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[原版] 《花花女郎和吸血鬼/The Playgirls and the Vampire》(1960) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《花花女郎和吸血鬼/The Playgirls and the Vampire》(1960) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

卢卡斯 [阿尔弗雷多·里佐] 是五名歌舞女郎的经理——维拉·[莱拉·罗科]、卡蒂亚·[玛丽亚·乔瓦尼尼]、埃里卡·[埃里卡·迪森塔]、伊洛娜和玛格达——刚刚跳过了酒店账单,正试图联系下一个当他们得知道路因山体滑坡而被堵塞时,他们正在公交车上。既然无法回头,他们就走了唯一的另一条路,这条路通向克纳西城堡,一个当地人不敢去的地方。卢卡斯不太关心当地的迷信。想着免费挖掘的可能性,他向城堡走去。当他们到达大门时,维拉感觉到一种奇怪的熟悉感,但看门人告诉他们继续前进,直到加博尔·克纳西伯爵[沃尔特·布兰迪]看到维拉。突然,他同意让他们过夜。不过,有一个条件。晚上,无论听到什么,任何人都不得离开卧室。 暴风雨肆虐,薇拉注意到伯爵透过窗户看着她。她与他对质,但他只想谈谈了解她的背景。她来自哪里?维拉没有提供太多细节,因为她的父母在她年轻时就去世了。后来,卡蒂亚因为睡不着而来到维拉的房间,然后决定洗澡。由于天气相当冷,卡蒂亚穿上了维拉的外套。然而,在洗澡之前,卡蒂亚在听到小猫的叫声后就去探索了。她跟着它来到了塔楼房间。第二天早上,卡蒂亚被发现死在塔脚的地上。看来她已经堕落了。不幸的是,河水上涨了,游客们被迫在城堡里停留更长时间,尽管他们现在想离开。后来,卡蒂亚下葬后,当女孩们排练舞蹈时,维拉回到她的房间休息。穿过走廊时,她注意到一幅玛格丽塔·克纳西的画,她看起来非常像维拉本人。当维拉要求伯爵告诉她关于玛格丽特的事情时,伯爵解释说她是他的祖先,死于 1780 年代。因为他认为维拉我他是玛格丽特的转世,警告她尽快离开城堡。维拉承认,她在城堡里感到宾至如归,和伯爵在一起很安全。他们飞进彼此的怀里。那天晚上晚些时候,当维拉脱衣服准备睡觉时,她注意到一个男人的影子沿着她的墙悄悄溜走。她披上一件外套,去花园里寻找他。当她路过卡蒂亚的坟墓时,她震惊地发现卡蒂亚的尸体已被挖出并移走。然后她注意到伯爵站在灌木丛中。当她试图与他谈论卡蒂亚的身体时,他逃跑了。管家也帮不上忙。事实上,她责备薇拉太过好奇。第二天早上,薇拉去找伯爵,走进了一个看起来像实验室的地方,在那里她发现了卡蒂亚的尸体。当维拉面对他时,伯爵承认他挖出了卡蒂亚的尸体,以便继续调查一种“恶魔”力量,这种力量将人类变成不朽的怪物,并赋予他们一种力量。满足对人类血液的渴求。他还怀疑有人谋杀了卡蒂亚,认为她是维拉,因为她当时穿着维拉的外套。但谁会想杀死维拉呢?伯爵再次警告她,夜幕降临后不要离开房间,即使她听到他的声音在呼唤她。那天晚上,赤裸的卡蒂亚露出獠牙出现在卢卡斯面前,但他却昏了过去。维拉听到卧室门外有人喊“玛格丽特”这个名字。她把外套披在睡衣外面,去调查。蝙蝠在她头顶吱吱作响,薇拉走进地下室,在那里她发现了两副棺材……一本是玛格丽塔·克纳西的,另一本是加博尔·克纳西的。突然,伯爵出现了,张开尖牙,从维拉的脖子上吸血。当维拉恢复知觉时,已经是第二天早上了。管家告诉她,她发高烧,整夜神志不清。维拉得出结论,她在地下室与伯爵的相遇一定是一场狂热的梦。但是当维尔a看到脖子上有两个洞,她意识到事情并非如此。她立即收拾行李去找她的朋友。她遇到的第一个人是伯爵。维拉迅速将球从他身边带走。当伯爵追赶她时,维拉打开一扇门逃跑并遇到了……伯爵。现在伯爵在她两侧,维拉晕倒了。两个伯爵斗争起来。当吸血鬼伯爵击倒人类伯爵时,他(吸血鬼伯爵)将维拉带入地下室,并将她放入玛格丽特的棺材中。卡蒂亚很嫉妒,发誓要在吸血鬼伯爵让维拉永生之前杀死维拉。为了不再被剥夺他的玛格丽特,吸血鬼伯爵用一根燃烧的木桩刺穿了卡蒂亚的心脏。与此同时,人类伯爵跟着他们进入了地下室。他告诉吸血鬼伯爵血清即将准备好,它将结束吸血鬼的痛苦,但吸血鬼伯爵不感兴趣。事实上,他认为吸血鬼主义是“智力和伟大成就的一项重大成就”。人类已知的欢乐。”又爆发了一点战斗,最后人类伯爵拉下窗帘,让阳光照射进来。在与光线的斗争中,吸血鬼伯爵用拨火棍刺穿了自己,然后消失了。伯爵带着薇拉上楼。大家都很高兴吸血鬼伯爵死了。不久之后,薇拉和她的朋友们开着巴士离开了,留下人类伯爵在城堡里处理一些未解决的问题,之后他计划加入。维拉。[bj_kuehl 的原始概要。]

