
在丛林的某个地方,一个小女孩(埃里卡·法拉恩饰)生病了。部落里的每个人都很担心,尤其是她的父亲 K'in(豪尔赫·雷诺索饰)和母亲(扎伊德·西尔维娅·古铁雷斯饰)。巫医无法治愈她并喝醉了。名叫卡尤姆(阿达尔贝托·马丁内斯饰)的巫医在完全崩溃的情况下抛出了一种预兆/咒语。它会产生带有大量闪电的巨大雷暴。它影响了纽约的天气,罗杰·布里格斯(汤姆·康蒂饰)正在纽约做手术。灯光忽明忽暗,但他最终还是很好地完成了。闪电也影响到了吉恩(泰瑞·加尔饰),她正在参加一个聚会,享受着与勤劳而富有的丈夫离婚后新获得的自由。一场抢劫出了差错。其中一名劫匪被困,在试图逃离警察的过程中,引发了多起车祸。吉恩的车最终停在一家橱窗店的店内一侧,而罗杰的车几乎无法行驶。珍不想被留给她自己的设备,所以她进入了罗杰的车。罗杰无法忍受她的前妻,他的车是他的,也只是他的,特别是因为这是他离婚后唯一给予他的东西。其余的东西都归他的前妻让所有。强盗胡安(保罗·罗德里格斯饰)钻进了罗杰的车。他掏出枪绑架了正在开车的吉恩和罗杰。他把他们带回家,把他们绑起来,关在壁橱里。吉恩和罗杰成功地释放了自己,尽管他们一直在互相争斗和谩骂。他们离开门窗,穿过一间开着的房间门,胡安的亲戚也在里面争论,然后试图离开。然而,当他们进入另一个房间时,一名隐藏的警察与罗杰打斗。警察正要闯入犯罪分子的巢穴。罗杰与警察的打斗导致警察疯狂开枪。胡安再次逃跑,再次绑架了吉恩和罗杰,罗杰又开车了。警察追赶他们,向他们开枪懒惰的。胡安因为吉恩和罗杰一直争吵而抓狂。有一次,琼试图跳出去,但罗杰说服她不要这么做。 一名妓女(芭芭拉·惠纳利饰)刚刚拒绝了一位客户。她的一只脚跟卡在了人行道上。当她听到警车突然向她驶来时,她把它留在那里。脚跟断裂导致其中一辆警车猛烈转向,并导致枪击走错方向。警车撞上银行,最终在两名银行劫匪(亚历杭德罗·布拉乔和卡洛斯·文德雷尔饰)面前停下,他们试图炸毁银行保险箱,但被当场抓获。枪击事件导致提款机发生故障,所有钱都落在了睡在下面的流浪汉(爱德华多·卢戈饰)的头上,他因此成为了一名富翁。 哈利(克里斯托弗·劳埃德饰)正准备飞机起飞:天。当警察赶到射击时,他必须起飞,胡安、吉恩和罗杰上了飞机。一种混乱的方式。胡安手臂受伤,罗杰照顾他。胡安、琼和罗杰似乎变得友好起来。琼拿到了猎枪,但它已经空弹了。哈利的飞机是老式的,生锈了,很多仪器都不能正常工作。胡安和哈利用降落伞跳下飞机。哈利跳到一些墨西哥警察身上,哈利说是一男一女绑架了他。这给墨西哥警察敲响了警钟。罗杰尝试驾驶飞机。他和前妻最终谈论了导致他们婚姻失败的原因。就在那一刻,罗杰说他正在“掌握窍门”——意思是驾驶飞机——他们俩都笑了。两台发动机都熄火了,他们忍不住笑了。他们必须上山躲避一座山,这导致一块岩石掉落。那块岩石引起了山体滑坡,一名墨西哥罪犯(马里奥·阿雷奥拉饰)被绑在了一名年轻的丈夫身上,准备强奸年轻的妻子。当琼认为罗杰死了时,她惊慌失措。然而他却没有,甚至还把她的腿扯断了。吉恩很生气,想要穿越沙漠。他们发现了死在沙漠中的人的骨架。他们走向绝望的戈麦斯(帕科·莫拉塔饰)和他的警官同事(何塞·查韦斯饰)。墨西哥警察不明白他们正在寻找的罪犯谁有耐力在这场车祸中幸存下来并且毫发无伤。困住这两个美国逃亡者将成为他们的成功之路,并离开那个丑陋的荒凉之地。这时,罗杰和吉恩出现,并试图寻求帮助。戈麦斯和他的同伙把他们塞进警车,带到了警察局。吉恩和罗杰请求法官(豪尔赫·鲁塞克饰)带他去大使馆,但没有人听他们的。由于吉恩是一名律师,她解释了这个故事。他们被关进牢房,在那里他们又争论了一些。最后,罗杰承认他很担心吉恩,而且这就是为什么当她下班这么晚,漫不经心地出现时,他很生气,这就是为什么他在家里打碎了一些小摆设——这对吉恩来说是最后一滴,迫使她申请离婚。 法官告诉他们表示已经联系了美国大使馆。如果大使馆检查他们的背景,他们将在本周末被释放。与此同时,胡安和哈利正密谋抢劫墨西哥小镇的银行。然而,胡安已经喝醉了,但调酒师(维克多·阿尔科塞·戈麦斯饰)又为他服务了一些。在那里,当戈麦斯和他的伙伴正在庆祝美国人入狱时,他无意中听到吉恩和罗杰在当地监狱。胡安告诉哈利,计划有变,他们用炸药炸毁了监狱的一堵墙。胡安和哈利带着罗杰和吉恩来到一艘废弃的船上,那艘船正在等待他们扬帆远航。欧文队长(罗杰·卡德尼饰)背叛了他们,警察赶到了。胡安和哈利留下来射杀警察,而杰安和罗杰最终乘船漂走了。海上风暴把他们弄湿了,把船推向大海。在船上,琼和罗杰醒来,又冷又累,浑身湿透,但他们又聊了一些,这次他们接吻了。罗杰试图控制节奏,但这是不可能的。他被巨浪抛到海里。下面,琼被打晕了,罗杰的医生包就在她身边。船靠岸了。一些水手把昏迷不醒的吉恩救了起来。她由一位传教士(肯·希克森饰)照顾,他发现罗杰的手术工具非常有用。吉恩已经康复了,但担心找不到罗杰。罗杰到达了丛林。在某个海滩的岸边,他被一个椰子敲在他的肚子上吵醒了。他发起琼的搜寻,但却落入了狩猎陷阱。电影一开始,部落就带他去见生病的女儿,巫医一直被绑在那里,直到他再次清醒。现在罗杰在场,他就被释放了。罗杰照顾小孩子女孩,但在他拿到一些手术器械之前他什么也做不了。他试图模仿女孩需要被送往医院的样子。部落终于明白了,他们在手工制作的吊床上把女孩带到最近的传教站。传教士在那里是因为他告诉一个小男孩(罗伯托·索萨),让的获救并不是奇迹。载着吉恩离开那里的直升机上落下的一块岩石引发了一辆汽车撞上任务并将其撕成碎片。当罗杰带着小女孩进来时,传教士也正在接受照顾。他帮助罗杰在车站进行紧急手术。随后,返航的直升机将把小女孩送往真正的医院。在那里,一名翻译(玛丽·巴特勒饰)用他们的语言向女孩的家人宣布她会没事的。罗杰离开医院。罗杰乘坐出租车。他试图说服大使馆的人寻找吉恩,并表示如果他活了下来,她也可能活下来。吉恩在出租车上。她试图说服大使馆的人寻找罗杰,并表示如果她活了下来,他也可能活下来。胡安和哈利炸毁了一家银行,试图抢劫它。接下来的混乱导致罗杰和吉恩的汽车相撞。他们接吻。几天后暗示婚礼。吉恩和罗杰再次结婚。
Somewhere in the jungle a little girl (Erika Faraon) is sick. Everybody in the tribe is really worried, especially her father K'in (Jorge Reynoso) and her mother (Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez). The witchdoctor cannot heal her and gets drunk. The witchdoctor, called Kayum (Adalberto Martínez) throws out a kind of omen/incantation while being completely wasted. It produces a huge thunderstorm with plenty of lightning bolts. It affects the weather in New York, where Roger Briggs (Tom Conti) is performing surgery. The lights go in and out, but he finally finishes it well. The lightning also affects Jean (Teri Garr), who is at a party, enjoying her new-found freedom after her divorce from her hard-working and wealthy husband.A robbery goes awry. One of the robbers is left stranded and, during his attempt to run away from the police, he causes a multiple car accident. Jean's car ends up at the inner-shop side of a window shop, and Roger's car is barely working. Jean doesn't want to be left to her own devices, so she enters Roger's car. Roger can't stand her ex-wife, and his