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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《红粉世家》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《红粉世家》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


歌女出身的李袁梅和两个漂亮女儿桃枝、小桃在秦淮河边住,她的愿望是尽早离开这个让人自卑的地方,而对于桃枝和小桃,除了这个愿望还有更美的梦幻和理想。  南京福顺车行罢工这天,从济南祭父回南京的美琪歌舞团演员桃枝和来南京寻友的青年画家水村因抢一辆黄包车而发生争执,最后二人又同坐一辆车赶往城里。桃枝以纱蒙面,戴着墨镜既风趣又好奇的水村想看她的真实面目,高傲的桃枝把他当作浪荡子戏耍一番后愤然下车,但是因为躲避车祸,二人皮箱里的东西摔出来混在一处,二人都表示不愿意再看见对方,但在分手时,水村和桃枝终有机会看清彼此的面目,二人都为对方的气质和相貌吸引。  苏琪本是上海报社的记者,趁采访大资本家方润泽从上海来南京投资兴业之机,到秦淮河边暗查自己的亲生父母。因和方润泽频繁接触,方对她关怀备至,苏琪一度认为他对自己的爱护是父亲对女儿般的呵护,却不知他另有所图。  小桃在一家茶楼做歌女,但她的理想是像姐姐那样当歌舞团演员,她经常去大学的话剧社练习表演,暗恋她的摄影师太湖看出话剧社导演房珏林对她的欺骗和耍弄,善意提醒时却受到她的喝斥。小桃一心讨好房珏林,最后被他所骗,小春想早日摆脱歌女的身份,开始和富商王守臣打得火热。  桃枝和小香到郊外游玩遇雨,恰好避雨来到水村借居的好友秋山的家,二人相见后都露爱意,桃枝担心他瞧不起她演员的身份,随口编了一个名字和职业,哪知水村看演出时认出了桃枝,面对水村的生气,桃枝勇敢地承认了错误并说出自己的顾虑,二人雨过天晴成了一对欢喜冤家般的爱侣。桃枝想帮水村完成办个人画展的愿望,又担心他把画卖完后办展览时没有了作品,静静用自己的钱买他的画,然后再卖出去攒办展览的费用,水村无意间看到她把画高价卖给了政府官员万有光,认为她爱他是假,利用他的画挣钱是真,愤怒中跳到万家拿画。水村被当作小偷时扎伤一个家丁,一直想得到桃枝的万有光听说水村是桃枝的恋人,谎称家丁已死欲将水村治于死地,桃枝在万有光的蒙骗下作证被盗的画确是万有光所有,判了死刑的水村对桃枝恨之如骨,明白真相后的桃枝更是欲哭无泪,二人恩断情绝。  苏琪喜欢秋山的小说并且得以相识,二人相见恨晚。面对苏琪的温柔,一直解不开前妻死亡之谜的秋山不敢接受,后经水村和桃枝的劝说预备重新寻找幸福,但却遭到前妻妹妹玲子的阻挠。玲子以告知姐姐死因为由让秋山娶她,而她也用自己的方法使秋山和苏琪的爱情倍受磨难,最后竟导致秋山被她苏琪坐的汽车撞飞成为残疾。玲子卖了房产为秋山手术,自知不配和苏琪结婚的秋山万念俱灰答应和玲子成亲,苏琪心中美好的爱情梦幻夭折。  水村的死期在即,桃枝求万有光撤诉,万有光以结婚相胁,桃枝果断不从。桃枝又求方润泽的女儿紫烟帮忙,一直喜欢水村的紫烟表示一旦救出水村,让桃枝永远离开水村,为保水村的性命,桃枝在无奈出答应。方润泽出面调停水村的事被万有光拒绝,桃枝在水村行刑前一刻只好满足万有光的要求。二人的婚礼上,得知此事的万太太来兴师问罪,感觉被骗的桃枝心如死灰,水村赶到化解了她的尴尬,但是头也不回地又转身走开,桃枝想到一对本来真心相爱的恋人竟成如此结局,不由潸然泪下难决何去何从。  苏琪对爱情心灰意冷,方润泽想乘虚而入便大施淫威,认清了他本来面目的苏琪假意答应嫁给他为妻,然后伺机脱身,哪知根本无法脱身的她就在婚礼上竟意外得知他原来是自己的亲生父亲,而母亲就是桃枝的母亲李袁梅,苏琪羞愤交加,自绝在红地毯上。和玲子成亲后的秋山得知苏琪已死,每日暗守在方润泽家门口,最后和方润泽同归于尽。  由于小桃的无知屡次被男人所骗,小桃报复房珏林没想到却被他毁容,小桃承受不住忽然而来的打击精神失常,每日披头散发被街上的孩子们追打,最后太湖找到了她,含泪抱着她永远离开了浮华而丑陋的秦淮河。  水村看到桃枝远走他乡之际托人捎来的办画展的钱,终于明白一直默默奉献的她受着自己的误解,水村决定找到她并请求原谅,而桃枝却狠下心来避而不见。痛苦中的水村喝得大醉,就在他跳上游船离去的时候,桃枝还是不能放弃对他的爱,忽然跳上了游船,哪知游船中途起火,桃枝无法叫醒烂醉如泥的水村,她想起自己曾演过的《满江红》里的情节,脱下自己的旗袍让他装作女人被拖上了救生艇,而她却和沉船、烈火一起没入江中



