
影片以一艘货轮接近一个热带岛屿开始。在船上,船长与三名乘客共进早餐。保罗·亨德森博士是一位科学家,他来到该岛是为了调查该地区因测试原子弹而产生辐射的可能性。陪伴他的是他美丽的妻子卡拉,她似乎患有极端的性挫折。她发表了一些挑衅性的言论,旨在激怒她坚忍且看似无情的丈夫。船上的第三位美国人是和平队代表吉姆·法雷尔(Jim Farrell),他前往该岛帮助当地人建造设施以改善他们的生活。船长告诉乘客,传闻该岛受到了诅咒,附近的人将其称为“血岛”。这艘船本身是唯一停靠在那里的一艘,目的是运送物资。每年只有两站,每六个月一次。下船后,三人立即不久,当地人正在举行送葬队伍。他们惊恐地发现,被运到海里埋葬的两具尸体已被完全肢解。一只被肢解的手臂掉了出来,卡拉惊恐地尖叫起来。仪式结束后,美国人受到部落长老阿卡迪奥和他的孙女阿尔玛的欢迎。卡拉立即感觉到可爱的阿尔玛和英俊的吉姆之间的吸引力,她非常积极地试图通过评论来让每个人难堪。阿卡迪奥欢迎他们来到岛上,但他和阿尔玛似乎都害怕什么,他公开承认他希望在船离开之前警告他们远离。当被问及两名被埋葬妇女的死亡时,他声称死因是一场意外,但他含糊其辞地表示,他的人民对回到“旧方式”感到“羞耻”。保罗四处散步岛上寻找标本,卡拉也加入了。他们俩都注意到了一个双当太阳提前几小时落下时,就会出现这种现象。昏暗的岛屿变得不祥,当保罗发现一只超大螃蟹的尸体时,这种感觉更加强烈。由于阿尔玛会说英语,所以她担任吉姆的当地人的翻译,但她对是什么让每个人都如此紧张仍然守口如瓶。当吉姆注意到村子附近有一种奇怪的植物时,她的焦虑更加严重。 村民们参加了另一个奇怪的仪式:一场程式化的抽奖活动,选择两名村里的少女来应对一些不确定的命运;不管是什么,当他们“获胜”时,都会让他们变得非常沮丧。美国人被一个名叫五郎的奇怪男人拦截;他宣布他的主人埃斯特万·鲍尔斯在家里为他们准备了一张桌子。吉姆、保罗和卡拉跟随戈洛穿过丛林,直到到达一处由俾格米人组成的庄严庄园。在去那里的路上,他们遇到了一棵香蕉树,香蕉树上伸出了一个奇怪的手臂状的生长物。增长就像它一样想要抓住那些经过它的人。埃斯特万·鲍尔斯是一位英俊的年轻人,他邀请他们所有人和他一起住,而不是呆在村子里。吉姆由于访问的性质而拒绝了,但卡拉坚持让她和保罗留在豪宅。埃斯特万似乎患有偏头痛,他透露,原住民是在原子弹试验后被移植到岛上的;虽然它们没有受到任何辐射的影响,但岛上的动植物似乎已经发生了变化。保罗提到了他发现的陆地蟹和香蕉树。鲍尔斯似乎没有意识到这些异常现象,尽管一行人惊讶地发现他实际上已经 50 岁了;在返回村庄的路上,三个美国人在五郎的护送下再次穿过丛林。但这一次,外面已经完全黑了,丛林里长满了奇怪的植物。香蕉树有会动的触手,当有人经过时,触手就会摇晃。其中之一下摆抓住卡拉,似乎想杀了她。吉姆和保罗奋力抵抗并推动她前进。其他植物也有不祥的表现。回到村子后,看到两名村女被铐在偏僻的祭坛上并被剥光衣服,他们感到很不舒服。村民们把他们留在祭坛上,然后返回自己的家。在阿卡迪奥和阿尔玛的小屋里,美国人听到丛林中传来一种奇怪的、压倒性的声音,一种令人疯狂的呼吸声,到处回荡。当一只大蝴蝶进入小屋并变成一个长着獠牙的怪物时,每个人都分心了,当保罗试图捕捉它时,咬住了他的手。当奇怪的呼吸声越来越近时,祭坛上的女孩们开始尖叫起来。阿卡迪奥和阿尔玛警告美国人不要离开小屋,尽管吉姆想从外面的任何地方救出少女们。 在祭坛上,我们看到了让被俘妇女们害怕的东西:一头笨重的野兽从小屋里出现。丛林,人形,但形状严重畸形。它接近裸体女性,以一种奇怪的性行为方式拥抱她们,然后将她们撕成碎片。第二天早上,阿尔玛告诉吉姆,野兽的出现迫使她的人民回归原始生活方式,将村里的女孩献祭给怪物。她解释说,这种生物只想要女人;残害是其性满足的方式。她的人民相信,如果他们不牺牲自己的女儿,这个生物就会毁灭他们所有人。 吉姆参观了庄园并与保罗交谈,保罗捕获了一只蟑螂,他声称这只蟑螂已经变成了怪物。当吉姆去检查这只生物时,保罗发现蟑螂已经恢复正常。卡拉证实了他的说法,保罗意识到岛上的生物有能力从正常状态转变为怪物状态。村民们再次抽签,又选出了两名少女;这次,阿尔玛被选为其中之一。吉姆非常愤怒并试图阻止,但阿卡迪奥和其他部落成员将他绑在小屋里制服了他。 在埃斯特万家,卡拉试图唤醒保罗做爱,但没有成功。她穿过黑暗的房子,来到埃斯特万的卧室,发现他在床上翻滚,只盖着一张床单。当她试图与他上床时,五郎突然出现并驱逐了她。村民们等待着野兽的到来,并且可以听到它奇怪的声音。吉姆设法逃脱了束缚,并用信号枪向这只生物发射了信号枪,并在它杀死阿尔玛之前将其吓跑,从而营救了阿尔玛。然而,村民们现在对他们的牺牲被破坏感到愤怒,他们把吉姆和阿尔玛追进了丛林。他们设法避开了可怕的植被,并在埃斯特万的房子里避难。埃斯特万告诉他们,他和他的妻子在炸弹试验期间都暴露在危险水平的辐射之下;虽然这似乎让他只剩下我谷物,这给他的妻子带来了令人不安的变化,她癫痫发作,最终死亡。那天深夜,当卡拉看到埃斯特万只穿着裤子摇摇晃晃地走出家门时,卡拉再次试图引诱他。她在黑暗中跟踪他,没有意识到他是狂暴的怪物,是他在偏头痛最严重时经历的可怕转变的结果。卡拉被巨大的树枝和食肉植物逼入绝境,与埃斯特万致命的另一个自我面对面。保罗发现卡拉在他们的卧室里失踪了,他唤醒了吉姆。阿尔玛听到了骚动,并加入了他们,他们离开房子去寻找卡拉。戈罗拿着砍刀追赶他们,并与他们对峙,杀死了保罗。吉姆和阿尔玛发现卡拉被肢解的遗骸被一棵食肉树吞噬。他们冲回被怪物追赶的村庄。吉姆设法说服村民反击它,而不是试图用牺牲来安抚它;他们一起投掷长矛并向它开火,直到将它困在一间草屋里。不幸的是,这就是阿尔玛躲藏的小屋。当小屋起火时,吉姆冲进去救她,并在千钧一发之际将她救了出来。怪物在大火中被烧毁,整个村庄都看着埃斯特班再次成为人类,从小屋中跌倒并因伤重而死亡。村庄通过举行爱情仪式来庆祝他们摆脱威胁,大概是为了鼓励部落繁衍并取代因怪物而失去的人们。当当地人成对进入丛林做爱时,阿尔玛也被音乐迷住了,选择吉姆作为她的伴侣。他们一起溜进丛林。
The film opens with a freighter approaching a tropical island; on board, the captain of the boat has breakfast with his three passengers. Dr. Paul Henderson is a scientist who has come to the island to investigate the possibility of radiation due to the testing of atomic bombs in the area. Accompanying him is his beautiful wife, Carla, who seems to suffer from an extreme case of sexual frustration; she makes provocative statements intended to get a rise out of her stoic and seemingly emotionless husband. The third American on board is Jim Farrell, a Peace Corps representative who is traveling to the island to help the natives build facilities to better their lives. The captain tells his passengers that the island is rumored to be cursed, and is referred to by those in the vicinity as "Blood Island". The boat itself is the only one that makes a stop there, with the purpose of delivering supplies. There are only two stops per year, once every sixmonths.Upon disembarking, the trio immediately comes upon a funeral procession being conducted by the natives. They realize in horror that the two bodies being carried for burial at sea are completely dismembered; a dismembered arm falls out, causing Carla to scream in terror. After the ceremony, the