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[原版] 《火之谜/Riddle of Fire》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《火之谜/Riddle of Fire》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

- 剧透 - 三个孩子,爱丽丝、黑兹尔和朱迪,从仓库偷走了一台新的视频游戏机。当他们发现他们的电视被黑兹尔和朱迪生病的妈妈密码锁定时,他们同意给她带来一个蓝莓派,以换取密码和两个小时的播放时间。在找到了面包店的馅饼后,并最终从那里撬出了食谱面包师发烧在家,孩子们继续从当地超市“借”所有原料,结果一个叫约翰·雷德莱的男人偷走了他们需要的最后原料(一个鸡蛋,上面有斑点,代表好运)。追踪这名男子回到他的小屋,在那里他与魔法剑帮重聚,这是一群由偷猎者和动物标本剥制师组成的魔法邪教组织,由其首领安娜-芙蕾雅领导。 当孩子们试图从雷德莱的卡车上偷回鸡蛋时,他们被差点被发现,被迫躲在卡车车厢里,前往山上,因为这伙人试图抓捕山中王子,一只巨大的麋鹿安娜-弗雷亚 (Anna-Freya) 正在沉迷于杀戮。他们不知道的是,安娜·芙蕾雅的小女儿佩塔尔也偷偷溜走了,她迫切希望有机会与母亲共度时光。 在没有回家路的山里,孩子们决定追踪这伙人并偷回鸡蛋。最终,他们与花瓣联手,成功分散了大家的注意力并找到了鸡蛋,但黑兹尔却因饥饿和一瓶酒而屈服,在深夜将剩下的鸡蛋敲碎并煎炸。 ,而且还得知他们知道自己是偷猎者,他们放弃了对麋鹿的狩猎,并专注于拘留孩子们,大概是为了杀死他们,特别是在雷德里的情况下。这场追逐将他们带到镇上的一家当地酒吧,佩塔尔知道那里有一只会下斑点蛋的鸡。鸡的主人以 30 美元的价格提供鸡蛋,当他们的孩子付不起钱时,他让他们为他和他的朋友们跳舞(此时已是凌晨 4 点)。舞蹈既有趣又欢乐,孩子们期待着鸡蛋作为回报,却被告知价格已变为 100 美元。他们踢他的胯部并偷了鸡蛋,却被酒吧顾客抓住,打算痛打他们,结果魔刃帮出现并与酒吧顾客战斗。当魔刃帮赢得战斗时,安娜-芙蕾雅告诉他们,那天晚上他们夺走了她的一切。孩子们告诉他们,他们只想要鸡蛋,而马蒂(由导演兼编剧韦斯顿·拉佐利饰演)笨手笨脚地将鸡蛋掉在地上,鸡蛋摔碎在地板上。安娜-芙蕾雅威胁要咬掉孩子们的手指,但在她咬掉孩子们之前,佩塔尔解除了马蒂的武装,黑兹尔用枪迫使他们逃跑。不幸的是,警方接到消息说,从仓库偷游戏机的孩子们已经被抓获。酒吧里,他们在孩子们逃跑之前抓住了他们。在他们被赶走之前,他们向警察指出了偷猎者的情况,当警察逮捕魔法刀片团伙时,佩塔尔将他们从警车上救了出来,他们逃走了。回到家,佩塔尔透露她又偷了一个鸡蛋,孩子们热情地为生病的妈妈烤了馅饼。她吃掉了馅饼,欢迎佩塔尔进入他们的家,最后把电视密码交给了孩子们,孩子们在一顿盛宴的包围下坐下来玩游戏。

-SPOILERS-Three children, Alice, Hazel, and Jodie, pull off a heist to steal a new video game console from a warehouse. When they find their TV has been password locked by Hazel and Jodie's sick mom, they agree to bring her a blueberry pie in return for the password and two hours of playing time.After finding the bakery out of pies, and eventually prying the recipe from the baker who is home with a fever, the kids proceed to "borrow" all the ingredients from the local supermarket, only to have a man, John Redrye, steal the final ingredient they need (an egg, speckled for good luck).They track the man back to his cabin where he reunites with the Enchanted Blade Gang, a group of poachers and taxidermists led as a magic cult by their leader, Anna-Freya.When the kids attempt to steal back the eggs from Redrye's truck, they are almost found out and obliged to hide in bed of the truck, going to the mountain for the gang's attempt to bag the Prince of the Mountain, a giant elk Anna-Freya is obsessed with killing. Unbeknownst to all of them, Anna-Freya's young daughter Petal has also stowed away, desperate for a chance to spend time with her mother.In the mountains with no way home, the kids decide to track the gang and steal back the eggs. Eventually teaming up with Petal, they succeed in distracting the gang and finding the eggs, only for Hazel to succumb to hunger and a bottle of liquor, cracking and frying the remaining eggs in the night of the night.Once the gang learns of the kids, and moreso learns that they know they are poachers, they abandon their hunt for the elk and focus on detaining the kids, presumably with the intention of killing them, especially in Redrye's case. The chase takes them to a local bar in town where Petal knows a chicken who lays speckled eggs is.The owner of the chicken offers the egg for $30, and when they kids can't pay he makes them dance for him and his friends (at this point it is 4am). The dance is fun and joyful and the kids expect the egg in return, only to be told the price has changed to $100. They kick him in the crotch and steal the egg, only to be caught by the bar patrons, who intend to beat them up, only for the Enchanted Blade Gang to show up and fight the bar patrons.When the Enchanted Blades win the fight, Anna-Freya tells them they took everything from her that night. They kids tell them they only wanted the egg, and Marty (played by the director and writer, Weston Razooli) clumsily drops the egg and it shatters on the floor. Anna-Freya threatens to bite off the children's fingers, but before she can, Petal disarms Marty and Hazel uses the gun to force their escape.Unfortunately, the police have been tipped off that the kids who stole the game console from the warehouse are at the bar, and they catch the kids before they can escape. Before they are driven away, they point out the poachers to the police, and as the police are arresting the Enchanted Blades Gang, Petal frees them from the police cruiser and they escape.Back home, Petal reveals she stole another egg from the chicken, and the kids enthusiastically bake the pie for their sick mom. She eats the pie, welcomes Petal into their house, and finally gives the TV password to the kids, who sit down and play their game surrounded by a feast.

《火之谜/Riddle of Fire》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《火之谜/Riddle of Fire》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《火之谜/Riddle of Fire》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《火之谜/Riddle of Fire》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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