
《血色城堡》剧情简介-注:在欧洲版本中,演员按他们的意大利真名列出。在美国版本中,他们的名字听起来很美国。下面用他们的真实意大利名字来称呼他们。**在一个寒冷的漆黑夜晚,可以看到伦敦四魔鬼酒馆外的一名男子环顾四周。走进去,他下楼,埃德加·爱伦·坡(西尔瓦诺·特兰奎利饰)正在向托马斯·布莱克伍德勋爵(翁贝托·拉霍饰)和酒保背诵他的一个故事中的台词。他听了一会儿,然后介绍自己为艾伦·福斯特(乔治·里维埃饰),一名记者,一直试图采访爱伦·坡。他记得自己曾追捕过自己,但没有得到回应,于是邀请福斯特坐下。他们讨论死亡以及是否有来世。有一次,布莱克伍德爵士邀请福斯特在他位于普罗维登斯悬崖顶上的城堡里住一晚,俯瞰普罗维登斯的大海。他必须从午夜呆到黎明,届时他将获得 100 英镑。拒绝起初打赌,福斯特提出以 10 英镑试一试。布莱克伍德和坡都告诉他,所有之前尝试过的人都死了。最近的死亡是一对新婚夫妇,他们再也没有回来,而是被埋在城堡墓地里。福斯特同意了,坡也同意陪他们去城堡(乘马车需要两个小时),期间他将详细采访坡。 当他们半夜到达城堡时,坡问福斯特是否有在他被单独留下之前有任何第二个想法。由于没有,他们向他道晚安,并说他们早上就会回来。他们离开时他挥手致意。走进大门,他在狭窄的墓地里漫步。他只看到一只黑色的小猫在附近徘徊。当他走上台阶时,他发现了一件女人的衣服,他拿起它并随身携带。在里面,他发现了一座古老的、布满灰尘的城堡,非常黑暗和潮湿。他点燃烛台,开始环顾四周。他听到一声响动,走到一扇开着的窗户前。向外看去,他什么也看不见d 关闭它。他用手杖敲打着一张布满灰尘的古老餐桌。他放下烛台,脱下斗篷和帽子,放在桌子上。他拿起烛台,继续探索,直到听到大钟敲响十一点的声音。他看了看大座钟,上面显示的是 11 点 30 分。钟摆看起来静止不动。当他转身离开时,他听到钟声再次敲响。他一看,发现钟摆在摆动。当他靠近时,它停了下来。他将时间与怀表的时间进行比较,发现它们是相同的。当他向另一个房间看去时,他被一个男人的形象吓了一跳。他去查看并发现了一面全身镜。点击它,他告诉自己不要害怕自己的倒影。他继续往前走,看到了朱莉娅·阿勒特(玛格丽特·罗布萨姆饰)的肖像。当他再看时,肖像似乎在荡漾。他告诉自己这只是一幅肖像,然后回到桌子旁,放下烛台,拿出便条纸和铅笔。他告诉肖像t他会做一些笔记并开始写作。突然他听到音乐响起并站起来看。在另一个房间里,他看到一对情侣在跳舞,但当他走近门时,门突然关上了。他强行打开门,发现一间黑暗的音乐室,里面有一架大键琴和竖琴。他点燃了羽管键琴上的烛台,注意到里面有乐谱,便坐下来开始演奏。突然,我们看到一只手从后面伸出来抚摸他的肩膀。他吃了一惊,转身看到伊丽莎白·布莱克伍德(芭芭拉·斯蒂尔饰),伊丽莎白·布莱克伍德询问是否是她哥哥派他来的。他站起来告诉她布莱克伍德勋爵打了一个赌,但他不知道城堡里会有其他人,否则他不会接受这个赌注。她告诉他,她和哥哥闹翻是因为她爱上了园丁赫伯特(乔瓦尼·西安弗里利亚饰),而布莱克伍德勋爵不同意。他告诉她他会离开而不是给她带来痛苦,但她坚持他留下来赢得赌注。她说他的房间已经准备好了。他很惊讶并且问她怎么知道他要来。她回答说,她哥哥每年这个晚上都会下同样的赌注,然后就会有人来。当他们继续行走时,蜡烛熄灭了,伊丽莎白大笑起来。他问是谁把它们吹灭的,她只回答说是风。当他们经过朱莉娅的肖像时,它似乎又泛起了涟漪。伊丽莎白没有看到涟漪,但询问了此事。他再次告诉她他将离开并收拾他的物品。她看到他带来的衣服,拿起它闻了闻。他告诉她他在外面发现了它。他们上楼到一间卧室,他把烛台放在桌子上。伊丽莎白坐在床上,叫他坐在她旁边。他走近,她询问外面的世界。他告诉她什么都没有改变,但世界无法分享她的美丽是一种耻辱。她问他是否觉得她有吸引力,他承认有。她询问他的情况,他告诉她没什么可说的。他单身、孤独,在伦敦从事作家工作。只有朱莉娅走进房间,说他们还没有被介绍过。伊丽莎白警告朱莉娅不要干涉,并告诉她福斯特是她哥哥派来找她的。朱莉娅对此提出质疑,询问福斯特这是否属实。他只说他来这里是因为打赌。伊丽莎白试图让朱莉娅离开,不要制造任何麻烦。当她拒绝时,伊丽莎白说她会离开,然后就离开了。朱莉娅告诉他已经很晚了,她也将退休。他问早上是否能见到她,她拒绝了。当他问她是否要离开时,她告诉他,不,我只是说你不会在白天看到我。她离开了,他思考着所说的一切。外面的大厅里,两个女人正在交谈。伊丽莎白告诉朱莉娅,他属于她,她爱他,他们会幸福地在一起。朱莉娅告诉她她不会高兴,他很快就会知道这个地方的秘密。朱莉娅威胁要告诉他。伊丽莎白很不高兴,跑开了。在他的房间里,福斯特脱下了他的外套t,看着桌子上的一小堆书。他拿起一张并打开。扉页上写着:卡穆斯:形而上学医学的元素。他走到床边开始读书,但被门外传来的噪音分散了注意力。他注意到门把手慢慢打开。他站起来,拿起他的马甲,站在门边。当他打开门时,他看到了伊丽莎白,伊丽莎白说他还没睡。他邀请她进来,她走到床上,在那里她看到了这本书。她说她会离开,这样他就可以读到它。他说服她留下来,告诉她他有多么喜欢她并且被她吸引。她回答说她很高兴听到这个并且她想要他的身体温暖。她请求他亲吻她并拥抱她。他们拥抱在一起,她祈求他亲吻并温暖她。与此同时,朱莉娅在门外听着。她对自己说,她试图警告伊丽莎白,但没有成功。她转身要走,遇到威廉(贝尼托·斯特凡内利 Benito Stefanelli 饰),威廉向他询问伊丽莎白。朱莉娅告诉他她会通知赫伯特。艾伦和伊丽莎白躺在床上,他表达了见到她的喜悦。她告诉他,她不能成为他世界的一部分,因为他活在现在,而她的世界却在过去。他把头靠在她的胸口上,告诉她他不相信这一点。当他抚摸她的手臂时,他突然发现她已经没有了心跳。他看着她,叫她的名字。她接了电话,他告诉她,他担心她的心脏已经停止跳动。她告诉他,自从她死后,她的心脏已经十年没有跳动了。突然赫伯特拿着刀冲进房间,刺伤了伊丽莎白。他跑出房间,艾伦跟在后面。艾伦向他开枪,他倒下了。当他看着时,尸体消失了。艾伦回到卧室,发现卧室空了。他开始逐个房间地呼唤伊丽莎白。突然,他遇到了卡姆斯博士(阿图罗·多米尼奇饰),卡姆斯博士告诉他,他将无法找到伊丽莎白。他们进入他的书房,在那里他为艾伦提供了一杯威士忌。他解释了生活的三个部分。第一部分(最弱的部分)是人体。第二是内在的精神,第三是感官,他解释说,感官在死后仍然存在于某些身体中。艾伦对此嗤之以鼻,卡姆斯告诉他他会证明这一点。他从柜子里取出一个小盒子,拿出一条小毒蛇,放在桌子上。切掉头部后,他告诉艾伦注意身体如何在没有头部的情况下继续移动,尽管从身体上切下头部仍然很危险,足以咬人。艾伦说这对于爬行动物来说可能是正确的,但他不相信对于人类来说也是如此。卡姆斯把他带到窗前,指着伊丽莎白和其他人的坟墓下面。他告诉艾伦,今晚他们每个人都将度过生命的最后五分钟,直到死去。他们登上楼梯,艾伦乞求更多关于伊丽莎白的细节。突然,时钟敲响了,卡姆斯告诉他时间到了,这句话告诉了我什么都没有。他被告知要观看下面的内容。房间里回放着一个节日派对的夜晚,伊丽莎白正在和她的丈夫威廉跳舞,威廉停下来给她倒了一杯酒。当她在窗边等待时,赫伯特从外面敲门。她打开它,他坚持要见她。她告诉他她稍后会尝试见他,然后关上了窗户。朱莉娅看到她在和赫伯特说话,但什么也没说。威廉把饮料递给他的妻子。布莱克伍德爵士和他的妻子走近并通知主人他们必须离开。伊丽莎白护送他们出去,然后转身与赫伯特交谈。他把她带到马厩里,要求她忠诚,并说她在丈夫不在的时候向他许诺了。