
当这条管道首次被提出时,来自 Steelex 公司的衣着讲究的监工 RITA 脸上挂着微笑,对 HARDWELL 的好人撒谎。她承诺,“呼吸新鲜空气”和“当地经济繁荣”,她非常清楚他们将真正得到什么。无论如何,她说的话并不重要,斯蒂莱克斯之前的游说努力和她压制的反对声音让市政厅的宣传从一开始就成了一种形式。 丽塔向哈德威尔交付的是 72 公里,一个供旅行施工队集结的露营地管道。这座城市不知不觉地呼吸到的“新鲜空气”是不断涌入的承包商,他们希望在下班时间发泄一下情绪。有些人是正直的公司职员,有家庭,许多人是迷人的麻烦制造者,沉迷于在离家数百公里之外工作所带来的准匿名状态。丽塔所描述的繁荣虽然很可观,但主要是当地的酒吧、脱衣舞俱乐部和毒品经销商感受到的。对于这个小镇来说幸运的是在哈德韦尔看来,驻扎在 72 公里处的并不是每个人都是好色、吸毒的暴徒。阿什利(ASHLEY)是一个善良的灵魂,她的冷静让疯狂的压力看起来毫无重量,即使在她作为船员中的和平卫士的角色和促进 Steelex 建设的责任之间兼顾。她的稳定性是一项有用的技能,但却是一把双刃剑,因为她常常很难看出自己离崩溃有多近。多年来,她厚厚的脸皮让她能够与一群关系密切的粗鲁、鲁莽的工程师相处,她称之为第二个家庭。当她担任项目领班的新职位时,证明自己的压力比以往任何时候都更大,生命垂危,鉴于地形恶劣和天气不稳定,她的团队在 72 公里附近的工地是他们迄今为止最艰巨的任务。她的团队可能会保持紧张,但他们都不知道阿什利计划在升职之前永远挂起她的安全帽。作为一个年轻的单亲妈妈,擦拭几个月的工作的诱惑通过几周的紧张工作来清偿债务一直是理所当然的事情。然而,最近,离开十几岁的女儿 AVA 与母亲 WENDY 一起生活的重担已经深深地融入了她的内心。看着她的孩子突然长大,是 Steelex 提供的短期利润的一个悲惨的副作用。 ,随着艾娃意识到阿什利的谋生方式,两人之间的差距越来越大。 作为第三代管道工人,阿什利与她的个人历史和克里族血统发生了冲突。她知道她在 Steelex 的努力导致了她的祖先虔诚地尊敬的自然系统的强奸和毁灭,但她通过说服自己她的行为永远不会直接影响她或她的家人来划分自己的感情。当管道毒性的连锁反应渗透到半个地球之外她母亲的家时,她安然度过 72 公里工作的信念动摇了。阿什利最早的记忆之一是带着孩子在她家祖传的树林里漫步。她的母亲。每棵树的树干上都紧紧地系着温迪所说的“祈祷旗”。当温迪在这些色彩缤纷的小布块中填满神圣的烟草以表达对精神世界的感激之情时,年轻的阿什利会着迷。作为回报,她声称森林的鬼魂会保护这片土地免受伤害,而任何厚颜无耻地打扰他们的人都会招致大自然的愤怒。阿什利相信温蒂所说的话,直到有一天她回来时发现她人民的领土已被夷为一座树桩墓地,经幡不小心地踩在了覆盖物上。当她等待负责公司承担后果时,她的信念受到了动摇,但没有任何结果。当阿什莉与自己离开这一生的决定作斗争时,她的良心不断地抱怨着,大自然母亲已经在人们心中展现了她的愤怒。反对管道的竣工。仿佛这项工作本身还不够危险,哈德威尔已经成为了一个集结地为日益绝望的绿色运动的破坏努力。阿什利和她的团队将管道每一步靠近边境,活动人士阻止管道的努力就变得更加大胆和暴力。 绿色运动的带头人是蛇臀的自然力量,昆汀。尽管他和他的抗议者同伴以不合法的方式阻碍 Steelex 的进步,但他们还是获得了全国大部分地区的支持。当他不忙着用基督般的魅力来满足自己对多角恋的渴望,或者不忙着在网络上火上浇油以博得人们对他的事业的同情时,昆汀和他的邪教般的团队就忙着破坏阿什利的设备和人员。当昆汀的救世主情结更加牢固时,他的行为就会变得更加不安、不可预测和致命。每当阿什利向丽塔报告项目延误时,她都会在不知不觉中将示威者、顽固的城镇居民,甚至她的船员置于致命危险的十字准线中。丽塔加入了格雷迪当地摩托车团伙“THE SOULS OF TYR”的嗜血队长兴高采烈地负责解决项目完成过程中出现的任何问题。格雷迪喜欢伤害别人的艺术,尤其是当他为此获得丰厚报酬时。作为对他欺凌的交换,丽塔承诺在管道完工后向他提供一份“维护合同”。 Steelex 为格雷迪团伙成员预留的欺诈性工会工作将确保稳定的收入来源,以在很长一段时间内扩大他的业务。 尽管丽塔缺乏诚信,但她还是一个在一场失败的游戏中陷入困境的受害者。 ,她自己。她可能会自诩为 Steelex 的痛苦建筑师,但很快就会发现,她的戏剧是由 OSMOND(尼尔·麦克唐纳饰)看不见的手推动的,OSMOND 是 Steelex 的主要利益相关者和有抱负的政治家。因为他的竞选活动取决于管道的履行,奥斯蒙德正在勒索丽塔,让她进行那种让道德指南针变得微不足道的合作。太远离当奥斯蒙德告诉丽塔提尔之魂的后端工作机会一直是另一个虚假承诺时,奥斯蒙德将丽塔的生命置于危险之中。不确定该向哪里求助,她知道格雷迪知道自己被骗了只是时间问题。 在事情变得复杂之前,阿什利认识她的一些船员,当时他们都是在大西洋沿岸长大的意志坚定、理想主义的孩子。布雷顿角。他们会偷偷溜到海滩篝火旁,看着白天变成繁星点点的夜晚,他们会用自己长大后为改善世界所做的一切事情来激励彼此。阿什利(Ashley)最同意她最好的朋友之一蒂(TY)的观点,蒂认为有些工作是达到目的的一种手段。泰认为,只要终点线就在眼前,探索道德灰色地带就没有什么可耻的。毕竟,总得有人去做。在过道的另一端,她的朋友昆汀觉得,拥有泰这样观点的人需要狠狠地打一下嘴,才能知道这有多危险。阿什利(Ashley)看着终点线延伸到那么远,她甚至不确定它是否还在那儿。她知道同样的事情也发生在像泰这样的人身上,他们用性、毒品和酒精来填补因演出的孤独本质而留下的伤口。 72 公里曾经是一种与温暖的友情、濒临危险的快感和改变生活的补偿交织在一起的瘾,现在已经变成了不信任、贪婪和背后中伤的巢穴。阿什利的一些船员,比如 DEE,嫉妒年轻母亲被任命为队长,不惜一切代价让她显得无能,即使这意味着与敌人勾结。其他人,比如瑞恩,与工作内容的内部冲突为零,并且会通过向丽塔汇报而无意中为同事标记受伤或死亡,以此作为晋升图腾柱的一种方式。绿色运动抗议者伪装成国内恐怖分子尘埃落定后,尚不清楚谁会幸存。然而,可以肯定的是,到故事结束时,管道国度将编织出一幅泥泞的挂毯,其中包括被抛弃的道德、来之不易的救赎,以及为建立一个未来值得居住,无论它如何定义。
When the pipeline is first proposed, RITA, a sharp-dressed overseer from the Steelex Corporation, has a smile on her face as she lies to the good people of HARDWELL. She promises, "a breath of fresh air," and "a boom to the local economy," knowing full well what they'll truly be getting. What she says doesn't matter anyway, Steelex's prior lobbying efforts and the dissenting voices she had silenced made the town hall pitch a formality from the get-go.What Rita delivers to Hardwell is KILOMETER 72, a campsite for the traveling construction team assembling the pipe. The "fresh air" the city unwittingly breathes in is a steady import of contractors looking to blow off steam in the off-hours. Some are upstanding company men with families, many are charming troublemakers indulging in the quasi-anonymity that comes with working hundreds of kilometers from home. While substantial, the boom Rita described is felt mostly by the local bars, strip clubs, and dope dealers.Fortunately for the town of