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[原版] 《事件/The Incident》(2014) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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《事件/The Incident》(2014) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

小罪犯卡洛斯回到家,发现他的弟弟奥利弗焦躁不安。奥利弗还没来得及解释他的行为,流氓警察马科斯就从躲藏处现身,逮捕了两兄弟。奥利弗解释说,他是在胁迫下认罪的,并请求原谅。卡洛斯要求出示搜查令。马可承认他没有,并试图用枪指着他们把他们带到警察局。他们制服了他,并从公寓大楼的楼梯上逃走。在追赶他们时,马可射中了卡洛斯的腿。马可似乎对他的举动感到惊讶,当他听到远处传来巨响时,他更加担心了。卡洛斯和奥利弗向马科斯投降,但马科斯拒绝送他们去医院。当楼梯变得无边无际、循环往复时,马科感到震惊。奥利弗对他的兄弟进行了急救,但第二天只能眼睁睁地看着卡洛斯失血过多而死。在他去世之前,卡洛斯敦促奥利弗珍惜现在,这是他永远无法做到的。当奥利弗哀悼卡洛时死后,马可看到楼梯间的自动售货机已经重新补货,一如 24 小时前一样,他感到震惊。奥利弗被马可的冷酷无情激怒,解除了他的武装,并威胁要用手枪杀死他。马可坚称他不是有意识地选择射杀卡洛斯,两人就他们处境的形而上学争论不休。 在其他地方,桑德拉和她的两个孩子丹尼尔和卡米拉准备去看望她的前夫。尽管她的新丈夫罗伯托对这次旅行感到焦虑,但桑德拉向他保证,长途驾驶将使他有机会与孩子们建立亲密关系。途中,他们在一个加油站停下来,罗伯托漫不经心地给卡米拉提供果汁。卡米拉对此有过敏反应,导致哮喘发作。罗伯托不小心毁坏了她的吸入器后,他坚称这是一场注定要发生的事故,远处传来巨大的爆炸声。桑德拉要求丹尼尔取回备用吸入器,但他透露他忘记收拾它。恐慌,桑德拉坚持让罗伯托转身回家。反复经过同一个加油站后,他们意识到道路无休止地重复着同样的路段。罗伯托下了车,穿过灌木丛寻求帮助。卡米拉因无法使用吸入器而死亡。桑德拉相信自己陷入了一场噩梦,于是抛弃了孩子,开车离开,试图唤醒自己,但徒劳无功。丹尼尔抱起妹妹的尸体,开始沿着相反的方向走在路上。所有人都聚集到同一个地方,放弃了逃跑的希望。三十五年后,两个群体仍然困在各自的位置。每天,每个人都会找到他们所有财产的新副本。几十年来,当两个群体试图过自己的生活时,这些物品堆积成高耸的一堆。桑德拉和罗伯托现在已经上了年纪,他们有兽性的性行为,丹尼尔独自生活,与他们没有太多互动,奥利弗带领年老的马可进行仪式崇拜卡洛斯的骸骨。后桑德拉去世,罗伯托和丹尼尔举行了葬礼,罗伯托也濒临死亡,在葬礼上,罗伯托突然神清气爽。他说他现在明白为什么他们被困住了。马可和罗伯托共同透露,这一切都不是真实的,而是他们现实生活的另一个维度。一位年老的罗伯托解释说,当他还是一个 10 岁的男孩时,他在另一次事故中被困在木筏上。与此同时,年长的马可解释说,他实际上是丹尼尔,无限之路事件中的10岁男孩,从而解释了事件/新维度的循环。这些维度脱离了现实并陷入了时间循环。它们是由悲剧引发的,居民所感受到的情感会反馈给现实世界中的人们。陷入事故的年轻人比年长的人表现得更好。因此,在现实生活中,年轻人比年长的人拥有更多的幸福和财富,而年长的人经历更多的悲伤和不幸。 罗伯托临终前敦促丹妮l 通过拒绝追随他的命运来打破创造新维度的循环。马可/丹尼尔敦促奥利弗也打破这个循环,拒绝追随他的命运。丹尼尔和奥利弗发现他们现在可以自由地离开他们的维度了。每个人最初都犹豫不决,但最终还是遵循了自己的命运。丹尼尔进入警车,化身马可,​​前去逮捕奥利弗和卡洛斯。奥利弗离开了他的公寓大楼,成为一名俄罗斯侍者,为新娘和新郎操作电梯。他让新郎意外死亡,将自己和新娘困在一个新的维度长达三十五年。