car is his and only his, especially because it's the only thing which his divorce has granted him. The rest of things went to Jean, his ex-wife.The robber, Juan, (Paul Rodríguez) gets into Roger's car. He pulls out a gun and kidnaps Jean and Roger, who is driving. He takes them to his home, ties them down and imprisons them within a closet. Jean and Roger succeed on releasing themselves, although they are fighting and verbally abusing each other all the time. They leave the closes, pass through the open door of a room where Juan's relatives are also arguing and try to leave. However, when they enter another room, a hidden police officer fights Roger.The police were about to break into the criminals' nest. Roger's fight with the police officer cause the police to start shooting like crazy. Juan runs away again, kidnapping Jean and Roger again, and Roger is driving again. The police run after them, shooting wildly. Juan gets frantic because Jean and Roger keep on arguing all the time. There is a moment when Jean tries to jump free but Roger convinces her not to.A prostitute (Barbara Whinnery) has just rejected a client. One of her heels gets stuck on the pavement. She leaves it there when she hears the police cars suddenly approaching her. The broken heel causes one of the police cars to swerve violently and a shoot to go the wrong way. The police car crashes onto a bank and is eventually driven to a halt in front of two bank robbers (Alejandro Bracho and Carlos Vendrell) who are caught red-handed trying to blow up the safe of the bank. The shoot causes a cash machine to malfunction and release all its money on the head of the tramp (Eduardo Lugo) who was sleeping underneath, who in consequence becomes a rich man.Harry (Christopher Lloyd) was preparing the plane to take off the following day. As the police arrive shooting, he has to take off with Juan, Jean and Roger getting in the plane in a messy way. Juan gets wounded in an arm and Roger takes care of him. Juan, Jean and Roger seem to become friendly. Jean gets hold of the shotgun, but it's unloaded.Harry's plane is old-fashioned, rusty, and many instruments don't work well. Juan and Harry jump the plane with their chutes. Harry jumps on top of some Mexican police officers, and Harry says that a man and a woman dressed to the nines kidnapped him. That rings a bell with the Mexican police officers.Roger tries to drive the plane. He and his ex-wife end up talking about what caused their marriage to fail. At that moment, Roger says that he's "getting the hang of it" -meaning flying the plane- and they both laugh out it. Both engines die away, and they can't help but laugh about it. They have to go up to avoid a mountain, which causes a rock to fall away. That rock causes a landslide, which will kill a Mexican criminal (Mario Arreola) who had tied a young husband down and was about to rape the young wife.They take off, and Jean panickes when she thinks that Roger is dead. However, he is not, and even pulls her leg off. Jean gets angry and wants to walk through the desert. They find the skeleton of somebody who died in the desert. They walk up to Gomez (Paco Morayta) and his fellow police officer (José Chávez) who are desperate. The Mexican police officers can't understand who the criminals they were looking for had the stamina to survive the landcrash and leave unharmed on their feet. Trapping the two American runaways was going to be their road to success and to leave that ugly deserted place. At that moment, Roger and Jean appear, and try to ask for help.Gomez and his associate put them in their police car and take them to the police