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[原版] 《奥罗拉茶园之谜:猫和老鼠的游戏/Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: A Game of Cat and Mouse》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《奥罗拉茶园之谜:猫和老鼠的游戏/Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: A Game of Cat and Mouse》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

奥罗拉·蒂加登(Aurora Teagarden,她的朋友们称之为“Ro”)是劳伦斯顿镇“真实谋杀案讨论俱乐部”的图书管理员和主席,她认为在涉及现实生活中的谋杀案时,她是俱乐部成员中最聪明的。她给俱乐部带来的新人是她的表弟、大学生菲利普·皮弗(Phillip Pifer),他与罗的母亲相处不融洽;房地产经纪人艾达·蒂加登(Aida Teagarden)只在谈论谋杀时看到麻烦;还有相对较新的朋友尼克·米勒(Nick Miller),他是一名心理学教授。当地大学的罗和尼克似乎正处于恋爱的边缘。罗在一次关于口红谋杀案的会议前一天准备好,俱乐部成员到达后发现罗的讨论材料要么被破坏,要么被盗,破坏者留下了一张名片,上面潦草地写着一些文学名言。罗的口红谋杀案犯罪现场照片之一。当阿伊达的办公室随后被破坏时,另一张口红谋杀案上贴有类似的文学名言名片根据犯罪现场照片和罗在上次犯罪中被盗的一些材料,根据其他证据,罗被认为是犯罪分子的共同纽带和目标。警察局长林恩·史密斯和她的丈夫、凶杀案侦探亚瑟·史密斯(令林恩懊恼的是,他本人也是真正谋杀案的成员)寻找任何可能对罗怀恨在心的人。嫌疑人包括:新俱乐部成员戴维斯·梅特尔(Davis Mettle),他似乎对罗在这个问题上的优越性感到不满;爱德华·艾恩斯 (Edward Irons) 是图书馆的常客,他指责罗没有将自己出版的书存放在图书馆;尼克的新 T.A.迪娜·麦克米伦(Dina McMillan),一位学术聪明但缺乏社交安全感的女性,似乎对罗一见钟情;让罗懊恼的是瓦莱丽·瓦格纳(Valerie Wagner),她是一位家庭老朋友,对犯罪事实的反应异常,而且她同时是罗和阿伊达的清洁工,拥有两处房产的密码和钥匙。尽管林恩一直怨恨任何帮助对于真正谋杀俱乐部的成员,尤其是罗本人,她确实有些欢迎她的朋友和尼克的老板、法医心理学家布丽·卡森,她可能能够提供表面证据之外的更多见解。这个集体必须迅速行动,找出肇事者,因为他或她对与 Ro 关系密切的人实施了后续犯罪——照片上的文学引用具有相同的签名,以及留在现场的先前犯罪的被盗物品。犯罪行为日益暴力,最终目标可能是罗本人。-哈戈

Aurora Teagarden - Ro to her friends - is a librarian and president of the Real Murders Discussion Club in the town of Lawrenceton, she seen as the smartest of the club members when it comes to those real life murders. Who she brings new to the club are her younger cousin, college student Phillip Pifer, which does not sit well with Ro's mother, realtor Aida Teagarden who only sees trouble in talking about murder, and relatively new friend, Nick Miller, a Psychology professor at the local college, Ro and Nick who seem to be on the cusp of a relationship. In Ro setting up a day before a meeting in leading a discussion about the Lipstick Murders, the club members arrive to discover that Ro's discussion materials have either been vandalized or stolen, the vandal who left a calling card of sorts in some literary quote scribbled on one of Ro's Lipstick Murders crime scene photos. When Aida's office is subsequently vandalized with a similar literary quote calling card on another Lipstick Murders crime scene photo and some of Ro's materials stolen in the previous crime, Ro, on other evidence, is assumed to be the common bond and the target of whatever the criminal's actions. Police Chief Lynn Smith, and her husband, Homicide Detective Arthur Smith - a Real Murders member himself much to Lynn's chagrin - look to anyone who may have a grudge against Ro. The suspects include: new club member Davis Mettle, who seems to resent Ro's superiority on the subject; Edward Irons, a regular at the library who blames Ro for among other things not having his self-published book stocked in the library; Nick's new T.A. Dina McMillan, an academically bright but socially insecure woman who seems to have a hate at first sight for Ro; and much to Ro's chagrin Valerie Wagner, a longtime family friend who reacts unusually to the fact of the crimes and who had access in being both Ro and Aida's cleaner with code access and keys to both properties. Although Lynn has always resented any assistance from the Real Murders club members especially Ro herself, she does somewhat welcome that of her friend and Nick's boss, Forensic Psychologist Bree Carson who may be able to provide additional insight beyond the on the surface evidence. This collective will have to work fast to discover the perpetrator as he or she has committed subsequent crimes - with the same signature of the literary quote on a photo and stolen items from the previous crime left at the scene - against people close to Ro, those crimes increasingly violent with arguably the end target being Ro herself.—Huggo

《奥罗拉茶园之谜:猫和老鼠的游戏/Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: A Game of Cat and Mouse》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《奥罗拉茶园之谜:猫和老鼠的游戏/Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: A Game of Cat and Mouse》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《奥罗拉茶园之谜:猫和老鼠的游戏/Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: A Game of Cat and Mouse》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《奥罗拉茶园之谜:猫和老鼠的游戏/Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: A Game of Cat and Mouse》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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