
托尼(康纳·埃斯特森饰)和帕蒂(艾弗利·卡加尼拉饰)非常擅长玩网络游戏,他们大部分时间都花在玩网络游戏上,这就是为什么他们的父母泰伦斯·探戈(扎克瑞·莱维饰)和诺拉·托雷兹(吉娜·罗德里格兹饰)制定了一些严格的规则。特伦斯制定了这些规则,因为特伦斯和诺拉是间谍,他们的计算机上托管着绝密的世界末日代码,他们担心有人可能会使用他们孩子的计算机侵入他们的网络并窃取世界末日代码。这两个间谍都被告知老板 Devlin 表示,不明身份的攻击者正试图闯入 OSS 服务器以获取世界末日代码。托尼和帕蒂被允许在一天中的指定时间玩游戏,时间不得超过几个小时。但这并没有阻止托尼在半夜偷偷溜出去和妹妹一起玩游戏。帕蒂不喜欢他们违反规则,因为她是那种相信在生活中保持诚实最重要的人。因。托尼不相信这一点,因为他总是说一个人应该不择手段地达到目的。帕蒂试图让他明白,也许他会从说谎中受益,但最终,他必须为此付出代价。托尼参加了一家游戏公司组织的比赛,该公司制作了一款名为Hyscore的游戏。作为赢得比赛的奖品,托尼在他的计算机上安装了当时尚未发布的游戏Hyscore。托尼通过作弊赢得了比赛,但他很高兴,因为他得到了想要的结果。晚上,两个孩子都出来了,决定看看比赛怎么样。托尼的父亲过去常常更改密码,以便他的孩子在规定时间后无法访问任何游戏。但托尼找到了密码,他用它登录了游戏。但游戏一开始,屏幕就开始闪烁,然后设备就关机了。孩子们不明白发生了什么,所以游戏的创造者“国王”雷伊·金斯顿(比利·马格努森饰)欺骗了托尼,他进入系统窃取了世界末日代码。 OSS特工使用该代码进入任何设备,雷伊知道,如果他能够得到它,他将能够统治整个世界并让人们按照他的意愿行事。 与此同时,泰伦斯和诺拉他们争论是否应该删除世界末日代码,因为他们知道如果它落入坏人之手,对世界不利。泰伦斯对此表示反对,因为他辩称他们自己使用了这些代码来入侵受到严格保护的系统,但诺拉让他失去知觉并去删除了它。但在她这样做之前,雷伊入侵了系统并窃取了世界末日的代码。很快,世界各地出现了大范围的混乱,Hyscore 游戏被安装在世界一半的设备上。特伦斯·卡我回过神来,但游戏中的角色海斯科,却向他们的住处发起了全面进攻。特伦斯和诺拉成功地将孩子送到安全屋,但他们无法逃脱,并被雷伊·金·金斯顿拘留。诺拉在帕蒂与他们分开之前给了她她的挂坠盒。特伦斯将世界末日代码分成了两半,这就是为什么雷伊只能侵入世界上一半的设备。他意识到密码的后半部分就在帕蒂佩戴的挂坠盒里,于是他派手下绑架了孩子们,并将他们带到了他的藏身处。 与此同时,帕蒂和托尼已经弄清楚了藏身处的所有小玩意。并将自己训练成有效的间谍。藏身处是由战略情报局特工发现的,他们将孩子们带到德夫林。孩子们解锁了德夫林的系统,并告诉他雷·金斯顿是他们的嫌疑人。雷的暴徒袭击了德夫林带孩子们来的 OSS 总部。他们从孩子们那里偷走了世界末日密码并逃脱了湖上的一条船。孩子们使用 OSS 小工具跟随他们。他们通过反向追踪器诺拉的追踪器找到了父母的位置,并飞向了一架喷气式飞机。 与此同时,泰伦斯告诉诺拉,世界末日代码是他创建的,但小男孩托尼甚至不知道。泰伦斯说,在火球任务中,他们杀死了瓦戈斯并摧毁了他的实验室,他获得了瓦戈斯正在制造的武器的蓝图。泰伦斯知道,如果他能够理解该蓝图,他就可以用它来编写代码,通过该代码他们可以闯入任何类型的设备。但泰伦斯始终无法完全理解它,但有一天,托尼走进了他的房间,以为这是一个谜题,他解决了它。 据透露,雷·金斯顿是瓦格斯的儿子,他相信他的父亲是瓦格斯的儿子。当 OSS 团队到达并冷血地杀害了他时,他试图通过他的创造让世界变得更美好。就连帕蒂也相信泰伦斯和诺拉本可以找到一种方法,让他们不必杀死所有人。她实际上告诉她的父母他们可以做些什么来控制局势而不伤害任何人,泰伦斯和诺拉有点惊讶,因为这很有道理,令人惊讶的是,他们从未想到过这一点。他的父亲雷伊认为,世界上的人们不应该受到良好的对待。他想通过侵入他们的设备并让他们按照他的意愿行事来带来改变。泰伦斯和诺拉所认为的胜利实际上是他们最大的失败,而他们自己的女儿让他们意识到了这一点。泰伦斯、诺拉,甚至托尼都明白帕蒂说的是有道理的,作为一名间谍,他们的做法不一定非得不诚实。 托尼和帕蒂到达雷伊·金斯顿的藏身处,在那里他们见到了父母,并带走了他们。他们离开拘留室。但雷伊已经领先他们一步了,而且在此之前当他们可以做任何事情时,他使用了世界末日代码芯片,并启动了侵入地球上所有人口的设备的过程。倒计时开始了,托尼知道他必须在为时已晚之前采取一些行动。他找到了主系统所在的地方,用尽一切办法阻止倒计时。但他意识到自己被国王欺骗了,因为他在不知不觉中武装了系统。就在那时,国王到来并告诉他们,他们被骗了,现在他要给世界造成严重破坏。雷伊·金斯顿带着 VR 吊舱离开了现场,就在那时帕蒂意识到,如果他们能够进入游戏并阻止雷伊,那么他们就可以拯救世界。他们知道雷伊正在游戏内部控制一切,而他们所需要的就是找到击败他的方法。特伦斯和诺拉朝着孩子们的方向坐在VR吊舱上,四人一起进入了Hyscore的虚拟世界。从赫克骑士到国王,法米莉面对的是游戏中每一个致命的恶棍。帕蒂要求每个人都公平地比赛,即使其他人使用不诚实的手段。 看起来国王会打败托尼,但托尼的诚实得到了回报,他获得了一条额外的生命,这是一种公平竞赛的奖励,很少给玩家。托尼击败了雷伊,帕蒂请求OSS不要逮捕他,而是将他送回虚拟世界,让他成为一个更好的人。孩子们的慷慨和诚实感动了雷伊,他意识到要改变世界,他没有必要诉诸如此残酷的手段和方法。第二天,德夫林(D. J. Cotrona 饰)把孩子们叫到战略情报局办公室,他告诉他们,他们也将被正式招募为间谍。德夫林承诺他将修改间谍手册,并且不会告诉他的特工诉诸不公平的手段。对于间谍家族来说,一切都结束了,也许,在下一部分中,我们会看到他们执行更多任务并拯救世界免遭危机。
Tony (Connor Esterson) and Patty (Everly Carganilla) were quite good at playing online games, and they spend most of their time doing that, which is why their parents, Terrence Tango (Zachary Levi) and Nora Torrez (Gina Rodriguez), had some strict rules in place. Terrence has these rules as Terence and Nora are spies and their computers host the top-secret Armageddon code, and they are afraid that someone might use their kids' computers to hack into their network and steal the Armageddon code.Both spies are told by their boss Devlin that unknown assailants are trying to break into OSS servers to get to the Armageddon code.Tony and Patty were allowed to play games at a specified time during the day and for not more than a couple of hours. But that didn't stop Tony from sneaking out in the middle of the night and playing games with his sister. Patty didn't like it when they broke the rules, as she was the kind of person who believed that staying honest in one's life was of utmost importance. Tony didn't believe that, as he always said that