Hardwell, not everyone stationed at Kilometer 72 is a womanizing, drug-addled thug. ASHLEY is a good soul with a cool to her that makes insane pressure look weightless, even in juggling her role as peacekeeper among her crew and the responsibility of facilitating Steelex's build. Her steadiness is a useful skill, but a double-edged blade as it's often hard for her to see how close she is to buckling. For years, her exceptionally thick skin has allowed her to hang with the close-knit team of crude, hot-headed engineers she calls a second family. As she steps into her new position as project foreman, the pressure to prove herself is higher than ever, lives are on the line, and her team's worksite near Kilometer 72 is their toughest assignment yet given its hostile terrain and erratic weather.Her team might be tight, but none of them are aware that Ashley had planned to hang up her hardhat for good before she got the promotion. As a young single mother, the allure of wiping months' worth of debt clean with a few weeks' intense work has always been a no-brainer. Lately, though, the weight of leaving her pre-teen daughter AVA to live with her motherWENDY has sunk deeper into the fabric of her being.Watching her kid grow up in bursts is a miserable side-effect of the short-term profit Steelex provides, and the gap between the two of them is widening as Ava awakens to what Ashley does for a living.As a 3rd generation pipeline worker, Ashley is at war with her personal history and Cree ancestry. She knows her efforts with Steelex contribute to the rape and decimation of natural systems her forebears honored religiously, but she's compartmentalized her feelings by convincing herself that her actions never impact her or her family directly. Her conviction to ride out the job at Kilometer 72 is shaken when the ripple effects of the pipeline's toxicity seep into her mother's home half a world away.One of Ashley's earliest memories is wandering her family's ancestral woods with her mother. Each of the trees had what Wendy called a "prayer flag" tied snugly around its trunk. Wendy would mesmerize young Ashley as she filled these small, colorful squares of cloth with sacred tobacco in gratitude to the spirit world. In return, she claimed the ghosts of the forest would protect the land from harm while anyone brazen enough to disturb them would incur the wrath of mother nature. Ashley believed what Wendy had to say until the day she returned to find her peoples' territory had been leveled into a graveyard of stumps, the prayer flags stamped carelessly into the mulch. Her faith was rocked as she waited for the company responsible to face consequences, but none came.Nagging at Ashley's conscience as she wrestles with her decision to leave this life behind is the unshakeable feeling that mother nature has manifested her wrath in the hearts of people opposing the pipeline's completion.As if the job itself weren't dangerous enough, Hardwell has become a staging area for the sabotaging efforts of the increasingly desperate Green Movement. Every day that Ashley and her team inch the pipeline closer to the border, the activists' efforts to halt it grow bolder and more violent.Spearheading the Green Movement is the snake-hipped, sexual force of nature that is QUENTIN. He and his fellow protestors have garnered support from much of the country despite their less-than-legal approach to thwarting Steelex's progress. When he's not busy quenching his thirst for polyamory with his Christlike magnetism or stoking the coals of his internet popularity to draw sympathy to his cause, Quentin and his cult-like crew are busy undermining Ashley's