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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《狼烟北平》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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发表于 2022-7-15 07:54:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
电视剧电影《狼烟北平》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


给琉璃厂聚宝阁古玩铺子拉包月的人力车车夫文三儿,爱喝酒、贪小便宜,总忍不住吹牛吹得天花乱坠,人虽然本质不坏,但骨子里自甘堕落,是个彻头彻尾的奴才命。文三儿从来没有想过除了吃饭睡觉以外的事情,他以为,他这一辈子也就这样混过去了。1937年的北平,狼烟骤起,日军铁蹄踏足中原。七七事变爆发,驻守宛平的29军将士英勇的反抗。浩浩荡荡的北平市民、学生组织游行,声援29军抗战。学生们激昂的口号声中,文三儿脑袋一热捐出了一块钱,那可是他一个月工钱的一半。当时文三儿心里觉得打仗真好,能让他一个臭拉车的也在北平老少爷们儿面前露了脸。可没想到,紧接着就遭遇了日本的飞机轰炸,文三儿忽然想明白了一些重大问题,像抗日这么大的事儿轮到谁也轮不到自己操心,遂打定主意,从今往后就是天塌下来他也不会再凑热闹了。其实在文三儿意识到国家出了大事情之前,很多爱国人士早已经迅速投入到抗日斗争的各个环节之中去了。战场上枪炮的明争与各势力谍报机关之间的暗斗同时展开。国民党老牌谍报人员徐金戈在执行监视日本笠原商社的任务过程中,熟悉了管辖那个区域的巡警方景林。徐金戈对这位与众不同的小警察另眼相看,但他并不知道,方景林的真实身份是潜伏在警局的中共地下党员。虽然身处不同阵营,却冥冥中惺惺相惜,两个为了国家放弃个人选择的男人从此结下不解之缘。  家世没落的八旗子弟白连旗坐吃山空,只好把祖上存下来的最后一件宝贝也以五十块大洋的低价卖了出去。文三儿的雇主聚宝阁古玩店掌柜陈明泽收了这幅字画《兰竹图》,转手就以三千块的高价卖给了笠原商社总经理佐藤英夫。这些交易跟文三儿都无关,他只记恨去送画的时候,自己被佐藤打了几巴掌。《京城晚报》娱乐版记者陆中庸向来就是一个不折不扣的伪君子,他从文三儿的嘴里套出了字画买卖的详情,立即发了一篇文章说聚宝阁将国宝字画卖给了日本人,见利忘义罪不可赦。当时市民们反日的情绪正在风头浪尖上,聚宝阁的铺子就瞬间被砸了个稀巴烂。文三儿为了蝇头小利出卖了东家,结果却丢了饭碗,自己也落得无处安身的下场。  文三儿投靠了天津人孙金发开办的同和车行,和其它同样底层的车夫们住到了一起。孙金发人称孙二爷,他们是天津卫的一伙地痞,因为惹了日本人,混不下去了才来了北平。孙二爷本性难改,照样用无赖的方式治理着车行,车夫们本来生活就苦,还要忍受被他压榨。文三儿没觉得苦,不过,他在被佐藤打了之后,嘴上一直显得难平怒火,在土霸肖建彪手下的流氓怂恿下,竟然相约一起去笠原商社找佐藤报仇,抄他的家,劫钱劫色。昏头昏脑的文三儿并不知道,自己只是彪爷这次的掠财计划中用来栽赃嫁祸的一粒棋子。巧合的是,笠原商社其实是日方的情报站点,徐金戈和方景林暗中分别对佐藤调查很久了,谁料到他们都还没来得及动手,佐藤一家就被灭了门,刚买到手的那幅宝贝《兰竹图》也随之下落不明。  杨秋萍和罗梦云是燕京大学的两名激进的女学生,游行演讲募捐,她们都会冲在前头。北平沦陷后,对敌工作的情势更加恶劣。杨秋萍接受了国民党军统组织的上级安排,与行动组组长假扮商人夫妻,隐藏身份。组长是徐金戈,虽然杨秋萍对他印象很差,但仍然服从指挥,勉强做了他的妻子。行动过程中,两人几经磨难,情感在惊悬的化险为夷中渐渐变化,杨秋萍依靠起了这个强势的男人,而徐金戈也破天荒的对女人动了真情。斗争是残酷的,一次刺杀行动失败,杨秋萍被敌人逮捕,用尽酷刑百般凌辱。徐金戈生生目睹心爱的女人被折磨的不成人形,他含泪亲手将子弹打入杨秋萍的胸膛罗梦云成为了中共地下党员,负责情报传递。方景林是她的接头人员,两人之间朦胧的爱情火花在激烈的抗战洪流中变得微弱虚幻,为了国家他们已经无力把握个人的情感,但两人互相承诺,要为了对方的爱坚持下去。  徐金戈怀着巨大的悲痛继续着工作,视线集中到一个叫做养犬平斋的人身上。养犬平斋以日本浪人的身份广交朋友,学着玩鸟养虫,生活悠闲,其真实身份是日本间谍,华北地区情报收集的总负责人。经过相当长时间的观察和判定,徐金戈终于与他摊牌,只身前往犬养的住处与他交涉。那天,幸亏拉车送徐金戈过去的文三儿瞌睡打得没有太过,照事先的吩咐找来了救兵,徐金戈才逃过一劫。方景林在路上发现了被救出的徐金戈,毫不犹豫的开枪打死了拦住他们去路的日本兵,在徐金戈奄奄一息的时候救了他一命。行动的目的没有达到,犬养平斋就要回日本了,徐金戈必须阻止,因为这个人把握着所有的情报。徐金戈查到了当年抢了笠原商社的土霸彪爷,不但威胁他利用手下花猫儿杀死了日本间谍犬养平斋,也解决掉了这伙十恶不赦的流氓,把《兰竹图》拿了回来。  文三儿在这些纷乱的事件中也没少掺合,先是方景林从日本兵的枪口下救了他的命,后来他又两次不明就里的救了徐金戈的命。文三儿就这样被迫参加了抗日,但这至少给了他更足的底气出去吹牛。好轻易盼到抗日战争结束,但生活并却没有平静下来,内战接踵而至,原本一致对外的合作伙伴成了对手。徐金戈与方景林之间的关系也变得微妙又沉重起来。  徐金戈为答谢文三儿救了自己的命,买下了车行里最好的洋车送给文三儿。罗梦云用优厚的租金包下了这辆车,文三儿过起了从没想过的富足生活。徐金戈寻找机会,用文三儿表哥的面目出现,以卖画的理由接触到中共地下情报人员的罗梦云,《兰竹图》辗转成了徐金戈放出的诱饵。当初陈掌柜收了画之后找到罗梦云的父亲罗云轩教授帮他鉴定,罗教授爱不释手。罗梦云为了完成父亲的遗愿,毫不犹豫的答应了徐金戈开出的价格。这时,徐金戈接到了上级指令,立即除掉罗梦云负责的这个地下电报台,方景林还被警局要求一同协助行动。方景林眼看着自己的战友、爱人被围堵在屋内,却无法出手相救。而面对这一切的罗梦云,在发完最后一封电报后引燃了早已备好的炸药,一声巨响,烟消云散。徐金戈看到方景林满脸不禁滚落的泪水,忽然明白了什么。  徐金戈看出了方景林的身份和他与罗梦云的恋人关系,徐金戈切身感受过这份痛失最爱的悲伤,懂得这份坚持的不轻易,也尽了最大的可能为方景林做掩护,直到最后,方景林的身份也没有暴露。国民党军队节节败退,解放战争以中国人民解放军的伟大胜利告终。徐金戈在最后的关头,看清了内战的实质,以国家和人民的利益为重,反对上级谋划的爆炸和刺杀行动,带动下面的队伍积极接受共产党的改编,保证了北平顺利平稳的解放。后来,徐金戈因为肃反运动,被捕入狱服刑二十五年。一路升职成为公安局市局副局长的方景林在文革期间遭到迫害,坐了十年的大牢,到了78年才又官复原职。  而文三儿在目睹了罗小姐家中的自爆情景后,着实受到了震撼。等他反应过来的时候便意识到,这份好差事再也没有了。文三儿回到了同和车行,又过了几十年庸庸碌碌与世无争的日子,最后死在他贪图一生的那壶酒上。  方景林和徐金戈约定在景山中锋的万春亭又见了面,三十年弹指一挥间,两人都各安闲心底怀念着已故的爱人,感叹往事如烟。各种战火纷争都在此刻归于平淡,沉溺与一片血红秋日之中。