Americans are greeted by Arcadio, the tribe's elder, and his granddaughter Alma. Carla immediately senses an attraction between the lovely Alma and the handsome Jim, and she very aggressively attempts to embarass everyone by remarking on it. Arcadio welcomes them to the island, but both he and Alma seem terrified of something, and he openly admits that he wishes he would have warned them to stay away before the boat left. When questioned about the deaths of the two women that were being buried, he claims the cause was an accident, but he makes the vague statement that his people are "ashamed" of returning to the "old ways".Paul goes for a walk around the island looking for specimens and is joined by Carla. Both of them notice a bizarre manifestation when the sun appears to set hours before it should do so. The darkening island becomes ominous, a feeling furthered when Paul discovers the carcass of an oversized crab. Alma acts as Jim's interpreter for the natives since she speaks English, but she remains secretive about what has everybody so noticeably on edge. Her anxiety worsens when Jim notices a strange plant near the village.The villagers participate in another odd ritual: a stylized lottery that selects two of the village maidens for some uncertain fate; whatever it is, it causes them to become very upset when they "win". The Americans are intercepted by a strange looking man named Goro; he announces that his master, Esteban Powers, has a table set for them at his home. Jim, Paul and Carla follow Goro through the jungle until they reach a stately hacienda staffed by a race of pygmies. On the way there, they encounter a banana tree with a strange arm-like growth protruding from it; the growth moves as if it wants to seize those who pass by it. Esteban Powers is a handsome young man who invites them all to stay with him instead of in the village. Jim declines due to the nature of his visit, but Carla insists that she and Paul stay in the mansion. Esteban seems to suffer from migraines, and he reveals that the natives were transplants to the island after the atomic bombwas tested; while they are unaffected by any radiation, the flora and fauna of the island seem to have been changed. Paul mentions the land crab he found, and the banana tree. Powers seems to not be aware of these anomalies, although the group is startled to discover that he is actually 50 years old; his youth seems to have been somehow preserved.On their way back to the village, the three Americans are escorted once again through the jungle by Goro. This time, though, it is completely dark outside and the jungle is alive with strange plants. The banana trees have moving tentacles that sway when someone passes near; one of them grabs Carla and seems to want to kill her. Jim and Paul fight it off and move her along. Other plants behave ominously as well. Upon returning to the village, they are not comforted by the sight of the two village maidens being shackled to a remote altar and stripped of their clothing. The villagers leave them at the altar and return to their homes. Inside the hut with Arcadio and Alma, the Americans listen as a strange, overwhelming sound emerges from the jungle, a delirious breathing sound that echoes everywhere. Everyone is distracted when a large butterfly enters the hut and transforms into a fanged monster, biting Paul on the hand when he attempts to capture it. When the bizarre breathing sound grows closer, the girls at the altar start screaming. Arcadio and Alma warn the Americans not to leave the hut, despite the fact that Jim wants to rescue the maidens from whatever is out there.At the altar, we see what has terrified the captive women: a lumbering beast emerges from the jungle, humanoid but grossly misshapen. It approaches the nude women and embraces