Chinese origin. San Toy announces she will get to the bottom of this crime, she will contact the greatest detective, Jimmy Chan; he will solve this.The phone rings at Birmingham Brown's bedside, he answers this is Mr. Chan's residence, the girls are screaming into the phone, it's murder, it's murder. Birmingham is ordered by Charlie Chan to get his clothes on, we will go to the Malibu address given by the ladies. They drive to the Rutherford mansion. Jimmy comes home to find the address of 26 Malibu Drive, written on a pad, in Birmingham's room.Charlie Chan enters the house with all the ladies talking at once, San Toy talks to him in Chinese, Adelaide in French, the others are shrieking, Charlie is looking for his son, getting relief, he is not present. Sergeant Reynolds is there to investigate the crime, welcoming Charlie to assist. Chan wishes to speak with the Sgt. alone. Charlie says he was looking for number two son, Jimmy. Reynolds says he has not seen Jimmy. Charlie identifies the murder weapon as a robe's cord. Daniels enters the room, introduces himself to Chan, being familiar with him from a previous case. Charlie refers to Daniels as press agent, the Maestro, Cole King, enters the room, recognizing Charlie. Charlie asks what George Brandt's part is with the show troupe. He calls himself the show's physiotherapist, in charge of diet.The women are congregating in one room for safety through numbers, Madge Midge is in charge, per Mrs. Thorn, while the men look for missing Marcia; Clementine remains hysterical. The men come upstairs, the ladies saw a man out on the porch, entering the next room through the window. Sergeant Reynolds draws his weapon, enters the room first, followed by everyone else. Reynolds checks under the bed, he hears a noise from the closet, out stumbles Jimmy Chan. He tells his father, he thought Pop could use his help, so he came. Charlie orders Jimmy and Birmingham to positions in driveway, no one is allowed to leave the premises, all others are to remain in the house. Charlie consults with Reynolds in the murder room, the Sergeant identifying the location of the victim.Jimmy and Birmingham are in the street side of the house, hiding, as Jimmy sees someone entering through the cellar doors. The assistants enter the cellar, Jimmy keeps going deeper through the basement, Birmingham wanders, as someone holding a baseball bat is seen only with hand on bat. As he moves further, there is a stranger in a hat in the foreground, ducking out of sight. Birmingham gets tangled in some mesh decoration, as he yells for Jimmy's help, the person with the bat knocks him out and flees up the cellar stairs. Jimmy finds Birmingham, stating he saw the stranger with a bundle in his hands. They both exit the cellar, meeting Charlie, Jimmy tells his father somebody tried to stuff a bundle in the furnace. Charlie tells them to resume vigilance, person with bundle most important.San Toy is walking in the upstairs hallway, someone tries to cover her with something. She escapes the attempt, screams and runs, falling at the bottom of the stairs, alerting Charlie. Charlie tells Jimmy to remain near the cellars doors, the women gather around San Toy, helping her up. The smell of ether is present in the air, the men gather at the foot of the stairs, including Reynolds and Charlie. Charlie asks the doctor to confirm the ether. He says the cloth must have been saturated with it. Reynolds is seen with Madge entering onto the patio with the others. The ladies discuss some slept, some did not. Reynolds assures the ladies, Charlie Chan is in control of the investigation.Up in the murder-bedroom, Jimmy demonstrates, as he lies on the floor, Charlie is there asking Birmingham to simulate taking something from the trunk. Charlie holds the cord like a garroter, as he shows the cord-technique to Jimmy, the strangler cannot be caught, if the victim suddenly grasps the cord. Charlie's mimicry of the killer proves to Jimmy the victim, i.e. Lois, recognized her killer, moved away from the trunk, based on the manner the body was found on the floor. Lois possibly could have escaped through the window nearby, had the intruder been someone Lois did not know. Charlie and Jimmy agree, Lois knew her assailant, possibly a friend. Charlie exits, followed by Jimmy, then Birmingham.The women are gathered on the patio, Charlie enters, says a swim would be most invigorating. The women head to the beach, Daniels returns with a bundle, Charlie orders Jimmy and Birmingham follow movements of Mr. Daniels closely. Ruby scares Clementine with a tiny crab in her palm; one of the girls shouts at Clementine, get the beach ball before it goes in the water. Clementine goes after the stray ball, tripping over a mound of seaweed, and discovering Marcia's body. Everybody comes running to the shrieking woman and victim. Charlie instructs Doc to carefully notice the knot in cord around Marcia's neck, ordering everyone into the house, except the Sergeant to wait for the coroner. The Doc said it was a granny knot and the trachea was flattened. Charlie asks Doc Brandt for estimated time of immersion of the body, he says ten to twelve hours. Jimmy bursts into the room, telling his father, he's