Lucas [Alfredo Rizzo], manager of five showgirls -- Vera [Lyla Rocco] , Katia [Maria Giovannini], Erika [Erika Dicenta], Ilona, and Magda -- has just skipped out on their hotel bill and is trying to reach thenext town in their bus when they learn that the road has been blocked by alandslide. Since they can't turn back, they take the only other road,which leads to the Castle of Kernassy, a place where no local would dareto go. Lucas could care less about local superstitions. Thinking about thepossibility of free digs, he heads for the castle. When they arrive at thegate, Vera senses a strange feeling of familiarity, but the caretakerstell them to move on, until Count Gabor Kernassy [Walter Brandi] sets eyes on Vera.Suddenly, he agrees to put them up for the night. There is a condition,however. No one is to leave their bedrooms at night, regardless of whatthey might hear.As a storm rages, Vera notices the Count looking at her through thewindow. She confronts him, but he only wants to talk about her background.Where does she come from? Vera provides little details due to the factthat her parents died when she was young. Later, Katia comes to Vera'sroom because she can't sleep and then decides to take a shower. Because itis rather cold, Katia slips into Vera's coat. Before showering, however,Katia goes exploring after hearing a kitten meowing. She follows it to atower room.The next morning, Katia is found dead on the ground at the foot ofthe tower. It appears that she has fallen. Unfortunately, the river hasrisen, and the visitors are forced to stay longer at the castle, eventhough they now want to leave. Later, after Katia is buried and while thegirls rehearse their dances, Vera returns to her room to rest. Whilewalking through the corridor, she notices a painting of MargheritaKernassy, who looks remarkably like Vera herself. When Vera asks the Countto tell her about Margherita, he explains that she was an ancestor of hiswho died in the 1780s. Because he thinks Vera might be a reincarnation ofMargherita, he warns her to leave the castle as quickly as possible. Veraadmits that she feels at home in the castle and safe with the Count. Theyfly into each others' arms.Later that evening, as Vera is getting undressed for bed, she noticesthe shadow of a man slinking along her wall. She tosses on a coat and goeslooking for him in the gardens. When she passes Katia's grave, she ishorrified to find that Katia's body has been dug up and removed. Then shenotices the Count standing in the bushes. When she attempts to speak withhim about Katia's body, he runs off. The housekeeper is of no help either.In fact, she admonishes Vera for being too curious.The next morning, Vera goes looking for the Count and wanders intowhat looks like a laboratory where she discovers Katia's body. When Veraconfronts him, the Count admits that he dug up Katia's body in order tocontinue his investigation into a "diabolical" force that turns men intoimmortal monsters and gives them an insatiable thirst for human blood. Healso suspects someone murdered Katia, thinking her to be Vera because shewas wearing Vera's coat at the time. But who would want to kill Vera? TheCount warns her again not to leave her room after nightfall, not even ifshe hears his voice calling to her.That night, a naked Katia baring fangs appears to Lucas, but he goesinto a faint. Vera hears someone outside her bedroom door, calling out thename "Margherita." She throws her coat over her nightgown and goes toinvestigate. With bats squeaking over her head, Vera makes her way downinto the crypt, where she comes upon two coffins...one for MargheritaKernassy and one for Gabor Kernassy. Suddenly, the Count appears, bareshis fangs, and sucks blood from Vera's neck. When Vera regainsconsciousness, it is the next morning. The housekeeper informs her thatshe has had a high fever and been delirious all night. Vera concludes thather encounter with the Count in the crypt must have been a fever dream.But when Vera sees the two holes in her neck, she realizes otherwise.Immediately, she packs her bags and goes looking for her friends.The first person she meets is the Count. Vera hightails it away fromhim. When the Count gives her chase, Vera opens a door to escape and runsinto...the Count. With Counts on both sides of her now, Vera faints. Thetwo Counts struggle. When the vampire Count knocks out the human Count, he(the vampire Count) carries Vera down into the crypt and places her inMargherita's coffin. Katia is jealous and vows to kill Vera before thevampire Count can make Vera immortal. Not to be deprived of his Margheritaagain, the vampire Count drives a burning stake through Katia's heart.Meanwhile, the human Count has followed them down into the crypt. Heinforms the vampire Count that the serum is almost ready and that it willput an end to the vampire affliction, but the vampire Count is notinterested. Indeed, he considers vampirism "a significant achievement ofthe intellect and the greatest joy known to mankind." A little morefighting breaks out, the end of which results in the human Count pullingdown the curtains and letting in the sunlight. In his struggle with thelight, the vampire Count impales himself on a poker and fades away. Thehuman Count carries Vera upstairs.Everyone is happy that the vampire Count is now dead. A short whilelater, Vera and her friends drive off in their bus, leaving the humanCount behind to tie up a few loose ends at the castle, after which he plansto join Vera. [Original Synopsis by bj_kuehl.]

《花花女郎和吸血鬼/The Playgirls and the Vampire》(1960) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《花花女郎和吸血鬼/The Playgirls and the Vampire》(1960) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《花花女郎和吸血鬼/The Playgirls and the Vampire》(1960) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《花花女郎和吸血鬼/The Playgirls and the Vampire》(1960) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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