突然,梦境消失了,卡姆斯告诉艾伦,他们的死亡将在今晚重演,就像每年的这个时候一样。他把艾伦带进卧室,威廉和伊丽莎白躺在床上。赫伯特进来并勒死了威廉。然后他转向伊丽莎白要杀她,但他是被朱莉娅用烛台打倒了。他摔倒了,半边脸因打击而凹陷。朱莉娅转身安慰伊丽莎白,告诉她现在安全了。伊丽莎白伸手拿刀刺伤了朱莉娅。伊丽莎白下了床,看到三具尸体,尖叫起来。艾伦说他不想再看到了,这一定是个诡计。卡姆斯告诉艾伦,他还有更多东西要看。艾伦发现卧室现在空了。没有尸体在场。他再次开始寻找,呼唤卡姆斯和伊丽莎白。当他到达卡姆斯的书房时,门打开了,他进去了。接下来他看到了卡姆斯,卡姆斯喝了一杯威士忌。听到一声巨响,卡姆斯拿着一个烛台,从一扇门走到另一扇门,从一扇窗户走到另一扇窗户,直到找到那扇一直砰砰地开又关的门。打开门,他下楼进入地下室。他经过一个华丽的棺材,棺材上有一个人和一只狗,放在石棺前。他打开盖子,看到里面有一个腐烂的女人。当他注视着她时,她开始呼吸,然后变成雾气。回到书房,他坐下来开始写作。突然赫伯特进来杀死了他,然后咬住他脖子吸血。此时卡姆斯回到房间,告诉艾伦他已经看到卡姆斯是如何结束自己的生命的。当艾伦再次看向桌子时,那里已经没有人了。他拿起卡姆斯写下的纸条,读到: 血液是生命之源;只有血才能使死者复活;我们要从这个喷泉里喝水!艾伦听到幽灵般的笑声,然后拔出了他的马甲。意识到这把枪没有任何作用,他走到桌子上,然后退出了书房。很快他就听到外面传来更多的笑声。当前门打开时,他躲起来观看。新娘(西尔维娅·索伦特饰)和新郎进来度过新婚之夜。当他们上楼时,艾伦大声喊叫,警告他们即将走向死亡,但意识到他们听不到他的声音,他只能看着。他注意到门开着,于是走了过去。它关闭了,他试图打开它,但把手断了。他意识到自己被困住了。他开始大声呼喊,希望卡姆斯能在他还活着的时候放他自由。楼上,这对恩爱的情侣正在接吻,但听到了噪音。他去查看,她开始在火边脱衣服。当她凝视着镜子中的自己时,我们看到赫伯特从后面走来。看到他,她在他攻击时尖叫起来。她的丈夫冲进去发现埃尔西已经死了,并被赫伯特杀死。场景消失了,艾伦看到这对夫妇朝他走来。他们告诉他现在轮到他了。他跑下楼,看到了卡姆斯,卡姆斯告诉他下一个就是他。他试图逃跑,但他们每个人都在逼近他。突然他看到了伊丽莎白,伊丽莎白告诉他该往哪边跑。她说他们需要他的血才能明年再活几分钟。艾伦跑过大厅,当其他人靠近时被困住了。在最后一刻,伊丽莎白打开了一扇门,带他走了进去。她再次告诉他他们不需要吸了他的血,但如果他能逃脱,他们就会死。他抓住她的手臂,叫她跟他一起走。她哭着说不,她不能进入他的世界。他坚持着,拉着她穿过走廊。她继续告诉他,她不能和他一起去,因为她已经死了。最后他们走到外面,她倒在地上,向他告别。她的身体彻底腐烂,直到化为尘埃。他跌跌撞撞地穿过墓地,听到其他人呼唤他的声音。当他来到树枝低矮的树下时,他看到其他人的尸体挂在高高的树枝上。他们都告诉他,他们无法逃脱,他们将靠他的血而活。他走到门口,走出去,以为自己安全了。突然,大门关闭,一根金属棒刺穿了他,杀死了他,并将他的身体直立起来。第二天早上,坡和布莱克伍德乘坐他们的马车到达,坡讲述了他站在那里的情况。但当他们走近时,发现他已经死了。布莱克伍德从艾伦那里拿钱的钱包,告诉坡他必须收回债务。布莱克伍德表示,他将安排在墓地安葬。坡说他现在可以写这个故事,但没有人会相信。伊丽莎白和艾伦的声音在互相交谈。她说你和我在一起,艾伦。他回答:是的,伊丽莎白。
CASTLE OF BLOOD synopsis-NOTE: In the European version the actors are listed by their real Italian names. In the US version they were given American-sounding names. Below they are referred to in their real Italian names.**On a cold dark night a man is seen outside the Four Devils Tavern in London, looking around. Entering, he goes downstairs where Edgar Allan Poe (Silvano Tranquilli) is reciting lines from one of his stories to Lord Thomas Blackwood (Umberto Raho) and the bartender. He listens for a moment, then introduces himself as Alan Foster (Georges Rivière), a reporter who has been trying to get an interview with Poe. Remembering him as having pursued him without response, he invites Foster to sit down. They discuss death and whether there is an afterlife. At one point, Sir Blackwood invites Foster to spend a night in his castle atop a cliff overlooking the sea at Providence. He must remain there from midnight to dawn, upon which he will receive 100 pounds sterling. Refusing the bet at first, Foster offers to try it for 10 pounds. He is told by both Blackwood and Poe that all those who tried before ended up dead. The most recent deaths were a newlywed couple who never returned but are buried in the castle cemetery. Foster agrees and Poe agrees to accompany them to the castle (which is a two-hour ride by carriage) during which he will interview Poe at length.As they arrive at the castle in the middle of the night, Poe asks Foster if he has any second thoughts before he is left alone. Having none, they bid him goodnight saying they will return in the morning. He waves as they leave. Going inside the gates, he wanders through the narrow cemetery. He sees only a black kitten hanging