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[原版] 《好奇的餐饮服务商:计划落空/Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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发表于 2024-5-4 11:17:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《好奇的餐饮服务商:计划落空/Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

戈尔迪和玛拉对他们最新的餐饮演出的乐趣感到兴奋,这是一场仅限受邀者在阿利斯泰尔·哈罗斯爵士的家海德城堡举办的中世纪舞会和晚宴,这是为奥利弗就读的埃尔克公园预科学院筹款的活动,她将成为晚会击剑表演的一部分。由于他的家是一座中世纪的大城堡,没有电脑、互联网或手机等最新技术,阿利斯泰尔爵士十分注重真实性,他向他的管家克劳斯规定,所有客人都必须穿着中世纪服装,而且只有受邀的客人才能进入。被允许进入。客人中有许多来自麋鹿公园警察局,包括汤姆、梅森和戴夫。就在一场暴风雪将他们全部淹没之前,一个不速之客闯了进来,他是美国元帅杰拉德·特拉奇,戴夫的父亲,他来见汤姆,询问他关于他的囚犯父亲埃德蒙·舒尔茨的情况,当时他正在逃离监狱。监狱里,奇怪的是他二十五年后很快就有假释资格rs 因谋杀罪服刑。汤姆对埃德蒙的行踪一无所知,因为自从他入狱以来,他就没有和父亲说过话,在他和戈尔迪即将去一次重要约会之前,这个消息让他心情沮丧。另一件让整个晚上都黯然失色的事情是一起谋杀案,受害者正要发表一个自称是惊天动地的声明。汤姆领导调查,梅森和戴夫提供官方协助,杰拉德提供一些非正式协助,戈尔迪则发挥她固有的侦查技能。即使他们不知道受害者的声明的性质,他们也发现有很多可能的嫌疑人,因为受害者在客人中有很多敌人,因为下雪,即使他们想离开也无法离开。但汤姆可能没想到的是,他的父亲会参与诉讼程序。——哈戈

Goldy and Marla are excited about the fun nature of their latest catering gig, a by invitation only medieval ball and dinner at Sir Alistair Harrows' home, Hyde Castle, it a fundraiser for Elk Park Prep Academy, the school that Olive attends, she who will be part of a fencing demonstration at the gala. A stickler for authenticity as his home is one big medieval castle without the latest technology such as computers, Internet or cell phones, Sir Alistair dictates to his butler Klaus that all the guests must be dressed in medieval costume, and only invited guests are to be allowed in. Among the guests are many from the Elk Park Police Department, including Tom, Mason and Dave. One uninvited person who is able to make his way in, just before a storm snows them all in, is US Marshal Gerard Trach, Dave's father, who has come to see Tom to question him about his convict father Edmund Schultz as he has escaped from prison, odd in that he would soon be eligible for parole after twenty-five years served for murder. Tom knows nothing about Edmund's whereabouts as he has not spoken to his father since he went to prison, with this news dampening his spirit just before he and Goldy are to go on a big date. Something else that dampens the entire evening is a murder, the victim who was just about to make a self-described earth-shattering announcement. Tom leads the investigation, with Mason and Dave providing official assistance, Gerard somewhat unofficial assistance, and Goldy her inherent sleuthing skills. Even if they don't know the nature of the victim's announcement, they discover that there are many possible suspects as the victim had many enemies among the guests who can't leave even if they wanted to because of the snow. But what Tom probably did not expect is that his father would factor into the proceedings.—Huggo

《好奇的餐饮服务商:计划落空/Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《好奇的餐饮服务商:计划落空/Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《好奇的餐饮服务商:计划落空/Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《好奇的餐饮服务商:计划落空/Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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