them in a bizarre appropriation of the sex act and then tears them limb from limb. The next morning, Alma tells Jim that the beast's appearance is what has driven her people back to their primitive ways, sacrificing village girls to the monster. She explains that the creature only wants women; the mutilations are its way of sexually satisfying itself. Her people believe that if they do not sacrifice their girls, the creature will destroy them all.Jim visits the hacienda and speaks to Paul, who has captured a cockroach that he claims has transformed into a monster. When Jim goes to examine the creature, Paul discovers that the roach has returned to normal. Carla verifies his claims, and Paul realizes that the creatures on the island have the ability to shift back and forth from normal to monstrosities. The villagers have another lottery and select two more maidens; this time, Alma is chosen as one of them. Jim is furious and attempts to intervene, but Arcadio and the other tribesmen subdue him by tying him up in a hut.At Esteban's, Carla unsuccessfuly tries to awaken Paul for some lovemaking. She sets out through the dark house and arrives at Esteban's bedroom, where she finds him writhing on the bed in slumber, covered only in a sheet. When she tries to get into bed with him, Goro suddenly appears and banishes her.The villagers await the arrival of the beast, and its strange sound becomes audible. Jim manages to escape his bonds and rescue Alma by firing a flare gun at the creature and frightening it off before it can kill her. The villagers, however, are now furious that their sacrifice has been spoiled, and they chase Jim and Alma into the jungle. They manage to dodge the monstrous vegetation and take refuge at Esteban's house. Esteban tells them that both he and his wife were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation during the bomb tests; while it seems to have left him with only migraines, it caused a disturbing change in his wife, who suffered seizures that eventually killed her. Late that night, Carla once again tries to seduce Esteban when she sees him stagger out of the house dressed only in his trousers. She follows him in the dark, unaware that he is the rampaging monster, the result of a hideous transformation that he undergoes during the worst of his migraine attacks. Cornered by the monstrous tree branches and carnivorous plants, Carla comes face to face with Esteban's deadly alter ego.Paul discovers Carla missing from their bedroom, and he awakens Jim. Alma hears the ruckus and joins them as they leave the house to search for Carla. Goro chases them with a machete and confronts them, killing Paul. Jim and Alma find Carla's dismembered remains being devoured by one of the carnivorous trees. They rush back to the village pursued by the monster. Jim manages to convince the villagers to fight back against it instead of trying to appease it with sacrifices; together they hurl spears and fire at it until they have it cornered in one of the grass huts; unfortunately it is the hut where Alma is hiding. Jim rushes in to save her as the hut goes up in flames, managing to get her out just in the nick of time. The monster is consumed in the fire, and the entire village watches as Esteban, human once more, stumbles from the hut and dies from his injuries. The village celebrates their freedom from the menace by holding a love ritual, presumably to encourage the tribe to reproduce and replace the people it lost to the monster. As the natives pair off and go into the jungle for lovemaking, Alma becomes enraptured by the music as well, selecting Jim as her mate. They slip into the jungle together.

《血之新娘/Brides of Blood》(1968) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载
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