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[原版] 《大修/Overhaul》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《大修/Overhaul》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

罗杰(蒂亚戈·马丁斯 Thiago Martins 饰)是一位很有前途的赛车手,但最近一段时间,他却屡次被黛博拉击败。被认为是卡车比赛女王的黛博拉(谢伦·梅内泽斯饰)正沉浸在自己的荣耀之中,而罗杰则试图想出一个解决方案来确认自己的胜利。 当罗杰和他最好的朋友兼教练达尼洛(拉斐尔·洛根饰)讨论卡车修理时,罗杰有信心他的老人会找到解决办法。第二天早上,当他的父亲因醉酒驾车而将他从警察局保释时,他对罗杰的行为并不满意。他指责罗杰破坏了他多年来建立的赛车队,并斥责他的野蛮行为。在他们激烈争吵后,罗杰下了车,向父亲发起挑战,看他下次获胜。当他的父亲正忙着和他争论的时候,一辆卡车不知从哪里驶来,撞上了汽车。罗杰的父亲当场去世,很快罗杰就得知赛车队破产了。罗杰现在负责为了队友的福祉,他迫切地想办法还清债务。罗杰原本希望他的赞助商能够介入,但令他沮丧的是,他们退出了。 由于手头没有其他选择,罗杰决定与奥迪隆(埃万德罗·梅斯基塔饰)谈谈。奥迪隆是个黑帮,罗杰的父亲欠他钱。这位老派黑帮建议罗杰还清一些债务,并通过为他工作赚取额外的现金。他有一些任务要做,他需要一名飞行员。罗杰一开始还有些犹豫,但由于没有办法,他就同意了。他被介绍给奥迪隆的手下斯莫基(米勒姆·科塔兹饰),斯莫基向他简要介绍了这项任务。罗杰将达尼洛带上船,帮助他开展行动。达尼洛有一个女儿需要照顾,随着公司破产,他也决定挺身而出。罗杰和达尼洛的任务是在路上劫持电子货运卡车,并将其交给斯莫基的手下斯凯奇,在城市中分发货物。ruck 有一个装置,如果驾驶员触发该装置,就会锁定卡车。因此,控制卡车的最好方法就是与司机交谈并贿赂他。该保险弥补了公司的损失。但所有货运卡车都会被追踪,一旦卡车偏离路线,保险公司就会报警。他们有 15 分钟的时间到达卸货地点。完成第一项任务后,罗杰和达尼洛提出了确保他们在任务过程中无法追踪的方法。黛博拉知道罗杰没有赞助商,看到罗杰获胜有点惊讶。她不禁想知道他是如何管理团队的开支的。虽然罗杰解释说他通过出售父亲的商店得到了钱,但黛博拉还没有准备好相信他。 达尼洛想出了一种在不阻挡司机道路的情况下劫持货物的方法。他们在操作过程中遇到了麻烦,货物的刹车停止工作,导致达尼洛面临生命危险荷兰国际集团的位置。罗杰挺身而出,设法控制了局势。正当达尼洛和罗杰认为最糟糕的时刻已经过去时,他们突然遇到一辆警车和警察挡住了道路。当罗杰想踩刹车投降时,达尼洛建议他继续开车。警察向卡车开枪,达尼洛中弹。达尼洛因枪伤不治身亡,罗杰则负责照顾达尼洛十四岁的女儿。失去最好的朋友让罗杰陷入痛苦之中。他决定联系社会服务机构来处理芭芭拉的情况,但遭到她的强烈反对。相反,她建议他们在 Facebook 上找到她唯一活着的亲戚,她的祖母,并提出合适的安排。但在此之前,芭芭拉要求留在罗杰的住所,罗杰同意了她的提议。 与此同时,罗杰的前赞助商托莱多在观看罗杰赢得最后几场比赛后又回来了。他同意再次赞助罗杰,罗杰感到如释重负。他有了赞助商,他不再需要做奥迪隆和斯莫基的肮脏勾当,但他们不准备这么轻易地放走他。芭芭拉在下一场比赛中加入罗杰的指挥小组,帮助他调整动力推力的时间,以防止发动机过热并击败黛博拉。在没有回应斯莫基的呼叫后,他的手下斯凯奇出现在罗杰的家门口,威胁他做出回应。虽然罗杰向斯莫基明确表示他想离开,但没有简单的方法可以做到这一点。罗杰被迫接受了这份工作,但事情并没有按计划进行。罗杰再次表示自己对为他工作不感兴趣,但斯莫基并没有准备好接受“不”的回答。斯莫基杀死了托莱多,并向罗杰发送信息,让他按照他的指示去做。与此同时,警官阿方索(保罗·维尔赫纳) )一直密切监视着罗杰,警告他警方已经知道他的活动。阿方索追踪过斯莫克他们给罗杰打了电话,就知道下一份工作将在哪里进行。阿方索率领部队拦截卡车,但罗杰和斯凯奇躲在贫民窟并在那里处理货物,勉强逃脱。阿方索有逮捕罗杰的证据,但他希望罗杰与警方合作,困住斯莫基和奥迪隆.罗杰不仅惹上了警察和歹徒的麻烦,而且还得知芭芭拉一直在关于她祖母的事情上向他撒谎。深入了解她的背景后,他发现她的祖母都去世了。芭芭拉还没有准备好重新开始她的生活,她相信罗杰是唯一一个有点接近她父母的人。但对于罗杰来说,整个情况都是一个问题,考虑到他在没有任何适当证件的情况下庇护一个青少年,他很容易陷入更多麻烦。前一天晚上他们发生冲突后,罗杰发现斯莫基绑架了芭芭拉,以勒索他做这件事。Roger别无选择,只能同意Smokey希望他参与的最后一份工作。最后的工作风险极大,斯莫基计划瞄准一支警察车队并抢劫他们装满武器的集装箱。罗杰一听到这个计划就提出了抗议,但他却完全无能为力。罗杰向黛博拉寻求安慰,因为她是他唯一向他吐露自己处境的人。罗杰已经制定了一个完美逮捕计划。罗杰最初按照斯莫基的计划行事,他成功拿到了装有武器的集装箱并将其带给斯莫基。罗杰要求释放芭芭拉,斯莫基答应了。芭芭拉被交给黛博拉后,罗杰就上了卡车并开始驾驶。斯莫基看着他带着集装箱逃走,与此同时,罗杰给奥迪隆打电话,警告他警察已经到达集合地点,并抓获了斯莫基和他的手下。罗杰把他的手机留在了集装箱上,最终,斯莫基和他的朋友ng到达地点。警察也在追踪罗杰,他们也到达了仓库。经过枪战,警察逮捕了斯莫基和他的手下。与此同时,罗杰在完成手术后又回到了正轨。在芭芭拉的帮助下,他赢得了比赛。芭芭拉和她父亲一样有才华,罗杰为她感到骄傲。赢得比赛后不久,阿方索就赶来逮捕了这些人。奥迪隆没想到自己被罗杰骗了,最终被警察带走了。罗杰也因参与其中而被捕,但他并没有为此感到痛苦,因为他知道自己因为选择了错误的道路而应该受到惩罚。罗杰服完两年徒刑后出狱。黛博拉和芭芭拉前来迎接他。尽管黛博拉和罗杰在赛道上竞争激烈,但他们还是相爱了。此外,黛博拉还获得了芭芭拉的永久监护权,三人最终成为了幸福的一家人。

Roger (Thiago Martins) was a promising racer, but in recent times, he has been repeatedly defeated by Debora. Considered the queen of truck racing, Debora (Sheron Menezzes) was basking in her glory while Roger tried to come up with a solution to confirm his win.When Roger and his best friend cum coach, Danilo (Raphael Logam), discussed the truck repair, Roger was confident that his old man would find a solution. The next morning, when his father bailed him from the police station after a case of drunk driving, he was not happy with Roger's conduct. He blamed Roger for destroying the racing team that he had built over the years and called him out for his bratty behavior.After their heated argument, Roger got out of the car and challenged his father to watch him win the next time. While his father was busy arguing with him, a truck came out of nowhere and hit the car. Roger's father died on the spot, and soon Roger learned that the racing team had gone bankrupt. Roger was now responsible for the welfare of