
这部影片讲述了阿富汗的儿童自杀式炸弹袭击者的故事,他们被训练相信杀死敌人是一种美德,是来生的荣耀。塔利班从村庄郊区绑架无人监管的儿童,然后将他们洗脑为自杀式炸弹袭击者。这一切始于 2007 年。现在是 2014 年。阿卜杜拉·卡扎尔(拉胡尔·戴夫饰)是阿富汗领土指挥官。为了杀死他,美国指挥官轰炸了整个村庄,里面满是无辜平民。但阿卜杜拉逃脱了。纳西尔(桑杰·杜特饰)是一位名人(也是一名前军医),他不情愿地为希望基金会前往阿富汗。阿伊莎(纳尔吉斯·法赫里饰)是他在那里的管理者。 Naseer 的妻子 Meera(Priyanka Verma 饰)是该基金会的创始人,如今为阿富汗各地的 1000 名儿童提供支持。纳西尔对此并不热衷,因为他自己的儿子在一名阿富汗孩子发动的自杀式袭击中丧生。他只把孩子视为恐怖分子。阿耶莎恳求纳西尔看看梅拉的作品,并恳求他的人生需要一个目标。氮阿西尔同意访问难民营。阿卜杜拉(洛基·雷纳饰)是纳西尔在阿富汗的司机。纳西尔的儿子是一名板球爱好者。在一个难民营中,两个巴基斯坦男孩(巴兹(艾山·贾维德·马利克饰)和塔利布饰)抵达并打了一场真正的板球。对于以前从未见过板球装备的阿富汗孩子来说,这真是一种享受。这个阿富汗孩子很高兴从他们那里听到阿夫里迪和科利的故事。古拉布-乌德丁(鲁德拉·索尼饰)从巴基斯坦孩子手中接过球,因为他是阿富汗阵营的领袖。但巴兹与古拉布战斗并赢回了它。塔利布的母亲是一名自杀式炸弹袭击者。古拉布想要球,并向巴基斯坦孩子们发起一场板球比赛。获胜者持有球。纳赛尔在比赛进行时参观营地。当球击向他时,他将球扔进了美国大院,因为孩子们无法从那里取回球。有一天,一名男子走近纳西尔,说他是尼亚兹(穆罕默德·哈克·皮尔·汗饰)的父亲(达尔吉特·肖恩·辛格饰) ,那个用自杀式炸弹袭击纳西尔儿子雅利安的孩子(Pr与巴努沙利)。父亲向纳西尔深表歉意,并寻求他的原谅。这改变了纳西尔的态度并让他了结。他同意与阿耶莎合作并帮助基金会。纳西尔和他的朋友们回到营地并组织了一场他自己的比赛。阿富汗孩子同意和他一起玩,但巴基难民却远离了。阿卜杜拉正在追赶逃离巴基斯坦难民营的巴基孩子。纳西尔在难民营开设了一个板球训练营,并有机会在难民营接受训练。喀布尔板球学院。但孩子们很快就开始与古拉布发生冲突,指责塔利班和巴兹是塔利班的支持者。其他孩子包括 Ali Sher (Tapajyoti Sarkar)、Wahid (Ballu Panchal)、Imlal (Kanha)、Khoda Baksh (Wahib Kapadia)、Sadiq (Rehan Shaikh)..Baaz 决定不参加比赛,因为他不同意任何人的意识形态不与塔利班。但他内心渴望玩耍。纳西尔还介绍了来自不同部落的其他孩子。这导致了传统问题事实上,这些部落在阿富汗彼此交战。但纳赛尔坚持不懈。古拉布被来自交战部落的哈扎拉人解雇。巴兹上前击球,击中他六分。古拉布和巴兹成为朋友,最终他们还与哈扎拉人球员瓦希德和伊姆拉尔成为朋友(纳西尔拒绝执教他们,直到他们接受他们俩加入球队)。托尔巴兹 - 黑隼。纳西尔希望喀布尔板球学院的教练沙里亚尔·汗(加维·查哈尔饰)来指导他的孩子们。但沙里亚尔拒绝了,因为他认为这些男孩没有正确的心态,本质上是自杀式炸弹袭击者。纳西尔向沙里亚尔发起挑战,要求他的球队与沙里亚尔 16 岁以下青少年队进行一场比赛。如果纳赛尔获胜,孩子们将在学院接受训练,如果输了,纳赛尔将向学院支付 4000 美元。 当美军收紧对阿卜杜拉的绞索时,他以喀布尔为目标进行报复。到处都是爆炸声。另外,阿卜杜拉在难民营找到了巴兹。阿卜杜拉带巴兹和其他巴基斯坦孩子一起回去休息纳西尔和阿耶莎拼命寻找巴兹。纳西尔请求他的阿富汗工作人员帮助他与阿卜杜拉会面。阿卜杜拉绑架了纳西尔并给了他短暂的折磨。纳西尔认为阿卜杜拉不应该剥夺孩子们的希望。他希望阿卜杜拉让孩子们打一场比赛,就像向沙里亚尔承诺的那样。阿卜杜拉意识到这场比赛将成为传播更多恐怖的一种方式(这场比赛也有媒体报道),并同意为此释放 3 个巴基斯坦孩子。比赛定于周五进行,喀布尔青年队和托尔巴兹队之间的比赛正在进行。喀布尔青年队赢得了掷硬币。托尔巴兹投球手被运往整个公园,很快喀布尔青年队就取得了 53 分的不败战绩。萨迪克走到投球处并拿下一个三柱门。在 10 轮比赛中,巴兹也拿下三柱门后,比分是 103/2。伊姆拉尔回归并上演帽子戏法。很快,喀布尔青年队就以 165 分出局。古拉布用完后,伊姆拉尔和巴兹联手将比分领先。托尔巴兹是 94/3。但随后伊姆拉尔就出局了。。当科达缺阵时,科达·巴克什 (Khoda Baksh) 和巴兹 (Baaz) 将他们带到 138/5。在 19 局比赛中,他们的战绩为 145/6,还有 21 局获胜。阿卜杜拉也落地了。巴兹 (Baaz) 与萨吉德 (Sajid) 一起得分,托尔巴兹 (Torbaaz) 赢得了比赛。纳西尔 (Naseer) 发现巴兹 (Baaz) 和塔利布 (Talib) 在更衣室里,穿着飞行员背心。塔利班从外面攻击拥挤的场馆,将观众挤到一个狭小的空间里。纳西尔找到巴兹并恳求他放弃攻击。巴兹感谢了纳西尔,然后径直走向阿卜杜拉并引爆了炸弹。
The film is about child suicide bombers in Afghanistan, who have been trained to believe that killing the enemy is a virtue and glory in afterlifeTne Taliban abduct unsupervised children from outskirts of their villages and then brainwash them into suicide bombers. This started in 2007. It is 2014. Abdullah Qazar (Rahul Dev) is a commander of territory in Afghanistan. To kill him, American commanders bomb an entire village