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[原版] 《青少年太空吸血鬼/Teenage Space Vampires》(1999) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《青少年太空吸血鬼/Teenage Space Vampires》(1999) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

当恐怖电影爱好者比尔·斯滕森(罗宾·邓恩饰)声称在昨晚的怪异闪电风暴中看到不明飞行物降落时,每个人都认为他看过太多科幻电影。不过,今天早上丹弗斯先生家旁边的空地上出现了一个没有窗户的金属盘子,两侧是两个石像鬼,你该如何解释呢?为什么政府派出一支 S.E.T.I. 小组?专家来建立旧天文台?是什么导致诺尔伍德居民脖子上出现两个洞,为什么他们都开始表现得很奇怪? [嗯,除了吉布森夫人,她一直是个脾气暴躁、脾气暴躁的老女人。] 第二天,S.E.T.I.团队(汉克、迈克和保拉设置了他们的设备,汉克[詹姆斯·基]注意到地热扫描仪上有一个热点,他们去调查。与此同时,比尔在送完丹弗斯先生的报纸后停下来再次观察不明飞行物。当他伸出手去触碰它,它突然开始发出绿光,比尔被撞倒在地,就像 S.E.T.I. 一样。上午到了。当汉克调查不明飞行物时,迈克(利维乌·卢卡奇饰)和保拉(比安卡·布拉德饰)回到货车里取设备。没人注意到脾气暴躁的老吉布森太太,直到为时已晚。当汉克去看看是什么阻碍了迈克和宝拉时,他们已经走了。当汉克跑回天文台检查他的地热扫描时,邻里守望组织的乔纳斯先生 [Servan Celea] 来访。正当他准备咬汉克的脖子时,比尔和他的技术极客朋友凯文·詹姆斯 [Mak Fyfe],出现。乔纳斯先生承诺稍后会抓住他们并离开。比尔注意到汉克地热屏上的热点,并认出它是旧矿井。传说早在 20 世纪 20 年代,煤矿工人就发现了世界上最大的钻石。他们称其为“月光”,但当他们将其运送到纽约时,它消失了。明天是诺尔伍德/亨茨维尔的大型足球比赛。当比尔得知球员和拉拉队员,包括他的妹妹凯蒂,今晚要举行赛前派对时在老矿井附近,他决定必须阻止孩子们进入其中。当他和凯文守卫入口时,他们惊讶地看到汉克出现。凯文自愿去寻求帮助,而比尔和汉克则进入矿井。在回城的路上,凯文被吸血鬼咬伤。在搜索矿井时,比尔和汉克遇到了由丹弗斯先生领导的吸血鬼会议,而来自拉索斯的大师弗拉索斯则在一旁观看。丹弗斯将“月光”钻石与两颗较小的钻石结合在一起,月光开始倾泻而下。该计划旨在收集太阳和月亮的光芒,并使地球陷入永恒的黑暗。然后吸血鬼就会进食。比尔和汉克知道自己寡不敌众,决定打电话求救,但当汉克试图打电话时,所有电话线似乎都断了。当他试图开车离开诺尔伍德时,乔纳斯先生和他的邻里观察副手拦住了他。无论诺尔伍德发生了什么事,看起来比尔和汉克只能靠他们自己了。这是足球比赛的下午。当两支球队比赛时球迷们欢呼雀跃时,丹弗斯先生召集了他的吸血鬼,他们开始咬其他球员。与此同时,汉克和比尔用胶合板和锡纸制作了一系列反射镜,他们用这些反射镜来转移阳光并将其照射到弗拉索斯 [Cosmin Sofron] 上。但太阳落得很快。比尔别无选择,拿起月光钻石并将其砸在地板上。弗拉索斯被烧毁,吸血鬼大军变回人类。[原始剧情由 bj_kuehl 编写。]

Everyone thinks horror-movie buff Bill Stenson [Robin Dunne] has seen one too manyscifi films when he claims to have seen a UFO land in last night's freaklightning storm. Still, how do you explain the windowless metal dishflanked by two gargoyles that appeared just this morning in the empty lotnext to Mr Danvers' house? Why has the government sent in a team ofS.E.T.I. specialists to set up the old observatory? What is causing thetwo holes that are appearing on the necks of the Knollwood residents, andwhy are they all starting to act weird? [Well, except for Mrs Gibson, whoalways was a crotchety old sourpuss.]The next day, as the S.E.T.I. team (Hank, Mike, and Paula set uptheir equipment, Hank [James Kee] notices a hot spot on the geothermal scanner, andthey go to investigate. Meanwhile, Bill stops to have another look at theUFO after delivering Mr Danvers' newspaper. As he reaches out to touch it,it suddenly begins to glow green, and Bill is knocked to the ground justas the S.E.T.I. team arrives. As Hank investigates the UFO, Mike [Liviu Lucaci] and Paula [Bianca Brad]go back to the van for their equipment. No one notices crotchety old MrsGibson until it's too late. When Hank goes to see what is holding up Mikeand Paula, they are gone. When Hank races back to the observatory to checkhis geothermal scans, Mr Jonas [Servan Celea] from the Neighborhood Watch pays a visit.Just as he is about to bite Hank in the neck, Bill and his technogeekfriend, Kevin James [Mak Fyfe], show up. Mr Jonas promises to catch them later andleaves. Bill notices the hot spot on Hank's geothermal screen andrecognizes it as the old mine shaft. Legend has it that, back in the1800s, coal miners found the largest diamond in the world. They dubbed itthe "Light of the Moon" but, when they were transporting it to New York,it disappeared.Tomorrow is the big Knollwood/Huntsville soccer game. When Billlearns that the players and cheerleaders, including his sister Katie, arehaving a pregame party tonight near the old mine, he decides that he hasto keep the kids from going into it. As he and Kevin guard the entrance,they are surprised to see Hank show up. Kevin volunteers to go for help,while Bill and Hank enter the mine. On the way back into town, Kevin isbitten by a vampire. While searching the mine, Bill and Hank come across ameeting of the vampires, led by Mr Danvers, while the Master, Vlathos fromLathos, watches. Danvers unites the "Light of the Moon" diamond with twolesser diamonds, and the light from the moon starts pouring down. The planis to harvest the light from the sun and moon and plunge the earth intoeternal darkness. Then shall the vampires feed. Knowing that they areoutnumbered, Bill and Hank decide to call for help but, when Hank tries tophone out, all the telephone lines appear to be down. When he tries todrive out of Knollwood, he is stopped by Mr Jonas and his NeighborhoodWatch deputy. Whatever is going on in Knollwood, it looks like Bill andHank are on their own.It is the afternoon of the soccer game. While the fans cheer as thetwo teams play, Mr Danvers rallies his vampires and they begin biting theother players. Meanwhile, Hank and Bill constuct a series of reflectingmirrors out of plywood and tinfoil, which they use to divert the sunlightand shine it on Vlathos [Cosmin Sofron]. But the sun is setting fast. With no otheroption, Bill picks up the Light of the Moon diamond and smashes it on thefloor. Vlathos burns up, and the vampire army turns back into humans.[Original Synopsis by bj_kuehl.]

《青少年太空吸血鬼/Teenage Space Vampires》(1999) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《青少年太空吸血鬼/Teenage Space Vampires》(1999) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《青少年太空吸血鬼/Teenage Space Vampires》(1999) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《青少年太空吸血鬼/Teenage Space Vampires》(1999) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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