one should have their way by hook or by crook. Patty tried to make him understand that maybe he benefited from speaking lies, but ultimately, he would have to pay the price for it. Tony took part in a competition organized by a gaming company that had created a game called Hyscore.As a prize for winning the competition, Tony got the game Hyscore, which hadn't been released up until then, installed on his computer. Tony had won the competition by cheating, but he was happy because he had gotten the desired result. In the night, both the kids came out and decided that they would check out how the game was. Tony's father used to change the password so that his kids weren't able to access any games after the prescribed hours. But Tony had found the password, and he used it to log in to the game. But as soon as the game started, the screen started flickering, and the device shut down. The kids didn't understand what was happening, so they immediately ran to their bedroom before their parents came and caught them red-handed.The creator of the game, Rey "The King" Kingston (Billy Magnussen), had deceived Tony, and he had entered the system to steal the Armageddon code. That code was used by OSS agents to enter any device, and Rey knew that if he was able to get his hands on it, he would be able to rule the whole world and make people act according to his wishes.Meanwhile, Terrence and Nora were having an argument about whether they should delete the Armageddon code, as they knew that if it fell into the wrong hands, it would not be good for the world. Terrence was against it as he argued that they have used the code themselves to hack strongly protected systems, but Nora made him unconscious and went to delete it.But before she could do that, Rey hacked the system and stole the Armageddon code. Soon, there was widespread chaos all over, and the game Hyscore, got installed on the devices of half of the world. Terrence came back to his senses, but the character of the game, Hyscore, waged an all-out attack at their residence. Terrence and Nora were able to send their kids to the safe house, but they couldn't escape and were taken into custody by Rey King Kingston. Nora gives Patty her locket before she got separated from them.Terrence had divided the Armageddon code into two halves, and that is why Rey was only able to hack into half of the devices in the world. He had realized that the second half of the code was in the locket that Patty wore, so he sent his men to kidnap the kids and bring them to his hideout.In the meantime, Patty and Tony had figured out all the gadgets in the hideout and had trained themselves to be effective spies.The hideout is found by OSS agents who bring the kids to Devlin. The kids unlock Devlin's systems and tell him that Ray Kingston is their suspect. Ray's goons attack the OSS HQ where Devlin had brought the kids. They steal the Armageddon code from the kids and escape via boats on the lake. The kids follow them using OSS gadgets. They find the location of their parents by reverse tracker Nora's tracker and fly there is a jet.Terrence, meanwhile, told Nora that the Armageddon code had been created by him, but Tony, the little boy, didn't even know about it.Terrence said that during the fireball mission, in which they killed Vargos and destroyed his laboratory, he had procured a blueprint for a weapon that Vargos had been making. Terrence knew that if he was able to understand that blueprint, he could use it to make a code through which they