around. As he ascends the steps he finds a woman's garment which he picks up and carries inside with him.Inside he finds an old dusty castle, very dark and dank. Lighting a candelabra, he begins looking round. He hears a noise and goes to an open window. Looking out, he sees nothing and closes it. He taps his cane on an ancient dining table, covered in dust. He sets the candelabra down, removes his cape and hat and places them on the table. Picking up the candelabra, he explores more until he hears a large clock striking eleven. He looks at the grandfather clock, which shows 11:30. The pendulum appears still. As he turns away, he hears the clock strike once more. He looks and sees the pendulum swinging. As he approaches, it stops. He compares the time to that of his pocket watch and sees they are the same.As he looks into another room, he is startled by the image of a man. He goes to investigate and finds a full-length mirror. Tapping on it, he tells himself not to be afraid of his own reflection. He goes on and sees a portrait of Julia Alert (Margrete Robsahm). As he looks again, the portrait seems to be rippling. He tells himself its only a portrait and returns to the table, setting down the candelabra and pulling out note paper and pencil. He tells the portrait that he will make some notes and begins writing.All at once he hears music playing and gets up to see. In another room, he sees a couple dancing but as he approaches the door, it slams shut. Forcing the door open, he finds a dark music room with a harpsichord and harp. He lights a candelabra on the harpsichord, and noticing sheet music there, he sits and begins playing it. Suddenly we see a hand reaching out to touch his shoulder from behind. He is startled and turns to see Elisabeth Blackwood (Barbara Steele) who asks if her brother sent him. Rising, he tells her Lord Blackwood made a bet, but he didn't know anyone else would be in the castle or he wouldn't have accepted the bet. She tells him she fell out with her brother because she was in love with the gardener Herbert (Giovanni Cianfriglia) and Lord Blackwood didn't approve. He tells her he will leave rather than cause her misery, but she insists he stay and win the bet. She says that his room has been prepared. He is surprised and asks how she knew he was coming. She replies that her brother makes the same wager every year on this night and someone comes. As they continue walking, the candles go out just as Elisabeth laughs. He asks who blew them out and she answers only the wind. As they pass by the portrait of Julia, it seems to be rippling again. Elisabeth doesn't see the rippling, but asks about it. Again he tells her he will leave and gather his belongings. She sees the garment he brought in and picks it up, smelling it. He tells her he found it outside.They go upstairs to a bedroom where he sets the candelabra on a desk. Elisabeth sits on the bed and calls him to sit beside her. He comes close and she asks about the world outside. He tells her nothing has changed, but that it is a shame that the world cant share her beauty. She asks him if he finds her attractive and he admits he does. She asks about him