Give Liulichang Jubao Pavilion's antique shops, and the man -carried man, who loves to drink, greedy and cheap, and can't help but bragging the blew to make the smallpox. Although the nature is not bad, he is willing to fall in his bones and is a complete slave. Wen San'er never thought about things other than eating and sleeping. He thought that he had mixed it in his life in his life. In Peiping in 1937, the wolf smoke rose, and the Japanese troops set foot on the Central Plains. The July 7th Incident broke out, and the 29th Army generals stationed in Wanping resisted heroically. The mighty Peiping citizens and students organized a parade to support the 29th Army's anti -Japanese war. In the sound of the students' exciting slogan, Wen San'er's head donated a dollar, but he was half of his monthly money. At that time, Wen San'er felt that fighting was really good, and it could make him a stinky car also showing his face in front of the elderly in Peiping. However, I did not expect that the Japanese plane bombed immediately, and Wen San'er suddenly wanted to understand some major issues. If there was a big thing like the anti -Japanese turn, no one turned his career, so he made up his mind. Later, he would not make fun anymore. In fact, before Wen San'er realized that the country had happened, many patriots had quickly invested in all aspects of the fight against Japan. The shot of guns on the battlefield and the dark fights between the spy agencies of various forces started at the same time. In the process of executing the mission of monitoring the surveillance of Japan's Yoshiya Store, the Kuomintang veteran spy reporters were familiar with the patrol officer Jinglin under the jurisdiction of the area. Xu Jinse looked at this unique policeman, but he did not know that Fang Jinglin's true identity was the underground party members who were lurking in the police station. Although he was in different camps, he cherished each other in the meditation. Bai Lianqi, who was not in the family, sat in the mountains, and had to sell the last baby that was stored on the ancestors at a low price of fifty oceans. Wen San'er's employer Jubao Ge's antique shop shopkeeper Chen Mingze accepted the calligraphy \"Lanzhu picture\", and sold it to Sato Yingfu, the general manager of Yoshihara Satsuya at a high price of 3,000 yuan. These transactions have nothing to do with Wen San'er. When he only remembered to send paintings, he was slapped by Sato. \"Jingcheng Evening News\" Entertainment version reporter Lu Zhongyong has always been a puppet gentleman. He puts the details of calligraphy and painting from Wen San'er's mouth, and immediately posted an article saying that Jubao Pavilion sold the national treasure calligraphy and painting to the national treasure calligraphy and painting to The Japanese are unforgivable to see the crime. At that time, the citizens' anti -Japanese emotions were on the cusp, and the shop of Jubao Pavilion was instantly smashed. Wen San'er betrayed the owner for the sake of Xiaoli, but lost the rice bowl, and he ended up with nowhere. Wen San'er voted for the Tonghe car dealers launched by Sun Jinfa, Tianjin, and lived with other carmen at the same bottom. Sun Jinfa said that Sun Erye, they were a group of land in Tianjin Wei, because they caused the Japanese, and they could not come to Peiping. Sun Erye's nature is difficult to change. He still controls the car dealers in a rogue way. Wen San'er did not feel bitter, but after being beaten by