could break into any kind of device. But Terrence was never able to understand it fully, but one fine day, Tony entered his room, and thinking that it was a puzzle, he solved it.It is revealed that Rey Kingston was Vargos' son, and he believed that his father was trying to make the world a better place through his creations when the OSS team arrived and killed him in cold blood. Even Patty believed that Terrence and Nora could have found a way where they wouldn't have to kill everyone. She actually told her parents what they could have done in order to bring the situation under control without hurting anyone, and Terrence and Nora were a bit taken aback as it made sense, and surprisingly, it had never occurred to them.After the death of his father, Rey believed that the people of the world didn't deserve to be treated nicely. He wanted to bring about a change by hacking into their devices and making them act according to his wishes. What Terrence and Nora had believed to be their victory was actually their biggest failure, and their own daughter made them realize that. Terrence, Nora, and even Tony understood that what Patty was saying made sense and that for being a spy, they didn't necessarily have to be dishonest in their approach.Tony and Patty reached Rey Kingston's hideout, where they met their parents and took them out of the holding cell. But Rey was already a step ahead of them, and before they could do anything, he used the Armageddon code chip and initiated the process of hacking into the devices of the entire population of planet Earth.A countdown started, and Tony knew he had to do something about it before it was too late. He found the place where the main system was kept, and he did everything that he could to stop the countdown. But he realized that he was deceived by the King, as he had unknowingly armed the system. That's when the King arrived and told them they had been duped, and now he was going to wreak havoc on the world. Rey Kingston left the scene with a VR pod, and that's when Patty realized that if they could enter the game and stop Rey, then they could save the world.They knew that Rey was controlling everything from inside the game, and all they needed was to find a way to defeat him. Terrence and Nora, in the direction of their kids, sat on the VR pods, and all four of them entered the virtual world of Hyscore. From Heck Knight to the King, the family faced every lethal villain who was a part of the game verse. Patty had requested everyone to play with all fairness, even if others resorted to dishonest means.It seemed like the King would defeat Tony, but Tony's honesty paid off, and he received an extra life, which was a sort of fair play award that was rarely given to the players. Tony defeated Rey, and Patty asked the OSS not to arrest him but to send him back into the virtual world so that he could become a better man.The generosity and honesty of the kids moved Rey, and he realized that to change the world, he didn't have to resort to such cruel means and methods. The kids were called by Devlin (D. J. Cotrona) to the OSS office the next day, and he told them they were also being officially recruited as spies. Devlin promised that he would bring about a change in the spy manual and not tell his agents to resort to unfair means. It all ended well for the Spy family, and probably, in the next installment, we will see them taking up more missions and saving the world from crises.

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