full of innocent civilians. But Abdullah has escaped.Naseer (Sanjay Dutt) is a celebrity (and an ex army doctor) who has reluctantly traveled to Afghanistan for the Hope foundation. Ayesha (Nargis Fakhri) is his handler there. Naseer's wife Meera (Priyanka Verma) was the founder of the foundation who today supports a 1000 kids across Afghanistan. Naseer is not keen on this, as his own son was killed in an suicide attack conducted by an afghan kid. He cant see kids as anything but terrorists.Ayesha begs Naseer to see Meera's work and that he needs a purpose in life. Naseer agrees to visit the refugee camp. Abdullah (Rockey Raina) is Naseer's driver in Afghanistan. Naseer's son was a cricket enthusiast.In a refugee camp, 2 Pakistani boys (Baaz (Aishan Jawaid Malik) & Talib) arrive and have a real cricket ball. This is a real treat for the Afghan kids, who have never seen cricket equipment before. The Afghan kid are in awe to hear stories of Afridi and Kohli from them. Gulab-Ud-din (Rudra Soni) takes the ball from the Paki kids as he is the leader of the afghan camp. But Baaz fights Gulab and wins it back. Talib's mother was a suicide bomber.Gulab wants the ball and challenges the Paki kids to a cricket match. Winner keeps the ball.Naseer visits the camp as the match is in progress. When the ball is hit towards him, he throws it into the US compound, as the kids cannot retrieve it from there.One day a man approaches Naseer and says he is the father (Daljit Sean Singh) of Niaz (Mohammed Haq Peer Khan), the kid who suicide bombed Naseer's son Aryan (Preet Bhanushali). The father is deeply apologetic to Naseer and seeks his forgiveness. This changes Naseer's attitude and give him closure. He agrees to work with Ayesha and help the foundation. Naseer goes back to the camp with his friends and organizes a match of his own. The afghan kids agree to play with him, but the Paki refugees stay away.Abdullah is chasing the Paki kids as they escaped from his camps in Pakistan.Naseer starts a cricket training camp in the refugee camp, with a chance to get trained at the Kabul cricket Academy. But the kids soon start fighting with Gulab accusing Talib and Baaz of being Taliban supporters. Other kids include Ali Sher (Tapajyoti Sarkar), Wahid (Ballu Panchal), Imlal (Kanha), Khoda Baksh (Wahib Kapadia), Sadiq (Rehan Shaikh)..Baaz decides not to play as he does not agree with the ideologies of anyone not with the Taliban. But in his heart he is dying to play.Naseer also introduces other kids from different tribes.. This causes issues as traditionally these tribes are at war