Sato, he always seemed to be angry and angry, and Xiao Jianbiao's hand in TuzhangUnder the encouragement of the hooligan, he went to Yoshiyuan to find revenge, copy his home, and rob the money. The fainted Wen San'er didn't know that he was just a pawn used in the planning plan of Biao Ye this time. Coincidentally, Yoshihikohara Council is actually a Japanese intelligence site. Xu Jine and Fang Jinglin secretly investigated Sato for a long time. Whoever did n’t expect them had time to do it, and the Sato family was destroyed. \"Orchid Bamboo Pictures\" also lost. Yang Qiuping and Luo Mengyun are two radical female students at Yanjing University. They will raise their speeches and raise funds. They will rush ahead. After the fall of Peiping, the situation of the enemy's work was even worse. Yang Qiuping accepted the superiors of the Kuomintang military uniform organization, and pretended to be a businessman and wife with the leader of the operation team. The team leader was Xu Jine. Although Yang Qiuping was very impressed with him, he still obeyed the command and barely became his wife. During the operation, the two were suffering several times, and their emotions gradually changed in the risks of stunning. Yang Qiuping relied on this strong man, and Xu Jine also moved his true feelings for women. The struggle was cruel. A assassination failed. Yang Qiuping was arrested by the enemy and was tortured. Xu Jinsheng witnessed the inconvenience of his beloved woman being tortured. He burst the bullet into Yang Qiuping's chest Luo Mengyun with tears and became a member of the underground party of the Communist Party of China and was responsible for intelligence transmission. Fang Jinglin is her joint staff. The hazy love spark between the two becomes faint and illusory in the fierce anti -Japanese torrent. For the sake of the country, they have been unable to grasp their personal emotions, but the two promise each other to persist for each other's love. Xu Jine continued to work with huge grief, and his sight was concentrated on a person named Pingzhai. As a Japanese Ronin, raising dogs made friends as a Japanese Ronin, learned to play birds and worms, and lived in a leisurely life. His true identity was Japanese spy, and the general person in charge of intelligence collection in North China. After quite a long time of observation and judgment, Xu Jine finally showed his cards with him and went to the dog's residence to negotiate with him. That day, fortunately, the driver sent Xu Jinsan to the past, and did not sleep too much. According to the instructions in advance, Xu Jinto escaped. Fang Jinglin found the rescued Xu Jine on the road, and did not hesitate to shot and killed the Japanese soldiers who stopped them to the road. He saved his life when Xu Jine was dying. The purpose of the action has not been achieved, and the dog Yangpingzhai will return to Japan. Xu Jine must stop because this person grasps all the information. Xu Jine found the Tu Biao Biao, who had snatched the Yatsuhara Store that year, not only threatened him to use his flowers and cats to kill the Japanese spy dogs, but also solved this group of unforgivable hooligans. Essence Wen San'er was not mixed in these chaotic events. First, Fang Jinglin saved his life from the muzzle of the Japanese soldiers. Later, he rescued Xu