station. Jean and Roger ask to the judge (Jorge Russek) to be taken to the embassy, but nobody listens to them. As Jean is a lawyer, she explains the story. They are put onto a cell, where they argue some more. Finally, Roger admits that he was worried about Jean, and that was why he got angry when she appeared so late after work non-chalantly, and that was why he broke some bric-a-brac at home - which was the last drop for Jean and pushed her to apply for divorce.The judge tells them that the American embassy has already been contacted. They will be freed at the end of the week if the embassy checks their backgrounds. Meanwhile, Juan and Harry were plotting to rob the bank of the Mexican town. However, Juan is already drunk, but the bartender (Víctor Alcocer Gómez) serves him some more. There, he overhears -when Gomez and his mate are celebrating that the Americans are on gaol- that Jean and Roger are at the local prison. Juan tells Harry that there's a change of plans, and they use the dinamite to blow up one of the walls of the prison.Juan and Harry take Roger and Jean to the derelict boat which is waiting for them to sail away. Captain Irvine (Roger Cudney) betrays them and the police arrive. Juan and Harry are left to shoot the police off, and Jean and Roger end up in the boat floating away. The sea storm makes them wet and pushes the boat towards the sea. Inside the boat, Jean and Roger wake up cold, tired, wet, but they talk some more and this time they kiss.Roger tries to control the beat, but it's impossible. He gets thrown overboard by the huge waves. Below, Jean gets knocked out unconscious, and Roger's doctor bag is kept close to her.The boat reaches shore. Some sailors pick unconscious Jean up. She is taken care by a missionary (Ken Hixon), who finds Roger's surgery tools very useful. Jean is well again, but worried about Roger, who couldn't be found.Roger arrived to the jungle. He is woken up by a coconut hitting him on his belly on the shore of some beach. He initiates Jean's search, but falls onto a hunting trap. The tribe from the beginning of the film takes him to the sick daughter, where the witchdoctor has been tied down until he gets sober again. He is released now that Roger is there. Roger tends to the little girl, but he can't do anything until he's got some surgical instrumetns. He tries to mimic that the girl needs to be taken to hospital. The tribe finally understands, and they take the girl to the closest missionary post on a hand-made hammock. The missionary is there because he told a little boy (Roberto Sosa) that Jean's rescue was not a miracle. A rock falling from the helicopter which was taking Jean out of there started a car which crashed onto the mission and tore it to pieces. When Roger comes in with the little girl, the missionary man is being tended to as well. He helps Roger produce emergency surgery on the stop. Later on, the returning helicopter will take the little girl to a real hospital. There, an interpreter (Marie Butler), announces to the family of the girl that she'll be all right in their own language. Roger leaves hospital.Roger on a taxi. He is trying to convince the person from the embassy of looking for Jean, stating that if he has survived, she may have too. Jean on a taxi. She is trying to convince the person from the embassy of looking for Roger, stating that if she has survived, he may have too. Juan and Harry blow up a bank trying to rob it. The ensuing chaos causes Roger and Jean's cars to collide. They kiss. Cue to wedding some days afterwards. Jean and Roger get married again.

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