his teammates, and he was desperate to find a way to clear the debts. Roger was hopeful that his sponsors would step in, but to his dismay, they backed out.With no other options in hand, Roger decided to have a word with Odilon (Evandro Mesquita). Odilon was a gangster, and Roger's father owed money to him. The old-school gangster suggested Roger clear some of the debts and earn extra cash by working for him. He had some tasks lined up, and he needed a pilot. Roger was a little hesitant at first, but due to a lack of an alternative, he agreed to it. He was introduced to Odilon's man, Smokey (Milhem Cortaz), who briefed him about the task. Roger brought Danilo on board to help him carry out the operations. Danilo had a daughter to look after, and with the company going into bankruptcy, he decided to step up as well. Roger and Danilo's task was to hijack electronic cargo truck on the road and pass it to Smokey's man, Sketch, to distribute the goods in the city.Every truck has a device, which if triggered by the driver will lock the truck down. So, the best way to take control of the truck is to talk to the driver and bribe him off. The insurance covers the company's losses. But all cargo trucks are tracked, and the insurance company calls the cops as soon as the truck deviates from its route. They have 15 minutes to reach their unloading site.After completing the first task, Roger and Danilo proposed ways to ensure that they remained untraceable during the course of the task. Knowing that Roger had no sponsors, Debora was a little surprised to see Roger win. She could not help but wonder how he was managing the expenses of his team. While Roger explained that he received money from selling his father's shop, Debora was not ready to believe him.Danilo came up with a way to hijack cargo without blocking the path of the driver. They faced complications during the operation when the brakes on the cargo stopped working, leaving Danilo in a life-threatening position. Roger stepped up and managed to bring the situation under control. Just when Danilo and Roger thought that the worst bit was over, they suddenly came across a police car and policemen blocking the road. While Roger wanted to hit the brakes and surrender, Danilo advised him to keep driving. The police fired at the truck, and Danilo was shot as a result.Danilo succumbed to the bullet wounds, and Roger was left with the responsibility of taking care of Danilo's fourteen-year-old daughter. Losing his best friend left Roger in a state of anguish. He decided to reach out to social services to handle Barbara's situation, but she was vehemently against it. She instead suggested that they find her only living relative, her grandmother, on Facebook and come up with a suitable arrangement. But until then, Barbara demanded to stay at Roger's place, and Roger agreed to her proposal.Meanwhile, Roger's ex-sponsor, Toledo, returned after watching Roger win the last few races. He agreed to sponsor Roger once again, and Roger felt a sense of relief. He had a sponsor, and he no longer needed to conduct the dirty business of Odilon and Smokey, but they were not ready to let go of him so easily. Barbara joins Roger's command crew at the next race and helps him time his power thrusts to keep the engine from overheating and to beat Debora.After not responding to Smokey's calls, his man, Sketch, was at Roger's doorstep, threatening him to respond. While Roger made it clear to Smokey that he wanted to step away, there was no easy way of doing so. Roger was compelled to take up the job, but it did not go as planned. Roger once again