going up the beach with that package; Birmingham is watching him, Charlie says he will take care of the dilemma on the beach. Charlie turns to the group, instructing them not to leave the main room of the mansion, for he has much to discuss with them later.A unidentified person is burying something on the shore, Birmingham watches, Charlie approaches and waves off Birmingham and Jimmy; he moves toward the man with the shovel. It is Daniels, who is told by Chan, he will listen to his explanation accompanied by your friends at the house. Daniels picks up the robe he was to bury and heads back.Reynolds listens to a phone call, says thanks over the phone, turns, tells the ladies, Cole King, Marcia could not have died drowning. Doc Brandt and Adelaide speak of giving up to the authorities, Chan walks in with Daniels, robe in hand. Daniels tells Chan, he was burying the robe to try keeping someone from being framed; the robe was planted in the Maestro's closet.Daniels asserts, there is not anybody in this house who could have killed Lois, except Marcia; then, Marcia killed herself. Chan comes back with suicides do not kill themselves by tying a granny knot at the back of the neck. Conclusion, someone killed Marcia, Marcia did not kill herself.They enter a full room, Charlie tells everyone, Marcia did not kill Miss Lois. The women exchange barbs, offering their opinions on who killed whom. San Toy says the black cord in Mr. Chan's hands was part of the wardrobe; it was attached to Cole King's black beach robe. Charlie shows the silver threaded cord to the Maestro, which was from Marcia's gown; that silver cord killed Lois. Daniels interrupts Cole, telling Charlie to get him alone for a confession. Cole tells Daniels, it is a trick to have each of them accuse one another. Daniels continues to throw his accusations around to everybody, Doc and the girls included. Chan tells Cole he wants to hear more from Daniels. Cole turns on Daniels, accusing him of the crimes, naming him as the Marcia's killer, dragging the body out to sea. Daniels tells Cole, he has been loyal, he took the robe out to try to bury it, because he thought someone was trying to frame you. Daniels goes further, accusing Doc Brandt of hiding secrets, too. Doc yells back at Daniels you haven't got the evidence. Cole comes back to Daniels, accusing him of the murders, since Marcia took Winifred's job in the show, you have been moody. You also tried to make Lois's death as suicide. Chan accuses Daniels of obstruction of justice, he instructs Reynolds to make investigations, then bring proper charges. Daniels bringing the robe to the shore and trying to bury evidence is the obstruction.Chan instructs the men to return to their cabanas, the ladies are to remain in the house, and he wishes to speak to Brandt and Adelaide in his headquarters, first room on the right, at the top of the stairs. He asks the Sergeant to join his assistants, guard the doorways; no one leaves the house. Charlie adds, he is convinced the murderer is in this room.Madge makes a break in Charlie's car, Jimmy sees her leave, Reynolds says he will catch her, he takes his motorcycle after her. The patrolman pulls over the car, will send for the bike later, gets in the car, finds an envelope addressed to the State Board of Medical Examiners, he confiscates the item.Brandt confesses to Chan the envelope contains his state medical board application, deadline tomorrow, he decided to drop it. Chan sits down with a confessing doctor and his hysterical wife, Adelaide. He tells Brandt he knows about his exoneration of a wrongful death suit in New York of his wife. The suit ruined Brandt's life, he went to war, met a girl and married her, Adelaide. He also goes on about meeting Marcia in Paris; Marcia gives Adelaide a job and there was a job for Doc. Chan wishes not to open old wounds, but Brandt is suspect in other murders. Charlie claims Brandt found Lois's body in this room, also found certain articles in trunk, removing same from the room. Brandt says the metal box contained Adelaide's correspondence, he found it lying next to Lois; he removed it. Brandt continues his explanation to Chan, the metal box contained letters referring to that affair in New York, I saw the whole thing being bungled by the local police. Brandt says the metal box was the only fireproof lock box on hand, it contained things from everyone in the troupe; the box is in his cabana. They look for it in his suitcase, it cannot be found. Charlie warns of the suspicion this places on Brandt, as Charlie exits the room, while Adelaide comforts Brandt. Charlie meets Jimmy and San Toy at door, Jimmy says he is going with her to get some air. Charlie is planning to bait trap, he says hunter in haste must set trap to capture prey. Jimmy is ordered to join other assistant guarding exits, Charlie will accompany San Toy on walk.Daniels tells the ladies Doc is with the Maestro in his cabana, his nerves are shot, he is trying to calm him down. The ladies continue to talk of the murders, about staying in the house, Mrs. Weebles says Clementine hears the mice in the walls, they are overrun with them. Birmingham lies on the cellar doors, Jimmy comes out of the doors, sending