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武侠古装电影《画江湖之不良人(2016)/画江湖之不良人网剧版 / Buliangren》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载









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武侠古装电影《画江湖之不良人(2016)/画江湖之不良人网剧版 / Buliangren》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

电影《画江湖之不良人(2016)》,这部电影在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为,《画江湖之不良人网剧版 》,《 Buliangren》。本片的发行语言是汉语普通话。本片导演是五百、王伟,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部片子,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员郑业成、李纯、范世錡、蔡文静、季晨、马薇、张静初、王龙正、陈若轩、雯昭、王滋润、刘峰超、杨帆、杨韬歌、王沛禄、蒋诗萌、韩鹿、戴菲、侍宣如、栾蕾英、梁毅、秦际洋、王刚、李龙、何绍宏、张继波、韩烨洲、赵恒、李成武、张诗慧、高榆榆、王宾、王世帅、张喜来、李浩男、王佳宁、范浩军、张伟夫、颜友志、马进文、陶奕希、龚俊泽、陆莹、王语嫚、周媛媛、贾玉华、冯晓琴、阳光、廖崇儒、韩梦武、李帅、冯凯、李橹进、周金凤、梅子、尹历博、王青茹、杨蕊嫣等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,这部影片制片和出品地区是中国大陆地区。本片的豆瓣评分是8.3分,本片在IMDB上的评分则是8.2分。总的来说,这个分数比较符合本片的实际情况。

剧情梗概:画江湖之不良人是一部武侠,古装片,故事发生在唐朝末年,心存歹念的朱温兵变造反,企图谋权篡位,并且最终杀死了唐昭宗李晔,成功的取而代之登上了皇帝的宝座。大唐李氏一族遭此重创,和曾经的官府神秘组织“不良人”一起在江湖中销声匿迹,与此同时,神秘的龙泉剑亦下落不明,而龙泉剑中,隐藏着有关国库宝藏的秘密,据传,只有李氏的血脉才能够解开这个谜题。                                                                      十皇子李星云(郑业成 饰)幸运的逃过此劫难,他和师妹陆林轩(李纯 饰)一起跟着师父阳叔子过着隐姓埋名的生活。然而,当李星云和陆林轩再度踏入江湖之时,命运的齿轮开始了转动,两人遇见了通文馆少主张子凡(范世錡 饰)和侍女姬如雪(蔡文静 饰),四人结为挚友,之后均被卷入了各大帮派明争暗斗的漩涡之中。The story takes place during the Tang Dynasty and revolves around a secret government agency trying to obtain a national treasure weapon called the dragon sword. To do that, they assassinated two great martial artists, leaving their kids to survive in the chaotic world. They are taken in and taught martial arts by Elder Yang. In their journey in Jianghu to uncover the conspiracy of the secret group, they meet the love of their lives in Cai Wen Jing and Fan Shi Qi.一句话评论:心有猛虎 细嗅蔷薇。我要一把火,烧了这山河。。网剧不良人演技细节千字分析。可以可以 这很不良人。动漫改编的武侠也能朴实而精彩。。剧透剧透剧透!千万不要点。希望演技自然的小盆友快出头,演技羞耻的小盆友快狗带。观《画江湖之不良人》真人版,观众需要的只是原味而已。【画江湖,还原另一个江湖】。渣渣的觉醒。。。

The Bad Man Painting Jianghu is a martial arts and costume film. The story takes place in the late Tang Dynasty. Zhu Wen, who had evil intentions, rebelled and attempted to seek power and usurp the throne. He eventually killed Emperor Zhaozong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Ye, and succeeded in replacing him on the throne. took the throne of the emperor. The Li family of the Tang Dynasty suffered a heavy blow and disappeared from the arena together with the former mysterious government organization "Bad Guys". At the same time, the whereabouts of the mysterious Longquan Sword was also unknown, and the Longquan Sword contained secrets about the treasury treasures. It is said that only the bloodline of the Li family can solve this mystery.                                                                    The tenth prince Li Xingyun (played by Zheng Yecheng) fortunately escaped this disaster. He and his junior sister Lu Linxuan (played by Li Chun) lived an anonymous life with their master Uncle Yang. However, when Li Xingyun and Lu Linxuan stepped into the arena again, the gears of fate began to turn. They met Zhang Zifan (played by Fan Shiqi), a young man from Tongwen Hall, and Ji Ruxue (played by Cai Wenjing), a maid, and the four of them became friends. As close friends, they were later involved in the vortex of overt and covert struggles among major gangs. The story takes place during the Tang Dynasty and revolves around a secret government agency trying to obtain a national treasure weapon called the dragon sword. To do that, they assassinated two great martial artists, leaving their kids to survive in the chaotic world. They are taken in and taught martial arts by Elder Yang. In their journey in Jianghu to uncover the conspiracy of the secret group, they meet the love of their lives in Cai Wen Jing and Fan Shi Qi. One sentence comment: There is a tiger in the heart sniffing the rose . I want a fire to burn this mountain and river. . A thousand-word analysis of the details of the acting skills of bad guys in web dramas. Okay, okay, this is a bad person. Martial arts adapted from anime can also be simple and exciting. . Spoilers, spoilers, spoilers! Don't order it. I hope that the little friends with natural acting skills will come forward soon, and the little friends with shameful acting skills will be punished soon. To watch the live-action version of "The Bad Guys", all the audience needs is the original taste. 【Draw the Jianghu and restore another Jianghu】. Zhazha’s awakening. . .

武侠古装电影《画江湖之不良人(2016)/画江湖之不良人网剧版 / Buliangren》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载


画江湖之不良人迅雷下载.2016.7.17gb.torrent 【7.17GB】
画江湖之不良人迅雷下载.2016.6.51gb.torrent 【6.51GB】
Bu.Liang.Ren.S02.2016.1080p.WEB-DL.x264.AAC-HQC 【7.51 GB】
Bu.Liang.Ren.EP01-12.2016.1080p.WEB-DL.x264.AAC-HQC 【7.17 GB】




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