expressed how he was not interested in working for him, but Smokey was not ready to take no for an answer.Smokey kills Toledo and sends a message to Roger to do what he is told.Meanwhile, police officer Alfonso (Paulo Vilhena), who had been keeping a close watch on Roger, warned him that the police knew about his activities. Alfonso had tracked Smokey's call to Roger and knew where the next job was going down. Alfonso intercepts the truck with his forces, but Roger and Sketch barely manage to escape by hiding inside a Favella and disposing of the cargo there.Alfonso had evidence to arrest Roger, but instead, he wanted Roger to cooperate with the police and trap Smokey and Odilon. Not only was Roger in trouble with the police and the gangsters, but he also learned that Barbara had been lying to him about her grandmother. After digging into her background, he found out that both her grandmothers had passed away. Barbara was not ready to start her life anew, and she believed Roger was the only person who was somewhat close to being her parent. But for Roger, the entire situation was a problem, considering that he was sheltering a teenager without any proper documents, and he could easily land up in more trouble. Just after their conflict the previous night, Roger found out that Smokey had kidnapped Barbara to blackmail him to do the job.Roger had no other choice but to agree to the last job that Smokey wanted him to be a part of. The final job was extremely risky, with Smokey planning to target a police convoy and rob their container full of weapons. Roger protested the minute he heard the plan, but he was completely helpless. Roger sought comfort in Debora since she was the only person he had confided in about his situation.Roger has worked out a plan to make the perfect arrest. Roger initially performed according to Smokey's plan, and he was successful in getting the container of weapons and bringing it to Smokey. Roger demanded that he free Barbara, and Smokey obliged. After Barbara was handed over to Debora, Roger got on the truck and started to drive it. Smokey watched him escape with the container, and in the meantime, Roger called Odilon and warned him that the cops had arrived at the meet-up point and had Smokey and his men. Roger left his phone attached to the container, and eventually, Smokey and his gang arrived at the location. The police had also been tracking Roger, and they had reached the warehouse as well.After a shootout, the police arrested Smokey and his men. Meanwhile, Roger was back on track after conducting the operation. With Barbara's help, he won the race. Barbara was just as talented as her father, and Roger was proud of her. Soon after winning the race, Alfonso arrived to make the arrests. Odilon did not expect to be fooled by Roger, and he was ultimately taken away by the police. Roger, too, was arrested for his involvement, and he was not bitter about it, knowing that he deserved to be punished for choosing the wrong path. After serving his two-year sentence, Roger was released from prison. Debora and Barbara came to receive him. Even though they were extremely competitive on track, Debora and Roger were in love. Also, Debora managed to get permanent custody of Barbara, and the three together became one happy family in the end.

《大修/Overhaul》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《大修/Overhaul》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《大修/Overhaul》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《大修/Overhaul》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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