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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《保姆与保安》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《保姆与保安》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


高杜淳版保安级住宅小区的保姆大苗和保安国梁引起了轩然大波,他们在中年保安大丁的新婚之日,帮助小保姆二梅逃婚,新姚芊羽版保姆娘从此下落不明。大丁赔了夫人又折钱,狂怒不已,逼大苗交出二梅,遭拒后发誓不让大苗和国梁有一天安稳的日子,他表面粗悍,却功于心计,招招恶毒狠辣。先是诬陷大苗伙同二梅诈骗他钱物,后又设计偷走居民名贵小狗栽赃大苗,说是被大苗和国梁盗买,所造罪证真得令人深信不疑,警方加入,一直被誉为小区模范保姆的大苗名誉扫地,陷入困境。但大苗认实理,为保护保姆姐妹敢做敢当,勇于面对,与大丁周旋。忠厚善良的国梁却不一样了,像是欠了大丁还不清的债,逆来顺受,笑脸相对。  大苗深爱国梁,多次表示爱意,国梁也爱她,可是不敢接受,倒不是她有个不知跟谁生的九岁的女儿念念,而是他自己有难言之隐,国梁在八岁时在前往少年宫学校小号的路上遭遇过严重车祸,父母双亡,他脑部受伤留下后遗症,经常发病,随时会瘫痪和死亡,他不想拖累大苗。但面对深情款款而又漂亮直率的大苗,优柔寡断的性格又使他这想法不很果断,他年轻,渴望爱情,因此态度左右摇摆,当大丁接连发难,他与大苗共同应付,又头痛病发足,被大苗悉心照料。国梁为向大苗表达爱意用小号演奏一首世界名曲《罗密欧朱丽叶》。国梁祝愿他和大苗的爱情象古老故事中的罗密欧和朱丽叶一样坚贞不渝。大苗说,我们要罗密欧和朱丽叶的爱情,但是,不要他们悲惨的命运。  令国梁没想到的是,将他父母撞死的车祸肇事者乐静园就住在小区里,他是个私企大老板,自车祸发生他驾车逃逸后,家里惨事频发,妻子病故,女儿乐丽川受男人欺骗结婚又离婚,儿子乐秀山因恋人病亡而患了精神病,乐静园把这一切都看成是老天的惩罚,他要暗中帮助国梁改变贫困的生存状态,帮国梁找到自幼失散的哥哥,以此赎罪。又因乐丽川发生意外,幸得国梁舍生救险,才保住性命,这使得乐静园赎罪之心更加迫切,不惜给国梁半个公司。他和乐丽川商议,先安排提高国梁的教养和文化水平,然后叫他进公司当高管。国梁却是蒙蒙懵懵,以为乐家是为感激他救命之恩,不忍拂了人家好意,勉强敷衍。甚至鼓励女儿乐丽川爱国梁。这都是为了乐静园赎罪。乐丽川对国梁的各种观察中发现国梁善良真诚,真的爱上了国梁。  在国梁与乐家交往的同时,大苗又遇上了大麻烦,她的在乡下的同父异母的妹妹郝平饰演大丁小苗为了逃脱她母亲包办的婚姻出来投奔她。大苗从小被后母残酷虐待,长大后逃离家乡,她憎恶她的家庭,拒绝接纳小苗。大苗在退休中医名师谢锡生家做保姆,两人亲如父女,好心的谢医生见小苗在城里举目无亲,单纯可怜,收留了她。小苗见到大苗的女儿念念,马上联想起九年前村里邻居沈开荣弃婴的事,知道念念是大苗捡来的,这使大苗震动,她捡到念念,养育了九年,女儿是她的命,惧怕被人夺走,又恐让女儿知道不是她亲生,所以更加不许妹妹留在小区内。  但是,小苗的真诚善良和对姐姐的真情意打动了大苗,大苗把她介绍到乐静园家当保姆,照料谢秀山。谢秀山病情正常时温文尔雅,通情达理,富于爱心,与小苗结下了深厚友情。父母从乡下赶出,继续逼迫小苗回乡嫁给村长的儿子、砖瓦厂老板沈开荣,大苗、国梁和谢秀山保护了她。凶悍的后母更仇恨大苗,大丁趁机与她勾结,两人密谋,叫沈开荣出来认领念念,迫使大苗交出小苗。一波未平,一波又起,经谢医生对国梁诊断,确诊他最多只能活一年时间,大苗被逼上了绝地。大苗怀着巨大痛苦,夜里出去打工,多赚钱替国梁买药。  国梁深悔连累了大苗,决定与她分手。事有凑巧,谢医生的学生、在外地当医生、曾与大苗恋爱过的张仲兴来找大苗,希望恢复恋爱关系,并向她求婚。国梁竭力促成大苗和医生张仲兴的关系。国梁服从谢家安排,辞掉保安工作,进谢家公司。谢丽川深爱国梁,决定嫁给他,但是,国梁也经常态度不明确,于是乐丽川施计谋划让酒醉后的国保姆与保安梁觉得已和她男女发生关系。第二天,大苗意外发现了国梁脸上的口红,以为国梁有了女人,痛苦万分。大苗决意离开国梁。  大苗一直在寻找失踪的二梅,终于获知她的下落,原来二梅被同乡骗进色情场所,失去了自由,大苗不顾自己危安,率众人设计救出二梅,大丁为此感激大苗,服从大苗劝告,要用真情来打动二梅。  在小苗母亲的挑唆下,沈开荣再次来到篮江市骗走念念,他让大苗选择,要么交出小苗,要么放弃念念。大苗一筹莫展。  小苗为了姐姐和念念,不辞而别回家与沈开荣结婚。大苗与国梁、谢秀山、大丁等人赶赴农村家里,在小苗即将和沈开荣领证盖章的危急关头,阻止了小苗和沈开荣这场包办婚姻。沈开荣聚众企图阻挠大苗把小苗带回篮江市,在万分危急的时刻,早布满聪明的国梁早已打电话报了当地的110。在司法的干预下当地一霸沈开荣无可奈何。只好看着大苗带着小苗离开。  大苗欲乐丽川带妹妹和女儿去张仲兴家乡。而此时国梁为保护小区居民财产与歹徒搏斗严重受伤,生命垂危,大苗留下照顾。  后来,谢医生请来世界有名脑科专家,为国梁手术,救了他的命,并治好了他的脑病;大苗在官司中赢了沈开荣,念念不是沈开荣的女儿,沈开荣因为雇佣童工,被司法追究。  国梁也终于找到了自己找了二十多年肇事逃逸的犯罪嫌疑人。这个犯罪嫌疑人就是乐静园。一直在忏悔惊心痛苦中等待了二十多年的乐静园在最后一次向国梁道歉后,感觉到笼罩在自己心灵上的巨大的阴影终于散去,乐静园到司法机关自首了。  一直爱着大苗的国梁为大苗吹起了他们经常在一起吹奏的爱情小号曲《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。大苗听到了国梁的号声来到了楼下和国梁一起在雨中跳起了他们一生中最浪漫的交谊舞。而带着忏悔和深情的乐丽川她并不放弃国梁,她绝对不能败给一个保姆,于是她拿着为国梁办好的出国护照和机票已经入学通知书来到了国梁和大苗面前。乐丽川说:学小号不是你曾经的一辈子的梦想吗?现在美国的入学通知书来了,机票也定好了。你选择吧。  国梁停住了。一边是朴实可爱的大苗,一边是能够帮自己的实现梦想的乐丽川。国梁何去何从?



Gao Duchun's nanny seedlings and security Guoliang of the security -level residential area caused a stir. On the wedding day of the middle -aged security Dading, they helped the little nanny Ermei escape. Dading lost his wife and folded money, and was furious. He forced Da Miao to hand over Ermei. After being rejected, he vowed not to let Da Miao and Guoliang a day stable day. Essence First of all, he framed Da Miao and Er Mei fraud his money, and then designed to steal the precious puppy to plant the big seedlings, saying that it was bought by the big seedlings and the national beam. The great seedlings of the community model nanny were scanned, and they were in trouble. However, Da Miao recognized the practice, and dared to protect the sisters of the nanny, faced with Ding Ding. The loyal and kind Guoliang is different. It is like owing Dading's unclear debt. Da Miao is deeply in love with the country, and she expresses love many times. Guoliang also loves her, but she dare not accept it. It is not that she has a nine -year -old daughter who did not know who gave birth