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[原版] 《罗德里格斯与超越/The Rodriguez and the Beyond》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《罗德里格斯与超越/The Rodriguez and the Beyond》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

马德里市,马德里(西班牙中心)。罗德里格斯一家是一个过于正常的家庭,其父亲罗德里戈曾是一名银行家,后来从一家名叫范·瓦蒂奥 (Van Vatio) 的维修特许经营店重新成为商店工人。母亲克里斯蒂娜 (Cristina) 是一名墨西哥妇女,担任治疗师和心理学家;大女儿亚历杭德拉(Alejandra)与傲慢的约会对象博斯科(Bosco)支付了费用;小女儿加布里埃拉(Gabriela),一个外向古怪的女孩,养着一只奇怪的鸟娃娃当宠物;最后是二儿子尼科,一个超级聪明的男孩,他试图向家人隐瞒这一点。罗德里戈 (Rodrigo) 拜访老年社区的年迈母亲伊莎贝尔 (Isabel) 后,伊莎贝尔 (Isabel) 与尼科 (Nico) 秘密交谈,给了他一个 15 岁的包裹,但没能等到尼科 (Nico) 最好的朋友埃杜 (Edu) 的暗示,他发现了一盘旧 VHS 录像带他死去的祖父留下了一条关于埋在花园里的盒子的信息。他挖了挖,发现了盒子并打开,​​找到了旧冰箱的曲柄。尼科 (Nico) 就位,释放出当一个名叫费利克斯的男人出现在房子里并带着一家人穿过维度门户到达另一个名为马克图布的世界时,这是不可能的。在那里,斯拉。总统向家人解释说,罗德里戈的父亲实际上是 Maktub 的特工,1951 年他的任务是抓捕逃离地球的罪犯,但他在爱上伊莎贝​​尔后仍然留在地球上,但迫使 Maktub 只能停留在 1951 年的样子他留下了一个秘密门户,在必要时为马克图提供支持。当菲利克斯和皮拉尔的科学家们试图找到关闭的传送门时,菲利克斯和家人带着手镯返回地球,手镯的颜色会根据人们对罗德里格斯身份的怀疑而改变(白色、绿色和蓝色),并受到威胁,如果手镯变色红色,所有这些人都将立即被驱逐出境。然而,麻烦却逐渐增多:门户的开放导致亚历杭德拉交出一个拥有超能力的女孩,同时她怀疑博斯科对她的班级不忠。贝亚的朋友,一位名叫雅各布的年轻邻居被她吸引了;加布里埃拉学会了隐身,这给她周围带来了各种各样的混乱;伊莎贝尔像气球一样漂浮,罗德里戈生气时,他的头和屁股像灯泡一样翻转。更复杂的是,克里斯蒂娜的新客户成为了财政部长佩德罗·索拉斯,陷入了焦虑危机; Edu和Nico突然失踪,迫使Cristina与令人厌恶且自负的上流社会Edu的父母Ricardo和Natalia交谈,将Edu留在家里与Nico一起过夜,希望他们能回来;罗德里戈的老板们由范·瓦蒂奥出面监督业务;费利克斯被一把特殊的枪射中后,被错误地送到了马克图布,导致一个名叫 J.J. 的替代者。跨过门户去帮助家人,却不知道在真正的 J.J.是一名双重间谍,为鲁根·泽利格工作,鲁根·泽利格是一名危险的罪犯,正在寻找特工罗德里格斯及其家人的复仇。——Chockys

City of Madrid, Madrid (center to Spain). The Rodríguez is a too-much-normal family composed by the father, Rodrigo, a former banker reconverted in store worker from a franchise of repairs named Van Vatio; the mother, Cristina, a Mexican woman who works as therapist and psychologist; the older daughter, Alejandra, who is dating with arrogant and paid of himself Bosco; the younger daughter, Gabriela, an outside and outlandish girl who a strange bird doll as pet; and finally the middle son, Nico, a super-intelligent boy who tries to hide it to the family. After a visit of Rodrigo's aging mother Isabel in a senior living community, Isabel talks in secret with Nico, giving a package to open with he be 15 years old, but unable to await and implying his best friend Edu, Nico discovers an old VHS tape with a message from his dead grandfather about a box buried in the garden. Digging he finds the box and opens, finding the crank of the old refrigerator. Putting on its place, Nico unleashes the impossible when a man named Félix appears on the house and takes the family across of a dimensional portal to another world named Maktub. There, Sra. Presidenta explains the family that Rodrigo's father was really a Maktub's agent who in 1951 he was on mission to catch criminals that flee Earth, but he remained on planet Earth after he fell in love with Isabel, but forcing Maktub to be stuck in the 1951's look after he left a secret portal open to back Maktub if it was necessary. While Félix and the scientists as Pilar tries to find the portal to close, Félix and the family returns to planet Earth with a bracelets that change of color according people suspects about Rodriguez's identity (white, green and blue), under threat that if bracelets turns red, all them will be deported Maktub immediately. However, troubles increase progressively: the open portal causes that Alejandra turns in a girl with super-strength at the same time she suspects that Bosco is unfaithful her with their classmate Bea, and that a young neighbor named Jacobo feels attracted to her; Gabriela learns to be invisible, causing all kind of mess around her; Isabel floats as a balloon, and Rodrigo turns on his head and butt as a light bulb when he is angry. For more complications, Cristina's new client results to be Minister of Finances Pedro Solas, with a crisis of anxiety; Edu and Nico miss suddenly, forcing Cristina to talk with Ricardo and Natalia, the repulsive and conceited upper-class Edu's parents, to leave Edu in her home to pass the night together with Nico hoping they come back; Rodrigo's bosses appear by Van Vatio to supervise the business; and Félix is by error sent to Maktub after he's shot with a special gun, causing that a replace named J.J. cross the portal to help the family, not knowing that in true J.J. is a double-agent who works for Rugen Zelig, a dangerous criminal looking for revenge of Agente Rodríguez and his family.—Chockys

《罗德里格斯与超越/The Rodriguez and the Beyond》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《罗德里格斯与超越/The Rodriguez and the Beyond》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《罗德里格斯与超越/The Rodriguez and the Beyond》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《罗德里格斯与超越/The Rodriguez and the Beyond》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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