with each other in Afghanistan. But Naseer persists. Gulab is dismissed by a Hazaras, a player from a warring tribe. Baaz steps up to bat and hits him for a six.Gulab and Baaz become friends and eventually they befriend the Hazaras players Wahid and Imlal, as well (Naseer refuses to coach them till they accept them both in the team).Torbaaz - Black Falcon. Naseer wants coach of Kabul Cricket Academy Shariyar Khan (Gavie Chahal) to coach his boys. But Shariyar refuses as he thinks the boys don't have the right mentality and are suicide bombers at heart. Naseer challenges Shariyar to a match of his team against Shariyar's under 16s. If Naseer wins, the boys will be trained at the academy, if they lose Naseer will pay the academy USD 4000.As the US forces tighten the noose on Abdullah, he retaliates by targeting Kabul. There are blasts everywhere. Plus Abdullah tracks down Baaz at the refugee camp. Abdullah takes Baaz back along with the other Pak kids and restarts their training.Naseer and Ayesha look for Baaz desperately. Naseer asks his Afghan workers to help him get a meeting with Abdullah. Abdullah abducts Naseer and gives him a brief torture. Naseer argues that Abdullah should not take away hope from the kids. He wants Abdullah to let the kids play one match, as promised to Shariyar. Abdullah realizes that this match will be a way to spread more terror (The match has media coverage as well) and agrees to release the 3 Pak kids for the same. The match is set for the FridayThe match is underway between Kabul Juniors and Team Torbaaz. Kabul Juniors win the toss. The Torbaaz bowlers are carted all over the park, and soon Kabul Juniors are 53 for no loss. Sadiq steps up to bowl and takes a wicket. In 10 overs, 103/2 after Baaz also takes a wicket. Imlal returns and takes a hat-trick. Soon Kabul Juniors are all out for 165. After Gulab is run out, Imlal and Baaz come together and take the score ahead. TOrbaaz are 94/3. But then Imlal is out.. Khoda Baksh and Baaz take them to 138/5 when Khoda is out. At 19 overs they are 145/6, with 21 more to win.Abdullah also reaches the ground. Baaz scores the runs with Sajid and Torbaaz win the match.Naseer finds Baaz and Talib in the dressing room, wearing bomber vests. The Taliban attack the crowded venue from outside and crowd the audience into a small space. Naseer finds Baaz and pleads with him to abandon the attack. Baaz thanks Naseer and goes straight to Abdullah and detonates the bomb.

《托尔巴兹/Torbaaz》(2020) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载
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