to, but that he was unspeakable. When he was a trumpet on the way to the Junior Palace School, he had suffered a serious car accident. His parents died. His brain injury left sequelae. He often became paralyzed and died at any time. He did not want to drag the big seedlings. But in the face of affectionate models and beautiful and straightforward seedlings, the indecisive personality made his thoughts not very decisive. He was young and longed for love. Therefore, his attitude was swaying around. The disease was sufficient, and was taken care of by Da Miao. In order to express love to Da Miao, he played a world famous song \"Romeo Juliet\". Guoliang wishes that his love with Da Miao is as strong as Romeo and Juliet in the ancient story. Da Miao said that we want Romeo and Juliet's love, but don't want their tragic fate. What Guo Liang did not expect was that Le Jingyuan, a car accident that he had killed his parents, lived in the community. He was a private owner. Since the car accident, he carried the car accident, his family was frequent, his wife died, and his daughter Le Li Sichuan was deceived and divorced by men. His son Le Xiushan suffered from mental illness due to his lover's illness. Lejing Garden regarded all this as God's punishment. The elder brother who has lost since childhood will be atonement. Due to an accident in Le Lichuan, he was fortunate to save his life to save his life. He discussed with Le Lichuan, first arranging the education and cultural level of Guoliang, and then asked him to enter the company as an executive. Guoliang was so embarrassed that he thought that the musicians were grateful to his life -saving grace, and couldn't bear to wipe out the kindness and barely perfunctory. Even encouraging her daughter Le Lichuan patriotic beams. This is all for the sin of Leduyuan. In the various observations of Guoliang, Le Lichuan found that Guoliang was kind and sincere, and really fell in love with Guoliang. While the Guoliang and the Lejia had a big trouble, Da Miao encountered big trouble. Her sister Hao Ping, the older mother in the countryside, played Ding Xiaomiao to escape her mother -in -law to escape her. Da Miao was cruelly abused by her stepmother since she was a child. When she grew up, she fled her hometown. She hated herThe family refuses to accept the seedlings. Da Miao was a nanny at Xie Xisheng's family at the retired Chinese medicine teacher. The two were like father and daughter. Dr. Xie Xie saw Xiao Miao raising her eyes in the city. When Xiao Miao saw the daughter of Da Miao, she immediately remembered the affairs of the neighbor Shen Kairong in the village in the village nine years ago, and knew that the thought was picked up by the big seedlings. Her life, fearing that she was taken away, and she might let her daughter know that she was not her life, so she was not allowed to stay in the community. However, Xiao Miao's sincerity and kindness and the true feelings of her sister moved Da Miao. Da Miao introduced her to the family as a nanny and took care of Xie Xiushan. When Xie Xiushan's condition was normal, he was gentle and elegant, reasonable, and full of love, and formed a deep friendship with Xiaomiao. Parents drove out from the countryside and continued to force Xiao Miao to return to their hometown to marry the village chief's son, brick -tile factory owner Shen Kairong, and Da Miao, Guoliang and Xie Xiushan protected her. The fierce stepmother hated the big seedlings. Dating took the opportunity to collude with her. The two conspired and asked Shen Kairong to come out to claim the thoughts, forcing the big seedlings to surrender the seedlings. There was a wave of flatness, and the waves were rising again. After diagnosis of Guoliang, I was diagnosed by