Jine's life twice. Wen San'er was forced to participate in the Anti -Japanese Japan, but this gave him at least he went out to brag. It was easy to look forward to the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, but life did not calm down, and the civil war followed, and the partners who originally had unanimously became opponents. Xu JinThe relationship between Ge and Fang Jinglin also became subtle and heavy. Xu Jinee rescued his life for his thanks, and bought the best foreign car in the car for Wen San'er. Luo Mengyun wrapped the car with an excellent rent, and Wen San'er lived a rich life he never thought about. Xu Jine was looking for an opportunity to appear with the face of the cousin of Wen San'er, and touched Luo Mengyun of the CCP's underground intelligence staff for the reason for selling paintings. At the beginning, the shopkeeper found the painting and found Professor Luo Mengyun's father, Professor Luo Yunxuan to help him identify, and Professor Luo couldn't help it. In order to fulfill his father's last wish, Luo Mengyun promised Xu Jine's price. At this time, Xu Jinto received an instruction of his superiors and immediately removed the underground telegram responsible for Luo Mengyun. Fang Jinglin was also asked by the police station to assist in the action. Fang Jinglin watched his comrades and lover being blocked in the house, but he couldn't help him. In the face of all this, Luo Mengyun ignited the long -prepared explosives after sending the last telegram. There was a loud noise and disappeared. Xu Jine saw Fang Jinglin's tears that could not help but roll off, and suddenly understood what. Xu Jine saw Fang Jinglin's identity relationship with his lover with Luo Mengyun. Xu Jine experienced this lost sadness. He knew that this persistence was not easy, and he did his best to cover Fang Jinglin. Fang Jinglin's identity was not exposed. The Kuomintang army was defeated, and the Liberation War ended with the great victory of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. At the last moment, Xu Jinse saw the essence of the civil war. With the interests of the country and the people, he opposed the explosion and assassination operations planned by superiors, driving the following teams to actively accept the adaptation of the Communist Party, ensuring the smooth liberation of Peiping. Later, Xu Jine was arrested and sentenced to 25 years in prison for his anti -campaign. Fang Jinglin, who was promoted all the way to the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of the Public Security Bureau, was persecuted during the Cultural Revolution. After ten years of prison, he had not restored his post in 78 years. After witnessing the self -explosion scene in Miss Luo's house, Wen San'er was really shocked. When he reacted, he realized that the bad issue was gone again. Wen San'er returned to Tonghe Car Bank, and for decades of mediocrity and indisputability, and finally died on the pot of wine he was greedy for a lifetime. Fang Jinglin and Xu Jineng agreed to meet again in Wan Chunting in Jingshan center. Thirty years of fingers, both of them missed the old lover and lamented that the past was like smoke. All kinds of war disputes are at the moment at this moment, indulging and bloody autumn.







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