and he tells her there is not much to tell. He is single, lonely and works in London as a writer.Suddenly Julia enters the room and says that they have not been introduced. Elisabeth warns Julia not to interfere, telling her that Foster was sent to her by her brother. Julia challenges that, asking Foster if it is true. He says only that he is there because of a wager. Elisabeth tries to get Julia to leave and not to cause any trouble. When she refuses, Elisabeth says that she will leave and does. Julia tells him it is late and that she will also retire. He asks if he will see her in the morning and she tells him no. When he asks if she is leaving, she tells him, no, I only said you wont see me in the daylight. She leaves and he ponders all that was said.Outside in the hall, the two women talk. Elisabeth tells Julia that he belongs to her, that she is in love with him, and they will be happy together. Julia tells her she will not be happy and that he will soon learn the secret of this place. Julia threatens to tell him. Elisabeth is upset and runs off.In his room, Foster removes his coat and looks at a small stack of books on the desk. He picks one up and opens it. The title page reads: CARMUS: ELEMENTS OF METAPHYSICS MEDICINE. He goes to the bed to begin reading, but is distracted by a noise coming from the door. He notices the door handle slowly opening. He rises and gets his derringer and stands by the door. When he pulls the door open, he sees Elisabeth, who says that he is still awake. He invites her in and she goes to the bed, where she sees the book. She says that she will leave, so he can read it. He persuades her to remain, telling her how much he likes her and is attracted to her. She answers that she is pleased to hear this and that she wants his body warmth. She asks him to kiss her and embrace her. They embrace and she begs for his kisses and for him to warm her.Meanwhile Julia is listening outside the door. She remarks to herself that she tried to warn Elisabeth but was unsuccessful. She turns to go and runs into William (Benito Stefanelli) who asks about Elisabeth. Julia tells him she will inform Herbert.Alan and Elisabeth are seen in bed, where he expresses his joy of meeting her. She tells him she cant be part of his world because he is in the present, while hers is in the past. He tells her that he doesn't believe that, resting his head on her chest. As he caresses her arm, he suddenly notices that she has no heartbeat. He looks at her and calls her name. She answers and he tells her that he was afraid her heart had stopped beating. She tells him that her heart has not beaten for ten years since she died.Suddenly Herbert bursts into the room with a knife and stabs Elisabeth. He runs from the room with Alan following. Alan shoots him and he falls. As he watches, the body vanishes. Alan returns to the bedroom to find it empty. He begins calling for Elisabeth, going room to room. All at once he encounters Dr. Carmus (Arturo Dominici), who tells him that he will be unable to find Elisabeth. They go into his study where he offers Alan a drink of whiskey. He explains about the three parts of life. The first part (the weakest) is the human body. Second is the spirit within, and third are the senses, which he explains live on after death in some bodies. Alan scoffs at this and Carmus tells him he will prove it. Removing a small case from a cabinet, he produces a small venomous snake which he puts on a table. Cutting off the head, he tells Alan to note how the body continues moving without the head and the head, though severed from the body is still dangerous enough to bite. Alan says that may be true for reptiles, but he doesn't believe its the same for humans. Carmus takes him to the window, where he points out below the graves of Elisabeth and the others. He tells Alan that tonight they each will live out the last five minutes of their lives until they died.They ascend a staircase and Alan begs for more details about Elisabeth. Suddenly the clock chimes and Carmus tells him that the time is at hand and that words mean nothing. He is told to watch below. The room plays back the evening of a festive party where Elisabeth was dancing with her husband William, who stops and goes to get her a drink. As she waits by a window, Herbert knocks from outside. She opens it and he insists on seeing her. She tells him she will try to see him later and closes the window. Julia sees her talking to Herbert but says nothing. William brings the drink to his wife. Sir Blackwood and his wife approach and inform their hosts they must leave. Escorting them outside, Elisabeth then turns aside to talk to Herbert. He takes her aside into the stable and demands her loyalty, saying that she promised herself to him while her husband was away. Suddenly the dream fades and Carmus tells Alan that their deaths will be replayed tonight, as every year at this time.He takes Alan into the bedroom where William and Elisabeth are in bed together. Herbert comes in and strangles William. He then turns on Elisabeth to kill her, but he is knocked out by Julia with a candlestick. He falls with half his face indented from the blow. Julia turns to comfort Elisabeth, telling her she is now safe. Elisabeth reaches for a knife and stabs Julia. Getting out of bed, Elisabeth views the three dead bodies and screams. Alan says he doesn't want to see anymore, and that it must be a trick. Carmus tells Alan that there is more for him to see.Alan sees that the bedroom is now empty. No bodies are present. He begins searching again, calling for Carmus and Elisabeth. When he reaches the study of Carmus, the door opens and he goes in. Next he sees Carmus, who takes a drink of whiskey. Hearing a banging noise, Carmus takes a candelabra and goes from door to door and window to window until he finds the door that keeps banging open and shut. Opening it, he goes downstairs into the crypt room. He passes by an ornate coffin showing a man and a dog to a stone bier. He slides the cover off to see a decomposed woman inside. As he watches, she begins to breathe, then converts into a mist. Going back to his study, he sits down and begins to write. Suddenly Herbert enters and kills him, then bites to suck blood from his neck. At this point Carmus comes back into the room, telling Alan that he has seen