Dr. Xie. He could only live for a year, and the big seedlings were forced to the Jedi. Da Miao was in great pain. She went out to work at night and made more money to buy medicine for Guoliang. Guoliang regretted the big seedlings and decided to break up with her. Coincidentally, Dr. Xie's students, as a doctor in a foreign country, Zhang Zhongxing, who had loved Da Miao, came to Da Miao, hoping to restore love and propose to her. Guoliang tried his best to promote the relationship between Da Miao and doctor Zhang Zhongxing. Guoliang obeyed the Xie family, resigned from security work, and entered the Xie family company. Xie Lichuan loved the Guoliang and decided to marry him. However, Guoliang often did not have a clear attitude. Therefore, Le Lichuan planned to make the drunk national nanny and the security guard feel that it had a relationship with her men and women. The next day, Da Miao unexpectedly discovered the lipstick on Guoliang's face, thinking that Guoliang had a woman, which was extremely painful. Da Miao decided to leave the national beam. Da Miao has been looking for the missing Ermei, and finally learned her whereabouts. It turned out that Ermei was cheated into the pornographic place by his fellow villagers and lost his freedom. Da Miao ignored himself, and he designed to rescue Ermei. Da Miao advised to use true feelings to move Ermei. Under the challenge of Xiao Miao's mother, Shen Kairong came to Basinjiang City to deceive and read. He asked the big seedlings to choose, either handed over the seedlings or give up. The big seedlings are unprepared. Xiao Miao did not leave home to marry Shen Kairong for her sister and Nian Nian. Da Miao and Guoliang, Xie Xiushan, Dading and others rushed to the rural home. At the critical juncture of Xiao Miao and Shen Kairong, they prevented Xiaomiao and Shen Kairong from arranging marriage. Shen Kairong Julu tried to obstruct Da Miao to bring Xiaomiao back to Basin City. At a critical moment, Guoliang, who had been full of clever, had already called the local 110. Under the judicial intervention, the local tyrant Shen Kairong was helpless. I had to watch Da Miao away with Xiaomiao. Da Miao desires Le Lichuan to take her sister and her daughter to Zhang Zhongxing's hometown. At this time, Guoliang was seriously injured in the protection of residents' property in the community, and his life was dying. Later, Dr. Xie invited the world's famous brain experts, Save his life for Guoliang, and cure his encephalopathy; Da Miao won Shen Kairong in the lawsuit. He was not a daughter of Shen Kairong. Guoliang finally found a criminal suspect who had been looking for more than 20 years. This criminal suspect is Lejing Garden. Lejing Garden, who has been waiting for more than 20 years, apologized to Guoliang, who had been waiting for more than 20 years, and felt that the huge shadow that was shrouded in his heart finally dispersed, and Le Jingyuan surrendered to the judiciary. Guoliang, who has always loved the big seedlings, blows up the love trumpet song \"Romeo and Juliet\" they often play together. When Da Miao heard the sound of Guoliang came downstairs, he jumped with Guoliang in the rain and dancing the most romantic playfulness in their lives. With the confession and affection, she did not give up Guoliang. She must not lose to a nanny, so she took the notice of entry and tickets for Guoliang. Essence Le Lichuan said: Isn't learning a trumpet a dream of your life? Now the US entry notice is here, and the ticket has been set. You choose. Guoliang stopped. On the one hand is the simple and lovely big seedlings, and on the other hand, it is Le Lichuan, which can help her dream. Where does Guoliang go?








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