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[原版] 《猴屋/The Monkey House》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《猴屋/The Monkey House》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

前畅销小说家阿米泰·卡里夫 (Amitai Kariv) 的职业生涯一帆风顺:他的前四本小说都是屡获殊荣的畅销书。他的巨大牺牲——没有妻子,没有孩子,没有写作以外的生活——似乎得到了回报。但他接下来的两部小说反响不那么热烈,而接下来的两部小说则受到了一定程度的嘲笑。很快,出版社对他的文学作品失去了兴趣,学术界称他只是文学注脚,几年之内,读者的集体记忆就宣布他灭绝了。阿米泰不可避免的中年危机在这一点上尤为严重。他一生的努力似乎一无所获。绝望的时刻需要绝望的措施 - 一向光明正大的阿米泰觉得他别无选择,只能制定一个总体计划 - 如果你愿意的话,这是一个完美的犯罪 - 这将恢复他的名声并重振他的财富。2他发布了一则招聘助手的广告,面试许多合格的申请者但奇怪的是,她最终选择了玛戈·梅——一位身材匀称、语速快的年轻女子,她唯一的区别就是他在她的简历中发现了大量的谎言和谎言。玛戈成为阿米泰的同谋,对他的人类来说,她是一个后现代、后女权主义、非常固执己见的加拉蒂亚。皮格马利翁的沉船版本。她实际上搬到了阿米泰(住在一栋破旧的大宅里,就在一个小动物园对面)住在一起,以便让勤工俭学的过程更快、更激烈。他们的关系经历了挑战和有些有趣的考验和磨难,但叙事曲折当阿米尔——一位巴勒斯坦裔的年轻纪录片导演,曾在罗马学习,现在为 RAI 工作——来到以色列拍摄一部关于以色列和巴勒斯坦作家之间叙事差异的纪录片时,事情发生了巨大的转变。阿米尔的偶遇与玛戈的故事产生了可能的浪漫,但更重要的是,揭露了一个电影制片人梦想的故事。此外,阿米尔只是碰巧认识一位上了年纪的意大利电影明星,他愿意为了东山再起而杀人。 《阿米泰》和他的故事的电影重塑将使这次回归成为可能。阿米尔意识到,文学、电影、浪漫和神秘之间的这种奇妙结合——所有这些都基于这个真实的故事——是伟大艺术的素材。如果他能破译阿米蒂的总体规划,他将拥有一辆载他走向成功的交通工具。玛戈也有远大的抱负。阿米尔可以为他们提供便利,但阿米泰肯定会挫败。为了在阳光下度过他的一天,阿米蒂到底会走多远?情节从特拉维夫到耶路撒冷,再到罗马,然后再回来。令人震惊的启示被揭晓。阿米泰似乎掌控一切,但玛戈远没有被欺骗。她知道在某个时候她必须告诉阿米尔关于自己的真相。她还知道阿米泰很快就会对任何可能使他的计划陷入危险的事情表示反对。当玛戈最终发现阿米泰、玛戈和阿米尔之间的这段令人毛骨悚然的舞蹈时,达到了高潮阿米泰的计划。她同样大胆的反阴谋将永远改变他们的生活。

Formerly best-selling novelist Amitai Kariv's career started with a bang: his first four novels were award-winning best sellers. His great sacrifice - no wife, no kids, no life outside of writing - seemed to have paid off. But his next two novels were received less enthusiastically and the following two novels were received with a definite measure of derision. Soon, publishing houses lost interest in his literary output, academic circles dubbed him a mere literary footnote and within a few years, the collective memory of the book reading public declared him extinct.Amitai's inevitable midlife crises was a particularly acute one as at this point his life's work seemed to have amounted to nothing. Desperate times call for desperate measures - the usually aboveboard Amitai felt that he has no choice but to put together a master plan - a perfect crime if you will - that will restore his fame and resurrect his fortune.2He puts out an ad seeking an assistant, interviews many qualified applicants but curiously settles on Margo May - a shapely fast talking young woman whose single distinction is the sheer amount of lies and falsehoods he discovers in her resume.Margo becomes Amitai's accomplice, a post-modern and post-feminist very opinionated Galatea to his human wreck version of Pygmalion. She actually moves in with Amitai (who lives in a large delapuiteted mansion, just across a small zoo) in order to make the work-study procces quicker and more intense.Their relationship goes through challenges and somewhat entertaining trials and tribulation but the narrative twists take a wide turn when Amir - a young documentary film director of Palestinian origin, who has studied in Rome and now works for RAI- comes to Israel in order to film a documentary about the discrepancy in narrative between Israeli and Palestinian authors.Amir's chance encounter with Margo generates a possible romance but, even more importantly, exposes a story that is a filmmaker's dream.Moreover, Amir just happens to know an aging Italian movie star who would kill for a comeback. This cinematic reinvention of "Amitai" and his story would make this comeback possible.Amir realizes that this fantastic wedlock between literature, cinema, romance and mystery - all based on this true story - are the fodder great art is made of. If he can decipher Amiti's masterplan, he will have a vehicle that will carry him to success.Margo has great ambitions as well. Amir can facilitate them but Amitai is sure to foil.Just who far will Amiti go in order to have his day in the sun?The plot swings from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, to Rome and back.Startling revelations are made. Amitai seems to be in control, but Margo is far from being guiled.She knows that at some point she will have to tell Amir the truth about herself. She also knows Amitai will shortly take exception to anything that might put his scheme in danger.This Danse Macabre between Amitai, Margo and Amir reaches its climax when Margo finally discovers Amitai's plan. Her equally daring counterplot will change their lives forever.

《猴屋/The Monkey House》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《猴屋/The Monkey House》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《猴屋/The Monkey House》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《猴屋/The Monkey House》(2023) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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