equipment and personnel. When Quentin's messiah complex takes a firmer root, his actions become more disturbed, unpredictable, and lethal.Whenever Ashley reports project delays up to Rita, she unknowingly puts demonstrators, stubborn townsfolk, and even her crew in the crosshairs of mortal danger. Rita enlists GRADY, the gleefully bloodthirsty captain of a local motorcycle gang known as THE SOULS OF TYR to fix any problems that arise in the course of the project's completion. Grady takes pleasure in the art of hurting people, especially when he's paid handsomely to do it. In exchange for his bullying, Rita promises him a "maintenance contract" once the pipeline's been finished. The fraudulent union jobs Steelex would set aside for members of Grady's gang will ensure a steady stream of income to expand his operations for a good, long time.Despite her lack of integrity, Rita is a victim who got caught too deep in a losing game, herself. She may posture as Steelex's architect of misery, but it soon becomes clear that her plays are motivated by the unseen hand of OSMOND (Neal McDonough), a major Steelex stakeholder and aspiring politician. Because his campaign hinges on the pipeline's fulfillment, Osmond is blackmailing Rita into the kind of cooperation that makes a moral compass trivial. Too removed from the situation to care, Osmond puts Rita's life at risk when he informs her that the back-end job offer to The Souls of Tyr was yet another false promise all along. Unsure of where to turn, she knows it's just a matter of time before Grady learns he's been deceived.Back before things got complicated, Ashley knew a few of her crewmates when they were strong-willed, idealistic kids growing up along the Atlantic coast of Cape Breton. They'd sneak off to beach bonfires and watch the day turn into starry night as they'd inspire each other with all the things they'd do to better their world when they were older. Ashley agreed most with one of her best friends, TY, who felt that some jobs would be a means to an end. As long as the finish line was in sight, Ty argued, there'd be no shame in exploring moral grey areas. After all, someone has to do it. On the other end of the aisle, her friend Quentin felt that people with Ty's outlook needed a hard shot across the mouth to know how dangerous that mentality could be.Ashley's watched that finish line stretch so far into the distance that she's not even sure it's there anymore. She knows the same is happening to people like Ty who plug the wounds left open by the lonesome nature of the gig with sex, drugs, and alcohol. What was once an addiction interwoven with warm feelings of camaraderie, the thrill of near-danger, and life-changing compensation, Kilometer 72 has decayed into a hive of mistrust, greed, and back-stabbing.Some of Ashley's crew, like DEE, envy the young mother's installation as the team's foreman and will stop at nothing to make her appear incompetent, even if it means colluding with the enemy. Others, like RYAN, have zero internal conflict with what the job entails and will unintentionally mark their coworkers for injury or death by reporting to Rita as a way to move up the totem pole.As the Steelex pipeline creeps its way toward the border and the Green Movement protestors take the shape of domestic terrorists, it's not clear who will be left alive after the dust settles.One certainty, however, is that by the story's end, PIPE NATION will have woven a muddied tapestry of abandoned morality, hard-earned redemption, and the struggle to build toward a future worth living in, however that may be defined.

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