
动漫剧《死神 ブリーチ》(2004日本)--高清4K/1080P迅雷BT资源下载
【主演】: 森田成一/折笠富美子/松冈由贵/伊藤健太郎/杉山纪彰/置鲇龙太郎/安元洋贵/森川智之/大原沙耶香/钉宫理惠/真殿光昭/菅生隆之/森久保祥太郎/三木真一郎/梁田清之/濑那步美/本田贵子/下屋则子/雪野五月/斋藤志郎/野田顺子/福山润/小西克幸/茂吕田和江/上田祐司/中岛沙树/真田麻美/生天目仁美/成田剑/丸山咏二/广濑正志/千叶繁/千叶进步/东地宏树/小野大辅/丰口惠美/斧笃/市来光弘/汤屋敦子/吉野裕行/塚田正昭/大塚明夫/山口太郎/川上伦子/桑岛法子/樫井笙人/游佐浩二/樱井孝宏/久川绫/野上尤加奈/西村千奈美/青山穰/宫田幸季/小野坂昌也/速水奖/佐久间红美/有本钦隆/中井将贵/稻田彻/西凛太郎/中田和宏/服部加奈子/樱井敏治/杉田智和/神田朱未/饭岛肇/朴璐美/松谷彼哉/望月健一/立木文彦/望月久代/桧山修之/长岛雄一/高木礼子/中尾隆圣/奥田启人/关俊彦/石川英郎/岛本须美/远近孝一/矢部雅史/长嶝高士/小山力也/饭塚昭三/绪方惠美/浪川大辅/神奈延年/诹访部顺一/楠大典/鸟海浩辅/乃村健次/金田朋子/岸尾大辅/浅井清己/田中秀幸/近藤隆/柿原彻也/中村悠一/菅沼久义/嘉数由美/飞田展男/大川透/胜生真沙子/咲野俊介/古泽彻/泽海阳子/铃木胜美/藤本让/阪口大助/园崎未惠/斋贺光希/平川大辅/滨田贤二/高桥智秋/辻步美/藤村步/岛村侑/谷山纪章/高桥研二/木村雅史/武虎/寺岛拓笃/中川里江/冈本信彦/小林优/松冈大介/高桥圭一/白熊宽嗣/茶风林/津村真琴/桐本拓哉/粟津贵嗣/浅野真由美/高木涉/三宅健太/松本大/广田行生/平松晶子/藤本隆行/黑田崇矢/国府田真理子/新垣樽助/古岛清孝/冈野浩介/三宅华也/石塚小夜里/长谷优里奈/齐木美帆/松本考平/泷泽久美子/川田妙子/金尾哲夫/小田久史/竹本英史/子安武人/加濑康之/石井康嗣/武田华/原田瞳/代永翼/永野善一/佐藤正治/船木真人/土门仁/花田光/田中一成/千叶一伸
【标签】: 动作/动画/惊悚/奇幻/冒险
【语言】:日语 / 英语 / 粤语
【评分】:豆瓣:8.4 ,IMDB:8.2
【IMDb链接】: tt0434665
在这部死神动作/动画/惊悚/奇幻/冒险片中,橘发少年黑崎一护是个正义感爆棚的高中生,与父亲、两个妹妹共同生活,从小他就有能看见鬼魂的本事,但并不以为意。一天夜里一只叫“虚”的怪物攻击了一护和他的家人,尾随怪物而来的死神朽木露琪亚身负重伤,只得将灵力转给一护,由他代死神之职。岂料“代职”一发不可收拾,一段时间后,尸 魂界发现露琪亚的违规行为,来人将她抓走。为救出朋友,一护在浦原商店店主浦原喜助的帮助下,集结了井上织姬、石田雨龙、茶渡泰虎几位好友,一同前往尸魂界。与此同时,尸魂界瀞灵廷内一场惊天阴谋也在慢慢掀开…… 《死神》漫画于2001年开始在《少年JUMP周刊》连载,动画2004年开播。
High school student Kurosaki Ichigo is unlike any ordinary kid. Why? Because he can see ghosts. Ever since a young age, he's been able to see spirits from the afterlife. Ichigo's life completely changes one day when he and his two sisters are attacked by an evil, hungry and tormented spirit known as a Hollow. Right in the nick of time, Ichigo and his siblings are aided by a Shinigami (Death God) named Kuchiki Rukia, whose responsibility it is to send good spirits (Pluses) to the afterlife known as Soul Society, and to purify Hollows and send them up to Soul Society. But during the fight against the Hollow, Rukia is injured and must transfer her powers to Ichigo. With this newly acquired power, so begins Kurosaki Ichigo's training and duty as a Shinigami to maintain the balance between the world of the living and the world of the dead...






动漫剧《死神 ブリーチ》(2004日本)--高清4K/1080P迅雷BT资源下载
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Bleach - 234 - Renji Surprised! The Two Zabimarus [C-W] Dubbed 【88.32MB】
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Bleach - 230 - A New Enemy! The Materialization of Zanpakutou [C 【91.3MB】
Bleach - 229 - Cry of the Soul! The Rug Shinigami is Born! [C-W] 【95.18MB】
Bleach - 227 - Wonderful Error [C-W] Dubbed 【87.76MB】
Bleach - 226-250 [C-W] Batch Dubbed 【2.41GB】
Bleach - 226 - Fierce Fighting Concludes! Towards a New Battle! 【163.06MB】
Bleach - 225 - All Vice-Captains Annihilated! The Terrifying Dem 【131.24MB】
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Bleach - 213 - A Hero of Justice is Born [C-W] Dubbed 【125.28MB】
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Bleach - 203 - Karakura Town Gathers! Aizen Versus Shinigami [C- 【111.47MB】
Bleach - 202 - Fierce Fighting Conclusion! Who's the Strongest 【136.2MB】
Bleach - 201-225 [C-W] Dubbed 【3.03GB】
Bleach - 201 - Noitora Releases! The Multiplying Arms [C-W] Dubb 【140.58MB】
3D 死神来了4 720P(红蓝)【4.4 GB】
209 - Muguruma 9th Division Moves Out [C-W] Dubbed 【113.27MB】
053 [左右][国英双语中字] 死神来了4【6.2 GB】
[死神]【33.1 GB】
[动漫南北中个人整理][POWER字幕组]死神[001~366](全集)[480P][39.11GB]【39.1 GB】
[Temporary Worker] Bleach 355 - [2004.TV-Series.TX.1280x720.AVC.AAC.].mp4【342.4 MB】
[Temporary Worker] Bleach 354 - [2004.TV-Series.TX.1280x720.AVC.AAC.].mp4【409.0 MB】
[BleachAnime] Bleach - 360 [1080p].avi (NoSub, HD) 【1.44GB】
[BleachAnime] Bleach - 359 [720p].avi (NoSub HD) 【582.74MB】
[BleachAnime] Bleach - 359 [480p].avi (NoSub, HD) 【229.86MB】
[BleachAnime] Bleach - 359 [1080p].avi (NoSub, HD) 【1.48 GB】
[AniPower] Bleach Jump Festa 2004 - 13 Court Guard Squads Omake Video[S@thal]【55.08 MB】
[2004-10-05] Bleach【66.28 GB】
(死神_BLEACH)【40.5 GB】
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