how Carmus met his end. When Alan looks at the desk again, no one is there. He picks up the paper Carmus wrote on and reads: Blood is the fountain of life; only blood brings back the dead to life; we will drink from this fountain!!Alan hears ghostly laughter and pulls out his derringer. Realizing the gun will do no good, he drops in on the desk and exits the study. Soon he hears more laughter from outside. As the front door opens, he hides to watch. The bride (Sylvia Sorrente) and groom enter to spend their wedding night.As they go upstairs, Alan calls out to them to warn them they are going to their deaths, but realizes they cant hear him and there is nothing he can do but watch. He notices the door standing open and goes to it. It closes and he tries to open it, but the handle breaks off. He realizes he is trapped. He begins calling out loud, hoping Carmus can set him free while he is still alive.Upstairs, the amorous couple is kissing but hears a noise. He goes to investigate and she begins to undress by the fire. As she gazes at her reflection in the mirror, we see Herbert approach from behind. Seeing him, she screams as he attacks. Her husband rushes in to find Elsi dead, and is killed by Herbert. The scene vanishes and Alan sees the couple approaching him. They tell him it is now his turn. He runs downstairs and sees Carmus, who tells him that he is next. He tries to run, but each of them are closing in on him. All at once he sees Elisabeth, who tells him which way to run. She says they need his blood to be able to live again next year for a few minutes.Alan runs down a hall and is trapped as the others approach. At the last second, Elisabeth opens a door and leads him through. Again she tells him they need his blood but if he can escape they will die. He tells her to come with him, grabbing her arm. She cries no, that she cannot enter his world. He insists, pulling her along through corridors. She continues to tell him that she cant come with him because she is dead. Finally they go outside where she collapses, telling him goodbye. Her body deteriorates completely away until she is only dust. He stumbles through the graveyard, hearing the voices of the others calling him. As he comes under the tree with the low branches, he sees the bodies of the others hanging from high limbs. They all tell him there is no escape and they will live by his blood. He makes it to the gate and steps outside, thinking he is safe. Suddenly the gate closes and a metal rod pierces him through, killing him and holding his body upright.The next morning Poe and Blackwood arrive in their carriage and Poe remarks how he is standing there. But when they approach they see he is dead. Blackwood takes money from Alans wallet, telling Poe he must collect on the debt. Blackwood says he will arrange for burial in the cemetery. Poe says he can now write the story, but no one will believe it.The voices of Elisabeth and Alan are heard talking to each other. She says you stayed with me, Alan. He replies: yes, Elisabeth.

《血之城堡/Castle of Blood》(1964) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载
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