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发表于 2024-6-8 15:14:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



剧情梗概:武神赵子龙是一部剧情,战争,古装片,东汉末年,世道离乱。内有外戚、宦官专权,引发党锢之祸,外有黄巾起义,鼎沸中原。大将军何进诛杀宦官不成,反惹来杀身之祸,更让如狼似虎的董卓入主东都,杀戮成性。当是之时,四方豪杰摒弃,联军西向。曹操、孙坚、袁绍、袁术一代豪强逐鹿中原。远在常山郡的真定县,英雄才俊赵云赵子龙(林更新 饰)与夏侯轻衣(林允儿 饰)相知相恋,怎奈置身乱世身不由己。他偶然学会一套枪法,武功突飞猛进。                                                                      英雄必须投身沙场方显功业,赵云单枪匹马,邂逅伯乐刘备玄德,自此与关羽、张飞、马超、黄忠等一代名将同拜为蜀汉的五虎上将,进而谱写了武神赵子龙的传奇……一句话评论:纯属吐槽!请导演演员们不要糊弄观众好嘛!。赵子龙的枪呢???枪呢???。2.5亿花到哪了?。一部爽雷的烂剧为何还有不小的市场?。虽然我常常黑云妹,但编剧你更无耻!。这剧不垃圾,因为说他垃圾都侮辱“垃圾”这个词。这剧我不给星。烂剧无疑,脑残粉别喷,反正我也不关注……。1毛线特效,加一群傻不拉几演员。雷剧中的战斗机。

Martial God Zhao Zilong is a drama, war, and costume film. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world was in chaos. Internally, there were foreign relatives and eunuchs with exclusive power, which caused the disaster of the party's control. Outside, there was a Yellow Turban uprising, which caused a stir in the Central Plains. General He Jin failed to kill the eunuchs, but instead he was killed. Dong Zhuo, a wolf-like tiger, took over the eastern capital and became a murderer. At this time, the heroes from all directions gave up and the coalition forces headed west. Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shu were a generation of powerful men competing in the Central Plains. Far away in Zhending County, Changshan County, the heroic talents Zhao Yun, Zhao Zilong (played by Lin Gengxin) and Xiahou Qingyi (played by Lin Yuner) know each other and fall in love, but they can't help but find themselves in troubled times. He accidentally learned a set of marksmanship and his martial arts improved by leaps and bounds.                                                                    A hero must join the battlefield to show his merits. Zhao Yun worked alone and met Bole Liu Bei Xuande. From then on, he joined Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong and other famous generals as the Five Tiger Generals of Shu Han, and then wrote the legend of Zhao Zilong, the god of war... ...One sentence comment: Pure complaints! Please directors and actors please don’t fool the audience! . Where is Zhao Zilong's gun? ? ? Where's the gun? ? ? . Where did the 250 million go? . Why is there still such a big market for a bad drama that is so entertaining? . Although I often blackmail girls, you, the screenwriter, are even more shameless! . This drama is not rubbish, because calling it rubbish is an insult to the word "trash". I don't give this show stars. There is no doubt that this drama is bad. Don’t criticize it as a stupid fan. I don’t pay attention to it anyway... 1 woolen special effects, plus a bunch of silly actors. A fighter jet in Lei's drama.



kuvun.org.chinese.hero.zhao.zilong.2016.web-dl.2160p.h2 【82.35GB】
武神赵子龙迅雷下载.2016.121.87gb.torrent 【121.87 GB】
HNTV.Chinese.Hero.Zhao.Zilong.Complete.720p.HDTV.x264-C 【93.12GB】
160424-160430 HunanTV Chinese Hero Zhao Zilong E38-End  【35.61GB】
160420-160423 HunanTV Chinese Hero Zhao Zilong E31-37 H 【21.68GB】
160417-160419 HunanTV Chinese Hero Zhao Zilong E25-30 H 【18.79GB】
160414-160416 HunanTV Chinese Hero Zhao Zilong E21-24 H 【10.88GB】
160412-160413 HunanTV Chinese Hero Zhao Zilong E17-20 H 【12.53GB】
160411 HunanTV Chinese Hero Zhao Zilong E15-16 HDTV 108 【6.16GB】
160410 HunanTV Chinese Hero Zhao Zilong E13-14 HDTV 108 【4.61GB】
160408-160409 HunanTV Chinese Hero Zhao Zilong E11-12 H 【3.87GB】
160406-160407 HunanTV Chinese Hero Zhao Zilong E07-10 H 【12.39GB】
160405 HunanTV Chinese Hero Zhao Zilong E05-06 HDTV 108 【6.27GB】
160404 HunanTV Chinese Hero Zhao Zilong E03-04 HDTV 108 【6.42GB】
160403 HunanTV Chinese Hero Zhao Zilong E01-02 HDTV 108 【6.94GB】
武神赵子龙.全集未删减.EP01-60.2016.HD1080P.X264.AAC.Mandarin.CHS. 【121.87 GB】
武神赵子龙.全集未删减.EP01-60.2016.HD720P.X264.AAC.Mandarin.CHS.x 【60.14 GB】




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