Small-time criminal Carlos comes home to find his younger brother, Oliver, agitated. Before Oliver can explain his behavior, rogue cop Marcos emerges from hiding and places both brothers under arrest. Oliver explains that he has confessed under duress and begs forgiveness. Carlos demands to see a warrant. Marco admits he does not have one and attempts to take them to the police station at gunpoint. They overpower him and flee down their apartment complex's stairs. While chasing them, Marco shoots Carlos in the leg. Marco seems surprised by his action and is further worried when he hears a loud noise in the distance. Carlos and Oliver surrender to Marcos, who refuses to take them to a hospital.Marco is horrified when the stairs turn out to be endless, looping in on themselves. Oliver applies first aid to his brother but can only watch as Carlos bleeds to death the next day. Before he dies, Carlos urges Oliver to appreciate the present, something he could never do. As Oliver mourns Carlos' death, Marco becomes shaken when he sees that a vending machine on the stairwell has become restocked, exactly as it was 24 hours ago. Enraged by Marco's callousness, Oliver disarms him and threatens to kill him with his pistol. Marco insists that he did not consciously choose to shoot Carlos, and the two argue over the metaphysics of their situation.Elsewhere, Sandra and her two children, Daniel and Camila, prepare to visit her ex-husband. Although her new husband, Roberto, is anxious about the trip, Sandra reassures him the long drive will give him a chance to bond with her children. On the way, they stop at a gas station, where Roberto carelessly offers fruit juice to Camila. Camila has an allergic reaction to it, which brings on an asthma attack. After Roberto accidentally destroys her inhaler, an accident he insists was fated to happen, a loud explosion sounds in the distance. Sandra asks Daniel to retrieve the backup inhaler, but he reveals that he forgot to pack it. Panicking, Sandra insists that Roberto turn around and return home. After passing the same gas station repeatedly, they realize the road endlessly repeats the same stretch.Roberto exits the car and walks off through the brush to seek help. Without access to her inhaler, Camila dies. Believing herself to be stuck in a nightmare, Sandra abandons her children and drives off, vainly attempting to wake herself. Daniel picks up his sister's body and begins walking down the road in the opposite direction. All converge to the same spot and give up hope of escape. Thirty-five years later, both groups are still stuck in their respective locations. Each day, everyone finds a fresh copy of all their possessions. Over the decades, these items gather into towering piles as the two groups attempt to live their lives.Sandra and Roberto, now elderly, have animalistic sex, Daniel lives on his own without much interaction with them, and Oliver leads the elderly Marco in rituals worshiping Carlos' skeleton. After Sandra dies, Roberto and Daniel hold a funeral, where Roberto is struck by a moment of lucidity as he, too, nears death. He says he now understands why they are stuck. Marco and Roberto jointly reveal that none of this is real, but an alternate dimension to their real lives. An elderly Roberto explains that when he was a 10 year-old boy, he was in another incident stuck on a raft. At the same time, an elderly Marco explains that he is really Daniel, the 10 year-old boy from the incident of the infinite road, thus explaining the cycle of incidents/new dimensions. These dimensions split off from reality and are stuck in a time loop. They are brought on by tragedy, and the emotions that the inhabitants feel are fed back to people in the real world. The younger person stuck in an incident fares better than the older person. Therefore, younger people in the real life have more happiness and fortune than older people, who experience more sadness and misfortune.As he dies, Roberto urges Daniel to break the cycle of creating new dimensions by refusing to follow his fate. Marco/Daniel urges Oliver to break the cycle as well by refusing to follow his fate. Daniel and Oliver find they are now free to leave their dimension. Each initially hesitates but follows his fate. Daniel enters a police car and becomes Marco, off to arrest Oliver and Carlos. Oliver leaves his apartment complex, becoming a Russian bellhop who operates an elevator for a bride and groom. He sets in motion an accidental death for the groom, trapping himself and the bride in a new dimension for thirty-five years.

《事件/The Incident》(2014) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《事件/The Incident》(2014) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《事件/The Incident》(2014) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载

《事件/The Incident》(2014) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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