Birmingham to the ground in fear. Jimmy and Birmingham discuss the Maestro's guilt, at least according to Jimmy. Birmingham stands by the cellar entrance, while Jimmy sets off to Cole King's room. Mrs. Weebles passes by Birmingham, pad and pencil in hand, enters the house, then Reynolds appears, inquires about anybody coming by, Birmingham tells him the housekeeper; he enters the same door, which leads upstairs. Reynolds enters a bedroom, looks around, enters the closet, looking for something in the closet, as Jimmy comes up the stairs. He peeks out the bedroom door, eyeing Jimmy, in front of Cole King's bedroom. Jimmy enters the room, searches the trunks and suitcase, looks in the closet, when someone knocks him out with a baseball bat.The women are congregated in the main room, they are all restless, but about to retire, when Clementine lets out with her usual screams, someone's in the wall. Mrs. Weebles appears from the wall behind Clementine's bed, the screams alert everyone present, as Reynold's appears from the hidden panel, following Weebles. Chan comments about her taking notes on her writing pad, he says the hidden panels were quite common from Prohibition days. Mrs. Thorn invites San Toy to stay in her cabana; all of the women depart the main room.Chan and Reynolds are outside, Reynolds answering Chan's inquiry of where other three men, they are in their cabanas. Charlie telling Reynolds the high surf must have prevented them hearing the screams. Charlie requests the Sergeant keep a careful watch between cabanas and the house. Charlie dismisses Mrs. Weebles as harmless. No one must pass between the cabanas and house, Chan tells Reynolds. Also, check on the three men, but do not disturb. Reynolds walks toward the cabanas and Charlie heads away.In a cabana, the Doc is about to give the Maestro a mild-sedative, through a hypodermic, with Daniels shouting, he should be given truth serum. Cole King is stretched out on a bed, confessing about the box, taken from the Doc's trunk. Daniels exits, saying he will get the law. The doc gave the Maestro the shot. Reynolds sees Daniels running around the house perimeter, he pursues him. The Sergeant catches Daniels at Chan's car, cuffing him to himself, they leave.Jimmy comes to, accidentally removing a mesh grid from a duct, he looks in it with a lit match, it is a passageway. Jimmy removes a drapery cord, goes back to the passageway, begins entry. Birmingham is entering the cellar stairs, he hears Jimmy calling for help, he is stuck in the passageway. Birmingham moves about the cellar toward Jimmy's voice. There is a crash of ducts falling, Jimmy falls out, soot stained face, claiming he has got it. He says it was in the furnace. He shows Birmingham the metal box he found in the duct, saying how important it is and we have to get it to Pop.A person's shadow lurks in San Toy's bedroom as she sleeps; Jimmy and Birmingham are outside saying they need to find Pop, they see the silhouette of a person in a cabana, they enter, scare off the mystery person. A woman runs away through San Toy's bedroom, Charlie appears, telling Jimmy he had trap all set, and you put foot in it. A woman drives away in the Chan car, followed by the troupe's vehicle with Charlie, Birmingham and Jimmy in pursuit. The lead car loses control, careening off the road, down a small embankment, the three follow on foot to the accident site, uncovering a severely injured Mrs. Thorn. She states, you're too late Mr. Chan. I wanted to ruin him, I wanted to make him suffer as badly as I have. Charlie asks Cole King? I was his wife, I ran away from him, when I tried to come back, he wouldn't even recognize me, he gave me a job, wardrobe mistress, I was humiliated, cast aside, like something unclean. Charlie tells the dying woman, he can understand about Marcia and Lois, but why San Toy? San Toy knew, she stole my papers, my papers in the box. Charlie tells her no, it was others, not San Toy. Mrs. Thorn's last words are I hope he suffers. Mrs. Thorn dies from the car crash wounds in front of Jimmy and Charlie Chan. Charlie covers her head with a cloth, asks Jimmy to direct the Highway Patrol to the victim site.At the house, Cole King tells Charlie, she deserted me years ago, ran away with a dancer, Cole shows some her letters, addressed to Mrs. Irene Thorn, Paris, France. Brandt and Adelaide are present. Brandt says Mrs. Thorn put the bathrobe in Maestro's closet, hoping the local police would make the obvious arrest, then clinched by the evidence with the cords. Is that the way it was meant to follow, Mr. Chan? Exactly, replies Chan. Now you can resume your medical endeavor Doctor Brandt. Clementine says Marcia went up the beach while we were in swimming. Mrs. Thorn went up the beach in Marcia's robes, making it seem as if Marcia was killed in the house, and then carried out. Mrs. Thorn used Marcia's robe to carry her body ashore.

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《陷阱/The Trap》(1946) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《陷阱/The Trap》(1946) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《陷阱/The Trap》(1946) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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