Li Yuanmei and two beautiful daughter Tao Zhi and Xiaotao lived by the Qinhuai River. Her wish was to leave this place as soon as possible, and for Tao Zhi and Xiaotao, in addition to this wish and more beautiful dreams and ideals. On the day of the strike of Nanjing Fushun car, the actor Tao Zhi who returned to Nanjing from the Jinan sacrifice to Nanjing and the young painter Shui Village, a young painter who came to Nanjing to find friends, had a dispute due to grabbing a yellow car. Go to the city. Taozhi was masked with gauze, and the wise and curious water village wearing sunglasses wanted to see her true face. When things fell out, they both expressed their unwillingness to see each other, but when they broke up, Shuicun and Taozhi finally had the opportunity to see each other's face. Both attracted each other's temperament and appearance. Su Qi was a reporter from the Shanghai News Agency. While interviewing the great capitalist Fang Runze, he came to Nanjing to invest in the opportunity to promote his industry from Shanghai to secretly check his biological parents by the Qinhuai River. Because of Fang Runze frequently in contact, Fang was cared for her. Su Qi once thought that his love for himself was his father's care for his daughter, but he did not know that he had another picture. Xiaotao is a singing girl in a tea house, but her ideal is to be a song and dance group actor like her sister. She often goes to the university's drama club to practice performances. , Goodwill reminded by her scolding. Xiao Tao asked Fang Jilin with his heart, and was deceived by him. Xiaochun wanted to get rid of the status of the singer as soon as possible and began to fight fiercely with the wealthy businessman Wang Shouchen. Tao Zhi and Xiaoxiang went to the suburbs to play in the rain, just to avoid the rain from the house of the friend Akiyama who came to the water village to borrow. After seeing each other, the two showed their love. Tao Zhi was worried that he looked down on her actor's identity. I did n’t know that the water village recognized Tao Zhi when watching the performance. In the face of the anger of Shuicun, Tao Zhi bravely acknowledged the mistake and said his concerns. Tao Zhi wants to help Shuicun to complete the desire of handling personal art exhibitions, and worry that he has no works when he runs the exhibition after selling the painting. He quietly use his own money to buy his paintings, and then sell the cost of the exhibition. When she saw her selling high prices to government officials, she thought that she loved him as false, and it was true to make money by using his paintings. Water Village was hurt by a thief. Wan Youguang, who has always wanted to get Tao Zhi, heard that Shui Village was the lovers of Taozhi. The painting is indeed owned by all the light. The water village that sentences the death penalty hates the peach branches. After understanding the truth, the peach branches are even more tears. Su Qi liked Akiyama's novels and was able to meet each other. In the face of Su Qi's tenderness, Akiyama, who has not been able to solve the mystery of his ex -wife's death, dare not accept it. He is prepared to find happiness by the persuasion of Shuicun Village and Tao Zhi, but he was blocked by his ex -wife sister Lingzi. Lingzi told her sister to die because she made Akiyama marrying her, and she also used her own way to make the love of Akiyama and Su Qi more difficult to wear, and finally caused Akiyama's autoThe car hit the disability. Lingzi sold real estate for Akiyama. He knew that Qiushan, who did not match Su Qi, agreed to get married with Lingzi, and Su Qi's beautiful love died in his heart. The death of Shuicun is about to withdraw, and Tao Zhiqiu Wan Youguang withdraws the lawsuit. Tao Zhi also asked Fang Runze's daughter Ziyan to help. Zi Yan, who always liked the water village, said that once the water village was rescued, Tao Zhi left the water village forever. In order to protect the lives of the water preservation village, Tao Zhi agreed helplessly. Fang Runze came forward to mediate the water village and was rejected by all the light. The moment Tao Zhi had to meet the requirements of all the light before the execution of the water village. At the wedding of the two, Mrs. Wan who learned about this came to the teacher to ask the teacher, and felt that the deceived Tao Zhi heart was ashamed. Shuicun rushed to resolve her embarrassment, but turned around without looking back. Tao Zhi thought of a pair of pairs. The loved ones who really loved each other became like this, and it was impossible to go to tears. Su Qi was discouraged by love. Fang Runze wanted to enter the prostitution. He acknowledged that Su Qi, who had his original face, promised to marry him as his wife, and then waited for the opportunity to get away. At the wedding, he unexpectedly learned that he was his biological father, and his mother was the mother of Tao Zhi Li Yuanmei. Akiyama, who was married to Lingzi, learned that Su Qi was dead, and stayed at the door of Fang Runze every day, and finally returned with Fang Runze. Because Xiaotao's ignorance was repeatedly deceived by men, Xiaotao retaliated with Fang Yilin, but he was disfigured by him. Xiaotao couldn't bear the mental disorders that suddenly came. The daily watches were chased by the children on the street. She, tears holding her, leaving her glorious and ugly Qinhuai River. When Shuicun saw Tao Zhiyuan walking away from the money of the trustees from the hometown, she finally understood that she had been silently dedicated by her own misunderstanding. Shui Village decided to find her and ask for forgiveness, but Tao Zhi came to avoid it. The painful water village was drunk. When he jumped on the boat and left, Taozhi couldn't give up his love for him. Suddenly he jumped into a cruise ship. She remembered the plot in \"Man Jianghong\" she had played, took off her cheongsam to make him pretend to be dragged on a lifeboat, but she did not enter the river with the shipwreck and fire.







小贴士:【影视自媒体解说文案请移步:夏至文案解说网 www.xiazhi.vip


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